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Friday, July 17 2015 Big Brother 17 Live Feed Updates


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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !

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Remember your time zones. Big Brother USA Time is Pacific Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.

To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. http://www.mortystv.com/images/bb17/bb17castquide.pdf

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

Activities of Daily Living = ADLs

Battle of the Block = BotB

Back Yard = BY

Bedroom = BR

Cabana Room Lounge = CRL

Comic Book/Colorful Room = CBR

Da'Vonne = da

Dining Table = DT

Have-Not Room = HNR

Head of House Room = HOHR

Kitchen = KT

Indoor Lock Down = ILD

Living Room = LR

Ocean / Grey Bedroom = OBR

Outdoor Lock Down = OLD

Storage Room = SR

Washroom Area = WA

Water Closet = WC

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If you post questions or start conversations with each other here, they will be deleted.

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12:01 AM BBT  Shelli and Liz are called to the Diary Room


12:04 AM BBT All the HGs gather in the living room waiting for Liz and Shelli to come out of the Diary Room.  They expect to hear who the Have-Nots are going to be.  Vanessa notes that they haven’t had their “Takeover” yet.


12:11 AM BBT  Feeds go to FotH.  When they return the HGs have left the living room.  Becky, Meg, Jackie, John, Jason, and Austin.  Austin talking about how Clay Aiken music works for everything.


12:12 AM BBT James and Vanessa in the Ocean BR talking about food and overeating.  Vanessa is disgusted with herself for eating poorly and not working out.  James gives her an out saying it’s hard when you don’t have access to the BY, but Vanessa points out that Austin works out anyway. 


12:16 AM BBT Feeds go out for a bit again, and we come back to James setting up one of the beds in the HOHR as if someone is in the bed.  Shelli comes in and asks if “she” is sleeping (pointing to the made-up bed), and they laugh. 


12:17 AM BBT Audrey is talking to Clay in the HOHR.  They’re discussing the HOH competition.  Clay was trying too hard…he was trying to memorize more minute details and then didn’t pay attention to basics like how many dancers there were.  Becky joins Vanessa, James, and Shelli in the Ocean BR.  They think Audrey will think it’s cute that they made up the bed to look like she is sleeping in it.


12:21 AM BBT Audrey telling Clay that she is tired of having to prove herself.  Audrey asks if they trust her, and Clay reassures her [even though they don’t trust her because they think she could be America’s player].  Clay is understanding, saying that it’s natural to get paranoid in the house.


12:23 AM BBT Audrey tells Clay that she thinks she has gained John’s trust because she gave him a heads-up about Jeff and he didn’t believe it, but then it proved out.  Clay talks about the people he is worried about…a group that would have 7 votes.  Audrey thinks that if Steve feels like he is a target he will spill a lot of information. Audrey thinks that Steve is with Becky and Johnny Mac, but Clay doesn’t see them working that out.  Audrey thinks Steve threw the HOH.  Clay points out that he missed the first question too, and he wasn’t trying to throw it. 


12:28 AM BBT  Audrey says that Jason is her number 1 target.  Audrey suggests putting up Jason and Meg on one side and Becky and Steve on the other.  Clay suggests putting up Jason with Johnny Mack and asking John to throw the BotB again.  Clay thinks it’s pointless to put up Meg. 


12:32 AM BBT  Jason joins James, Vanessa, and Shelli in the Ocean BR and lays next to the fake Audrey.  Steve comes in and asks if that’s Audrey.  Steve points out that they put her in the wrong place because that’s not the bed that she normally sleeps in.  Audrey finally comes in.  They compliment her on how good she looks wearing Austin’s top hat.  Audrey notices the fake sleeping Audrey and tells them it’s pretty good. 


12:36 PM BBT Clay is in the KT with Meg and John.  They’re talking about salad dressings.   John is pondering why “Thousand Island” is called that.  John says if they got together they could buy an island off of Nova Scotia.   Clay is eating Rice Krispies and honey pretzels. 


12:40 PM BBT Audrey breaks out a British accent and Vanessa responds with a convincing Scottish accent.  They try out different accents.    


12:43 PM BBT Shelli talking to Jackie in HOHR.  Shelli grilling Jackie about Jeff’s game.  Shelli doesn’t understand why Jeff broke up the alliance they had with Shelli/Clay, Jeff/Jackie, and John.  Shelli felt that Jeff was not protecting 3 of the 5 people in their alliance.  He was targeting the “power couple”[shelli and Clay] and telling everyone that he and Jackie were not that close and making her seem expendable.    Jackie explains that she was frustrated with him and the fact that he wouldn’t talk to her at all. 


12:50 PM BBT Clay and James in the WA brushing and flossing and talking about who has been HOH so far.  Clay is tired of all the speculation.  Clay asks James if Audrey was talking game to James when Clay walked in.  James says that Audrey thinks it was Steve and Becky who had the unexpected votes against James.  Clay hates that it’s all assumptions and they have no facts. 


12:52 PM BBT In the WA, James tells Clay that Audrey suggested that James get closer to John now that Jeff is gone. 


12:54 PM BBT Jackie telling Shelli that Austin seems to be more concerned about his career after the show.  He told her that he sometimes plays things up for the show.  Shelli thinks that makes a lot of sense, and that she thinks that Austin is flippant with information.  Sometimes Austin doesn’t really know what he’s saying, and he generally just passes on whatever he hears.  Austin told Jackie that he was trying to protect Jackie from being backdoored.  Shelli tells Jackie that Austin made that up.  When Jackie checked with Vanessa, Vanessa told her that Jackie’s name never came up.  Austin just came to her again that Liz was thinking of putting her up.  Shelli advises Jackie to talk more game because people say they don’t know where she stands. 


1:00 AM BBT Shelli is telling Jackie that she changes the subject when Audrey starts talking game because Audrey comes up with a lot of disconnected theories that confuse Shelli.  Shelli reiterates that Jackie and Becky both should try to sprinkle a bit of game.  Jackie notes that it seems like no one really wants to get rid of Audrey.  Shelli says that she hasn’t had a chance to talk to Liz so she isn’t sure how that will play out.  She knows she doesn’t want to have to calm Audrey’s paranoia all the time.  Shelli tells Jackie that she has no idea who she is going to target.  Shelli asks Jackie if she knows where Becky stands.  Jackie says that she and Becky are not working together.  They don’t talk game. 


1:06 AM BBT Jackie tells Shelli that she wouldn’t blame Liz if Liz put her (Jackie) up because they haven’t talked game at all.  They talk about Liz not talking game at all, and about her being a twin, and Shelli says she doesn’t know what it would mean even if that were true.  Shelli is wondering what the twist is going to be. 


1:09 AM BBT Jackie says everything feels weird to her right now with Jeff gone.  Shelli tells her that she feels for Jackie isn’t planning to put her through being on the block and she doesn’t plan to backdoor her, but she doesn’t know what Liz is going to do because she hasn’t had a chance to talk to her and doesn’t even know where she is.  Jackie says that Liz in in the DR.  Jackie is still weirded out by Austin.


