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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !


If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text.


Remember your time zones. Big Brother USA Time is Pacific Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).


Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. http://www.mortystv.com/images/bb17/bb17castquide.pdf


Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:


Activities of Daily Living = ADLs

Battle of the Block = BotB

Back Yard = BY

Bedroom = BR

Cabana Room Lounge = CRL

Comic Book/Colorful Room = CBR

Da'Vonne = da

Dining Table = DT

Have-Not Room = HNR

Head of House Room = HOHR

Kitchen = KT

Indoor Lock Down = ILD

Living Room = LR

Ocean / Grey Bedroom = OBR

Outdoor Lock Down = OLD

Storage Room = SR

Washroom Area = WA

Water Closet = WC


Please post pictures in the open thread: http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/topic/100939-big-brother-17-pictures-and-screen-caps/


If you post questions or start conversations with each other here, they will be deleted.



Thank you!


12:00 AM BBT Vanessa is bitching out Austin in HoH for lying to her about not being the one vote.  She says she has to give her a REASON to put up someone else rather than Austin. They go back and forth many many many times.  Austin leaves.


12:09AM BBT Vanessa and Liz talking in HoH about Liz's feelings about Austin, and how she feels knowing Austin was scheming to 86 Julia from the game.  Liz says she doesn't have feelings for Austin as more than a friend, and tells Vanessa it will be fine if Austin is canned.  Vanessa asks if Liz has told Austin there's nothing romantically.  Liz says kinda/notreally, but Vanessa says DO NOT TELLY HIM.  Make him think there's a chance in case they vote him out so he doesn't blow up their game when he's evicted. 


12:14AM BBT Jackie comes in to HoH


12:27AM BBT Jason is in the HoH getting Vanessa and Liz to think about Austin being a Saboteur.  There's a wrestling themed chair in the house that says "El Superstar Destructo" and a three headed wrestling head.  Jason is believing that these are clues that Austin is the Saboteur.  Jason is hard selling the Austin is a Saboteur and freaking out Liz.  Vanessa is interrogating Jason about Saboteur details from prior seasons.  Jason devolves into talking about production and we get FoTH.  when we come back, Jason says there probably isn't a Saboteur.


12:3? AM BBT Jason somehow ends up saying that he has a police record (he calls it "charges") and Liz says Julia has an arrest on her record from a "spring break fuckup".  Jason says that's nothing compared to his.


12:41AM BBT Liz says outside of the house Austin isn't even her type.


12:42AM BBT Jason is saying he asked for strong girls to be on his season because he can make a girls alliance work because he's the "gay glue" and a girl's alliance needs "gay glue" to work.


12:45AM BBT After being quiet while Jason was talking for 10 or 15, Vanessa is back on the Saboteur angle again.  The fact that this season is 17 houseguests, the biggest season, makes her think a Saboteur is more likely.  Meg comes in and Saboteur talk continues on for way too long.  Meg is the most rational (no Saboteur).


1:38AM BBT JMac (wearing a squirrel head from the comp) and Becky are being super adorable on the hammock in the back yard while discussing things like Becky's dehydration after the comp that made her head hurt and be tired. She fixed it with Gatorade, something else, and a couple bottles of water with a four advil chaser [too much advil for her body size, NSAIDS can be very dangerous - BBLurkerPlus] followed by a nap.


1:41AM BBT Becky tells Jmac Jackie, Jason, Meg, and JMac have personally told her they won't vote her out.


1:42AM BBT JMac and Becky discussing how Julia seems to hang out with JMac and Steve more whereas Liz hangs around Austin and the others more. Becky says she's fine with the twin coming in. JMac is telling Becky they will come after her and Jackie, and they will also come after Jmac eventually. JMac says his move as HoH is James and Meg - put them up. FoTH.  Camera moved off the Hammock when it returned (Grrr!)


1:45am BBT The houseguests were given the hula hoop voted on by the live feeders. James reads the announcement, and Clay tries the hula hoop out first, then Jason, then Vanessa. [This is much less interesting and adorable than JMac and Becky]


10:02AM BBT We currently have FOTH. May be wake up call.


10:14AM BBT Feeds are back. HG discussing the wake up songs. Meg was excited that they played a certain one. BB says "You're welcome".


10:21AM BBT In the PBR the HG are talking about Meg sleep talking. Vanessa heads outside for some sun before BB calls her for her meds.


10:26AM BBT BB calls Austin to turn on the bedroom lights. It is their 3rd call. Jason says Austin and John are the only ones in the CBR. Jackie says Liz. Jason says that Liz slept in the HOH room last night.


10:36AM BBT Meg, Jason, Jackie, and Becky talking about HG who talk game but don't add to it.


10:40AM BBT Austin runs to HOH. Says he sat at the door for 20 minutes and heard that Becky sat Steve down and told him if he wants to work with them then he has to talk more game. He is out of breath from running upstairs so fast. Says they were talking about the twins as well.


10:42PM BBT Austin continues to tell Liz and Vanessa about what he heard. Says that Meg told the other HG that Austin was skipping out of the DR. Austin says he never saw Meg and went straight to his bed. He says that the HG said that now that Julia is coming in too that one of them are going right back out. Vanessa tells him that he did a good job and to keep an ear out.


10:44AM BBT Vanessa says that she needs to talk to Steve and see if that was the deal that was made. She tells Austin that he did well. (she stopped short of tossing him a treat as he proudly left the HOH)


10:51AM BBT In the HN room Clay and Jason are on the chairs with towels over their eyes. They are describing the luxurious nature of the chairs. Discussing how they are sure it is leather etc. (It is quite a humorous conversation)


11:14AM BBT Shelli talking to Steve in the HN room. Shelli is trying to find out who is in the alliance that Vanessa talked about. Shelli asks if he feels Becky should go home. He says he doesn't know. He feels that Jason, Meg or Jackie should go up.


11:21AM BBY Steve compares Austin to Zack from last year as far as Derek calling Zach a snake and protecting him. Steve says that Vanessa has to figure out which of the three she can put up.


11:27PM BBT In the BY Jason tells Liz about the Becky/Steve convo. Jason tells her that Becky sat him down and told him to stop being creepy and that he needs to watch how he talks. Liz says it's good that Becky talked to him. Jason says that he tried but it sounded wrong.


11:33AM BBT Shelli asks Steve if the other side of the house has asked him to work with them or about his vote. Steve says no. They have told him Austin is going up and about the twins but nothing else. Now the plan is that Becky will go.


11:41AM BBT Liz goes into the CBR and tells Austin that she thinks he is going to be okay. Austin says he asked in the DR what he can do in the house. Liz wants Austin to hide and listen to the HG. He says he doesn't know if it's legal. He then whispers something about the plan was always that he would be in jury and the feeds abruptly change so that all 4 feeds are on the HN room.


11:41AM BBT  Correction..it was not "the plan was jury". It was that they cant give him anything for an injury. (Austin whispered) Vanessa is trying to get him to fake an injury.


11:48AM BBT Liz goes to the HOH and tells Vanessa. She tells her the convo with Jason about Steve. Liz says that she thinks they were trying to get him on their side and that the creepy was a ploy. Vanessa says that there are two tests and one is if Steve tells her directly.


#BB17 12:00pm BBT Steve tells Vanessa that if she does NOT backdoor Austin, it will be the biggest move of the season. Liz overheard Jason, Becky and Meg talking about Steve being a "creeper" last night, but when they were talking to him, she thinks they were trying to get him to join an alliance. Liz wants Jason on the block. Downstairs, Steve asks Clay and Shelli if he can help keep Austin safe tis week. They tell him he's done enough.

#BB17 12:15pm BBT Steve, Clay and Shelli say they owe it to Vanessa to win HoH and protect her, because she'll have a lot of blood on her hands if she keeps Austin (nevermind that it was her idea to get rid of Austin in the first place).  Shelli tells Steve to come up with their new alliance name (her, Clay, Steve Austin, the Twins and Vanessa).

