machvail Posted August 2, 2015 Posted August 2, 2015 7:25pm BBT James and Jackie in Kitchen James "I am just stressed if Clay wins HOH next week, I am f@#$%d. Jackie says I dont think so. It will be a memory comp. James says we dont know, Jackie "we are going to keep you.James "it depends you they put me up withJackie "If it was you and me, you would definitely stay"James "you think?"Jackie" But if its like you and Meg, that would be brutal"James " dont say that"Jackie " we will have to figure it out"Jackie "If Vanessa won, would she put him up?(Clay) James"probably not"Jackie "god"talk turns to food.Jackie whispers something and goes into bathroom
machvail Posted August 2, 2015 Posted August 2, 2015 7:36pm BBT most houseguests sleeping off whatever they drank during POV. Becky talking in bathroom with Jackie, James, Vanessa rehashing past comps from last year. James does a really good imitation of Donny. They all liked Donny and find it odd that there isnt anyone from "that" generation in the house this year. James says he saw an older lady at one of his interviews. Becky remembers Vanessa from an interview. She saw her in a baseball cap and thought she was punk. Van said she was aways behind Becky.7:41pm BB calls Vanessa and Jackie to DR. Vanessa tells her to pee now or forever hold it. James "I wanna see this... " and belches. Vanessa laughs "I am sure this will be ridiculous. 24 hours... this will be interesting.Vanessa thinks she sees a cockroach James says its just a leaf.7:43pm BBT You can hear Jackie happily shreek from the DR while she and Vanessa get their costume and shackles.
machvail Posted August 2, 2015 Posted August 2, 2015 8:05pm BBT Becky is talking and talking and talking - but saying nothing. James looks like he is in a coma listening to her. Very boring.(machvail) Everyone else is out for the count. Still waiting for Jackie and Vanessa to appear from DR chained together.8:14 pm BBT James calls Shelli the Brittany from last year.
machvail Posted August 2, 2015 Posted August 2, 2015 8:35pm BBT Fish8:46pm BBT Everyones awake when Vanessa and Jackie come out of DR and are in bathroom. Jackie is a knight and Vanessa is her squire. Van has to polish her armour 24 hrs a day... weird.......
machvail Posted August 2, 2015 Posted August 2, 2015 8:54pm BBT Jonnymac saying he hasnt been that drunk since he has been in the house. Sounds like they were drinking pints of mead during POV. meg says that she was in such a deep sleep and jmac has a hangover.
sayre Posted August 2, 2015 Posted August 2, 2015 7:00PM BBT: James,Becky,Vanessa,and Jackie are all in the wash room talking about the PoV competition. Clay and Shelli are in bed together and everyone else is sleeping. 7:05PM BBT: They are now talking about Zingbot and what season it started up. Jackie is wiping down the mirror. James "you missed a spot." 7:10PM BBT: they are now talking about floaters, and James says "floaters grab a life vest." Then he says that He, and Vanessa and Jackie are not floaters. Oh and Becky. "Ok so I'm done now someone else needs to win HoH that hasn't yet." says James. Now counting how many HoH's and PoV they have won, and who has won which one. 7:15PM BBT: James is asking how many more endurance competitions they will have left. Now talking about what Ian told him about the last HoH competition he played in. James says something about Becky winning 5K. Now just talking about families and stuff. 7:20PM BBT: Becky is talking about people in Europe and how outgoing they are and how they want to know everything about you and they want to drink with you. Vanessa is talking about where she has been. They are talking about airlines and flying. 7:25PM BBT: , James and Jackie are now in the kitchen, they are also just talking Steve is in the kitchen. James asked if alcohol messes up you're nose. And all four feeds are on James and Jackie, talking about getting sick from too much drinking alcohol. Jackie asked if there will be another endurance.James says no. 7:31PM BBT: James is sitting there by himself eating a pizza. Gets up to get some water. Jackie has walked off. 7:35PM BBT: In the wash room Becky, Jackie, James, and Vanessa are just chatting, Everyone else is still sleeping. Becky says she doesn't want to be the forgotten girl of season 17 (we already have forgotten you) 7:41PM BBT: Becky and Jackie are called to the DR, to get handcuffed, and for Jackie to get her unitard. 7:45PM BBT: Vanessa and Jackie are now in the DR. Becky and James are waiting for them. James says he got sick from drinking one of his beers. James is talking about what kind of alcohol makes him sick so he can't drink it. Becky is now talking about a friend of hers that has the same problem. 