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Insiders VS Outsiders


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Exactly who are the insiders and who are the outsiders?

I keep hearing the HGs & posters talking about the "insiders" and "outsiders and I thought that I knew who they were, but now I'm no so sure.

Steve said that the Outsiders were Austin, Vanessa, Shelli, Clay, Steve, John & Liz. The Insiders are James, Jason, Becky, Meg & DaVonne. Jeff, Jackie & Audrey were left out.

Somebody, please clarify, I'm kinda lost trying to keep it straight.

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Exactly who are the insiders and who are the outsiders?

I keep hearing the HGs & posters talking about the "insiders" and "outsiders and I thought that I knew who they were, but now I'm no so sure.

Steve said that the Outsiders were Austin, Vanessa, Shelli, Clay, Steve, John & Liz. The Insiders are James, Jason, Becky, Meg & DaVonne. Jeff, Jackie & Audrey were left out.

Somebody, please clarify, I'm kinda lost trying to keep it straight.


My take Insiders - Jeff, James, Jason, Meg, DaVonne, Jackie, DaVonne. 


Ousiders - Austin, Liz (Julia)  Vanessa, Steve, JohnnyMack. Audrey.


Not sure who Clay and Shelli are with. They have alliances on both sides they seem committed to. I would say though that the Insiders have rejected them 


Becky is nowhere.  

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