morty Posted July 2, 2015 Share Posted July 2, 2015 Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here ! If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text. Remember your time zones. Big Brother USA Time is Pacific Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here). Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like: Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) Battle of the Block (BotB) Back Yard (BY) Bedroom (BR) Cabana Room Lounge (CRL) Da'Vonne (da) Dining Table (DT) Head of House Room (HOHR) Kitchen (KT) Indoor Lock Down (ILD) Living Room (LR) Outdoor Lock Down (OLD) Storage Room (SR) Washroom Area (WA) Water Closet (WC) Please post pictures in the open thread: If you post questions or start conversations with each other here, they will be deleted. Thank you! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
niteslacker Posted July 2, 2015 Share Posted July 2, 2015 July 1st, 2015 11:00 PM BBT Idle chit chat continues in the KT as the HGs make dinner. The party is moving back to the LR. Audrey can be seen sleeping on feeds 3-4. 11:10 PM BBT The house is going to play a rhythm clapping/action game in the LR. Meanwhile Jace is whispering with Audrey in the darkened Ocean Room. Audrey tells Jace to try and get a pity vote from Clay in an effort to get one more vote. Audrey says if there’s a chance to keep Jace, Clay won’t do it so he has to keep it a secret and just ask for a secret pity vote. Jace wonders why. Audrey says Clay’s loyalty is to Jackie because of Jeff. Jace leaves the room and Audrey stops him and tells him to get a handshake from Clay and make him look him in the eye. Clay says there’s no way because Clay already said no. Audrey suggests he tries the angle that he (Jace) just wants to know who his friends are because he does’t feel like he has any. Jace walks through the LR towards the KT while the rest of the HGs continue to clap their hands in rhythm. Clay and Becky are in the KT cooking. 11:20 PM BBT Jace is back in bed with Audrey telling her that he’s going to spread a rumor that Jeff and Jackie have a special deal that if they make it past week 3 they’ll win $15,000. Audrey doesn’t think anyone will believe him. Meanwhile in the LR the clapping game continues. Audrey says he can try it anyway. Jace says he’ll tell everyone that Jeff made him swear on his life not to tell anyone. 11:22 PM BBT James pulls Jeff into the cabana room and tells him that Jace is saying that Jeff told him (Jace) about the song. Jeff says 100% untrue. Meanwhile on feeds 3-4 Jace jumps into the bed opposite Audrey because they hear someone near the door. 11:24 PM BBT Jeff tells James that Clay wants him to talk to him about an alliance moving forward and making moves. Jeff knows he has to work with Clay and Shelli together but Jeff doesn’t want to work with Shelli. Jeff likes Clay and wants to work with him moving forward. Meanwhile back in the ocean room Jace jumps back in bed with Audrey and says he’ll have to make some moves tomorrow. Jeff says Liz is ready to jump ship and join whoever. **Flashback Alert Feeds 3-4** 11:30 PM BBT The HGs in the LR are playing a game called Zip Zop Zap. Meanwhile other HGs graze in the KT. Jeff confronts Jace telling him that he didn’t tell him anything. He tells him to admit he’s lying. Jace says Jeff is lying. Jace munches on chips while staring down Jeff denying it. Jace says he’s leaving because he got back doored. Jeff says Jace is leaving no matter what. Jeff says if Jace wants to play like Audrey that’s one thing. Jace says they’ve already had an argument once today. Jeff says he’ll argue with him until he goes home. Jeff tells him to continue his bullying. Jace says he’s not bullying. 11:35 PM BBT James, Jeff, Clay and Austin are in the KT cooking. Clay asks who brought it up again. Jeff explains the conversation. Meanwhile Jace runs to the Ocean Room and tells Audrey about the argument. Audrey says this might help her. Jace walks away looking for something. Audrey tells Jace to talk to Shelli privately and see if she will vote for him to try and go after Audrey. Jace says he’s already got a lot on his plate. Audrey says he made the mess and he’s leaving it for her. Jace points out that she BD’d him. She says she’s been trying to help him. She says it’s unfair because he will ask for help but won’t help her. Audrey says Da’Vonne has been so mean to him behind his back. Jace wants to know how. Audrey tells him Da’Vonne made fun of his ADHD and for stomping on her toe. Jace will do it tomorrow. Audrey wants it done tonight. Jace needs sleep. He asks her once more what she wants him to do. She freezes. Jace says he’ll come back tomorrow. Jace walks through the LR where the rest of the HGs are playing a story game and heads into the Cabana with his Bible. 11:45PM BBT Jace remains in the Cabana. Meanwhile in the KT James and Jeff are whispering about Jace playing the way he is. 11:50 PM BBT Jeff is telling Liz about the Jace argument in the WA. Liz told Jeff that he’s crazy. Jason comes in and wants to hear a bit about this Jace story. Meanwhile in the KT the rest of the HGs are getting ready for the midnight meal for everyone. 11:55 PM BBT Jeff continues to whisper to Jason in the WA. Jeff said he had to step away from Clay because his head isn’t in the game any more. Jeff and Jason agree that they are going to try and get Da’Vonne out instead of Audrey. Meanwhile in the KT the final countdown has almost begun. HGs are gathering around the table while other HGs continue to finish cooking/organizing the meal. 12:00 AM BBT Clay is whispering with Shelli in the WA now. Jeff is worried that Jace is going to try and blow up Clay’s game. Shelli says no way. Jeff is grateful that Jace only gets 15 seconds to say goodbyes before he leaves. It’s now 12:00 AM the HGs begin to eat. Clay comes in and tells them to come eat. Jeff warns Clay that Jace is acting crazy. Clay knows and tells Jeff to calm down and just to come eat. Eating commences. BB tells the HGs to check the SR. BB gave the HGs Chinese to eat. Looks like Chinese beat out Pizza in the Live Feed poll. Shelli reads them a letter telling the HNs that the Live Feeders sent the Chinese dinner to them. Everyone thanks the Live Feeders for the food. 12:07 AM BBT The HGs continue to eat. They’re excited that they’ll have leftovers to eat. 12:15 AM BBT Eating continues in the HG. Jace is flossing his teeth in the WA. 12:20 AM BBT The HGs continue to eat. Talk turns to how long it’s been since they seen Julie. They realize the last time they saw her was when they didn’t know each other. Audrey continues to lay in her bed in a darkened Ocean Room. 12:30 AM BBT HGs continue to eat in the KT. Some folks begin to clean up. Jeff shouts out to the live feeders for the food. 12:34 AM BBT Da’vonne continues to eat in the KT while the rest of the HGs continue to clean up. Austin walks into the Ocean Room and talks to Audrey. Audrey wants to know what her fate is. Austin says they have to wait after HOH to see. Audrey asks if Jeff made a deal with Austin. Austin says he hasn’t. Austin will let her know if something is said. Meanwhile over in the WA Jeff complains to Becky about Jace. 12:40 AM BBT HGs continue to work together to clean up the KT. Clay is in the Comic Room getting things ready for bed. Jace asks him how things are. Clay says alright. They’re polite with each other and Jace asks him to shut the light off as he leaves. They both say goodnight. Audrey continues to lay in her bed in the darkened Ocean Room. 12:45 AM BBT Johnny comes into the Ocean room and asks Audrey to hug. She says now is not a good time (while sounding like she’s crying). Shelli crawls into bed with Audrey. Microphone rubbing against the blanket makes the conversation difficult to hear. BB asks Shelli to not obstruct her mic. All four feeds switch to the KT where the HGs clean up after their dinner. Jason explains that feeders hated Frankie when he played. 