1:11 AM BBT James and John are in the WA.  James asks John if he has talked to Shelli and Clay yet.  John says no, and James lets him know that John is safe on Shelli’s side of HOH.  Liz is out of the DR, talking to Austin in HOHR.


1:16 AM BBT Liz talking to Jackie in the her HOHR.  Becky goes through to Shelli’s “office”.  Jackie telling Liz about how weird it is without Jeff and also how difficult it was trying to play the game with Jeff there.  Liz says it’s worked in her favour that she didn’t talk so much like Jeff did.  Jackie feels like she couldn’t have Jeff’s back because he didn’t even know what he was up to.    


1:18 AM BBT Becky is telling Shelli how shocked she is when she hears about where people think she is aligned.  People have a lot of random theories about Becky.  Shelli tells Becky she is concerned about whether all those theories are coming from Audrey.  Becky wonders how much of the theories about her came from Da’Vonne.  A lot of it stopped when Da’Vonne left.  Da’Vonne was Shelli’s target long before the house got upset with Audrey, and Audrey had given her a lot of information that saved her.  Becky is trying to make an effort to stop avoiding Audrey.  Becky wants to work with Clay and Shelli and since they trust Audrey, Becky is trying to be more open to the idea of Audrey being someone to work with.  Shelli tells Becky the same thing she told Jackie about not knowing the plan with respect to Audrey.  


1:23 AM BBT Jackie tells Liz that her game is basically to try and get along with everyone.  She tells Liz that she is cool with Austin [even though she told Shelli that Austin is a concern for her].  Liz tells Jackie that she doesn’t know what to do.  Jackie asks Liz to please let her know if she is planning to put her up and lets Liz know that Austin warned her she might be going up as a pawn.  Liz tells her that there are bigger fish to fry, and tells Jackie that she will let her know.


1:28 AM BBT Becky and Shelli talking about Liz and the twin twist, and Jeff’s behaviour around Liz.  Becky notes that it’s pure speculation, but she thinks Liz may have been one of the votes against James.  Becky’s speculation is based on the belief that Jeff had gotten direct confirmation of the twin twist and that he was in a position to help Liz with the twist.


1:36 AM BBT Becky asks Shelli if she is on Shelli’s block this week and Shelli gives an emphatic no and tells Becky she needs help figuring it out!  Becky thinks Steve is more likely to be America’s player than Audrey is.  Becky thinks that Steve threw the HOH comp, and she doesn’t know who Steve is working with. 


1:40 AM BBT Jackie leaves the HOHR and Meg comes up to talk to Liz.  Meg feels like she has nothing to say to Liz.  They talk about the fourth vote (they were expecting one weird vote, but not two), but don’t have any theories of who it was.  Meg tells Liz she has her support.  Liz tells Meg she loves her and enjoys laughing with her.  Liz tells Meg that she isn’t planning to put her up.   


1:45 AM BBT Becky and Shelli walk through Meg and Liz’s meeting and leave the HOHR.


1:46 AM BBT Liz asks Meg who she thinks is a threat to her game.  Meg just says she feels thrown off and doesn’t know.  Shelli and Vanessa barge through looking for Vanessa’s face wipes.  Vanessa and Shelli go into Shelli’s HOHR.  Meg tells Liz that she thinks this week is a blank page.  Liz says that Audrey is someone who would have to be backdoored, and Audrey is not someone that Liz is afraid of. 


1:48 AM BBT Shelli is telling Vanessa that she is only going to half-listen to Austin. She tells Vanessa that Liz is thinking of putting Jackie up, but Shelli likes Jackie and has a good rapport with her.  Vanessa tries to explain where Austin is coming from, and ends up admitting that maybe Austin is just not really good at the game.  Shelli shares what Jackie said about Austin being worried about performing.  Vanessa tries to defend Austin’s intentions because Shelli wants Austin to clear things with them before he does them. 


1:56 AM BBT Shelli tells Vanessa about Becky’s theory that Liz might be the fourth vote, and about Becky’s observation that a lot of the rumours about her stopped after Da’Vonne left.  Becky and Liz are talking in the other HOHR about the HOH competition and about the bagel pizza pockets that Becky made.  Liz asks how Becky’s convo with Shelli went, and Becky says it went well.  Liz tells Becky that she appreciates that Becky didn’t put her up when Becky was HOH.  Clay comes in looking for Shelli.

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2:00am-3:00am BBT: Shelli and vanessa talk about Nominations and that they need to be very careful of Austin since he told Jasckie that Liz may nominate her.Vanessa says that is no big deal that he told her. Shelli says that becky told her that Jeff had told her that he always filled Liz in on things after she  came back in the house and that she might have been the one who voted to keep jeff in the house.Vanessa says Becky might just be trying to  protect herself. Vanessa then  tells Shelli that she may need to  stay as the HOh this week cause it could be  to hard for Liz and Julia to catch up on things through a switch.

Vanessa ask Shelli who she wants to nominate with Joson and shelli ask if she can nominate Steve and vanessa says she could if that is all there is and then vanessa ask about nominating James.

3:00am-4:00am BBT: Clay ask Liz if she wants to stay the HOh this week, Liz says she wants to but then  she does not know if she can fill Julia in fast enough as they switch places and it might be hard for Julia to take over. Vanessa then ask Liz who she wants to put on the block and Liz says james are Jason as her main target with jackie being the next target. Vanessa and Austin then tell Liz that  you can trust james more than jason. Vanessa then tells her that Shelli is going to nominate jason so she could nominate James.

Steve tells Shelli that everything is always his fault and he is tired of it and that he does not think there is an Americas player, He thinks someone is just throwing  votes out there. Styeve then tells Shelli that she would have no blood on her hands if she went after Audrey.Shelli is not sure what she wants to do. Steve is leaving and ask if she will be nominating him and Shelli tells him no she will not nominate him.

4:00am-5:00am BBT: Austin, Liz, Clay, Shelli and vanessa  talk about who they will be nominating and Liz says she is nominating Becky and Jackie. Shelli then tells them that Audrey had  said earlier to put her on the block with Beckym so that they could win the BOTB and be safe this week. Then they talk about nominating Jason with Jackie and asking jackie to throw the BOTB. Vanessa is worried that maybe this will be to much and maybe they are trying to control to much in the house and it could look bad on Shelli.

Vanessa says we could nominate Becky, Jason, Jacke and Steve  and  not ask anyone to throw the BOTB just let it  go to whoever wins it. They all talk about going to bed and talking again in the  morning when Bb wakes them up.

5:00am-6:00am BBT: Hg head to bed and Liz and Austin talk a little about nominations and what to do then say goodnight. Steve goes to the Dr to get them to turn lights out and Shelli and clay snuggles in the HOH bed.

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 8:33am BBT: After a brief FOTH Austin gets up and turns on the HOH rm light then goes back to bed. Steve is called to the DR. All other HG still in bed sleeping.