#BB17 12:30pm BBT Vanessa talks with Shelli and Clay and brings up the idea of backdooring Jackie (despite promising her she wouldn't).  They think Jackie won the Kathy Griffen phone call (not DaVonne).  They promise to talk more about this later. After Vanessa leaves, Clay and Shelli say Meg and Jason are expendable since they now have Steve on their side. But they would rather have Austin put them up instead of doing it themselves.

#BBB17 12:45PM BBT Vanessa wants to tell Becky that Austin is not going on the block and she's the new target unless she comes clean about who won the Last Laugh phone call. She wants to do the same thing with Jason and use what she finds out as a way to justify a replacement nomination.


#BB17 1:30PM BBT Vanessa talks with Steve about his conversation with Becky and Jason last night.  Steve says Becky was kind of asking for his vote. Vanessa bluntly asks if she said anything that could be used against her.  She tells Steve about her theory that Jackie won the Power of the Last Laugh, not Da'Vonne. She says Jason also lied about Audrey saying she was the other vote to keep DaVonne. Steve doesn't think the votes add up that way.

#BB17 2:00pm BBT Vanessa is spinning theories out left and right, trying to see if Steve can find any logical truth to any of them.  Becky and Jason voted to evict James over Jeff, she thinks. Jason made a deal that kept his vote alive to save Da'Vonne. John and Jeff were in a secret alliance.  She tells Shelli and Clay she's trying to catch either Jason, Becky or Jackie in a lie to justify targeting them.

#BB17 2:30pmSteve tells Vanessa and Liz that he he didn't want to be called Steven in the BB House because it sounds too muc like Ian and he's not anywhere as good as Ian was. Liz jokingly shouts out to Ian that Steve is his biggest fan. She tells him to call her if he's cute.  If she goes for the nerdy type, what was she doing hanging around with Austin for?

#BB17 2:45pm BBT Vanessa is obsessed with proving that Jason, Meg, Becky and Jackie are working together and asks Steve to follow them around after she talks to them to see if they are strategizing together.  She fills in Clay and Shelli on her plan, looking for anything strange or unusual to support her theories. Clay says she can't base anything on what Audrey said because Audrey lied about everything.

#BB17 2:55pm BBT Vanessa now believes Jason needs to be the replacement nominee and evicted. She's 1000% Da'Vonne didn't have the Last Chance phone call. But she gave her word to the Dark Moon alliance (Becky, Clay, Jackie, James, Jason, Meg, Shelli and Vanessa).  Clay tells her that the Dark Moon plan died when Liz won the BotB.  Vanessa says she now has the reason to put up Jason, even though she hasn't actually asked him.  [This is sounding more like the Salem Witch Trials where the more the women denied being witch, the guiltier they were deemed to be. -- Fuskie]  

#BB17 3:00pm BBT Vanessa wonders what if she's wrong (about Jason) then dismisses the idea. She, Clay and Shelli decide that Jason and Jackie are in an alliance. Vanessa is confident she can catch Jason in a lie - she has surprise on her side and has 10 years experience on him.  Then she flips again, wondering why they are going through all this effort for Austin.  Then she flips again, saying that any fallout from not nominating Austin will only last a week.  [A lot can happen in a week, Vanessa. Just look at your HoH! -- Fuskie]


#BB17 3:15BBT Clay complains it's not fair to have physical competitions on weeks where there are Have Nots. He and Shelli warn Vanessa not to be threatening.  They think Johnny Mac will join their side.  While the rest of the house is sleeping, Liz tells Austin to go up to HoH and talk to Vanessa, Clay and Shelli. They tell him they are working on a plan to save him [He's not even nominated and he needs saving? -- Fuskie].  Vananessa assures him it's a good plan.

#BB17 3:30pm BBT Austin says thinking Jason was his friend and not just out for the money was his biggest mistake in the game. Jackie enters HoH to find Austin, Vanessa, Clay and Shelli talking.  Awkward.  Vanessa sends Austin downstairs to catch Jackie in a lie.  She thinks Becky is more forgiving, so she'd keep Becky over Jackie. They now think Jackie is the bigger target than Jason.  Steve can go after Jason next week if he wins HoH.

#BB17 3:45pm BBT Vanessa's now afraid Jackie could win HoH next week (not to mention the fact she swore not to nominate her -- Fuskie).  Clay and Shelli think Jason would go after Liz and Julia first before going after Vanessa. Jackie returns to HoH.  Jackie says it's good that endurance HoHs wouldn't come 'til later so Jason couldn't win while Jackie was there.  Except Jackie was there when she said it. Clay covers by asking Jackie who John is closed to and she doesn't know.  Austin and Liz in the BR try to think of a lie they can blame on Jackie to get her nominated. Austin feeds Clay and Shelli the Jackie lie.

#BB17 4:00pm BBT Steve is whispering to himself in the Have Not room, everyone else either sleeping ot just lazing around.

#BB17 4:30pm BBT Becky enters the HN room and asks Steve what he's doing. Steve mumbles nothing.  Becky says everyone is sleeping. Liz says the feeders must hate us.


4:50PM BBT It's 10m until the nomination show but all's quiet in the BB House. Liz, Jackie and John are in the KT talking about the cameras following them around.


5:00 PM BBT Meg & Shelli are laying on the couch in the WA. Clay & Jason are on the couch with them. Becky is finishing up a shower on the HOT side of the shower. John is talking to Vanessa in the HOHR. Meg gets called to the DR.


5:01 PM BBT John tells Vanessa he fixed the Elliptical. He tells her there are two pegs that move in the back to make it higher or lower, so now it's not unstable. Vanessa says, that's good. She says, she can't believe it took a month for them to figure that out.


5:03 PM BBT John asks Vanessa if she thinks it will be a double eviction this week? Vanessa says, yes. John says, he doesn't want to lose HOH. Back in the WA, Jason tells HG's in there about his dream. Jackie is sitting on the couch with them now.


5:05 PM BBT Becky gets out of the shower & tells the HG's that she thought a bottle she found was shaving cream, & it's self-tanner, so she put it back in the cabinet on the right side under the sink. Liz comes in the WA to wash her hands.


5:07 PM BBT Jackie tells the HG's that they had to drive stick shift Ford cars in TAR. Jason says, he can't do stick shift for sh*t. James is in the WA also now. He says, he wonders how many clutches got torn up. Jackie says, a lot. Jason is getting ready to take a shower in the HOT side of the shower. Jackie says, she wants to do TAR again. James says, let's go. Jackie says, she wants a second chance, because they got lost. Shelli asks what the winners get for TAR? Jackie says, 1 million to split, & second place gets $25,000 to split. Jackie says, her & Jeff had to split $4,000, & she has to pay the taxes this coming year. She says, she is going to have to pay some serious tax this coming year for both of the shows.


5:10 PM BBT Jason says, Bad Girls Club make $10,000 per episode. James says, there was a producer that contacted him about having his own show. He says, they needed a great story line to do it, but he couldn't think of anything. He says, he posted on Reality Wanted. He says, he get contacted for the Debra Messing thing, Party Down South. James says, he wasn't allowed to go on that, even if he made it. He says, his baby's mom didn't want him to go.


5:12 PM BBT Jason tells James that he probably will host some TV shows after this. Jason says, Frankie hosted a show, & he can see him hosting some shows. Becky walks out of the WA. James asks if Becky took his baby lotion. He says, he will slit her throat. He says, he's going to hide his lotion, & sits back on the couch. Becky comes back in the WA & leaves again.


5:14 PM BBT James & Jackie are talking about the Outback party, & are wondering if James & Liz will be able to take someone with each of them. Back up in the HOHR, Vanessa tells John that she gets an emotional moment, & it's gone like 10 seconds later. Vanessa gets called to the DR.