12:50 AM BBT Jason says he’s about to pass his off his dishes duty because he’s done 33% of them. 12:55 AM BBT Liz is going to take a hot shower. Over in the HN Vanessa and Da’Vonne are talking about dinner. Da’Vonne says everyone did that (giving/making the food?) Over in the Ocean Room Jace says he found out people have been making fun of him. Austin says that’s not cool and America won’t like that. Jace starts to sing. BB calls him out. 12:58 AM BBT Austin chilling with Clay in the LR. Talk is which celebrities watch BB. FoTH. 01:05 AM BBT Idle chit chat around the house. Tonight is James’ last night in the HOH. Meg, James, Jeff and someone else is up there. Down in the LR Austin, Shelli and Clay are hanging out. 01:10 AM BBT Shelli says Jeff slipped tonight and she’s worried. Shelli questioned Jeff about why Jeff is worried about Jace and Jeff gave Jace his word. Shelli asked about what and Jeff had a look in eye like he was caught. Shelli asked again and Jeff said that Clay and Jace were in an alliance. Shelli said everyone knows about that alliance. Jeff says Jace isn’t mad at him because they’ve been talking. Jeff says Jace was going to wake him up at 0700 eviction day with 7 others and ask for a meeting. Jeff says that may be a meeting he’ll have to miss. Clay says Jeff has been rather mean to Jace. Up in the HOH Jason comes up and says Jace cornered Johnny. Jeff “Not poor Johnny Mac! Is he ok?!” They check the spy screen and see that he’s alone. Jace bashing commences. 01:14 AM BBT Jace heads into the cabana and begins to talk to Shelli and Clay. Jace says he’s going to apologize in his goodbye message to them. Jace knows he’s going home. Jace says he’s going to walk out with his head held high. 01:20 AM BBT Jeff and Jace continues to chat in the cabana with Shelli laying nearby. Jace points out that he might get sequestered. Jeff agrees. 01:25 AM BBT Clay and Jace continue to chat about the game and the outside world. Meanwhile up in the HOH Meg, Jackie, Becky, Jeff, James and Jason are chatting. They go back and forth between Audrey and Jace bashing. 01:29 AM BBT Steve? in the Ocean Room talking to Audrey. Audrey tells Steve that James pulled people out of the Ocean Room and took them upstairs. Audrey says she only left the bed one time today. Audrey tells Steve to make a scene out of the fact that James pulled all of them upstairs and are in an alliance. Audrey says there were several witnesses to this. Steve agrees. Audrey tells him to say something. Steve says she should point it out. Audrey is using Audrey logic to create a story to tell Steve (This may be something legitamate but it’s hard to follow or understand due to hushed whispers and background noise. (This story feels like every other story Audrey has told other HGs about someone saying something about witnessing something while walking by somewhere when someone else was nearby. Perhaps I’m wrong?- Niteslacker) Steve says he’s on board but he’s going to act like he’s with the house. Meanwhile up in the HOH Jeff says Shelli would probably save Audrey if she was on the block. 01:35 AM BBT Over in the cabana room Jace is talking to Shelli and Austin. The four agree that Da’Vonne should be the target or Audrey. Austin says James may be a target for lying to his face. Jace says to take out James as vengeance. Jace wants James BD’d to get a taste of his own medicine. Meanwhile Liz has joined the HOH party. Talk is about DR sessions and a question in which they had to offer percentages. BB calls out HGs to stop talking about DR. 01:38 AM BBT Vanessa and Steve are in the WA. Steve asks Vanessa if he trusts her. Vanessa doesn’t. Steve asks whether the large alliance exists. Vanessa says absolutely and it’s been verified several times. Steve rattles off some names and Vanessa says it’s not everything. Steve wants to win tomorrow. They high five. Over in the cabana Austin, Jace, Clay and Shelli continue to run scenarios about if who wins or who to put up. FoTH. 01:41 AM BBT Austin joins Vanessa in the WA. Jace joins them. Vanessa mentions the conversation with Steve and feeds switch to Clay and Shelli in the cabana. BB calls out Da’Vonne for not wearing her mic (she was eating in the KT). Shelli says she’s tired of the High School cliques. Shelli says Audrey didn’t play the best game but nobody has. Over in the KT Johnny continues to clean. 01:48 AM BBT The HOH party has changed up a bit. James, Meg, Liz, Austin, Jason and Jackie remain. Talk is Jace bashing. Down in the cabana Shelli, and Clay continues to whisper. Jace comes in and Shelli asks Jace if she could ask him something. Shelli asks about what Jeff said. Jace says Jeff asked Jace about who he put up. Shelli keeps grilling Jace about what Jeff was saying and the timeline. Jace backtracks a bit. Shelli says the timeline feels off. Shelli says Jace was shocked when he was put up. Jace says he wasn’t that shocked and he kinda saw it coming. Shelli and Clay don’t seem unsure. 01:52 AM BBT Up in the HOH talk is about Austin and the HN chair. Austin says he’s learned to fit in the chair now he’s good. Clay starts to snore but if you snap it’ll wake him up. 01:53 AM BBT Shelli calls Jace a liar in the cabana. Jace says Jeff told him about the song. Clay points out that if Jace knew about the song pre-veto he was still very shocked to go on the block. Jace retraces the story and Clay understands. Shelli asks Jace when Jeff told Jace that Jeff didn’t trust Clay. Jace doesn’t remember. Jeff is a motormouth. Jace says you can’t trust anyone in the game. Jace says Jeff can be used as a piece but don’t give him real info. Jace says he has a theory that Jeff and Jackie will earn money if they stay in the house. 01:56 AM BBT Shelli asks Jace if he knew about the song the day he was going on the block. Jace says yes. Jace says he thought there were multiple options to be backdoored and he was shocked that it was him. Clay understands. Jace says Audrey needs their help. Clay says Audrey can’t be trusted. Shelli says they won’t try to get her out of the house. Clay says Audrey will target Da’Vonne. Jace agrees and says everyone should. Jace leaves the room. 01:57 AM BBT Shelli says she doesn’t believe him. Clay says someone (Audrey?) asked Jace if he knew he was going up and Jace said no. Clay whispers about a conversation that he had with Audrey. Shelli points out that Audrey leads people to observations. Shelli agrees. Meanwhile up in the HOH they continue to run scenarios as to who will win HOH. 02:00 AM BBT Clay and Shelli continue to whisper in the cabana room. Shelli says she told Audrey that she had to stop talking game. They think it’s interesting that the two are hanging out and talking to each other more. Idle chit chat in the HOH. 02:04 AM BBT Clay and Shelli continue to whisper about Audrey and Jace in the cabana room, looking for inconsistencies or consistencies in their stories. 02:08 AM BBT In the cabana room Shelli and Clay think Austin will play with them until he doesn’t need to any more. Clay agrees. Shelli says Liz is attached to Jeff as well. Clay agrees. Talk in the HOH is about Johnny Mac. Liz says he needs some spray tan and muscles. Jeff says he’s a dentist! 02:10 AM BBT Jace comes back into the cabana and says everyone is starting to distance themselves from him. Clay says not to worry about it. Jace points out that the whole house is upstairs. Jace says it sucks that he will have to watch from home and not help. Shelli says you can’t expect the game to be easy or to have people have your back other than yourself. Jace says he doesn’t think he can gather the people that he wants to at 0500 without blowing up everyone’s game. 02:15 AM BBT Talk in the cabana is about Jeff and Jackie. Jace says he tried to get info out of Jeff about the reward if they make money for getting past a certain point. Jace says it doesn’t make sense that they picked two random people from The Amazing Race. FoTH. 02:17 AM BBT Shelli doesn’t think it’s wise to push his theory on people. Jace says he won’t. Jace is going to continue to push the fact that he got a raw deal. He doesn’t think it will help but that’s all he’ll do. Meanwhile up in the HOH talk is turned to who will sleep with whom (so they can avoid sleeping in the room with Audrey). 