8:39am BBT: Shelli and Liz are up in the HOH Wa doing ADL's. John now up in the KT eating cereal.

8:44am BBT: Austin and Meg in the WA doing ADL's Liz comes in and looks in the mirror. Shelli in the HOH WA doing make up.

8:52am BBT: Steve is eating in the kitchen and Liz is looking for clothes in the CBR. Austin goes in the KT to make himself a protein shake. John is sitting in the KT area all are silent.

8:57am BBT: Liz telling Shelli if they put Jackie James and Jason up then we have no one else you know what i mean? Shelli says yeah i hear you. Shelli says i think Jason is the one for me to put up cause i have a reason.

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9:00am BBT: James is now up and in the WA he goes and opens the WC door and Steve is in there and James yells and then says sorry Steve i swear i just woke up and i am so sorry you got me red handed. Meg is laughing as she just got out of the shower and is now doing ADL's.

9:10am BBT:Clay and Shelli in her HOh rm whispering really low as Liz and Austin are talking in her HOh rm about putting Becky on the block as they wait for the nomination ceremony to start.

9:12am BBT: Austin tells Liz  she would have to put Jason with Jackie. Liz agrees. Shelli talking to Clay says she is panicking and she is going to be pisses if she is not ready when nominations start. She walks in Liz's HOh rm and says  Clay is calm and i am freaking out. Clay says don't get mad at me as Shelli  finishes her make up.

 9:15am BBT: Austin tells Shelli  that Liz is worried about who to put next to Jackie. Austin then says that we can tell James  he gets POV then Becky goes up. Shelli says now i need help with mine . Austin says you can put up Jason and Johnny Mack and then Becky be the replacement that might be the only way for that to happen. Vanessa comes in and they start to tell her  about noms and we get foth.

 9:21am BBt: Vanessa is telling Shelli, Liz and Austin and Clay how this works.  She says put up Jackie and Becky and Jason and Steve and Becky can not win. Austin says yea but if we use Becky as a replacement. Vanessa yells yeah but if she is a target put her up.Vanessa says just let them play and do not control it cause listen to me and ask Austin trying to control the POV is hard very hard.

 9:30am BBT: Vanessa still telling Shelli, Liz, Clay and Austin who they need to put up on the block. Clay says so who do we put against who and Austin says you could put Jackie and Jason against Becky and Steve and if one comes out put Johnny Mack up as a replacement.

 9:34am BBT: Vanessa still in HOh rm talking and Shelli says what ya'll are making no since to me right now i hear you talking but i can not comprehend this.  Vanessa says ok it is your choice  you are in control and it will all work out no matter what you do. I am going to go and let you work all this out i can not tell you what to do. Shelli says ok but and Vanessa stops her and says i told you what to do. Shelli says i just do not want anyone coming after me.

 9:37am BBT: Vanessa still in HOH telling Shelli and Liz how to do nominations . Shelli is all confused. Shelli says why dont i make this east and put up Audrey and Vanessa stops and looks stunned. Vanessa then says alright do what you want to do and i am going down now. Austin tells shelli after Vanessa leaves to do what your gut tells you to do. 

#Bb17 9:43am BBT: Clay goes downstairs and  is talking to John. They are whispering really low and Audrey comes in and Clay ask her to give them a second then Audrey looks at them and then leaves. Austin in the HOh rm talking to Shelli about putting Audrey up and Shelli says that she has her loyalty. Austin says well Liz is now going to put up Becky and James. Shelli ask is she doing that and Austin says yeah cause she is worried about the Jackie/Becky thing. Austin then says Liz is trying to protect herself and shelli says is she protecting herself or is this you protecting yourself? Austin says no it is Liz. Clay comes back to HOh rm as Austin leave sand tells Shelli that john trust them and  will go up and Shelli hugs him and says see this is why i need you. then we get FOTH.

9:50am BBT: We are now on Jeff's Reels as the HG are doing Nominations.

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11:10 AM BBT  We are still on Jeff's reels because the HG are at the nomination ceremony. Austin reported that Liz was going to put up Becky and James. Shelli was struggling about whether to put up Audrey or not. She is considering Jason as well and John told Clay to have Shelli put him up again. We will know soon!


11:20 AM BBT  Shelli is in the have-not room talking to Jason. She tells him that she is very, very seriously considering putting her up right now. Liz is in the HOHR talking to Jackie. Liz tells Jackie that she is not the target and to go get her beauty sleep.


11:25 AM BBT  Jackie leaves the HOHR and Austin comes in. Liz tells him that people have such balls. She tells him that Jackie keeps asking if she's the target. She told Jackie that she doesn't mind being dethroned. Meanwhile, Shelli is talking to John in the CRL. She says that she doesn't want to keep putting him up to throw competitions. She put him up and he can try to win it. She says she will never ask him to throw another competition. He doesn't have to throw it...she loves having him there with them.  They decide to stay in there so he can come out looking upset after talking. Shelli's nominations are John and Jason.


11:27 AM BBT  Liz and Austin are talking about how shady Jackie is. They say that she kept her cool so well when Jeff was there but she can't play without him. Austin says he wouldn't want James to go but he wouldn't mind if they stayed on the block. Liz's nominations are Jackie and James.


11:30 AM BBT  Liz and Austin are talking about what to tell her sister so she can keep it all straight. She says the good news is that if they win HOH next week they will probably just put her right up rather than backdoor her. Shelli is done talking to John now and Austin tells her that he was able to tell James ahead of time that it might happen. They tell her about Jackie talking to Liz. James comes into the room to talk to Liz. Austin tells her it was a tough decision for her and that if they stay up they didn't want him backdoored.


11:35 AM BBT  Liz tells James that she hopes they win and she is dethroned but that if they stay up he isn't the target. Austin says that they believe Jackie would go home above him. James says that he's not the sharpest crayon in the box...that he can win physical comps but he isn't good with fabrics and dance comps, etc. He tells them he isn't angry, hugs them and leaves the HOHR. Liz tells Austin she can't even think about who else she would have put up. She says she's going to tell Steven that she didn't put him up and he better have their backs.


11:40 AM BBT  Jason is talking to Meg, John, and Jackie. He says that he's given the b*tch (Audrey) chances and chances and chances and she threw him under the bus by going to Shelli and telling her that he's "coming for her." He says he's naive because he thought she wasn't Lucifer and now he realizes that she is. He says he hasn't talked game with her since day 10. Jason says that Jeff was good because he was saying different things to different people...kind of like Audrey does.


11:43 AM BBT  Audrey and Shelli are talking in the CRL. Audrey says that Vanessa keeps saying that she doesn't know what's going on and she obviously does. Shelli says it's because she didn't know what she was doing until the last minute. Shelli says she doesn't know who to target. The only person she can think to target is Jason because of what she (Audrey) told him. She heard it from Clay and Jeff, too. Audrey asks if she told Jason that she heard it from her. Shelli says that she can tell Jason whatever she wants to tell him. Audrey says that she heard it from other people.