5:16 PM BBT In the WA, James says, it ain't a nail party without an Asian. He moves to another part of the couch. He tells the HG that he forgot he had his bottle of baby lotion. He says, he let Da'Vonne use it, & then it ended up in Becky's box. Meg asks Jason if he was called to the DR yet about Veto? He says, no. Meg says, she went, but told them she had to go back later, because her jokes weren't on point. Jason says, so she's a writer of her jokes, he loathes her. Meg walks out of the WA, & they continue to talk about her.


5:18 PM BBT James puts his baby lotion in a different place. James says, if it's gone again he'll vote Becky. Jason says, if she takes your baby lotion one time you will vote her out? James doesn't say anything, as he's messing with his face in the mirror by the WC. Jason says, he was missing shampoo. Jackie says, she doesn't take anyone's stuff. Meg asks Jason what he wants to eat. Jason says, he'll eat whatever. He finishes up in the shower.


5:22 PM BBT The HG's in the WA say that Steve has been hiding all day. Jason says, you can't start playing the day on day 40. Jackie says, he's not on their side, & he's had plenty of time. Meg says, it's crazy that in a week it will be half way. Jackie says, we will make, we'll all make it. Meg says, there's still Veto Ceremony tomorrow. Jackie says, then they have to pretend they're starting all over. Clay walks in the WA.


5:24 PM BBT Meg says, when she talked to her family, she didn't think she wouldn't be talking to them until the end of September. Jackie says, she thought she would be voted out first week, or she will get to stay. Jackie says, they will all be on the panel voting for the winner. Meg says, it's so weird, because two of them will win. Meg says, she's past the point of hunger, but she needs to eat. James says, he told Jeff if he's the winner he would buy him a truck for like $10,000 or so. Jackie says, that's nice. Jason says, he'll buy his girls teeth. He says, it's not like they need a whole mouth of teeth or something.


5:26 PM BBT Jackie says, she thinks she owes Jeff something as well. Meg says, she would have a big party. Jason says, because you don't want to move. Meg says, she's not moving. Jason says, he will buy everyone teeth. Jason says, the goblins need to eat. Meg walks out of the WA. Jason says, he will sit there & watch her. Jason leaves the WA.


5:29 PM BBT Jackie is paranoid that Clay was in the WA the whole time they were talking. James says, he wasn't there. James says, regardless, they can't do anything, because whoever is going will have 8 votes against them. The only thing the other person can do is win HOH. In the HOHR Clay will take Shelli to the end, John will take Becky to the end. John says, if he wins HOH he's going after the goblins. He says, he will go home against either Meg or James.


5:32 PM BBT John says, Austin bullies Steve. Clay says, when Steve needs to win, he wins, that's good. He says, he's on their side to, which is good. John says, Julia really likes him & Steve. Clay says, Shelli really like Julia. John says, she really hangs out with him & Steve when she's in there. Clay says, they are all on the same page. John says, Vanessa keeps on him about why he voted for Jeff. Clay asks John if he already talked to Vanessa? John says, yes. Clay says, she trying to find out who had photo booth (which was Da'Vonne), & who the second vote for Jeff was (which was Liz). Clay says, she is going to ask Jason & Meg to see if they lie about it, because she thinks it's them.


5:35 PM BBT Clay says, Jeff could have exploited them a lot worse before he left. John says, it worked out good, because they were on different sides of the vote. James & Jackie are still talking in the WA. James talks about the competitions that he's won so far this season. James says, he thinks BB builds these comps so that they are super close. James says, except the fabric one. Jackie says, the balance beam was even close. James says, super close. Jackie says, she keeps hearing the John has been throwing the comps. James says, he doesn't know. Becky walks in & asks if they are talking games. Jackie & James start talking about the camera comp.


5:38 PM BBT Becky says, she talked to Steve yesterday about walking in on people talking or whispering. She says, unless she has something to add that is forward thinking, he should say it or leave. She says, Steve said he was always taught to say yes or no, because people don't usually like him. She says, Steve was so receptive when her & Jason talked to him. She says, it was a hard hint to stay away if they are whispering. Becky put some Vaseline in between her fingers. She says, after she washes dishes her hands are peeling. Becky says, now she can't find the lotion. Jackie tells James he needs to tell her. James says, he will. He says, if he hasn't looked for it this long, & it's almost gone, he should just let her have it. Austin goes to the WC & then washes his hands. He walks out. James says, he probably just walked in to listen. He says, he's paranoid, & thinks when people see people talking that they are talking game, even though it may not be. Liz goes to the WA. She tells them about putting a clear coat on her nails to let them breath. She says, she can finally use a different color now.


5:42 PM BBT Jackie says, she can finally wear a different color, because her & Julia have been trying to look the same. She says, it's weird that the DR told them everything they were saying, so they could do things better. James says, when Austin leaves this week, the twins will be lost if Julia comes in the following week, but if she comes in this week, it won't really matter. Jackie says, everyone thinks Steve should probably go first, & then go for the twins the following week. James says, if Jackie wins the Veto, they can backdoor Liz. Jackie says, it's going to get scary, because they may have to put one of them up.


5:46 PM BBT Liz is in the HOHR now with Clay & John. Liz says, she can't even talk to Austin right now, because he's acting so different. Clay says, that's such a sh*tty feeling. Liz says, he hasn't even worked out today, he's been sleeping all day. They are watching him on the TV. Clay says, he knows, that's the game. Clay says, if there was a big alliance, & you were the last person in the house not to be in that alliance left, you know you are going home if you don't use the Veto.


5:47 PM BBT Liz says, Austin said he wasn't going to let all of this get to him, but it clearly is. John says, he's handling it better than others have. John tells Liz, she knows how Jace handled it. John says, now he feels that he wants to make out with Liz for some reason. Liz says, now that everything is out in the open, he kissed Julia. John says, he knows. Liz asks how? He says, the tooth. Liz says, because of number 9. John says, it's because it might be a different color.


5:49 PM BBT Liz tells the story about them being in third or fourth grade, & they were playing a game called Alligator. She says, Julia chipped her tooth, but her mom must have waited to long. She says, she said the root died. She says, she had to wear a fake tooth for a year that she could take in or out. John says, so it's an implant, that's why. John explains to Liz that Julia broke the blood supply to her tooth. Liz says, so, it was going to happen regardless. John says, sometimes it takes 4 to 5 decades to happen.


5:51 PM BBT John says, he thought Julia got hit in the face or something. Liz says, Julia has recession on that tooth now. John asks Liz if she has recession on the bottom? Liz says, yes, she has the recession on the bottom. John says, he doesn't just look for it. Liz asks if Da'Vonne hadn't spread the rumor if wouldn't have picked up on it? John says, probably not, because he didn't pick up on it himself. Liz says, her recession is bad. John says, she may have to go to a Periodontist to get graphs done. John says, Julia's is worse. Julia says, she got an Invisalign to help her because she grinds her teeth. John says, he got Invisalign & he could tell by the end of the day his teeth were feeling crowded again, because they do move back quickly. He asks Liz when was the last time she did ortho. Liz says, it was a clear retainer to stop her from grinding. John says, he just finished Invisalign treatment in March. Liz says, she had braces a long time ago. He says, he was on the way to having his teeth like Liz'. He tells her what he did to fix his teeth. John says, he wears his retainer every night, because they are still so freshly done. He says, they do move back. He says, he wore braces a long time ago, but he didn't get retainers then.


5:57 PM BBT John says, he likes his clear retainer. Liz says, she doesn't always notice when John has his retainer in. John says, that's good. Liz says, his teeth are on point. Liz says, on fleek. John repeats that. Liz says, she just asked Steve the other day if he knows what fleek means? John asks if he can ask Liz about things. Liz told him a little while ago that Julia was a dental assistant. John tells Liz he went to school with a set of twins that were from Minnesota. John didn't think it was good for people to know. Liz says, it won't help them, & it probably won't be good when she comes in. Liz says, the jig is up, so what is she going to do now. She says, she doesn't want to lie about it since people already know. Vanessa gets called to the DR. We get FOTH, & then Jeff Schroeder's Highlight Reels.