02:20 AM BBT Down in the WA Jace has joined Austin and Liz who are brushing their teeth. Jace says he got a raw deal and he’s pissed off. Jace is going to brush his teeth as well. Over in the cabana Clay and Shelli are running scenarios as to who they want to get HOH. Shelli says Steve knows the game very well and would be a great ally. Shelli says Da’Vonne is controlling him right now. Shelli says if Da’Vonne goes home then Steve would go under their wing. 02:25 AM BBT Jace says Liz hates him and won’t talk to him. Austin says she’s done a 180. Austin hates him (Jeff?) because something is off. Jace is only going to be in five episodes. Over in the cabana Clay and Shelli continue to run scenarios. Meg and Liz walk back in. Up in the HOH Vanessa is going to share the bed with James tonight. It’s the best she’s had in a week. 02:28 AM BBT Vanessa and James are the only ones left in the HOH. Vanessa tells James that Jace is obviously lobbying very hard. She told Jace she will vote with the house. James says to vote with what will hurt her game least. Vanessa presses the issue. She says that seeing as how he BD’d Jace then she assumes that he wants Jace gone. James says that’s a bit harsh… Vanessa says she’ll vote however he wants her to. He again says however she wants. Vanessa says she’ll vote for Jace to go home. James begins to try and explain how Jace was BD’d. FoTH. 02:35 AM BBT Over in the cabana Jeff is talking with Clay and Shelli. Jeff said he tried to talk to Audrey today and she shooed him away. Jeff says nobody should be eating and hiding in her bed. Clay says she talked to Audrey and Audrey told him if she wanted advice she would talk to a psychologist but then started talking game which annoyed Clay. Meg sticks her head in the door and asks Jeff why he’s interrupting them. Jeff wonders why Meg is interrupting him. Meg called to DR. Steve comes in and after Meg leaves Steve begins to close the door. They tell him to keep it open because there is no sketchiness going on. They invite him to visit any time. Steve says they’re the only ones inviting him. Jeff says “Awww Steve I’ll invite you any time!” Steve and Jeff leave. 02:40 AM BBT Up in the HOH Vanessa is explaining the rules of the HNs. They’re not allowed to nap anywhere other than their bed. James will hate the cold showers. Down in the cabana Clay and Shelli continue to discuss Audrey. Clay doesn’t trust her. Shelli admits that Audrey makes her question herself sometimes. Clay agrees. 02:47 AM BBT Down in the cabana Clay and Shelli have begun to talk about their families. Up in the HOH Vanessa and James discuss how cute Shelli and Clay are together. Vanessa said Clay and Shelli would make cute babies. James wishes he would have got a picture of his daughter. Vanessa is surprised that he didn’t. James spies Jace walking through the house…into the cabana. 02:49 AM BBT Jace walks into the cabana and says that Austin is going to sleep with Johnny Mac tonight. He wants Austin to get good rest and avenge his BB death. Jace is embarrassed. Jace says someone told him that up in the HOH someone said that they didn’t want to sleep in the same room with him. Why? Did they think he would murder them? Why would they think that. Jace says it’s hurtful. Up in the HOH James turns off the lights and says he’s going to go down and check out some things. Vanessa thanks him for letting her sleep up there. James heads down. 02:52 AM BBT Down in the WA James joins Steve, Jeff and Meg. Steve says he is very unaware of when he’s annoying people or when people dislike him. Meg says it’s not just Steve’s job to realize it. People also need to be mindful that people have a responsibility to tell people that something makes them uncomfortable. 02:55 AM BBT Clay and Shelli continue to try and tell Jace that he’s already a winner by making it on the show. Jace wishes people would get more time. Clay says you can’t dwell on it. Shelli points out he’ll get to do post interviews and cast parties and such. FoTH. 02:59 AM BBT Over in the WA the group tells Steve to listen to Jeff. Jeff is giving Steve advice on coming out of his shell. 03:04 AM BBT Jeff continues to coach Steve on life in general and making friends. Over in the cabana Clay, Jace and Shelli continue to chat. Nothing groundbreaking here. 03:10 AM BBT Idle chit chat in the cabana. Over in the WA, idle chit chat as well. James was a lifeguard for one summer. James, Jeff and Meg give a shoutout to the Live Feeders for the Chinese food. 03:15 AM BBT James says if there’s three James in the house people would absolutely call him hillbilly Asian James. Steve says he’d rather just call him James. Jeff makes fun of Meg for her painting job on her nails. He offers to paint them for her. Over in the cabana Jace, Shelli and Clay are rehashing conversations that the three of them had, trying to get details correct. 03:20 AM BBT Steve says this is the longest he’s ever gone from hearing his family. They all agree. Jeff says if it came down to the two of them trying to win HOH Jeff says he’d give it to Steve but they’d have to make a deal first. It appears Jeff, Steve and Meg are the only ones left in the WA. Over in the cabana Clay, Jace and Shelli continue to compare notes, conversations and memories. 03:25 AM BBT Steve begins to rehash a story that we’ve heard on the feeds before. There is a kid at Steve’s school that’s super annoying to other people but he’s not to Steve. Steve would love a serious relationship. He’s never had one but he’d love to have one. Meg says her first serious relationship was in college. Steve said he did have a girlfriend for one month in high school. Jeff has been in lots of relationships. Over in the cabana Clay, Jace and Shelli continue to chat and rehash. 03:30 AM BBT Jace used the WC briefly and headed out into the KT. Shelli asks Clay “Chocolate or Vanilla”. Clay says it depends. Shelli agrees. Over in the WA Jeff, Meg and Steve continue to chat. 03:34 AM BBT Steve says Jeff and Jordan were the first couple to have a surviving relationship in the game. Over in the HN James asks who is sleeping in there. Jace is going to tonight. He gave his bed to Austin. James and Jeff leave the room. James says everyone is sleeping. Jeff says he feels bad making fun of that kid (Jace?) but he makes it easy. James agrees. Jeff says Audrey is making him play that way. BB calls out Steve for talking about production. James and Jeff are hungry. 03:40 AM BBT Jace has joined Clay and Shelli once more in the cabana. Idle chit chat. Out in the KT James, Steve and Jeff chat idly about their lives. 