11:46 AM BBT  Audrey tells Shelli that she heard from Clay and Jeff that Jason was "coming for her." Shelli says that she has had her back and would continue to until she gives her a reason not to and she's starting to do so. She tells her she does not appreciate her saying she heard it from Clay because she has told her many times she heard it directly from Jason. Audrey asks her why she would tell Jason that she heard it from her. Shelli says that Jason knows they are close. Audrey asks why she didn't just say she heard it from Jeff.


11:50 AM BBT  Shelli says that she's concerned because she tells her different things and she's gets confused talking to her. Audrey thinks that Jason will solely target her now. Shelli says that she's sorry. That's how honest she is...she messed up. She shouldn't have won HOH. Everyone expects her to put Audrey up or backdoor her and she doesn't plan to do that. Audrey says that she thinks that Shelli is intelligent so she thinks it takes the heat off of Shelli and puts it on Audrey. She thought they were working to clear her name and that's not doing it.


12:00 PM BBT  In the KT James tells Clay that Austin and Liz think he would stay over Jackie. They discuss that John is up for whatever and that they respect him because he came to play. James says it's rough because any HOH has tough decisions to make. Shelli and Audrey are still discussing who Audrey thinks should have been nominated. Shelli hopes she is dethroned. She really wishes she hadn't won. James says that it would be amazing if John won the veto comp again. It would be like Frank winning everything in season 14. They talk about how they wish they would get some physical comps. We get FOTH.


12:05 PM BBT  James goes into the OBR. John, Jason, and Meg are in bed together. Becky and Jackie are in bed together. James tells Jason not to kick his butt. Jason says that he needs to win so that he can scream at some b*tches. John says that he will need to kick his butt, too. Jason says that he and Jackie should just let him and John win so it will be a good show this week. He says that if they win he can just scream at people all week and he can't do that unless he wins. James says that if there's clothes or fabric on any tables outside, he's in trouble.


12:10 PM BBT  Shelli and Audrey are still talking in the CRL about who Shelli should have nominated. Audrey says that she's nervous to tell her stuff now because she doesn't know if she can trust her. James is talking about hitting your penis a certain way when it's erect and it hurts really bad. BB decides they don't like that conversation and change feeds 3 and 4 to the HOHR where Liz and Austin are laying down head to toe on the bed. Austin has his arm across her legs.


12:18 PM BBT  Vanessa is up in the HOHR room now. She wants to know who decided to put James up. She said that Clay has been close to James all day. She says that Becky and Jackie are down there talking shadily. They don't know what's going on with Becky the last few days. They think Becky is a good backdoor option on either side. Vanessa says that worst case scenario is that Jackie goes home. She tells him everything they are saying down in the OBR. She says she doesn't know why they think they can talk in front of her, but they are and she will report everything to them.


12:22 PM BBT  Shelli and Audrey are STILL in the CRL talking about the fact that Shelli told Jason she heard he was "coming for her" from Audrey. They decide they are going to tell him that Audrey heard it from Jeff and Shelli is going to confirm it. They finally leave the CRL. Meanwhile, in the HOHR, Vanessa says that she would love it if she, Liz, and Austin would build a bridge with James and they have to work to make sure Shelli and Clay don't. Now Audrey is talking to Jason in the LR. She tells him she heard it from Jeff and she didn't know who Shelli was nominating.


12:30 PM BBT  Audrey tells Jason that she believes Shelli told him this to deflect her nominations. Clay and Shelli have come up to the HOHR and they are talking about James. They talk about how he really seems to be OK with being nominated and that they have both told him that of the two of them, Jackie is their target. Vanessa tells them that the other thing that's good is that no one downstairs thinks that Clay and Shelli and Liz and Austin are allies. Vanessa also says that Steve is very smart and is someone with which to build a bridge.


12:35 PM BBT  James and Audrey are talking in the WA. She is worried they are going to ask him to throw the comp to get Jackie out or because they really want to get him out. He is worried because they put him right back up. He says they vote to keep him in the house but then put him right back on the block. James says if he stays and wins and then gets HOH next week, he has every right to put any of them on the block. He says he thought they would put up Becky or Steve. She tells him that Shelli said she had no idea who Liz was putting up but she doesn't believe it because the 2 HOHs talk. James says he doesn't understand why anyone would put him because he hasn't threatened anyone in this game.


12:40 PM BBT  Audrey tells James that he has to go play hard so he can show them that he's no pawn. In the HOHR Shelli is telling Clay, Vanessa, Liz, and Austin that she told John to play to win. Vanessa tells them that she heard Jason tell John that he better not throw it because he will drag his corpse around if he tries and that John told him what Shelli said about playing to win.


12:50 PM BBT  Shelli and Clay go into her HOHR and she tells him about talking to Jason in the have not room. She says that Jason asked who told her that he said he was coming for her. She said the 2 obvious people... Jeff and Audrey. She fills him in on their entire conversation Then she tells him about her conversation with John and how she told him to win the BOTB. Meanwhile, James is talking to Vanessa in the WA. She tells him she had no idea he was being nominated. She wants to build a bridge with him and work with him.


12:58 PM BBT  Shelli tells Clay that John wants to bring Becky into their alliance to replace Jeff. He also says that she has offered him a final 2 deal and that she's very skeptical of Steve, so she isn't working with him. She asked John if he let Audrey think that he's down with that and he said that he did. Shelli tells Clay that Audrey keep trying to turn her against Vanessa and Clay says that she is doing the same thing to him.

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1:03pm BBT James and John talking about being on the block again. Audrey whispers to James while playing with her mic so we cant hear. In the KT Steve, Kim and Vanessa are whispering. Vanessa pulls Steve to lounge to tell him that Clay/Shelli know he is working with the 3 of them. He swears that this will not get back to her. She says they were testing her, to see if she was loyal to them.


1:13pm BBT In HOH Clay talking to Shelli and Jason comes in. They tell him that John was a last minute decision. Shelli tells him to play it, he will see that John is playing it too. They think James threw it last week.


1:19pm BBT Shelli says she cant keep protecting Audrey. Jason says you cant tell her anything, no matter what he cant trust her. Shelli says she is a good player but some things she has no control of. Some things she may have no choice. Clay says you cant trust her vote. Jason says she told him she voted for Da and is now denying it.


1:22pm BBT In the main HOH, Liz tells Austin they need to not tell them (Clay/Shelli) so much. Ppl are going to try to target us or them, they have done more damage then we have. Liz says they (BB) havent done the twist yet, she is dying over here. Maybe it happened during the live show. Austin says it could be over.


1:26pm  BBT Vanessa/Steve in lounge. She says Austin gets emotional. Steve says he would have told her if he had voted the other way. Liz is called to DR. Austin is not happy, says he will miss her. They hug. She says tell her (Julia) she has one little glass of wine.


