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7/30 TV Show Eviction Night Thread


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1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the eviction show....


2. Jason biggest regret in the game would be what ?



3.Which non power player do you feel will most become a  factor eventually ?




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1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the eviction show....

Liz will hug Julia when she enters the house "officially'.

2. Jason biggest regret in the game would be what ?

Looking back he will regret not rallying his troops to save Audrey after she spilled the beans on The Sixth Sense instead of running upstairs and trusting The Sixth Sense were on there side. Maybe second regret would be blabbing to the house about Austin said to him making instead of keeping quiet and having Austin have his trust.

3.Which non power player do you feel will most become a factor eventually ?

If Becky wears more revealing outfits she can get James, Johnny Mac and Steve do her bidding.


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1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the eviction show....  Austin will put his arms around both twins


2. Jason biggest regret in the game would be what ? -  He will say that he wished he had made moves in the game sooner. He will make the comment. I'm coming home ma. 



3.Which non power player do you feel will most become a  factor eventually ?  -  I don't know if you think Austin is a non-power player but he will go Judas on us soon. 

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1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the eviction show.... austin will get mouthy with jason in his goodbye message .....something about judas getting him out


2. Jason biggest regret in the game would be what ? i guess being so audrey centric and letting others sneak by



3.Which non power player do you feel will most become a  factor eventually ? no clue ....johnny mac maybe i guess because he showed he can win comps .....but outside of funny dr's session not sure he is much of a player




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1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the eviction show....

Meg's goodbye message to Jason will be kinda feisty with avowals of revenge.

2. Jason biggest regret:

Runnng his mouth too much and his failure to use the intel about the twins strategically to help his game. He treated the intel like juicy gossip and failed to realize how it could be used to his advantage.

3.Which non power player do you feel will most become a factor eventually ?

Jackie because she is feisty and not easily intimidated by Vanessa & Shelli. Jackie seems to understand better than the others that everybody in the BB house is your competitor.


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yes botb is gone  for this week


christmas :animated_bouncy:

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Jackie for HOH!!! (pretty please)

a change would be good for the show


but the 6ers have so many bodies they will probably be in power again :animated_bouncy:

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dont get why they did that johnny mac segment


so out of nowhere :animated_bouncy:

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liz tell him how you really feel


#ghosttownhere :animated_bouncy:

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botb being done is best news i have heard in awhile


the game for me has finally started :animated_bouncy:

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I bet Shelli & Liz are the first one to fall off because they have their guys and it's time for them to step up.

I can see Johnny & steve hanging in there for a while.

I hope that Becky continues her losing streak.

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Her Man Clay is still up  :cowboy:

How dare you ! Everybody knows that Clay is Shelli's man. lol! I just meant between Steve & Austin because Vanessa told them they have to step up for the next HOH.

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Only James, John, Becky, Shelli, Clay UP !!!!


Becky, Clay DOWN !!!


Comp is in 2 HOURS Now... YES !!!!!


JAMES, JOHNNYMAC & shelli STILL Hanging On !!!!!



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