03:45 AM BBT Clay called to DR. James, jeff, Meg and Steve are now in the WA eating. Nix that. Meg can’t believe that the guys are all eating right now. Jace wonders why Clay is getting called to DR right now. Jace asks if Shelli gave him a nice goodbye message. Shelli asks him what he thinks. FoTH. 03:49 AM BBT Idle chit chat in the cabana. Jace asks Shelli what she thinks her parents think about Clay. She doesn’t know. Over in the WA Jeff wonders what the HOH will be tomorrow.03:54 AM BBT FoTH. 03:57 AM BBT Shelli and Jace continue to chat. Shelli asks where Jace is going to sleep. Jace says he knows they already got footage of him sleeping to make him look like the poor little outcast. Out in the KT Steve gets a bit more to eat. Becky gets something out of the fridge and is called out by BB for not having a mic. Nothing is being said. 04:00 AM BBT Just prior to this James was standing near the hall leading toward the cabana and WA listening. Steve asks if they are talking game. James says they are because they are whispering. Steve plays stupid. “Oh…I never would have guessed.” Also…Steve eats very loudly. Over in the cabana Jace and Shelli are chatting about how the house is treating him. James run back to the darkened Ocean Room and questions why there are condoms all over the floor. Jeff has no clue (jokingly). James crawls into bed and tells Jeff that Shelli and Jace are talking game and we get FoTH. 04:05 AM BBT Jeff and James continue to whisper in the darkened Ocean Room. Jeff says it’s debatable about what they could be talking about. Jeff says he doesn’t trust Jace and that he has to go. James agrees. Jeff doesn’t feel too bad about Shelli and Clay. Jace and Shelli continue to chat in the cabana. Jace says it’s pretty exclusive for 17 seasons (of BB). Shelli says it’s a neat show. Jace agrees. Jace is worried about seeing his fight with Audrey. Shelli points out that they seem friendly now. Jace says he’s forgiven her. Shelli questions whether or not they’re scheming. Jace says no way. Jace says they’ve just been talking. Shelli asks about what. Jace says just things. He swears they’re not scheming. Jace says he seven different plans but they all just kind of went out the window. 04:08 AM BBT James is seen crawling near the door to the cabana. James tells Jeff that Jace is campaigning and is saying “I tried to talk to flip James and talk to everyone. (This is true…more importantly Shelli mentioned that there is the group upstairs, she believes the eight is still upstairs, just as James crawled away….him hearing that could have put a target on her back - Niteslacker) James mingles in the KT trying to listen. 04:10 AM BBT Shelli says it’s too quiet and it’s making her nervous. Jace gets up and James slowly meanders towards the LR. They come out of the cabana room and James whispers “Why they in there whisperin’….” James says in a normal voice that they’re up awful late. Shelli asks how late it is. James tells her it’s four AM. Jeff wants to go play pool but they can’t Jace is using the WC and Shelli is brushing her hair. Jeff and James go to sit in the cabana room. 04:12 AM BBT Jace is heading towards the bedrooms. Shelli sits with James and Jeff in the cabana room. Jace heads into the HN room. 04:14 AM BBT Jeff says they asked him a lot of Audrey questions today. Shelli says they asked her about that yesterday. 04:18 AM BBT Clay out of DR and Jeff asks where Jace’s head is at. Clay explains that Jace constantly was in and out of their room while they talked complaining about his raw deal and they were just trying to be positive for him. Clay does feel bad for him but you have to expect it. 04:23 AM BBT Jeff says the stuff Jace said today was an Audrey move. Jace told James that Jeff was the person that told him about the song. Jeff says he can’t stand Jace. Clay reminds the group that when the group was in the HOH talking about who told him about the song and Audrey didn’t want someone to get called up. Clay says that was too obvious that she started it. 04:25 AM BBT Jeff says Shelli caught Jace in lie about the timing of when Jace heard about the song but they saw through it. James says Audrey tried to make an alliance with him. Shelli questions the timeline. James says it was today when she was pretending to take a shower. 04:31 AM BBT Jeff rehashes the argument in the KT earlier. Jace was lying to his face. 04:34 AM BBT James says Audrey wanted to create an alliance with James, Jace, Da’Vonne and Jason. James says she doesn’t trust “ya’ll two…” Shelli says she didn’t want to invite Clay because he would invite Shelli. Jace can be seen getting out of bed and heading towards…the LR. Jace heads towards the KT and through towards the WA. 04:38 AM BBT Jace lies on the couch reading the Bible while in the cabana room Shelli, Clay, James and Jeff continue to discuss inconsistencies in Audrey’s stories. They agree she’s very smart. Jeff wonders why someone that was probably a victim of bullying would act the way she does. 04:43 AM BBT The cabana crew continues to work through stories and how good Audrey is at trying to be manipulative. 04:48 AM BBT The cabana crew continues to compare notes and tell stories about Jace and Audrey. Jace starts whistling in the KT. 04:54 AM BBT Conversation continues in the cabana room. Jeff says ultimately everyone realizes there is no alliance at this point and everyone is on their own. Clay says that now that the game is going to start to pick up because we’re going to have a new HOH each week. Jace is making coffee in the KT. 04:58 AM BBT Cabana crew is called out for talking about production. Jace is reading his Bible in the LR. Cabana crew (minus Shelli) continues to chat about production and the show. 05:01 AM BBT Shelli is washing her face in the WA. Clay and James are in the KT going through the fridge. They are getting leftovers out. Jace is in the background. Jeff comes out of the WC. 05:10 AM BBT FoTH. Nothing is/was being said. Shelli crawled into bed just a minute ago. 05:15 AM BBT Clay now in the WA washing his hands/face. Jace is at the KT table reading the bible and drinking tea/coffee. 05:19 AM BBT Clay washes up in the WA while Jace continues to read the bible at the KT table. Feeds switch to some conversation in the Ocean Room. Difficult to follow without mics. Da’Vonne is sharing a bed with Meg and Jason. 05:25 AM BBT Clay heads to bed. Jace flosses his teeth in the WA. 05:30 AM BBT Jace is brushing his hair in the WA. 05:31 AM BBT Jace heading towards the bedrooms with his Bible. Da’Vonne sits up as Jace opens the door and heads into the HN room. She looked a bit spooked. 05:41 AM BBT All four feeds now show horizontal HGs in darkened rooms. 06:08 AM BBT All HGs are currently sleeping. 06:40 AM BBT All four feeds continue to display horizontal HGs in darkened rooms. 06:52 AM BBT All four feeds continue to display horizontal HGs in darkened rooms. 07:17 AM BBT All four feeds continue to display sleeping HGs. 07:42 AM BBT All four feeds....continue to display horizontal HGs in darkened rooms. 08:17 AM BBT All HGs remain sleeping at this time. 08:59 AM BBT All four feeds remain focused on sleeping HGs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
daviesallison1 Posted July 2, 2015 Share Posted July 2, 2015 7:27 Am Everybody is still alseep in their BR7:30 AM Still sleeping but Jace bangs his head on the Have Not room dentist chair .7:31 AM Still Sleeping BR 9:00 AM Wake up time and the feeds go off. 9:18 AM Everyone is awake (Da) , Liz and Austin are all brushing their teeth talking about last night . 9:20 AM Becky and Jackie are making the bed and then going back in . BR 9:21 AM Austin is brushing his hair then he is just looking down at something . 9:24 AM Austin is now straighting his hair while talking to Johnny about the prom . 9:25 AM Meg , Jason and (da) are talking about the takeover and who is coming and wanting Julia Chen or Martha Stewart to come and cook because Becky has cooked all week in the (BR) . 9:27 AM Clay is awake and he is in the mirror looking at himself then the Live Feeds go off . 9:30 AM (da) is talking about the promo and the commercials for big brother . 9:32 AM Meg , Jason and (da) are talking about the equipment in the house and weird things as well in the house (BR) . 9:36 AM Meg , Jason and (da) talking about if the prom will be showed or not . (BR) 9:40 AM Meg , Jason and (da) talking about country music and Meg not understanding it at all . (BR) 9:42 AM John still chilling at the bathroom and playing with his legs . 9:45 AM Liz and Austin in the kitchen talking about both getting betrayed by Jace again (KT ). 