1:33pm BBT Shelli/Clay/Jason still talking about how paranoid Audrey is, how she over thinks/talks things. Jason says if John looks like he is throwing it he will ream him a new.......Shelli says he wont throw it. Jason tells them that if they ever hear anything about him bring it to him.

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1:37pm BBT Jason leaves HOH and goes to bed, Vanessa leaves Steve and goes to bed. Audrey joins Shelli/Clay in HOH. She tells them that John said he was going to fight for it and he does believe it was last second nom. Audrey is worried that if John wins HOH next he will mess everything up. That him being nom again will make him go after them. Shelli says she said it in her nom speech, she is an honest player.


1:41pm BBT John/Steve/Austin in KT talk about how next HOH could be Enduro, when will they have a physical comp. They think after 5th eviction is Jury. They talk about past seasons. (Austin and Steve know BB)


1:52pm BBT Steve/John/Austin in KT, Steve wonders if they will have BOtB and HN together. He is going to eat, he is very hungry. In HOH, Audrey is worried that John will be mad at her because he was nom. Shelli tells her she had nothing to do with John being nommed.

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1:55pm BBT Shelli says that she has no recollection of Audrey saying she wanted John not to be nom. Audrey says she brought up the point that if she didnt put up Johnny that he probably wouldnt put her (Shelli) up when he wins HOH. Audrey repeats that John may be skeptical of her now. Shelli says come on, its not your job.


2:01pm BBT Clay leaves and Audrey tells Shelli that Vanessa/Steve were in lounge for a while talking. Shelli says Austin is not a smart player. Audrey says every time she talks to Vanessa about Steve she defends him. Shelli says she will look for it. Audreys fear is to be used to split ppl up. It would be bad if it was one of her allies or something.


2:06pm BBT Julia reads Liz HOH letter, she cries. Audrey/Shelli come thru main HOH and hug her. She says they will probably be doing BOtB soon so she is going to freshen up. The others head to KT for food.

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2:10pm BBT Austin goes to HOH and while Liz (Julia) does her nails he catches her up.


2:15pm BBT (Julia) asks why was Jackie nom. Austin says they have been arguing. Maybe because of him...jk...well maybe on Jackie part. Liz questioned him over laying in bed with Jackie. Austin saying that by not putting Becky up there it leaves her open to be backdoored.


2:25pm BBT Shelli joins Austin/Julia in HOH for more catch up. In KT: Clay and Steve clean up.


2:31pm BBT Shelli grabs dirty dishes and Julia says Liz left a mess, Shelli goes shhhhhhhh and takes the dishes down stairs. Shelli notices that the mirror above the KT sink is streaky and wipes it down again. Steve had cleaned it twice. Shelli gets a TY from BB, Steve says he never gets a TY. BB: Steve....TY.


2:40pm BBT More catch up in HOH. Austin tells her he only goes by his wrestling name in the DR...FOTH...he says its his alter ego. It's funny to have it only in the DR...FOTH....Austin says Liz almost said it, she caught on. Julia says she had a dream last night that she couldnt trust Shelli/Clay. Austin says they cant. They will eventually target Shelli/Clay but not yet. The house doesnt know that they are working with them.

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2:50pm BBT Austin tells Julia that when Liz won HOH she jumped into his arms. Shelli says she didnt see that. Austin says Shelli was in a blur of her own. Shelli gets in the other HOH bed, she had said before that it was not comfy, does Clay want another pillow? he says no.


2:54pm BBT Austin tells Julia that Audrey is Americas Player, she has to vote the way America wants her to.

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3:02pm BBT Julia asks why the spy screen doesnt work. Austin says cuz the BOtB is about to happen and it never works then. Shelli telling Clay that Liz/Julia/Austin dont know how to play the game. Austin tells Julia that Steve has a crush on Liz...or Julia...one of the two.


3:12pm BBT Austin still talking about what went on the last few days. Shelli telling Clay she was confused on who to noms. Clays says John is a POV master. Audrey has an eye for detail.


3:17pm BBT Shelli goes into the other HOH to get a tank top. Clay lays in bed and poses a white pillow over his groin area. The camera pans him from head to toe, zooms in on the pillow. (He's on his right side with his left knee raised, he is propping his head up with is right arm.) Shelli takes to long to come in and he rolls over onto his back.


3:36pm BBT Shelli/Clay flirt back and forth. Julia/Austin still catching up.


3:47pm BBT Shelli/Clay play the "do you prefer" game, still flirting. Julia puts the head phones on....FOTH


3:50pm BBT Steve and John in the KT talking about past season comps. Steve says he is surprised BB brought back BOtB since the internet didnt want it back. John says he liked the idea of the Coaches. Steve says the problem was that became a freeby for the coaches. It would have been better if there were 14 HG and kept the coaches for the season.


3:57pm BBT Talk in HOH turns to food as John joins Austin/Liz. Austin opens the Guacamole and they dip the chili Doritos in it.

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3:58 PM BBT Austin and Liz snacking in the HOHR while John looks on.  They are out of things to do and missing Netflix.  Shelli and Clay talking about drinking beers and eating sushi.



4:05 PM BBT Clay and Shelli talking about favourite desserts… pizookie [a giant cookie served slight undercooked a la mode, according to food.com -app] and tira misu.  Austin, Liz and John talking about workouts. 


4:11 PM BBT Shelli and Clay are laughing hysterically about how obsessive they both are with sweets. 


4:15 PM BBT Shelli, Clay and John talking in Shelli’s HOHR.  John tells them that Steve wants a final two with him.  John trusts Becky more even though they don’t talk a lot of game.  They ask him about Jackie and John says he doesn’t have a relationship with Jackie.  John suggests bringing in Steve and Becky, and then Becky would have Jackie on the outside.  Audrey’s name comes up …she thinks John will be upset at being on the block.  John tells them that Audrey always asks him to pick her for Veto.  John says that Audrey wants to work with him. 


4:25 PM BBT Vanessa whispering with Liz (Julia) in Liz’s HOHR.  Julia telling Vanessa some of what Liz told her, and then asks if she plays veto if she gets de-throned.  Vanessa says “only if you get picked”.  Audrey is called to the DR.  Vanessa asks Julia how long she is here, and Julia says she is there til Monday.  Julia will be in the house for the comps.  One more week to get through to the fifth eviction. 


4:31 PM BBT Liz, Vanessa, Austin, John and Shelli are all together in Liz’s HOHR.  They think Clay will be hosting the Battle of the Block.  Liz thinks it will be something like “Saved by the Bell.”  Shelli talks about feeding the fish.


4:35 PM BBT Vanessa tells a story about her half-brother having a big turtle and a little turtle, and when he tried to make them “kiss” the big turtle ate the little turtle.  Her brother was traumatized.  Vanessa is called to the DR.  Vanessa leaves the HOHR, and Clay returns.  Liz is anxious to get the BotB over with already. 