7:50PM BBT: Becky and James, are talking about drinking. Becky says she likes wine, because it doesn't get her drunk quickly. James is talking about how alcohol Now talking about eating foods that are bad for you. Becky says eggs are bad for you. Talking about her grandfather who had a heart attack from eating too many fatty foods. 8:00PM BBT: James is talking to the live feeders, saying Hello to us and sorry we are so boring. He asked Becky if she is really worried about people forgetting her. She is now talking about how emotional she is while she is eating a carrot. 8:10PM BBT: Becky and James are still waiting for Vanessa and Jackie to come out of the DR. They are just talking about the different competitions they have played in. Becky is now washing up her dishes. 8:20PM BBT: James, and Becky are still just talking. Becky says in the beginning she was preparing not to make it to jury. Now she is talking about being a christian. You've already won walking through the door. it's almost like a gift being here. James is talking about making it to Jury. 8:25PM BBT: James and Becky are talking about the last HoH competition. and how that competition was made for him. They also say that Jason would have killed it. Becky, says that people like James Asian people are used to stuff like that because of the rice fields. James says that's our roots. 8:35PM BBT: Clay is up and walks into the living room ,Becky tells him that they are talking about traveling. and waiting for Jackie and Vanessa to come out they have now been in the DR for about an hour. 8:40PM BBT: Vanessa and Jackie are out of the DR, Jackie is wearing knights armor, and Vanessa is in a squires costume. 8:50PM BBT: the others are awake and up now,Vanessa has a round buffering brush, she has to buffer Jackies armor to keep it shinny, They are not chained together. The others are in the kitchen making food. Jackie can hardly move in the big armor.
machvail Posted August 2, 2015 Posted August 2, 2015 9:00pm BBT Shelli is called to DR for her costume and instructions. She gets out of bed and goes to bathroom to freshen up first. She pulls out her kubuki brush and starts going to town with the make up.
cassondra0222 Posted August 2, 2015 Posted August 2, 2015 9:00 PM BBT Jackie is sitting in the LR with Vanessa buffering her knight costume. Steve, Liz, Shelli & Vanessa talk about the Adam & Eve costume from a previous season. James & Becky are in the LR as well. Shelli goes into the DR with her costume on. Meg joins other HG's in the LR. Vanessa says, she knows after this, her arms are going to be buff. The HG's laugh. 9:08 PM BBT The HG's in the LR are pretty chill, & are watching the Squire (Vanessa) buff the Knight's (Jackie) costume. Vanessa says, she has to sleep on the floor next to Jackie. She says, she has to buff her costume continuously until Jackie falls asleep. Jackie has a special one piece swimsuit that she has to wear with her helmet. 9:11 PM BBT Austin is in the LR also watching the buffing going on. Jackie is having a hard time readjusting herself. Vanessa is talking in an accent. Her & Jackie are laughing. James puts on a Knight costume also. 9:18 PM BBT Vanessa says, her name is the lowly squire. Liz is pretending to talk in a microphone with her right hand. She is trying to talk in an accent. Vanessa calls Jackie Jacklyn the Great. Liz isn't doing a great Scottish accent. Vanessa's is a wee bit better. 9:20 PM BBT Steve tries to talk in a Scottish accent also. He says, he can't roll his R's. Jackie is laying on the couch, holding her helmet up so she can see. Vanessa is telling a story in a Scottish accent. 9:22 PM BBT In the WA, Meg tells Clay that Steve c an't be America's Player, because all of the votes were right this week. Clay is telling Meg how Audrey thought he was a twin also. Meg says, his hair looks different then when James cut it. Clay says, he hasn't cut it since then. Meg says, it grows fast. Clay says, Shelli is going to hate this punishment. Meg says, it is. Meg says, she has to run in the LR every 100. Clay wants to know how Shelli will count. Meg says, there may be a counter. Clay says, she should skip a couple hundred. (Really?) Clay says, it's not going to be that easy. 9:26 PM BBT Meg says, she remembers Brittany kicking the balls last season. Clay asks Meg who America's Favorite will be? Meg says, Johnny Mac. Clay says, he can picture his DR's & him yelling in them. Meg says, yes, they are probably funny. Clay says, James probably has some good ones also. Clay says, his eyes are so heavy, he wants to go to sleep. He says, he tried to nap but couldn't. Clay wants the BY opened. 