9:49 AM Liz and Austin in the kitchen talking about things . 10:00 AM John is still in the couch in fettle postion near the bathroom . 10:02 AM Liz saying thank you for the Chinese Food and saying that (da) loved it and everyone is happy in the kitchen. 10 : 04 AM Liz telling Vanessa about her family background in the kitchen . 10:07 AM John talking to Audrey about her behavior in the past couples days in the (HOH BATHROOM)10:14 AM James , (da) and Liz are in the kitchen talking about someones picture being black and all three of them sitting on the (DT) .10:19 AM Now they are talking about their pictures and how Austin's , Jason and James pictures are very funny and still sitting on the (DT) and we see Austin working out in the living room . 10:28 AM (da) and James are still at the (DT) planning there game and worrying that Austin might actually hear them planning the eviction votes. 10:35 Am Da'Vonne and James are still hanging out by (DT) and now Austin just walked in and now Da'Vonne is telling Austin you lost weight since we have been here . 10 : 37 AM Vanessa and John are talking about being starved for 7 days because of being on slop (HOHR) and the live feeds go off . 11:00 AM Da'Vonne is laying on the couch and now we get moved to the storage room with Audrey and Jace and then Audrey says thank you to Jace .11:02 AM Becky finally gets out of bed and now walking to the kitchen (BR and Kr).11:03 AM Meg is still in bed with Jace and Audrey is acting very quiet and now saying trash bags (BR).11:07 AM Now we see the Tres amigos talking in the hammock room about votes and Austin trying to save Jace.11:11 AM James is enjoying his last morning as HOH in the (HOH ).11:13 AM Chef Clay is making himself eggs and jace walks in into the kitchen trying to talk to Clay (DT) .11:14 AM Meg and Audrey are walking to the kitchen and we see Shelli giving Audrey the death stare and then Meg leaves and now Audrey is alone.11:16 AM The big alliance is back in the (HOH ) room having a meeting and now becky walks in then the feeds go off.The Feeds are down now showing highlights .2:00 PM Everyone is getting get dressed and james is shaving clays hair .2:06 PM Clay is getting a haircut still and we see Audrey curling her hair .7:12 PM We see (da) and jason prepping for dinner in the (DT).7:14 PM We see Jackie , Clay , Jackie , Meg and Vanessa talking about the compettion in the (LR). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grant1v Posted July 2, 2015 Share Posted July 2, 2015 9:12AM BBT WBRB 9:18AM BBT The feeds are back. Jackie, Austin, Da'Vonne, and Liz are in the WA and John is on the couch. Vanessa is making her bed she and Jackie get in bed. 9:24AM BBT Random chit chat in the Purple BR. 9:27AM BBT Jason is talking about Chinese food. 9:37AM BBT Random chit chat in the Purple BR. John is still on the couch in the WA. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grant1v Posted July 2, 2015 Share Posted July 2, 2015 9:52AM BBT Liz and James are making breakfest. Everyone else is sleeping. 9:57AM WBRB 10:00AM BBT Nothing has happen since feed came back on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grant1v Posted July 2, 2015 Share Posted July 2, 2015 10:12AM BBT Austin is stretching in the LR. John and Audrey is talking in the HOH room. Da'vonne and James are talking at the DT. 10:19AM BBT Most of the HG are sleeping. Except for Da'Vonne, James, Liz, and Austin. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grant1v Posted July 2, 2015 Share Posted July 2, 2015 10:33AM BBT WBRB 10:36AM BBT Da'Vonne and James are still talking at the DT. 10:43AM BBT WBRB Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grant1v Posted July 2, 2015 Share Posted July 2, 2015 10:49AM BBT BB must be getting the HG ready for something. 10:52AM BBT Feed are back up. Da'vonne is on the couch in the LR. Aubrey is talking to Vanessa in the HOH room. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kitten200 Posted July 2, 2015 Share Posted July 2, 2015 11:00am BBT: Most Hg in the purple BR getting up and getting dressed. DA is laying in the LVR on the couch. 11:03am BBT: Most HG doing ADL'S . Some HG still laying in bed not wanting to get up just general talk going on about hurting hips and wanting to stay in bed. 11:07am BBT: Jace and Austin in the lounge rm talking about if Jace has the votes to stay and Austin says there is no way just no way the votes are there. Austin says i would try one more time with them and if they say no then that's it. Jace says if i get a chance to come back i will come back with a vengeance with some fresh ass laundry in my bag. They leave the lounge rm.11:11am BBT: Austin in the KT eating as some HG are heading to the HOh rm for an HOH lockdown.11:16am BBT: HG are all i the HOH rm for a lock down. Audrey is in the HOH bathroom doing her makeup. General talk going on and we get FOTH. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kitten200 Posted July 2, 2015 Share Posted July 2, 2015 12:57pm BBT: HOH lock down is over Hg are heading down stairs and James is moving his things down stairs as he says it has been a good run HOh rm. 12:59pm BBT: Jeff goes to the STR and then to the WA with clippers and scissors. Clay is standing watching him eating fruit loops. Most Hg are in the Kt heating up left overs from lastnight. 1:11pm BBT: Clay is giving James a hair cut as Jeff watches. Most HG are in the KT eating lunch. 1:18pm BBT: Clay is cutting James hair and clips his ear. James says it is a good thing they did not give you sharp ass scissors. meg is laughing behind them. 1:22pm BBT: Austin is now in the Wa trimming his beard. Meg is saying that James's hair is now all over the rug and yelling at James not to use scissors on Clay's hair. DA is at the Kt table taking a knot out of her necklace as Steve watches her.1:31pm BBT: Steve and Vanessa talking in the have not rm about trying to get HOh. Austin walks in and Steve says it is a matter of winning HOh. Austin says it might be physical endurance. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kitten200 Posted July 2, 2015 Share Posted July 2, 2015 1:38pm BBT: HG are all getting ready for the live show tonight.some Hg are looking for something to wear tonight as others are doing their hair and make up.1:46pm BBT: HG still getting ready for tonight show as Jace is talking to Austin saying he is not going to walk out of here tonight like this. Austin says yeah as Jason walks through and the talk stops and they all walk off.1:56pm BBT: Some HG are sitting in the LVR wondering what the numbers are for and Some HG in the WA doing hair wondering what the hoh comp will be and if they will be in pairs or what.2:07pm BBT: Hg still doing hair and makeup. Some Hg laying in bed general talk going on.2:12pm BBT: Jace goes in the have not rm with Vanessa and DA and says well if i get evicted tonight i will get to go see my mamma. He says I miss you mamma.2:15pm BBT: Jace talking to the camera saying i came in here i fought my hardest i made friends i lost friends i ate good food i ate bad foods. I had a dream of who was the bad person in here and it was right. live feeders if you want to play this game keep trying it isn't that hard to get on you do not have to be a football star or and athlete and even the pretty girls that say they will not miss you they will as he points to Liz. 2:19pm BBT: Jace tells Liz he is sorry that she did not see the real Jace the last 4 days but that was the scared mad and confused jace so it was not bi polar it was me mad.2:22pm BBT: HG lounging around Jace talks to the cameras again. He says i do not regret anything he did in this house but he does regret his tone and I suggest if you get in this house keep calm. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted July 3, 2015 Share Posted July 3, 2015 2:26 PM BBT In the grey BR, James asks Audrey what she thinks the comp will be? All of the HG's are numbers. They are trying to figure out if they will be put into two teams based on their numbers. Jeff, James, John & Da'Vonne are also in the room with them. James asks, if they get new tennis shoes for each comp? John, says, no. Jason says, definitely not. Shelli walks in. Audrey gets called to the DR. 2:30 PM BBT Vanessa gets called to the SR, Jason says, James is the one that put all of the condoms in the bed, but he doesn't think he opened them. James walks in to the colorful room. Vanessa goes to the grey BR with a different pair of tennis shoes. We see FOTH. 2:34 PM BBT Feeds come back with Jeff, Da'Vonne, John & Jason still in the grey BR. John asks Jason is they really even need to play this week? Jason says, he is definitely playing this week. The camera view switches to the HN BR with Vanessa & Becky walking around. The camera view switches to the WA. James is sitting on the couch. Meg is getting something out of a make-up back. Liz is cleaning the sink. Clay is in the hot side of the shower. Austin walks in. We see FOTH again. 2:38 PM BBT Live feeds come back with Clay out of the shower in the WA. Meg is getting a blow dryer ready to blow dry her hair. James, Becky & Austin are siting on the couches. Vanessa walks in the WA. James asks Becky, if she's seen his hat. She says, the last time she saw it was on Prom night when someone had it on. Jace is in by the round table in the KT doing push-ups. He gets up & tells Vanessa she looks hot. She says, thank you. 2:41 PM BBT In the KT, Austin tells Liz that he's trying to protect her as much as she can. He tells her to get attached to a girl, & he's going to stick by Clay as much as possible. He says, he's going to try to hang out with Clay 24/7 next week, so they look like the new bromance. He wants Clay to leave before him. Becky sneezes in the KT, & says, excuse me. Neither Austin nor Liz say bless you to her. Becky walks out. 2:43 PM BBT Austin tells Liz, her & Vanessa are the only two he actually trusts. He says, he wants to work with Jeff down the road. Austin says, he doesn't know what the f*** Jace is going to say before he goes. Meanwhile in the HN BR, James tells Da'Vonne that Austin is probably going to go for him next. Da'Vonne thinks it will be her. She says, they are weezles. James says, they are scum bags. Da'Vonne says, if they go with the first 7 & then the second 7 they are o.k. 2:46 PM BBT Da'Vonne says, it could work out perfectly with her & Jason both winning. James says, the worst case scenario will be Austin & Liz or Austin & Audrey winning. Da'Vonne says, worse case scenario they'll be doing BOTB. James says, he's sure Jace is going to go out quietly. Da'Vonne says, she sure he won't either. She says, she's sure there will be some stuff. They walk out of the HN BR. James says, this room is a mess. Da'Vonne says, that's what Shelli just said. Liz walks in & out of the room. 2:48 PM BBT Da'Vonne goes to the grey BR & lays down with Jason. Jeff is still asleep in his bed. James is looking under the beds for his hat. He thinks that Jace may have taken it. Da'Vonne says, if he did, BB would have said something, because they aren't allowed to take your stuff. James says, he has to use the restroom now, & walks out. 2:49 PM BBT Jeff sits up & asks Da'Vonne what time it is? She says, she doesn't even know. She tells him, they all got showered & stuff, & are just lounging around now. He puts his hood on his head & lays back down. In the WA, James & Jace are telling Clay he needs to fix his hair. James is going to trim it to fix it. Meg is trimming her bangs using the mirror by the sink. Jace tells them he always knocks on the WC before going in, even if it's 5 a.m. Shelli walks in & sits on the couch. Jace says, he has stuff missing, including his flip-flops. 2:52 PM BBT Jace says, d*** it sucks only having 1 bathroom, especially when you just drank 2 cups of coffee. Meg asks if the upstairs is already locked. He says, yes. James asks Shelli if she knows where his hat is? She says, no. Clay looks at what Meg is doing, & says, you are cutting your hair. James says, she's doing it by millimeters. She says, yes, I don't want to mess it up. 2:54 PM BBT Clay asks James if he will fix his hair? James tells him, he has to get the chair again because he's soo tall. James tells John, he must be dropping a nuclear bomb in the WC. He says, he's heard 3 flushes already. He says, thank you for the courtesy flushes though. We hear another flush of the toiet. James is fixign Clay's hair. Jace asks if anyone has hair oil for after his shower? Shelli takes the scissors & starts to trim Clay's hair. John comes out of the WC & washes his hands in the sink. Meg asks if anyone has seen her white make-up compact? John tells her to look in a bin. 2:57 PM BBT Shelli says, she doesn't want to take to much off Clay's hair because it will be a lot shorter. Her & James are trying to figure it out. John gets in the shower. Jace goes in & out of the WC. He washes his hands in the sink. James says, this reminds him of a country song, I live for little moments like this. Clay tells Shelli & James how he wants his hair. Shelli says, they don't know how to cut it like that. BB tells Shelli & Clay to please put on their microphones. 3:00 PM BBT Shelli says, the cowlick that Clay has in the back is the problem. Clay says, his hair looks good the way he sees it. He says, do whatever they want to the back, because he doesn't see it anyway. Jace asks Meg if she always cuts her own hair? She says, she helps her boys at home cut theirs. Shelli wants to leave Clay's hair the way it is. Audrey comes in the WA & looks at what they are doing. James says, it looks a little patchy. Audrey says, it's so miniscule. Sheli says, if you mess with it you will tell. 3:03 PM BBT Shelli says, she wants to go slow so she doesn't take a chunk out. Clay jokingly tells her, if she does, he'll just evict her, or not talk to her. James says, he has a scar on his head. Clay says, he does. James asks Shelli, if she's ever wanted to be a hairstylist? She says, no. Jace tells Audrey, she looks very pretty. Audrey says, thank you, & tells him, she's doing all she can. 3:05 PM BBT Meg says, do you know how many hairdressers are dying today? She says, they are probably saying, you guys are doing it all wrong. She walks out of the WA. James says, he doesn't want to cut anymore off. Clay says, his dad is probably watching him right now. Jace tells Audrey, he wonders if he'll make if home for the 4th of July. Audrey tells Jace, if he's sequestered, it will be for a while. Jace says, 4 weeks at least. Shelli says, at some point you need to stop before you take all of his hair off. James says, he likes cutting his hair now, & will keep cutting until he tells him to stop. 3:08 PM BBT Shelli says, oh no there's a bald spot...just kidding. James says, it looks good, & we'll leave it just like that. John gets out of the shower. Jace starts the shower for him self. he takes off his sweat pants, & is only wearing his underwear. Shelli tells Audrey, she looks pretty as usag. Jace gets in the shower. Shelli tries to figure out what number everyone pulled. Shelli asks what the smell is? It's Jace's shampoo. John says, he washed his hair with it, & it was phenomenal. James says, he doesn't get to play, he's been up there for 14 days, & it's time for someone else to play. Vanessa gets called to the DR. 3:12 PM BBT BB tells Jace to please stop singing. Jace says, please, just one song before I leave. Liz walks in the WA, & Jace says, it looks like she needs a shower. Shelli says, he wants you to get in with him. Liz says, it's soo annoying. Jace tells Shelli, she's more than welcome to get in with him. Steve walks in the WA. Jace says, Steve, none of the girls want to get in with me, hop in. We see FOTH. 3:14 PM BBT When feeds come back up, Steve says, Jace, sorry I couldn't respond, my mouth was full. He asks Jace if he has his bathing suit on? Jace says, no, d***s out & all. Steve walks out of the WA. Liz is by the sink brushing her hair. Shelli tells them she asked if BB could dry something for her for the competition. She says, they said they would see what they could do. Austin walks in the WA. Da'Vonne walks in & out. 3:16 PM BBT Shelli says, she likes fitted shorts & a shirt for the competitions, & her fitted shirt is in the dryer. Liz asks Austin why he doesn't like wearing contacts? He says, they bother his eyes a lot. Shelli tells Clay, he's not taking her sunglasses all summer, because they are brand new. Shelli asks what hat is gone? Clay says, James' hat that he was wearing the first day. Jace says, he's still missing his flip-flops from day 1. 