4:38 PM BBT Shelli is munching on snack food and then saying she is hungry.  Clay and Shelli leave to go find something to eat in the KT.  John asks Liz if he can nap on her couch because he doesn’t want to the Comic Book Room and get cornered in a conversation.  Liz tells John she is tired as she puts headphones on.  She finds it cold in the HOHR.


4:42 PM BBT Clay and Shelli munching on crackers in the KT.  Clay slicing some salami.  He prefers summer sausage.   Austin joins Liz and John in the HOHR.  He’s commenting on the picture of her parents.  Liz says she wants to dye her hair but she can't do it until the live show.  Austin says they don't want you to change your look during the week so that they can edit.


4:46 PM BBT John talking about the sleeping arrangements in the Comic Book Room. Jackie and Beckie moved, and Steve slept in their bed, so John had a bed to himself. They fall silent, as John and Austin snooze and Liz listens to music.


4:49 PM BBT Jackie and Becky in the KT with Clay and Shelli.  Clay and Shelli invite them to share the snacks they are eating.  The four of them are milling about the KT.  Vanessa comes out of the DR and Audrey is called to the DR.


4:55 PM BBT In the KT Jackie tells Shelli and Clay something that Liz said.  Liz pointed out to Jackie that with Jeff gone she is a free agent.  Jackie feels like Austin and Liz are trying to reel her in.  Shelli suggests it’s Austin trying to keep both of them close.  Jackie says she is going to talk to Liz.  Steve walks through the KT.  Shelli gets up to make coffee.  They wonder what is taking so long, and we get fish. 


4:58 PM BBT Feeds come back and the HGs in the KT are still milling about.  Audrey comes back from the DR and sits at the Dining Table.  Jackie is called to the DR. Shelli decides that she is going to take a nap because she’s tired of waiting for something to happen.


5:00 PM BBT Steve asks Becky what she made to eat, and she says “BBQ Pork Chops”  Steve is surprised because he thought they were pancakes.  “Not even close,” he says.


5:01 PM BBT In the WA, Clay is brushing his teeth as Vanessa looks on.  Audrey joins them.  Clay leaves and Vanessa and Audrey talk.  Vanessa tells Audrey that she thinks Audrey is on Shelli’s good side and that she’ll be ok.  They discuss votes, and they tell each other about dreams they had.    


5:09 PM BBT Audrey telling Vanessa that she feels like Liz is targeting her.  Vanessa listening sympathetically to Audrey’s concerns.


5:11 PM BBT Steve and James in the Comic Book Room.  They’re both wondering when the competition will be.  Steve says they’ve been done building for a few hours, and he thinks they are waiting for a night-time comp. 


5:15 PM BBT Becky and Jackie talking in the KT.  Clay is called to the Diary Room.   Audrey and Vanessa are still in the WA.  They are quiet and they hear some background noise that sounds like screams.  Audrey says it’s been playing all day.  FotH. 


5:19 PM BBT Jeff’s reels are playing.

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7:12 BBT: feeds are back, ( Jason and john lost bob comp Jackie and James won) shelli and Jason are in good storage room talking, Jason says knowing his luck he will go home the week he loses his job. He tells shell he officially loses his job on the 18th. Shelli says Jason theirs still more fight. He says I know it just sucks. He leaves storage and shelli yells we got food lots of food eggs and more and Clay and Austin come I to room.

7:14pm BBt: Jackie and James are talking in WA saying how it doesn't seem like people are happy for them and someone she must have to thank Jeff for this. James says to Jackie well the good thing is we are safe one more week, no back dooring us.

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6:20PM BBT: it's still Jeff's reels, the HGs are doing the BotB competition. 


7:08PM BBT: Feeds are back on Jackie threw up during the competition She is at the sink in the bathroom washing her face. Jason just came out of the shower. So did James. Johnny is in the shower now. 


7:15PM BBT: They now have food. James said to Jackie that they are now safe. which means they won the BotB. and Julia has been dethroned, and Shelli is still HoH FotH.


7:20PM BBT: Jason hurt his elbows during the competition. It appears that they got honey in their hair during the competition. The competition also had pumpkins in it. James and Johnny are talking about breaking pumpkins. 


7:25PM BBT: Jackie is still in the shower, Johnny is talking to Becky in bed, Jason is now downstairs. He is in the bedroom with Clay, Shelli, and James. They are still talking about the pumpkins. 


7:31PM BBT: In the bedroom Vanessa, Meg, Audrey, James, Jason, Clay and Shelli are just talking about the BotB competition. Jason is talking about past BB competitions. He says that the logs where really low. Shelli says that she knew has soon has she saw the honey. Jason says it was a very interesting competition. 


7:35PM BBT: the name of the BotB competition was GRunge BoB. the HGs are now just chatting. about action shop props.


7:40PM BBT: Clay goes into the other room with Becky and Johnny, Austin is sitting at the table eating, Julia is in the kitchen eating chips. BB tells her to put on her mic. (Julia just came out of the DR she maybe Julia)


7:45PM BBT: No that's Julia, Austin tells her that she has to return her robe, key, and pictures. We are getting very brief FotHs.


7:50PM BBT: Julia is in the storage room she takes something out of it because it has ants all over it. She is now in the HoH, Johnny and Steve are in the room. Julia is taking out trash of the HoH Austin is in the room with them. Steve says, Julia is moving her stuff out now. Steve says he is surprised that they are not bleeding. Meg is eating a banana at the table. Johnny is talking about how he had to break the pumpkins.


7:55PM BBT: Shelli, is going over how much food they got, lots of milk, eggs, and turkey. Audrey is sitting at the table. Austin is sitting at the counter, Steve is walking around. Becky is now in there, Steve says he will make a dirty towel bag. Clay is eating. Shelli is now up in her HoH room putting on her mic. She is now in the bathroom by the sink. Johnny is in the bed. Shelli tells Julia that she can use her shower, everyday. Julia is talking about what HoH stuff she can keep. Steve is putting dirty towels in a bag now.


8:00PM BBT: Julia and Shelli are now going through their HoH, Julia asked Shelli to keep her snacks up there, Shelli says "Yeah Yeah, come up and get them when you want." Julia is now packing up her things to take downstairs. Austin, is now talking to Johnny, Austin asked Johnny if he is still with him. Johnny yeah. now going over who will vote for him. Now talking about the veto. Julia is now moving downstairs.


8:05PM BBT: James and Clay are in the storage room, Looking at the food. Julia is in the bathroom. James walks up to the HoH room. He is the only one up there.


Meg and Jason are in the ocean room in bed. Shelli and Clay go into the HoH now. James asked if she is mad Clay yeah, she's mad about Jason. Clay says that it's because he used Jason as a scapegoat. He thinks that she is baiting him." They are talking about Jackie. 


8:10PM BBT: James and Shelli and Clay are still talking in the HoH, I think they are talking about Audrey, Shelli says she is mad at her because she told Jason the truth. Shelli says that she is not herself today, because she is on her back. James says that she is saying that John is mad. Shelli says that she is lying about that. Shelli says that Audrey came to her right before the BotB, telling her about a dream that she had. Shelli is saying I swear up one time. and I went to her, now she won't let me let that go.