9:28 PM BBT Meg says, hopefully they open the BY up for Shelli to start he sword. Clay says, yeah. He says, he wants to go to sleep so this day will be over. Meg tells Clay that her parents live 5 minutes from Philadelphia, but on the New Jersey side. Meg says, she takes the train all the time. She says, she does a lot of work in New Jersey & takes the transit for that. Meg says, she doesn't need a car in New York. She says, she gets a monthly Metro card for the subway. She thinks her Metro card costs either $128 or $130 for the month. 9:30 PM BBT Meg says, it's $2.75 each way, & she uses the train at least twice a day. Clay says, his truck is $80 to fill up, & that may last 2 weeks. Meg says, she only wants a car when she goes on vacation with her friends. She says, they either rent a car, or take a tour bus. She says, her parents will pick her & her friends up. Megs says, her parents are the bomb, & are way cool. Clay says, his parents are funny. He says, his mom is hilarious. Clay says, he asks his mom for her opinion on everything, but at the end of the day, he does what he wants. 9:33 PM BBT Meg says, she wants to talk to her parents about all of this when she leaves. Clay wants Meg to keep it between them that he asked for her to vote for him to go. The camera view switches to the KT. Jackie is walking around with Vanessa. The twins are holding up Jackie's cap. Shelli comes out of the DR. She says, "Here, here, my lords & Ladies, your Castle Guard is here to protect you." She goes to Jackie is uses her orange cap & bows to Jackie the Knight. Shelli has 2 seconds to brush her teeth. 9:36 PM BBT Clay goes in the WA with Shelli. Shelli tells Clay that the punishment is outside for 24 hours. She says, she is not allowed to come inside until she finishes swinging the sword 2,000 times. Steve was in the WA playing with the beach ball. Shelli is putting on shoes. Shelli has to go outside before everyone else. Becky puts her squirrel hat out. 9:39 PM BBT We see a close up on the sign in the BY. Shelli has to do 2,400 battles in 24 hours. Shelli says, no one mush touch her sword but her. She says, 2,400 in 24 hours, no pressure. She has to hit a punching bag with the sword, put the sword in a bullseye, & knock a bar & that's one. She says, she has to use the bathroom in the BY. No one is allowed to help her with any of it. 9:42 PM BBT Shelli says, if any of the stuff breaks it's over, & she fails her task. She says, the HG's can bring her food, water, toothbrush if she needs it, deodorant if she needs it. She has to hit the punching bag up against a post. The sword goes through the bullseye to touch a target behind it, & there is a padded area on the bar that gets knocked down. She has a bell to run in the LR with to ring after every 100. She is happy she's not a HN having to do this. Becky says, she looks like she has it easy now. 9:46 PM BBT Shelli says, she may need a glove. Jackie says, she has hers if she needs them. She says, she may need them eventually. She says, the dentist chair may look good soon. She completes the first 20 of 2,400. We see a close up of the sign. Now she has finished 23. HG's in the BY chant for her. Shelli tells them she has to go into the house to ring the bell after 100, but she can't stay in there. Vanessa asks if she can sleep? She says, she can sleep, but she can't get behind. The HG's figure out that she can do 100 an hour. She says, she's cooking with gas right now. 9:49 PM BBT As Shelli is going around to all of her stations. HG's ask who came up with this? Shelli says, some a**hole. Becky starts a game in the BY. She is thinking about an animal. Shelli tells the HG's that they can not pick the bar up for her. Steve tells her she should hit it from the bottom up. Becky's animal was a polar bear. They want Shelli to do one now, but she says, she has to much on her mind. Shelli guesses an anteater that Julia was thinking of. 9:54 PM BBT Shelli says, Liz, your turn. Liz says, pick an aminal, yes she said aminal. Julia tells her to think of an insect, but she is thinking of a fish. The HG's go around guessing. Shelli has finished 50 times around to her 3 stations. She says, yes, halfway through the first 100, baby. 9:56 PM BBT Liz was thinking of a crab. HG's say that's a crustacean not a fish. Clay thinks of an animal that HG's are trying to figure out. Becky goes in the house. Steve comes out with some food in a bowl & a drink. Shelli finishes #58 & she hit the bar from the bottom up. She does another round, & hits it from the bottom up again. Shelli is making noise when she makes her sword moves now. She says, she's there to guess & protect. She guesses a skunk, & she was right. 