3:18 PM BBT Shelli tells them about how her bra went missing & then she found it in another drawer. Liz says, saboteur. Jace is out of the shower now, & getting ready to blow dry his hair. He says, world’s worst blow dryer, & then gets the other one. Shelli & Audrey leave the WA. We go to Jeff's highlight reels. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BBLuver Posted July 3, 2015 Share Posted July 3, 2015 7:36PM BBT - In the LR, Jason says he's warm. He did dishes, and the warm water didn't help. One of the cameras keeps moving and making a noise and it's driving Meg nuts. They discuss some of the changes production does, and think some things are a waste of money. 7:40pm BBT - Meg says that was fun. After all the sitting around, you forget the game is happening. Jason says the time flew by, even with commercial breaks. Vanessa wanted them to have the time to finish their puzzle just to see how long it would take. Jason is happy two girls won, as two guys won last week. Shelli says people immediately start avoiding you as soon as you're HOH. Jason didn't feel that way - he didn't know everyone yet. Shelli says she feels pressure. What are people thinking? 7:43pm BBT - Shelli tells Vanessa she can have her spot in the BR, or can sleep up in HOH for now. Jason warns whomever has HOH will only have it for one night as noms likely will be tomorrow. But Saturday is July 4th so who knows what will happen that day? Jason thinks a lot of production will be off for the weekend. Shelli doesn't have a plan, she didn't think this through. Vanessa recounts normally noms/BoTB is Friday, POV Saturday and POV ceremony on Monday. Shelli may not move too much stuff upstairs until after BoTB. 7:45PM BBT - Vanessa heads for a nap while Da'Vonne joins the LR crew. Jason wonders what Jace's interview with Julie was like. Jason asks the HG's if they said anything sassy when voting to evict; he said he ecstatically voted to evict Jace. Jeff joins the LR crew; he says he blacked out playing the comp. He didn't think strategically or logically, just tried to put the puzzle together. His adrenaline took over. James joins and they talk about the twist again. Da'Vonne thinks whoever is evicted will get to return. 7:50PM BBT - Da'Vonne talks about "she" feels safe. "She" smiled and winked at Da'Vonne, who now feels like she will be going up on the block. Da'Vonne tells James he gets to hang downstairs with them now. It will feel weird, James says. He was upstairs for 15 days. Da'Vonne assumes Austin voted for Jace to stay. James and Jeff agree. Da'Vonne didn't expect it to be unanimous, Austin is his friend. James suggests it could've been Audrey, Jeff says that'd be typical. Da'Vonne says they all expected Austin to vote for Jace. Jeff teases that Clay might sleep upstairs with Shelli. John too, Da'Vonne adds. With Becky. Jeff is surprised, Da'Vonne thinks it's cute. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BBLuver Posted July 3, 2015 Share Posted July 3, 2015 7:55PM BBT - James wonders if it is time for BBAD or just the feeders are on. Da'Vonne doesn't know. James comments that the cameras are following him. James shouts out to feeders, says he will probably be a Have Not next week. Send him something fun! Jeff is falling asleep on the couch. Meg comes in. She got cut putting the puzzle together. Da'Vonne says her hand was on fire. Vanessa is back. She tells everyone to slap her if she keeps snacking on sweets. Everyone refuses to slap her. 8:00PM BBT - General chit chat in the LR. They are discussing Clay's hair cut. He looks more city boy, and Meg loves it. James calls out that he needs to fix Clay's hair. Da'Vonne and James leave the room. Meg comments that he has to come down with the "peasants". Jeff says he'll sleep with him. Jason doesn't think Clay will sleep upstairs with Shelli. They don't downstairs now, why change? Feeds switch to Da'Vonne alone in the HN room. 8:03PM BBT - Meg discusses volunteering to be a HN. Jeff agrees, and they say a fun group would be great. James reminds Jeff he can't have ice cream or candy and he starts to reconsider. They discuss the cold showers. Liz has to change her mic, as told by BB. Jason says it's better to get it over now so people can't use that against them down the line. They discuss Derrick was a HN, just not got nominated. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sayre Posted July 3, 2015 Share Posted July 3, 2015 7:17PM BBT: the feeds are back on, The HGs are just sitting around talking about the HoH competition. 7:25PM BBT: Da'Vonne and Jason are in the kitchen Da'Vonne is doing dishes, Jeff, Clay and Austin are sitting on the sofa talking about Have-Nots. 7:31PM BBT: The HGs in the kitchen are trying to figure out what the Kathy twist is. James and Jeff and John are sitting at the kitchen table talking about Audrey, James hope she goes home next week. 7:35PM BBT: Jason is laying on the sofa talking about Kathy and doing everyone's dishes, Meg, and Becky. They are talking about being on lock down for nine hours. 7:40PM BBT: Clay is talking to James about his sunglasses that are missing. They are sitting at the kitchen table James is finishing eating. James wants to make it to at least jury. 7:45PM BBT: James and Clay are now trying to figure out the beds, and who will sleep in what room. Figuring in the Have-Nots as well, and the other HGs are making fish taco's 7:50PM BBT: Fish taco time, as Jackie and Becky sit down at the table to eat their fish tacos yummie. John is joining them at the table. 7:55PM BBT: Jason is going over the pictures of the HGs on the memory wall, saying who looks like what Audrey is all my herself in the cavanna room. Says this could have been much worst. 8:00PM BBT: The HGs are now finishing up dinner, Becky was talking about Mary Kay products. 8:05PM BBT: The HGs are now talking about what they want for the fourth of July, and how pretty Julie looked tonight. Vanasse is telling us what all she has eaten today. 8:10PM BBT: Most of the HGs are just sitting around talking, No game talk really, James still needs a bed to sleep in. And Audrey is still all by herself. 8:15PM BBT: nothing new is going on just drying dishes, and chatting. Austin and Clay are in the washroom, talking about who Becky or Shelli may put up? 8:20PM BBT: They are now trying to figure, out who is sleeping where, and they are saying that their families are embassed with them now. 8:25PM BBT: Jeff is now talking to Audrey, who is telling him that she is no longer agaist him. She is saying I can't do anything about it now it's spilt milk. and now is just going over what all happened. Jeff is telling her his side of what all happened. He says he just wants to get to the bottom of it. He is not too sure what all happened. 