8:56 PM BBT Clay, Vanessa, Liz, Austin & James all come back from their Outback Steakhouse dinner. Liz says, they're so full they can't breath. She says, they had to speed eat. She says, it's only 8:50 PM, WOW. Austin goes to the HOHR with Vanessa. He says, he's been wanting to talk to her all day. Austin says, he heard Jackie talking today. He says, Jackie was saying that Vanessa had people upstairs.


8:58 PM BBT Vanessa tells Austin she will consider his plan, but she has a complicated plan to try & catch the people in a lie. She says, she's going to pretend that she already knows, even though she doesn't. She says, that she knows they are behind the phone booth stuff & the Jeff vote (Liz voted for Jeff, not them). She says, she knows that Jason said something about Da'Vonne getting the phone booth.


9:01 PM BBT Austin keeps talking to Vanessa. He says, Jackie was trying to get stuff out of him on the hammock, & like she was trying to get stuff out of him. Vanessa says, she doesn't understand that. Austin says, Jackie is f***ing freaking. Vanessa says, it's going to be a blood bath, & he's part of it & loves it. Austin leaves the HOHR. James & Clay are brushing their teeth at the sink in the WA.


9:04 PM BBT In the KT, Jason, Meg, John, Jackie & Shelli are all sitting or standing by the glass table. Steve comes in to get something to drink. Jason wants to know why they were locked in at 11 a.m., for a 9 hour set-up. He says, it will probably take them that long to take it down. Clay is complaining that everything is to tight. (Umm...he's a HN, he should be thankful he got to eat real food.)


9:05 PM BBT Clay & James are in the CBR to change clothes. Clay says, it hurts to breath, & James agrees. Austin & Liz are in the WA. Steve goes in the SR to get paper towels.


9:08 PM BBT Shelli is stuffing her face with popcorn & talking with it in her mouth. John is eating the popcorn also. Jason puts a roll of paper towels on the table. Becky walks into the kT. Liz walks in & sits at the glass table also. Becky is cleaning up something on the floor by the DT. Vanessa gets told to please put on her microphone.


9:16 PM BBT In the HOHR, Liz is telling Vanessa & Jackie that she likes to drink, so she likes her person to drink with her. Vanessa says, she usually drinks at least once a week with Mel. She says, she misses her & her dogs. Liz wants to meet her dogs. They are watching the TV. Liz says, oh look, he's getting the Swiffer. He says, O.K., Steve, you get brownie points for that. Liz says, she didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night. She says, Becky was up until the sun came up. They talk about going to bed around 5 or 6 a.m.


9:18 PM BBT Vanessa says, she can't believe she ate all that food. She says, her belly is feeling weird. She says, she eats like one meal a day with snacks. She says, she doesn't cook. She says, she's constantly watching You Tube when she's home trying to learn new skills, or trying to find music. She says, you have to find the right quality, because speakers will magnify any problems in the file. She says, you have to crop the ends of it, & it's a lot of work. She says, there's a lot more into it then people realize. She says, she mixes the music also.


9:20 PM BBT Liz asks Vanessa if Mel cooks for her? Vanessa says, yes. She says, she will be the one that sits at the computer for 24 hours straight, & Mel will make sure she stops to eat. Jackie says, she can't stop eating the Cheez-It's either. Vanessa says, it's funny that Jackie asked for Cheez-It's. Jackie says, Cheez-It's & Red Bull. Liz asks whats up with the tonic water? Jackie says, she doesn't know, but Liz can have it if she likes it. She says, her dad told her it has more sugar than cranberry, so she switched to club soda. Liz says, she just realized they take the chairs away. Vanessa says, she can't wait to see where Julia's picture will go. Liz says, they may make a double picture in her spot. Liz says, that picture is only of her.


9:24 PM BBT Clay tells Shelli & James in the WA that he probably won't eat tomorrow. Shelli says, that's o.k., because he can't. James says, he wonders when they can cut the lights off in the bedrooms? Shelli says, she thinks it's 10 p.m. for lights out. James thinks it's 9:51 p.m., & tells them he's going to go to bed soon. Shelli says, John wanted to talk to her earlier.


9:25 PM BBT Shelli asks Steve about his protein shake. He says, he used some 1 percent milk, chocolate milk, & chocolate protein powder. Steve says, the vanilla protein powder is awful. Steve says, he didn't know that Almond Milk even existed until he got there. Shelli asks if he likes it? Steve says, he doesn't drink it, because he doesn't care, so he leaves it for the others. Shelli & Clay both like the skim milk, & Steve tells them he's sorry, because it's watered down milk.


9:28 PM BBT Clay tells them how their meal went. He tells them the desert was a cookie with ice cream on it. Shelli asks Clay if he thought about his fellow HN's while he was eating? Clay says, yes, he saluted them. Steve says, he wants to request more stuff for the HN's. Shelli asks him to request more of the popcorn. Shelli asks Clay & Steve if they know what Honey Smacks are? Neither one of them know what it is. Steve tell Shelli, she has 10 years on them. Shelli says, she has to remember that she's not like them all. Shelli says, Jason probably knows what they are. Clay yells to Jason to ask him? Jason & Meg both know what Honey Smacks are, & Jason talks about the frog on the box.


9:31 PM BBT Shelli asks Steve if he's offended with her butt facing him? He says, no. She asks if he wants her to turn over? He says, she's fine. Shelli asks Steve if he has olive oil in the protein shake? Steve says, no. Shelli says, Austin puts it in there for some fat. She says, he uses ice also. Steve says, he doesn't use ice, there's no need to. They talk about what they are going to eat tomorrow. They discuss if they are like previous HG's, & if they sleep more on feeds. Steve says, he thinks it's about the same.


9:33 PM BBT Shelli says, Season 15 had a lot of strong personalities. She says, they are more cohesive, & that may be boring to the feeders. Jason comes in the WA & asks for a boys "S" name for the squirrel. Steve asks why an "S" name? Jason says, because it's a squirrel, & it seems like a male squirrel. Shelli says, Skipper. Jason says, Skipper the squirrel. Shelli says, she named a lot of the people on the Memory Wall.


9:36 PM BBT Shelli says, she had a different name for 2 weeks when she was a baby. She says, it was Audrey Caroline, so it's weird that she was given the name of Caroline from her photo on the Memory Wall. Shelli says, her mom's name is Carol, & her dad is James, but they call him Jim. Steve asks why her name changed when she was a baby. She says, because they didn't know they were having twins, so she was forced to name her babies before leaving the hospital. She says, it was changed to Melissa Michelle with the intention of calling her Shelli. She says, thanks, mom. Clay says, the better of the two BB Shelli's. They talk about the other one.


9:39 PM BBT They talk about when Jeff & Jordan were evicted from the house. Steve says, Jeff was voted out with 6 left in the house, & then Jordan was evicted with 4 left in the house. Shelli says, that's a lot of weeks to be without him in the house. Steve says, then Shelly was evicted right after Jeff left. They talk about previous BB HG's that are engaged or married. Shelli says, they are all from Season 13. Clay tells Steve he has a hard decision to make. Clay asks Steve if he's going to be Shelli's Maid of Honor or his Best Man? Steve says, he'll let Clay be the Best Man. Shelli gives Steve a high-five, & they laugh.


9:42 PM BBT They are discuss what they want to do tonight. Steve says, he wants to stay up in case something happens. Steve asks if Da'Vonne had the phone thing? Shelli asks if he thinks so? Steve gives an explanation of what could be going on. Shelli says, she doesn't think that Da'Vonne had it, because she wouldn't have picked those three people. Shelli asks Steve if he thinks she had it? Steve says, he doesn't know. Shelli asks why he is saying that Da'Vonne had it? Steve says, he doesn't know, he may be trying to protect someone. He says, it's always easier to blame a person that is gone. Clay says, Da'Vonne swore that she didn't have the power, but then turned around & said she knew who had it.