9:59 PM BBT Clay asks what number Shelli is at right now. She says, 63. Clay asks if her arm is hurting? Shelli says, it's going to, & she will have to do some with her left arm. She says, her wrist will hurt for sure. Shelli thinks of an animal now for HG's to guess. She wants them to stay with her outside until she finishes the first 100 times. 10:01 PM BBT Vanessa guesses a panther, & is right. Shelli says, she wanted to say pink pather, but she doesn't think they are real. Shelli finishes #70. Clay says, you are getting into this. Liz is having the HG's think of a bird. Shelli finishes #75. The answer to Liz' bird was a woodpecker. Shelli finishes #76. 10:04 PM BBT Meg has an animal she is thinking of now that they HG's are guessing. Austin is laying in the push-up position working out. Shelli finishes #80. Some more guesses are still going for Meg's animal. Shelli finishes #84. They want to figure out Meg's animal. Liz is laying on the round lounger in the BY with Clay. Jackie is sitting in the double lounger with Vanessa buffing her armor. 10:07 PM The animal Meg was thinking of is a rhino. Shelli finishes #92. Becky wants to hear the purple wombat story. Steve asks if they really want to hear it? Becky says, yes. Shelli finishes #95. She runs through #96. She runs through #97. She says, the enemies are coming, I must protect. She runs through #98. She skips through #99. She makes noise at every station to finish the first 100. She grabs the big gold bell, runs in the house. 10:10 PM BBT She runs in through the LR, & screams, "Here here the kingdom is great, all is well in the kingdom." She runs back outside. Steve asks when she started? Clay says, she did that in the 31 minutes. James was asleep, & woke up. He came out of the HOHR. Shelli goes to the BY & asks why the counter only says 99, what's up with that? 10:13 PM BBT The counter says Shelli finishes 107, 108, 109, 110, 111 Liz looks at the counter. At #112 Steve looks at the counter. Shelli says, thank God it has a counter, it changes to 113. Shelli asks if someone is watching her? HG's say yes, & she has completed 114. Shelli's crown is sitting on top of the timer. She now has completed 116. 10:16 PM BBT Shelli says, the sword definitely has weight to it, it's not light. She says, it's metal. She talks about using the costume for Halloween. She says, she's going to ask them when she's done. Her crown is still sitting on the timer. Shelli takes a break for a minute, & puts on some purple shorts, over her costume, that Becky has brought to her. Becky has a green cape on now. Shelli has her hair up in a pony tail, & taken her orange cape off. 10:19 PM BBT Shelli is laughing in the BY. Shelli tells him to get out of here. She says, that's hilarious. Steve just realized that Shelli has orange tights on. He thought something was wrong with the lighting in the BY. Shelli messes up on a rotation. BB still counts it, & Shelli says, thank you BB. She is relieved that they counted it. Becky says, she underestimated this punishment. We see FOTH. 10:24 PM BBT Live feeds come back. Jackie tells Shelli, it looks like fun, Shelli is making her want to do it. Shelli says, it is fun for now. James, Liz & Julis are sitting by the hot tub with their feet in the water. Liz & talking to James about beer. She asks him if he likes Bud Light better than Budweiser? We can't hear what james is saying, because Jackie's microphone is coming through on Camera 4. 10:26 PM BBT Shelli finishes a round & says, it didn't count it, & wants to know what happened. She went again, & it didn't count it. She lost one rotation & is at 148 now instead of 149. Jackie asks if she got it, & Shelli says, no. Clay says, the interns need to be fired. Shelli finishes #150. John is by the hot tub now. Steve gets called to the DR. HG's ask him to request pickles. James asks him to request alcohol. John says, some of them are hung over. Julia asks Meg if she's hung over? She says, no. Meg says, she was a little tips. John says, he was also. 10:28 PM BBT Liz cheers on Shelli, & tells her she can do it. Shelli says, all day, all night, you don't want to miss this. Jackie says, she feels like a fat a**. Vanessa asks if they can switch sides, because her arm is getting sore. Jackie says, yes. Vanessa takes a drink, & is holding a shield in the hand she is not buffing with. She finishes another round. Steve comes out & tells Shelli that he has to confirm to her that she may not catch the bar, it has to fall to the ground. 