8:15PM BBT: Clay says "Audrey is digging her own grave now." you think this is a setup?" James, "yeah, she used my name in the house." Shelli "She thinks she can trust Johnny now." James "Audrey says that Shelli won't take her to final two." Shelli "she is telling people that they are crazy if they work with us, she has to go, it is way too early there are 13 people left." James says we have to get Johnny off the block. She can't know about us talking. 


Shelli says "Jason has to know, Ill go talk to him." Clay says, "whoever wins PoV has to take off either Jason, or Johnny." 


8:20PM BBT: Vanessa comes into the HoH. She is eating ice cream. talk changes to pumpkins, Jackie is called to the DR.


8:25PM BBT: Jason and Johnny are talking in the OBR, Jason says he isn't going to run around talking to people, he is just going to do what he does, He can't lie to people to good.


8:31PM BBT: Jason is talking to Johnny still about bustin' his Ass in here on these competitions. And how some people in here are acting like there are at summer camp.


Shelli is now talking to Vanessa. About Audrey driving her crazy. Shelli is rehashing the BotB thing with Audrey and her dream. Shelli is saying that she is now thinking about back-dooring Audrey. Vanessa says she told Audrey not to go up there and bug Shelli. She is trying to sleep. But she did it anyway. Vanessa says that Audrey said her dream was about Her and Shelli had a screaming match. 


8:35PM BBT: Shelli is going over everything that has happened with Audrey to Vanessa now. everyone else is in the kitchen.  well Meg and Jason and Becky is. They are making food now.


8:40PM BBT: Clay is now talking to Audrey, in the colorful bedroom, Audrey says she thinks that Jason is talking shit about her. And Austin is being weird. Clay is saying that Shelli doesn't trust Austin. who is up in the HoH room Clay is telling Audrey that she is over reading everything. 


Austin is talking about Julia who cleans a lot. Austin asked Vanessa if she is sleeping in the purple room. Vanessa says she was but, not now  because of Audrey. Shelli says "Audrey looks mad." Vanessa "if Audrey feels threaten then what she going to do, link up with the other side?" Austin, "well how will she feel threatened by us?"


8:45PM BBT: Austin, "well I just hope she chills everything is working out, I have to win HoH next week."


Clay is still talking to Audrey, He is telling her it's a game. now talking about the BotB, he is saying that they didn't tell Johnny to throw it. He is telling her that they don't know about veto yet. Audrey is still worried about Shelli holding all this against her. now worried about the whole house Julia is called to the DR.


8:50PM BBT: Shelli is just going over how Audrey is messing up their game, and how she is following her around everywhere, And now how she was freakin' out over them putting up John and James. Shelli says that they need to get John off the block because he is giving them information. Vanessa is saying that she wants to ride up the middle. Shelli says that Audrey tried to make a final two deal with him. Shelli is saying that Audrey is telling everyone that her and Clay are running the house now.


8:55PM BBT: Austin and Julia are  in the bathroom just talking while Shelli is rehashing the whole Audrey thing with Vanessa. Julia says that Julia has bad rashes on her hands and nobody noticed it.


9:00PM BBT: Clay is now in the HoH, He is now telling Shelli what he just said to Audrey. Clay is saying that she is freakin' out thinking that Shelli is going to backdoor her. everyone else is now at the table eating Jason wants to smoke. 


9:10PM BBT: Austin is talking about what TV shows he likes, The Blacklist, and Game of Thrones. Meg says she watches a lot of Netflix. she likes all of the Netflix serious. Austin says the blacklist started out good but now it over the top. Meg is talking about a serious on Netflix.


9:15PM BBT: Austin is talking about a guy who asked a girl to marry him on the big screen at a ball game, and she said no because his penis was too small. And they made a documentary about it on Netflix.  


9:20PM BBT: they got a real beefcake in the storage room. Now they are talking about beefcakes. (shirts?) BB comes on and tells Austin (STOP IT!)


stop talking about the beefcakes.


9:25PM BBT: Now talking about 90's TV shows, and there is no roast beef in the house this week. Now talking about vitamins. and the different kinds. Shelli and Vanessa and Clay are still in the HoH room talking about Audrey. 


9:31PM BBT: Jason says to the live feeders, The oh Mylantis thing is mine all mine. so don't believe it." 


Becky is now in the HoH Jason comes to listen to Red Hot Chili Peppers. Now talking about music, Vanessa has now left the HoH. 


9:35PM BBT: Vanessa was in the bathroom she is still in the HoH, Shelli is going to sleep, Becky is also going to sleep on her sofa, And Clay is putting away food, Austin is now working out.


9:40PM BBT: Vanessa is in the purple room in bed, Julia is talking about taking a nappy.  She is in the room with Vanessa she says she wishes she would have won that. Vanessa tells her that it's a good thing, because now she can play next week. James and Austin are in the storage room talking. James is telling him that he is good with him. 


9:45PM BBT: James is making pizza, Clay is now cooking something Steve is now in the purple room with Julia and Vanessa, Julia says her neck really hurts. Steve is wondering why no Have-Nots yet. Could be part of the veto competition. Jason walks in.


9:50PM BBT: Clay has on a blond wig and is cooking, Jackie is laying in bed in the purple room 


10:00PM BBT: Jason is talking to Jackie, He thinks he is the target this week. He says he need to win veto. Jason "But that's the game try to drag someone else down." James comes in and tells Jason that he's good. Jason still thinks that Shelli will backdoor him James says no. Julia took James bed. Steve is walking in and out. Now talking about when Have-Nots will be. James it's part of the twist. Jason says "america make me a have not if it will save me. Ill take all the punishments they can have the rewards."

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9:54 PM BBT Jackie, Jason, James, and Vanessa are in the Ocean Bedroom talking about the competition and how close things were.  It sounds like there were mannequins and honey involved. James said it was definitely a fight.


10:01 PM BBT Liz is clearing her stuff out of the HOHR.  She is returning her HOH robe and her music to the Storage Room, and says bye.  Becky is laying on the HOHR couch.  Shelli and HOHR are watching the TV screen of what’s going on in the house. 


10:04 PM BBT Clay and Meg have joine the others in the Ocean BR.  Clay is wearing a platinum blonde wig.  They are talking about playing a prank on Meg and she thanks them for the warning.


10:06 PM BBT Becky and Shelli talking about working out and making good use of the BY when it’s available. 


10:09 PM BBT Jackie remains skeptical about the twin twist, and Jason says he can’t wait until she sees the twins side by side.  He can’t believe that she doesn’t see the differences. 


10:13 PM BBT Clay joins Becky and Shelli in the HOHR.  They tease him about his wig.  Clay really likes the wig.