9:45 PM BBT Becky is sitting at the DT with Jackie, Jason & Austin. Becky says, more steaks were being cooked. Becky says, they are feeding the beef cakes now. Jason says, they all need to eat their food at home, & he calls them b*tches. He says, he wants a cigarette. Vanessa comes downstairs. Jason asks if she was called to the DR? Vanessa says, yes. Jason says, they must just call her in the HOHR. Jason says, he can hear them talking outside. Jason says, they may want to tell their beef cakes to talk lower, because they can hear their life stories.


9:48 PM BBT Becky is walking around & goes by the back door. The HG's are sitting at the DT trying to listen, & they tell Becky not to walk around so much. Becky listens by the sliding glass door. She says, they are definitely being loud out there, & don't give a f*ck. She says, they are probably eating the rest of the steaks. Steve sits at the DT with Jackie, Jason & Austin.


9:50 PM BBT Steve asks whose hat is at the DT? Jason says, it's Clay's because it's blue. Steve says, oh, it is, & it's just a baseball cap with the stuff on it. Jason says, it's Jeff's baseball cap. Steve tries it on & takes it off. Jackie & Austin leave from the DT.


9:51 PM BBT Austin scampers up to the HOHR. He gives Liz a quick kiss. He tells her that Vanessa has a big plan coming up tonight. Liz says, both of them were blindsided by the stuff in the game. Liz says, Jackie keeps going to the HOHR, & keeps asks Liz how Austin is handling everything? Liz says, she is thinking that the b*tch just needs to shut up. Austins says, he's going to go crazy tomorrow. Austin says, he's upset that he trusted Jason. Austin says, he's going to tell whoever is left that he is going to kill them. He says, then it's time to go to war, no more of this f***ing bullsh*t. Liz says, they are all set in stone, & they don't want Vanessa to change the plan.


9:54 PM BBT Austin says, he's buzzed & he's up there trying to harass her, hoping she's buzzed. She says, "You’re buzzed, I'm not buzzed at all." Austin tells her James is passed out drunk, & Shelli & Clay are cuddling. Liz says, they are being referred to the 3 headed monster. She says, Jason is the gay glue. She says, she's going to say, no who's the 3 headed monster, b*tch. Austin says, Vanessa is going to catch them in a lie about the phone booth & the Jeff vote.


9:57 PM BBT Liz says, Vanessa should just say that Jason twisted Austin words. (Even though he did not). Austin says, he knows, he went to Jason as a friend, & he changed what he said. Austin says, he's ready to fight. He says, everything has happened for a reason, & it's fate. He says, he wasn't even supposed to be here this year. Austin says, Vanessa is fired up, & this is what she's been waiting for. Austin has his hand holding the back of his sweat pants. Liz says, she's sick of them doing this to them. Austin says, he is also. He gives Liz a kiss on the forehead. She asks him to go to the Dining Room camera. Liz says, she's going to go catch them, & her excuse will be to tell Becky she's done listening to the music. They both walk out of the HOHR, & go downstairs. Liz says, hey to Steve.


10:00 PM BBT Liz says, Johnny Mac, as she walks through the LR. John asks her how she feels? She says, dead. John says, your to alive to be dead. Liz tells everyone in the OBR she's done with listening to Drake. Meg says, welcome to the goblin room. Her & Jason are laying a bed in the OBR. Liz lays on the couch in the LR, & John is laying on the floor. Meg wonders what James is dreaming about. Jason says, probably her. Jackie says, she wants to drink margaritas. Jason says, he will drink so much when he leaves. They discuss questions from the paperwork they had to fill out for the show. Jackie says, she loves Dippin' Dots, & they are hard to find.


10:02 PM BBT Jason asks if they answered every question? Jason says, he thinks he did. He says, if they had the word sensual in it, he put that he didn't even know what that word means. They discuss their porn or Indian names. Jason says, he has no idea. Jackie thinks she only didn't answer 2 or 3 of the questions. Meg says, she didn't answer them all. James starts to move the chains by the pull-out bed. Jason says, he's waiting for BB to say stop that. Meg says, he's just trying to annoy me. Jason says, zero words & zero reactions come from him, just that. They are all laughing. Meg says, he's doing it so angrily, & it's in time. Jackie says, it's like it's from a scary movie. Meg asks if he let it all out, & James starts moving the chains again.


10:05 PM BBT John yells from the LR, that the chains remind him of the ghost from Christmas Past. Meg says, he hates them as much as she does. Meg & Jason start to talk about the Muppet's. He says, his favorite is The Muppet's Take Manhattan. Meg says, she's never seen it. Jason gives a shout out to The Muppet's Take Manhattan. Jason tries to remember what the movie is where Kermit has to go across the country looking for frog legs.


10:07 PM BBT Meg says, the rats are good. Jason agrees. Jason asks if the old men where in the Christmas one? Meg says, yes. James gets up. Meg says, he's mad at them. James turns the lights off. Meg says, the lights must remain on in the bedrooms. James lays back down on the pull-out bed, & starts to move the chains again. Meg says, isn't it weird to her someone saying your name when they talk about you? She says, it's weird, & Jason agrees. Jackie asks what today's date is? Meg & Jason say it's the 26th. Jackie asks what they think the HOH comp will be? Jason says, he's done helping b*tches. Meg says, hey, Jackie deserved to win. Jason says, it's going to be something, because they will probably save questions for the double eviction the following week. Jason says, it may be balance beams. He says, they had to cross the balance beams with kegs last year. Jackie says, they had them in the BOTB. She asks if they think they will have another one, because that would be awesome.

8:56 PM BBT Clay, Vanessa, Liz, Austin & James all come back from their Outback Steakhouse dinner. Liz says, they're so full they can't breath. She says, they had to speed eat. She says, it's only 8:50 PM, WOW. Austin goes to the HOHR with Vanessa. He says, he's been wanting to talk to her all day. Austin says, he heard Jackie talking today. He says, Jackie was saying that Vanessa had people upstairs.


8:58 PM BBT Vanessa tells Austin she will consider his plan, but she has a complicated plan to try & catch the people in a lie. She says, she's going to pretend that she already knows, even though she doesn't. She says, that she knows they are behind the phone booth stuff & the Jeff vote (Liz voted for Jeff, not them). She says, she knows that Jason said something about Da'Vonne getting the phone booth.


9:01 PM BBT Austin keeps talking to Vanessa. He says, Jackie was trying to get stuff out of him on the hammock, & like she was trying to get stuff out of him. Vanessa says, she doesn't understand that. Austin says, Jackie is f***ing freaking. Vanessa says, it's going to be a blood bath, & he's part of it & loves it. Austin leaves the HOHR. James & Clay are brushing their teeth at the sink in the WA.


9:04 PM BBT In the KT, Jason, Meg, John, Jackie & Shelli are all sitting or standing by the glass table. Steve comes in to get something to drink. Jason wants to know why they were locked in at 11 a.m., for a 9 hour set-up. He says, it will probably take them that long to take it down. Clay is complaining that everything is to tight. (Umm...he's a HN, he should be thankful he got to eat real food.)


9:05 PM BBT Clay & James are in the CBR to change clothes. Clay says, it hurts to breath, & James agrees. Austin & Liz are in the WA. Steve goes in the SR to get paper towels.


9:08 PM BBT Shelli is stuffing her face with popcorn & talking with it in her mouth. John is eating the popcorn also. Jason puts a roll of paper towels on the table. Becky walks into the kT. Liz walks in & sits at the glass table also. Becky is cleaning up something on the floor by the DT. Vanessa gets told to please put on her microphone.


9:16 PM BBT In the HOHR, Liz is telling Vanessa & Jackie that she likes to drink, so she likes her person to drink with her. Vanessa says, she usually drinks at least once a week with Mel. She says, she misses her & her dogs. Liz wants to meet her dogs. They are watching the TV. Liz says, oh look, he's getting the Swiffer. He says, O.K., Steve, you get brownie points for that. Liz says, she didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night. She says, Becky was up until the sun came up. They talk about going to bed around 5 or 6 a.m.