10:31 PM BBT Jackie wonders why he was called in to tell her that. She says, this is so official. Shelli finishes #168. Shelli laughs that she's doing this, & how everyone thinks it's normal. Jackie says, while they are on TV. (Shelli put the shorts on for the costume, because the skirt is short, & that way she could take her orange cape off). 10:34 PM BBT Clay & Meg are laying on the round lounger in the BY watching Shelli do her round. Vanessa asks what number Shelli is on? Steve says, 170. Vanessa asks if Jackie wants to switch her outfit & go in the jacuzzi? Jackie says, no. Vanessa wants to move to see the numbers on the counter. They move, & Vanessa says, now they can see. Shelli has finished #180. She has a towel, & wiped sweat off her face a little while ago. 10:36 PM BBT Shelli tried her left hand for a moment. Steve wonders what something in the BY is from. Shelli tells him that was where her sword was. Vanessa tells Shelli, she is doing good. Vanessa & Steve try to figure out how many Shelli should do before taking a break to sleep. Shelli says, she's at #188. Vanessa says, she needs to do the most through the night because of the heat. Steve says, her arm may become a problem. Shelli uses a chop for the bar. She says, she can't do it that many times, because it could break. Jackie says, that sucks if it breaks she is done. 10:39 PM BBT Steve says, that's the advantage to doing it up, instead of down. Shelli goes a few more times & is done with 197 out of 2,400. She finishes 198, 199, & 200. HG's in the BY cheer her on. She grabs the big gold bell runs in the house. She says, "Here, here, the kingdom is safe, all is well in the kindgom. She did 200 in 1 hour & 2 minutes. Austin says, that's twice as fast as she needs to go, she's on pace for 12 hours. Shelli is not taking a break. She drinks some water, & pats her face with the towel. She has 2,200 more times to go. 10:42 PM BBT Shelli says, only 11 more times to go. (She has 12 more times to go). Shelli puts a white glove on. She tells them she feels it in her wrist. Clay is eating ice cream as he watches Shelli. Shelli says, some pizza tonight sounds good. She finishes #212. She says, she will eat later, & have pizza or a ham sandwich. Vanessa is still buffing Jackie's armor. Clay tells Shelli she looks hot in her costume as she finishes #213. She makes noise & finishes #214. She finishes #215, & is walking fast to complete #216. 10:47 PM BBT Clay tells Shelli he will stay outside with her all night. Shelli says, all day, all night. Clay repeats that. Shelli tells Clay she's not allowed to go in the house, except to ring the bell. Clay tells Shelli to let him know when she wants her pizza, & he'll make it fresh for her. Clay's microphone is covered by a pillow. 10:49 PM BBT Shelli does more & wants to finish another 200 before thinking about food. She is on pace for 100 every 30 minutes. She says, her toes is hurting, & she may have to ask for some socks. She says, the tennis shoes are as comfortable as her other ones. She says, if she sleeps, it's outside. She says, she has to use the bathroom outside. She says, if she brushes her teeth, it has to be outside with a bowl of water. She says, that's disgusting, so she wanted to brush her teeth before. She says, she will definitely take a break for alcohol. 10:51 PM BBT Shelli asks Steve if he's jealous? Steve says, for the first 100 yes, but not for the rest. Shelli asks how many goals Brittany had to? Steve says, he doesn't remember, but she had a timer & a counter. Jackie wonders if she should go in the pool. She says, she has a different outfit to wear to swim. Vanessa has to shine her breastplate if she's sleeping. If vanessa goes to sleep she will get woke up to shine. Shelli finishes 250. She says, a little over 1/10 of the way there. 10:56 PM BBT Steve says, the house won't sleep tonight, so they will crash on Sunday. We saw behind the wall on Camera 1 a little while ago, & now it flashed to the HNR for a split second. Vanessa is doing more figuring in her head. We see the WA for a split second. Clay is walking abound the BY. Shelli tells him she's 1/10 of her way there. Clay tells her tomorrow because he will in the pool. Shelli repeats it. Steve tells Shelli he will make her pizza for her & he goes in the house to make it. He is going to make her a pepperoni pizza. 10:59 PM BBT Shelli says, she may have a ham sandwich with some avocado to make it real. She says, maybe with some lettuce for the crisp. Jackie & Vanessa are going inside for a potty break. Shelli is doing some more of her rounds.