10:18 PM BBT In the WA, Meg is flossing and James is brushing his teeth.  In the HOHR, Shelli, Clay and Becky talking about snoring and sleep, and how you sometimes can wake with a jolt when you are super tired.  They go on to talk about food. 


10:22 PM BBT In the HOHR, Becky, Shelli, and Clay are speculating about the next BB Takeover.  They wonder if it will happen during the PoV or something. 


10:25 PM BBT James and Meg are whispering in the WA.  James thinks that Jason would have three solid votes and would only need two more.  Meg says that last week was so risky.  James could have gone home.  Becky is coming in and out of the WA trying to do some cleaning.  They talk about Jeff and how he was using emotion to try and manipulate others into keeping him.  Meg tells James that Jeff never tried to switch Meg’s vote.


10:29 PM BBT Shelli, Clay and Austin are in the Living Room.  Shelli is munching.  Clay asks Austin if he would still give Clay kisses on the cheek with his hair like this.  Austin says sure.  Shelli says yes if he says the right thing.  That starts a jokingly philosophical conversation about right and wrong.  Austin:  “Pontification with Clay and Austin.”  Shelli says it creeps her out when people go to bed on time. 


10:32 PM BBT Austin is working out in the LR.  Becky is in the KT.  Meg is trying out Clay’s wig in the WA.  Becky joins Clay, James and Meg in the WA, and laughs about Meg trying the wig.  James wants to give Meg another name while she is wearing the wig.  Becky suggests “Marilyn.”  Meg has trouble with the headband, and says that Clay is better at being a girl than she is!  She figures it out and Becky says “yeahhh…hot!”


10:40 PM BBT  Meg is showing off the wig to various HGs.  James has the hiccups.  Shelli is in and out of the Storage Room and brings Clay a treat.  Meg hands off the wig to Austin.   Austin tries it on and comes into the KT saying he feels really good.


10:44 PM BBT Austin loves the wig, but he gives it back to Clay.  Clay hands it to Becky to try on and Becky goes to the WA to put it on.  She comes back rocking it. 


10:51 PM BBT Lights are out in the Ocean BR.  Austin is in the WA getting ready for a shower.  Meg, Shelli Clay, and Becky are sitting at the Dining Table chatting and James is looking in the fridge.  Shelli is still talking about food… she tells the group how she likes her pizza.


10:55 PM BBT In the KT, the discussion about pizza continues with comparisons of the different kinds of crust.


10:57 PM BBT Johnny Mack comes into the KT, and is told he has to try on the wig.  He readily complies but has trouble with the headband.  Clay helps him out.  They tell him “oh wow, it looks so natural!” [which, of course, it doesn’t]  Johnny keeps the wig on, and says that he looks like Meg.


11:03 PM BBT In the KT, Meg comments on how empty the house feels.  They talk about how it gets more boring when there are fewer people, and that’s why the do different things like give the HGs a dog.  Shelli loves that idea of a Puppy Takeover. 


11:06 PM BBT James and Shelli are drilling Meg on whether she has ever camped or sat around a campfire and done s’mores, or gone in a canoe, or jumped through a creek, swung on a tire swing into a river.  Shelli is incredulous that Meg is so sheltered.  Shelli doesn’t think Meg would like sleeping in a tent.


11:12 PM BBT Austin is out of the shower and has joined the group in the KT.  Becky is cleaning the floor near the sliding door.  In the Comic Book Room, all is quiet as the HGs there are sleeping. 


11:16 PM BBT Meg is talking about sleep and feeling sleep-deprived..  They didn’t have a full night of sleep last night.  Vanessa says that today felt like swimming upstream.  Meg says to James that they are making a sleep pact that they will actually sleep tonight.  James refuses, and then says he is just trying to make her made because she’s hot when she’s mad.


11:19 PM BBT Vanessa is talking about how she has gained weight.  She went from a flat stomach that she was proud of to having a muffin top.  She says it started when she was a Have-Not.  After that she felt like she had to eat everything, and then being HOH she had so much food.  Meg is still trying to convince James to go to sleep at a reasonable hour and let her sleep.


11:21 PM BBT James has made a pizza that everyone is saying looks good.  Vanessa says she’ll have a piece.  At the Dining Table, Shelli is putting polish on her nails.  John and Meg are sitting at the table, and Jason joins as well.  Vanessa, Austin and James are standing at the KT counter. 


11:26 PM BBT   Shelli speculates that the BB Takeover might be a luxury comp that decides Have-Nots.  Meg says she gives up trying to guess what the Takeover might be.  Shelli thinks it was probably dumb to think it would be the same every week.


11:29 PM BBT Jason shouts out to K-Mart.  He loves that they give him free stuff all the time.  Meg misses going to Target. 


11:31 PM BBT All remains quiet in the Comic Book Room.  In the KT, James and Vanessa sit down at the Dining Table to have their slice of pizza while Jason, Meg, Shelli and Becky talk about buying beer and the cost of beer in different places.


11:33 PM BBT Austin tries a piece of pizza.  Steve is up and comes in and out of the KT.  Shelli admires the pizza that James made.  Becky is still straightening up in the KT.  Vanessa helps herself to more pizza. 


11:37 PM BBT  Austin, Becky, Meg, Steve, Jason, James and Vanessa are sitting at the Dining Table.  John is at the KT counter cutting a piece of pizza.  Shelli walks through the KT area. 


11:39 PM BBT Jason is talking about going to a fancy restaurant and having them bring something between courses to cleanse your palate.  Becky talks about nice restaurants that give you a liqueur.  James asks where he is sleeping… with Steve?  Or with Johnny Mack?  Steve says James is sleeping with him.  They talk about Johnny Mack giving a bedtime story.  You pick a place, an animal, and an object, and Johnny Mack creates a story around it.


11:44 PM BBT Becky is getting a nectarine and offers one to Jason.  Shelli is suggesting another dessert made from a nectarine and brown sugar, and drizzled over ice cream.  Meg says she loves Shelli’s sweet tooth.


11:49 PM BBT Jason tells the group that he sleeps with his TV on.  That’s his night light. 


11:51 PM BBT Clay is laying down in the HOHR.  Austin and Vanessa are in the WA saying they are ready for bed.  Vanessa is washing her face.  She says to Austin that “we just have to ride out this week.”  Austin says he’ ll have to win next week.  It’s a stress-free week for Austin.  Meg comes in to brush her teeth.  Meg chimes in saying that sometimes you have to just “let it go.”   There is only so much you can do, and there’s no point in worrying and stressing.  James comes in to brush his teeth also, saying that “those onions got me.” [from the pizza]  They are all feeling ready to sleep.


11:56 PM BBT Austin, James and Meg come in to the Comic Book Room to sleep, and they wake Liz who has been napping.  Liz gets up to wash her face.  The lights aren’t working properly in the room.  They can’t turn them fully off, so they have kind of a half-light.  James asks Austin if he’s ever been asked to play in any “Roman movies” like Gladiator.  Austin says he wants to, but his tattoos are an issue.

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