9:18 PM BBT Vanessa says, she can't believe she ate all that food. She says, her belly is feeling weird. She says, she eats like one meal a day with snacks. She says, she doesn't cook. She says, she's constantly watching You Tube when she's home trying to learn new skills, or trying to find music. She says, you have to find the right quality, because speakers will magnify any problems in the file. She says, you have to crop the ends of it, & it's a lot of work. She says, there's a lot more into it then people realize. She says, she mixes the music also.


9:20 PM BBT Liz asks Vanessa if Mel cooks for her? Vanessa says, yes. She says, she will be the one that sits at the computer for 24 hours straight, & Mel will make sure she stops to eat. Jackie says, she can't stop eating the Cheez-It's either. Vanessa says, it's funny that Jackie asked for Cheez-It's. Jackie says, Cheez-It's & Red Bull. Liz asks whats up with the tonic water? Jackie says, she doesn't know, but Liz can have it if she likes it. She says, her dad told her it has more sugar than cranberry, so she switched to club soda. Liz says, she just realized they take the chairs away. Vanessa says, she can't wait to see where Julia's picture will go. Liz says, they may make a double picture in her spot. Liz says, that picture is only of her.


9:24 PM BBT Clay tells Shelli & James in the WA that he probably won't eat tomorrow. Shelli says, that's o.k., because he can't. James says, he wonders when they can cut the lights off in the bedrooms? Shelli says, she thinks it's 10 p.m. for lights out. James thinks it's 9:51 p.m., & tells them he's going to go to bed soon. Shelli says, John wanted to talk to her earlier.


9:25 PM BBT Shelli asks Steve about his protein shake. He says, he used some 1 percent milk, chocolate milk, & chocolate protein powder. Steve says, the vanilla protein powder is awful. Steve says, he didn't know that Almond Milk even existed until he got there. Shelli asks if he likes it? Steve says, he doesn't drink it, because he doesn't care, so he leaves it for the others. Shelli & Clay both like the skim milk, & Steve tells them he's sorry, because it's watered down milk.


9:28 PM BBT Clay tells them how their meal went. He tells them the desert was a cookie with ice cream on it. Shelli asks Clay if he thought about his fellow HN's while he was eating? Clay says, yes, he saluted them. Steve says, he wants to request more stuff for the HN's. Shelli asks him to request more of the popcorn. Shelli asks Clay & Steve if they know what Honey Smacks are? Neither one of them know what it is. Steve tell Shelli, she has 10 years on them. Shelli says, she has to remember that she's not like them all. Shelli says, Jason probably knows what they are. Clay yells to Jason to ask him? Jason & Meg both know what Honey Smacks are, & Jason talks about the frog on the box.


9:31 PM BBT Shelli asks Steve if he's offended with her butt facing him? He says, no. She asks if he wants her to turn over? He says, she's fine. Shelli asks Steve if he has olive oil in the protein shake? Steve says, no. Shelli says, Austin puts it in there for some fat. She says, he uses ice also. Steve says, he doesn't use ice, there's no need to. They talk about what they are going to eat tomorrow. They discuss if they are like previous HG's, & if they sleep more on feeds. Steve says, he thinks it's about the same.


9:33 PM BBT Shelli says, Season 15 had a lot of strong personalities. She says, they are more cohesive, & that may be boring to the feeders. Jason comes in the WA & asks for a boys "S" name for the squirrel. Steve asks why an "S" name? Jason says, because it's a squirrel, & it seems like a male squirrel. Shelli says, Skipper. Jason says, Skipper the squirrel. Shelli says, she named a lot of the people on the Memory Wall.


9:36 PM BBT Shelli says, she had a different name for 2 weeks when she was a baby. She says, it was Audrey Caroline, so it's weird that she was given the name of Caroline from her photo on the Memory Wall. Shelli says, her mom's name is Carol, & her dad is James, but they call him Jim. Steve asks why her name changed when she was a baby. She says, because they didn't know they were having twins, so she was forced to name her babies before leaving the hospital. She says, it was changed to Melissa Michelle with the intention of calling her Shelli. She says, thanks, mom. Clay says, the better of the two BB Shelli's. They talk about the other one.


9:39 PM BBT They talk about when Jeff & Jordan were evicted from the house. Steve says, Jeff was voted out with 6 left in the house, & then Jordan was evicted with 4 left in the house. Shelli says, that's a lot of weeks to be without him in the house. Steve says, then Shelly was evicted right after Jeff left. They talk about previous BB HG's that are engaged or married. Shelli says, they are all from Season 13. Clay tells Steve he has a hard decision to make. Clay asks Steve if he's going to be Shelli's Maid of Honor or his Best Man? Steve says, he'll let Clay be the Best Man. Shelli gives Steve a high-five, & they laugh.


9:42 PM BBT They are discuss what they want to do tonight. Steve says, he wants to stay up in case something happens. Steve asks if Da'Vonne had the phone thing? Shelli asks if he thinks so? Steve gives an explanation of what could be going on. Shelli says, she doesn't think that Da'Vonne had it, because she wouldn't have picked those three people. Shelli asks Steve if he thinks she had it? Steve says, he doesn't know. Shelli asks why he is saying that Da'Vonne had it? Steve says, he doesn't know, he may be trying to protect someone. He says, it's always easier to blame a person that is gone. Clay says, Da'Vonne swore that she didn't have the power, but then turned around & said she knew who had it.


9:45 PM BBT Becky is sitting at the DT with Jackie, Jason & Austin. Becky says, more steaks were being cooked. Becky says, they are feeding the beef cakes now. Jason says, they all need to eat their food at home, & he calls them b*tches. He says, he wants a cigarette. Vanessa comes downstairs. Jason asks if she was called to the DR? Vanessa says, yes. Jason says, they must just call her in the HOHR. Jason says, he can hear them talking outside. Jason says, they may want to tell their beef cakes to talk lower, because they can hear their life stories.


9:48 PM BBT Becky is walking around & goes by the back door. The HG's are sitting at the DT trying to listen, & they tell Becky not to walk around so much. Becky listens by the sliding glass door. She says, they are definitely being loud out there, & don't give a f*ck. She says, they are probably eating the rest of the steaks. Steve sits at the DT with Jackie, Jason & Austin.


9:50 PM BBT Steve asks whose hat is at the DT? Jason says, it's Clay's because it's blue. Steve says, oh, it is, & it's just a baseball cap with the stuff on it. Jason says, it's Jeff's baseball cap. Steve tries it on & takes it off. Jackie & Austin leave from the DT.


9:51 PM BBT Austin scampers up to the HOHR. He gives Liz a quick kiss. He tells her that Vanessa has a big plan coming up tonight. Liz says, both of them were blindsided by the stuff in the game. Liz says, Jackie keeps going to the HOHR, & keeps asks Liz how Austin is handling everything? Liz says, she is thinking that the b*tch just needs to shut up. Austins says, he's going to go crazy tomorrow. Austin says, he's upset that he trusted Jason. Austin says, he's going to tell whoever is left that he is going to kill them. He says, then it's time to go to war, no more of this f***ing bullsh*t. Liz says, they are all set in stone, & they don't want Vanessa to change the plan.


9:54 PM BBT Austin says, he's buzzed & he's up there trying to harass her, hoping she's buzzed. She says, "You’re buzzed, I'm not buzzed at all." Austin tells her James is passed out drunk, & Shelli & Clay are cuddling. Liz says, they are being referred to the 3 headed monster. She says, Jason is the gay glue. She says, she's going to say, no who's the 3 headed monster, b*tch. Austin says, Vanessa is going to catch them in a lie about the phone booth & the Jeff vote.


9:57 PM BBT Liz says, Vanessa should just say that Jason twisted Austin words. (Even though he did not). Austin says, he knows, he went to Jason as a friend, & he changed what he said. Austin says, he's ready to fight. He says, everything has happened for a reason, & it's fate. He says, he wasn't even supposed to be here this year. Austin says, Vanessa is fired up, & this is what she's been waiting for. Austin has his hand holding the back of his sweat pants. Liz says, she's sick of them doing this to them. Austin says, he is also. He gives Liz a kiss on the forehead. She asks him to go to the Dining Room camera. Liz says, she's going to go catch them, & her excuse will be to tell Becky she's done listening to the music. They both walk out of the HOHR, & go downstairs. Liz says, hey to Steve.