app Posted August 2, 2015 Posted August 2, 2015 11:05 PM BBT Clay brings Shelli a pair of fingerless gloves. Shelli cheers. As she puts them on, she laughs about how all the guys are so jealous of her sword. She resumes her task and Becky says “Seventeen more!” 11:07 PM BBT Jackie and Vanessa are in the WA. Vanessa says we literally have 24 hours to kill. They move to the KT where Liz and Austin are hanging out. Jackie is getting something from the fridge as Vanessa continues to buff her shield. There is a commotion from the BY. Shelli has finished 100 rounds of her task and is ringing the bell and everyone is cheering her on. She decides to keep going and do the next 100. 11:16 PM BBT In the BY, Clay and Steve look on as Shelli continues her task. Meg is heard in the background. In the KT, Vanessa is munching and wondering about Shelli’s pace. She thinks that Shelli is going twice as fast as she has to. 11:20 PM BBT John is at the DT with Vanessa. She asks him to tell a story and he begins relating a story about a blonde chick who is rubbing a shield. He’s describing the current moment and he keeps repeating it. Steve comes in and is listening and says “are you telling a story about what’s happening right now?” Steve jumps up and down gleefully and starts laughing. Vanessa starts repeating the story too. 11:24 PM BBT In the BY the conversation is about pigs. Clay used to have pigs, and he talks about 4H. He hunts wild pigs but doesn’t eat them because the meat is chewy. Other conversation between Meg and Becky and either Liz or Julia is about “the desperate housewives of Big Brother” while Shelli silently carries out her task. 11:30 PM BBT In the KT, John is telling Steve and James about the structure of a tooth and how a root canal is done. Austin comments that they are having a very interesting conversation. When a cavity reaches the nerve it hurts so removing the nerve and blood supply is all done as a “painkiller”. James and Austin leave and Steve comments to John that it’s an angry house this week because of all the punishments going on. Steve is worried about voting and that it will be a hard choice. John says that hopefully they’ll tell us what they want. 11:37 PM BBT In the BY Shelli is at 99 and they organize a parade to follow alongside her as she does the 100th round with a flourish and brandishing her sword. She goes to ring the bell! There is a parade through the KT and back out to the BY. Shelli comes out and shouts “Still on schedule! Yeah!? Shelli starts up again. She is determined to get there and even though she is hungry, she decides not to stop until she gets to six hundred...a quarter of the way there. 11:46 PM BBT As Shelli resumes, Becky is chatting to others about how drinking milk affects her complexion. There is pizza ready for Shelli but she says it’s okay if it’s not hot. She isn’t picky and doesn’t mind it cold. 11:48 PM BBT Vanessa, Jackie, James and John sitting at the DT talking about costumes. James says that guys don’t like to dress up. Jackie says she loves it, but only if it fits. Her costume is way too big for her. Vanessa says they need to get that fixed for her. Vanessa is dreading sleeping on the floor …”it’s gross”… Jackie says we’ll get you a pillow and you can have a blanket too. Vanessa says “You’re such a generous knight. You’re so good to me.” 11:50 PM BBT In the BY Shelli says she is at 440 and everyone tells her how well she’s doing. She needs a FitBit to help track. They count Shelli’s steps and trying to figure out how many steps she will take to complete her task. It takes her about 25 steps. Clay says one stride is about a yard, and then asks how many yards are in a mile? 11:53 PM BBT Vanessa is composing a poem about herself in the KT. Jackie and Vanessa go out to the BY leaving James and John at the DT. James asks John how he feels about everything that happened this week. John says he’s fine. It sucks, but that’s the game we’re playing. We move on and play again next week. John tells James he handled it the best way he could. James feels like everyone has a fair shot to win now with the power couple split up. You don’t have to beat two of them all the time. He notes that Shelli is a comp beast and Clay is pretty decent. He didn’t want to waste his HOH. James points out that he has been straightforward with John and has never pressured him to vote a certain way and he’s kept him off the block and he hopes John will remember that when James needs his vote. John says he appreciates what James has done for him. John comments that he is glad that BotB is over. 11:57 PM BBT John notes that the BotB just invites a lot of pawns. He comments to James that four out of the five people gone were back doors, so there were 16 pawns total in those four weeks. James comments that everyone has been nominated except for Austin, Julia and Vanessa. John says that everyone’s time will come and that they’ll probably be up there again at some point. James is hoping for a week off next week.
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