10:00 PM BBT Liz says, Johnny Mac, as she walks through the LR. John asks her how she feels? She says, dead. John says, your to alive to be dead. Liz tells everyone in the OBR she's done with listening to Drake. Meg says, welcome to the goblin room. Her & Jason are laying a bed in the OBR. Liz lays on the couch in the LR, & John is laying on the floor. Meg wonders what James is dreaming about. Jason says, probably her. Jackie says, she wants to drink margaritas. Jason says, he will drink so much when he leaves. They discuss questions from the paperwork they had to fill out for the show. Jackie says, she loves Dippin' Dots, & they are hard to find.


10:02 PM BBT Jason asks if they answered every question? Jason says, he thinks he did. He says, if they had the word sensual in it, he put that he didn't even know what that word means. They discuss their porn or Indian names. Jason says, he has no idea. Jackie thinks she only didn't answer 2 or 3 of the questions. Meg says, she didn't answer them all. James starts to move the chains by the pull-out bed. Jason says, he's waiting for BB to say stop that. Meg says, he's just trying to annoy me. Jason says, zero words & zero reactions come from him, just that. They are all laughing. Meg says, he's doing it so angrily, & it's in time. Jackie says, it's like it's from a scary movie. Meg asks if he let it all out, & James starts moving the chains again.


10:05 PM BBT John yells from the LR, that the chains remind him of the ghost from Christmas Past. Meg says, he hates them as much as she does. Meg & Jason start to talk about the Muppet's. He says, his favorite is The Muppet's Take Manhattan. Meg says, she's never seen it. Jason gives a shout out to The Muppet's Take Manhattan. Jason tries to remember what the movie is where Kermit has to go across the country looking for frog legs.


10:07 PM BBT Meg says, the rats are good. Jason agrees. Jason asks if the old men where in the Christmas one? Meg says, yes. James gets up. Meg says, he's mad at them. James turns the lights off. Meg says, the lights must remain on in the bedrooms. James lays back down on the pull-out bed, & starts to move the chains again. Meg says, isn't it weird to her someone saying your name when they talk about you? She says, it's weird, & Jason agrees. Jackie asks what today's date is? Meg & Jason say it's the 26th. Jackie asks what they think the HOH comp will be? Jason says, he's done helping b*tches. Meg says, hey, Jackie deserved to win. Jason says, it's going to be something, because they will probably save questions for the double eviction the following week. Jason says, it may be balance beams. He says, they had to cross the balance beams with kegs last year. Jackie says, they had them in the BOTB. She asks if they think they will have another one, because that would be awesome.


10:11 PM BBT Jason, Meg & Jackie talk about upcoming comps. Jason says, they will definitely have a scary one in the mirrors again. He says, they will probably use that for the double eviction. Meg says, it will probably A or B, & Vanessa will kill at that with her memory. Jason says, James outright said that comp was not for him. Jason says, if you watch a 4 second clip & have to answer questions about it, he's not good at that. Meg & Jason both say they want letters. Jason tells his mom to call his b*tches & see what they want.


10:14 PM BBT Vanessa comes out of the DR, & says she doesn't know what's going on. She sits in the OBR. They tells her James turned off the lights. The think BB will tell them to turn the lights on. Vanessa asks if Clay is passed out in the HNR? Jason says, he's in the WA. John gets called to the DR. Jason says, he hasn't been in the DR in a hot minute, & that's o.k. He says, he likes not being on the show. He says, they called him in there the other day about the comp.


10:16 PM BBT Jason says, the DR asked him if he had a pun to say? Jason says, he told them no, he waits for someone to talk sh*t & laughs, & he talks sh*t. BB says, HG's, the bedroom lights must remain on. Vanessa says, o.k., get up, it's time to play something. They all wonder what they will play. Meg tells Vanessa that James was jiggling the chains. Vanessa tells them she's going to the HOHR if they get board they can go up there.


10:18 PM BBT James leaves the OBR, & then comes back. He puts Megs microphone on the bed, & gets in bed with her & Jason. Austin gets called to the DR. Meg tells him he smells like booze. She clips her microphone to the comforter. James says, "Oh, I'm so drunk." James tells Meg she's such a moaner when she sleeps. Jason tells her what she does. She starts making noises. James says, no wonder why Jason & Jeff liked it. Meg says, it sounds good doesn't it? James says, yeah, I'm almost there. They all laugh. James says, he wants the BY now. James says, he wants to talk game. Jason says, they can do that right there. James asks if someone is playing with the chains? Meg says, yes, Jason. Jason hands the chains to James over Meg's head. She says, she's going to pee her pants, & tells them to stop. She says, this is the weirdest thing ever & makes a noise. James tells her she sounds like Chewbacca. Meg makes the noise again, & says the chains are going to go in her eyeball.


10:23 PM BBT James says, he's up now. Jason tells Meg that her eye make-up is all messed up now. In the HOHR, Becky is talking to Vanessa. She tells Vanessa what happened when Jackie was talking to her. Becky says, that she told Jackie that Jeff was throwing her name out there before he left. Becky says, her guess is that John & Jackie voted for Jeff. She thinks that Liz also voted for Jeff. Becky says, Jeff actually likes one of the twins. She says, she doesn't know which one, but he genuinely liked one of them. Becky thinks it was Julia, but Vanessa thinks it's Liz. Becky says, oh, really. She says, she can't tell at all, but if she had to guess, & Jeff likes one of the twins, & they were indifferent about James. She says, if she were one of the twins, then it was probably one of them. Becky says, she won't get her name cleared until everyone goes home & watches the show. She says, she told Jeff 36 hours before that she was voting him out, & she told Jackie 3 hours after that she voted Jeff out as well. She says, she has no way to prove it, but she will see when she goes home & watches the show.


10:28 PM BBT Vaessa asks Becky if she knows anything about the photo booth. Becky says, she thinks it's Da'Vonne. Vanessa says, if it was Da'Vonne why wouldn't she take out Clay's vote? Becky says, she doesn't know. Vanessa says, that's why she doesn't believe that Da'Vonne had it. (Da'vonne did have it). Becky says, Jason told her that Da'Vonne had it. She says, that makes sense, because Da'Vonne didn't campaign to her, & she took her vote.


10:29 PM BBT Vanessa says, Da'Vonne told her that she knew who had the vote, & knew who was voting, & Becky says, she wasn't voting so it didn't matter. Vanessa says, she has information, but doesn't want to throw anyone under the bus. (She is lying, because Da'Vonne did have it). Vanessa says, it doesn't make sense why Jason would say she had it if she didn't, it doesn't make sense. Clay gets called to the DR.


10:31 PM BBT Becky asks her why she wants to know about these 2 things? Vanessa says, because she has information & she wants to compare things to see who's lying to her. She says, she doesn't want to sell someone out who's been working with her if someone else is lying. Becky says, she has no way to prove it, but she voted to get Jeff out. She says, she didn't want to play with Jeff. She says, he never talked to her. She says, she's quiet, & he's a lot of words. She says, that's not someone she wants to play with. She says, that's why she can work with Vanessa, Shelli & Clay because of that. Vanessa tells her that she should feel safe. Becky says, look how Jeff & James handled it when they were confronted with the lies. Vanessa says, she wants to make sure she's not making a mistake. Becky says, she's making her nervous now. Vanessa says, her means the world, & she told Becky she will be safe, & she is. She says, at the same time, she needs to look out for her game, & make sure she's not making a mistake by trusting the wrong group of people. She says, if people are willing to lie to her about trivial matters, that's not who she wants to play with.


10:35 PM BBT Becky says, she wanted to play in the Veto Competition with Clay. She says, if she won it, she would have pulled Clay off the block in a heartbeat. Vanessa drops her ring on the floor, & she finds it. Vanessa says, she just needs to make sure about everything. Vanessa asks Becky if she has any doubts about the 8 people they are working with. Becky says, the only one that makes her nervous is James. She says, they haven't talked much. She says, because she doesn't know him that well, it makes her nervous. She says, she really hasn't had a chance either. She says, she hasn't talked a lot with Meg. Becky says, she's talked to Jackie a little, then when Jeff went home, she was able to work better with Jackie. Becky says, she really talks game with Vanessa, Shelli, Clay & Jackie. She says, she talks to Johnny Mac, but it's not game talk. Becky says, she didn't even tell Johnny Mac who the target was, even though she knew. She says, Clay thought she told him, but she didn't.


10:39 PM BBT Vanessa says, she's putting all of her eggs in these people's baskets. She says, even though Austin got caught up with the showmance, he's still a loyal person. Vanessa says, she feels that Becky is loyal. Vanessa tells her that she's going to give the person a benefit of the doubt tonight, but she will talk to them. She says, it's pretty worrisome, because of what it indicates. She says, she will break it down for Becky, & she would be one of the people it would affect. She says, she doesn't want to make this bad move if this is the case. Becky says, she's on the block. Vanessa says, she would never let Becky go home, & she would leave before her. Vanessa says, she realized things & found this information out this morning. She says, she wasn't thinking about things really clearly. She says, she was rethinking all of the conversations she had, & they didn't make sense. She says, she can usually tell the right people to trust & she can read people, & she's trustworthy.


10:44 PM BBT Vanessa tells Becky she really didn't know if she knew about anything. She says, Becky may just be collateral. She tells Becky she believes her. Becky says, she's talked more game to her, Clay, Shelli & Jackie, & it's been minimal. Becky says, where Vanessa is good at things, she waits for facts. Becky says, she hasn't had valuable information because she only had a 4 hour reign as HOH. Becky says, that's why she always asks them what's going on, because they will give her the direct facts. Liz gets called to the DR. Vanessa  asks if she thinks they can trust everyone in the 8 person alliance? Becky says, no.


10:46 PM BBT Becky tells Vanessa to not tell everyone in the group all the information. She says, just tell them what they need to know. They are strong in numbers. She says, she would not give them valuable information because who knows what will happen the next week. Becky tells Vanessa, do not tell your Army what you need your Generals to know. She says, give them short term information, not long term information, & strategy. Becky says, she's on the block, so she has to question whether someone is loyal to her. She says, she won't be surprised if the vote is 6 - 3 this week.


10:49 PM BBT Becky says, she will not sweep the votes in the house this week. She says, she trusts Vanessa, John, Shelli, Clay & Jackie to keep her. She says, since she voted Jeff out, she will not get the other people's votes. Vanessa says, she will tell Becky who one of the people are that voted for James after she talks to them. Becky says, she doesn't lock herself in rooms, or talk game to people. Becky says, it was so weird how Jeff would talk to her, & always questioned her about who she was talking to. Becky says, she wasn't one of the girls throwing herself at him & showing her t*ts to him. She says, f*** that. He says, it was good that Vanessa talked to her then. She says, Jeff apologized to her just before he left. James rings the HOHR doorbell.


10:53 PM BBT Vanessa tells James to come in. She tells him he didn't have to ring the doorbell, he can just walk in. James says, it's out of respect. They all talk about their DR sessions. Vanessa says, it's hard to go back & try to have the same reaction that they had before. BB says, HG's, you are not allowed to talk about your DR sessions with out HG's. All 3 of them say it along with BB. Vanessa says, ding, that's us. Becky leaves to get Meg to listen to the Drake music. Vanessa lets James listen. She says, on a scale of 1 - 10 he will give it a 3. James listens to it. He says, it's kind of soothing.


10:56 PM BBT Vanessa asks if he likes it? James says, so far, he doesn't dislike it. James says, it's good. Meg comes in, & tells James to get out. She says, she told James she wanted to go up & listen to music, & he went up there. She says, fine, I don't want to listen to music anyway right now, & she storms out of the HOHR. James asks Vanessa if they just had their first fight? Vanessa says, she doesn't know what that was. James says, the music is like love slow jam music. Vanessa asks what he rates it? He says, a 3 or 4. Vanessa says, a little more than she thought. She says, it's not like she does this for a living or anything being a DJ. Vanessa says, she likes all kinds of music. She says, very rarely is there something she doesn't like.


10:58 PM BBT James tells Vanessa he ate of the food he was given, & more after that. Vanessa says, they need to work out tomorrow. She asks James how he's doing? He says, he's doing good. Vanessa asks if he's chilling & laying low? James says, yes, how about her? She says, laying low. She says, she doesn't like when the paranoia is going on. Becky comes back to the HOHR. Vanessa tells her she likes her flannel shirt. Becky says, Abercrombie. James says, Abercrombie has some good flannel shirts. Becky says, they only do them twice a year, for back-to-school & Christmas. She says, they removed the moose logo. Vanessa asks what the age group is that shop at Abercrombie. Becky says, since it used to be a younger crowd with the logo. She says, since they removed the logo, the parents of the younger people going in the store, are now buying the clothes as well.


 ***Correction to the 9:16 PM BBT update. Becky's name was inadvertently missed in the update. She was at the dinner with Vanessa, Clay, James, Liz & Austin.***


11:07 PM BBT Idle chit chat in the KT between Meg, Jason, Johnny and Liz while Steve and Clay play chess up on the sky bridge with Shelli watching.


11:10 PM BBT Chess game over.  Clay beat Steve.  Meg shouts up to Clay when she opens the HOH door and asks if James is still listening to music.  Shelli shouts down that he is.  Steve heads down to the KT while Clay and Shelli head into the HOH.  Clay, Shelli, Becky, Vanessa and James are in the HOH.


11:15 PM BBT James wants to have a Darkmoon meeting.  Vanessa is on board but would like for the BY to open up so they have some room for HGs to spread out.  Clay agrees.


11:20 PM BBT Clay went down to the WC downstairs and Meg wandered into the HOH.  Idle chit chat continues down in the KT.  Becky has wandered down to the KT.  Up in the HOH Vanessa wishes she had some entertainment to provide.


11:26 PM BBT Up in the HOH Meg and Vanessa are telling James that the twins will be released into the house on Thursday.  James is shocked.  They tell him to go talk to her because she will talk to him about it.  James is shocked.  Meg says she told him.  James said he had just woke up.  Vanessa is shocked that he is the last to know about this.  Even Jackie has talked to her.


11:31 PM BBT Down in the KT discuss kids in stores.  Becky will stop kids from running in her stores.  Jason tells a story that a woman let her kid pee his pants and pulled out a clean pair of clothes for the kid to put on.  Jason said the kid will probably be traumatized for being allowed to pee in public.  James goes downstairs to talk to Liz.  He goes straight down to her and says "wow...."  Liz pulls him into the OBR and he says "...you never told me..."  Liz says she hates him (playfully).  She thought he knew.  He is shocked.  He wonders if they're going to be cuddling in the bed together.


11:37 PM BBT Some of the KT group has moved to the LR.  Jason, Shelly, James, Becky, Jackie, Liz and Johnny discussing the twins with Jason and James leading the conversation.  James scared Julia when he jumped out of the trash bag.  Idle chit chat between Vanessa and Meg as she plays with the headphones.


11:43 PM BBT Up in the HOH says her voice is constantly raspy because she’s using it all the time.  Meg says she’s loud.  Vanessa asks if she’s Chef Joe (BB14).  Meg says “Oh no….probably!”  Down in the LR talk is about the twins and the twist still.


11:53 PM BBT Chit chat continues up in the HOH.  Vanessa and Meg discussing people in the walls watching them and how much it weirds them out.  Vanessa says she plays games with them and will hear them coming to one mirror and she'll run to another and then run back.  FoTH.



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