8:31PM BBT: Audrey is blaming everything that happened on Jace. Jeff is saying that he doesn't like to see anyone in the house sitting alone. No one should feel like they have to do that. Audrey says that she feels like she voted agaist the house tonight, Everyone else seems to be in the purple room just sitting around talking. Jeff is telling audrey that he is going to look into it. But now is a good time for you to get back into the house and not shut yourself out. Clay comes into the room now. 8:35PM BBT: Audrey is trying to explain herself and why she acted the way she did. Saying it was the Vanasse information. Clay is telling her that they came right to him with it. So I don't know if I can trust you right now. They are just going on and on with this stuff. Jeff is saying that he doesn't know if he can trust Shelli she is a wild card. 8:45PM BBT: Jeff is saying the he has been playing James, Why not there is no allance with him. I'm just feeling him out. Audrey is saying that she hasn't been making up rumors. in the other room the others are just sitting around, Jason is talking about how a fast foward works. And also talking about Kathy being on the show tonight. 8:50PM BBT: the screen comes on and it say Nomanations today. Shelli and Becky now want to be in the room by themselfes to discuss who to nomanate. They are now in the cabanna room talking.Shelli is talking about Audrey now, Shelli doesn't want to keep her in the game, she doesn't trust her now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
morty Posted July 3, 2015 Author Share Posted July 3, 2015 HELP! We're in dire need of updaters from 9PM until they go to bed. Please help and tell others what's happening on the feeds. No experience necessary, just sign in and post! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cassondra0222 Posted July 3, 2015 Share Posted July 3, 2015 8:56 PM BBT Jeff, Audrey, Meg & Clay are in the SR. Jeff tells them that Jace was really against him before he left the house. Meg says, Jeff & Jace were having personal fights this past week. Clay says, all of a sudden Jace started targeting Jeff. Audrey says, this is the exact reason she stayed in her bed. Jeff says, Jace is gone now & that eliminates some of the mouth in the house. We see FOTH. 9:20 PM BBT Live Feeds come back Shelli is reading the card for her & Becky to choose HN's for the week. They choose Steve, Jason, Meg & James. Becky says, so, who wants to see our HOH Room? Shelli asks if they are ready yet? Becky says, they gave us our keys. We see FOTH. 9:21 PM BBT Da'Vonne & Becky go to the SR. Da'Vonne tells Becky Audrey & Steve are her top choices for nom's. She says, her personal targets are Audrey first, Steve second, & Austin third, that's where her head is. Becky says, she kind of wanted to win HOH this week, because she knew she was on the outs. She says, she can tell people have been stand-offish around her. She wants to try to work with people. 9:23 PM BBT Shelli & Clay are in the CRL. Clay tells Shelli that Jason & James know they want Da'Vonne out of the house. He says, of course, everyone else wants Audrey out. Clay says, Audrey is a f***ing liar, & she just lied to them again. Shelli asks Clay if he believes James? Clay says, yes. Clay says, Meg is talking to James. He tells Shelli not to nom Da'Vonne. Clay says, she should nom Audrey. Shelli says, Becky wants to back-door Audrey, not nom her. 9:25 PM BBT Clay says, she needs to have a back-up plan, & if they can back-door Da'Vonne that would be fine, if the opportunity presents itself. He says, try to reach a plea agreement with Da'Vonne for the time being that would be good. He says, they need to back-door her. He says, if you nom her, then you're already drawing that line. He tells Shelli to use her HOH to her advantage. 9:28 PM BBT Shelli says, if Da'Vonne finds out that they want to back-door her, then she will target them. Shelli says, if the opportunity to back-door her doesn't come up, then they are going to be the targets anyway. She asks Clay who she should put up. He says, to pick floaters. Shelli says, Becky wants to back-door Audrey, so she's going to put up Steve. Clay tells Shelli to stop interviewing people, it's pointless, she needs to do what's best for her. 9:30 PM BBT Shelli tells Clay that she thinks Becky is in with Da'Vonne. Clay says, she should say she wants to back-door someone else like Jeff. Shelli says, she doesn't want to say that, because Becky is in tight with Jackie, so she won't be down with that. Clay says, then say Vanessa, just to throw a name out there, which is a total lie, but then Da'Vonne won't know. Shelli says, she only wants to tell Becky who she's putting on the block. She says, she needs to talk to Meg. 9:32 PM BBT Clay tells Shelli to put him up as a pawn against Da'Vonne & he'll throw the comp. Shelli says, she will not put him up, because someone can win POV, & the house can turn against him, & he can walk out the door. She is not going to have Clay be put up at all no matter what. Shelli says, she needs to talk to Meg. She says, her & Becky are going to talk at 11 PM BBT. 9:35 PM BBT Shelli tells Clay to get Vanessa & then she will talk to Meg. Shelli asks Vanessa to tell her what she knows. BB tells Vanessa to please reattach her microphone. Vanessa tells Shelli she trusts Meg. Shelli says, she wants to target Audrey, but Becky wants to back-door her. Vanessa asks Shelli if she's willing to put Da'Vonne up? She says, neither Audrey or Da'Vonne are trustworthy. 9:37 PM BBT Shelli says, the only reason Da'Vonne is talking to her, is because she wants her to target Audrey. She says, she not her girl & she never will be. Vanessa asks if Becky knows that Da'Vonne is her target? She says, no, she doesn't want her to know that, because that's dangerous. Vanessa tells Shelli to put up a weak player with Da'Vonne & ask them to throw the comp, so Da'Vonne stays the target. 9:39 PM BBT Shelli says, Becky told her that she was told that Steve is Audrey's messenger. She says, there's no reason to put Steve up as a target. Shelli will not put up Jeff, Vanessa, Clay, or Austin. Shelli says, Liz is the only person that didn't come up to her, but she's with Austin & Jeff. Shelli says, she won't put up Jackie. Shelli won't put Meg up. Vanessa asks if she will put James up? Vanessa says, James told her that he won't be upset if he's put up. 9:42 PM BBT Vanessa tells Shelli to put up 2 pawns then. She says, to tell Becky for now that she is wanting to back-door Audrey, & then she can try to back-door Da'Vonne if she's not de-throwned. Vanessa says, she was told that Steve may have thrown the first BOTB. Shelli says, there is no way. She says, did you see how hard he worked? She says, there is no way he threw it. Shelli & Becky get called to the DR. 9:45 PM BBT Vanessa goes to the KT, & asks if they got more food? She says, no, I guess we didn't. Steve walks around in the KT. The camera view changes to the WA. John comes out of the WC & washes his hands. Da'Vonne goes in the WC with a black bag in her hand. John walks out of the WA. Austin is working out in the LR. Vanessa walks in the LR, & Austin walks out. There are 9 HG's in the LR now trying to figure out what's going to happen tonight. 9:48 PM BBT In the LR, James says, he wonders how many people watched the live show tonight. He says, their families were all on the couches saying, that's my boy, Clay, and what not. Jason says, they do a 9 hour ceremony in the HOHR. Meg says, she's ready for some more competitions. John is now in the LR, with the HG's. Liz is in the KT yawning & washing her hands. Steve walks in the KT, & is trying to make slop balls. 9:50 PM BBT Steve & Liz are looking for the measuring cups. She says, she still smells a fish smell, & can't stand it. Liz finds ants in the drawer in the kitchen. She says, she hates these ants, & they ain't loyal. Becky & Shelli come out of the DR shaking their keys to the HOHR. They says, who wants to see our HOH Room? Everyone gets excited, & they head upstairs. 9:51 PM BBT Everyone is upstairs except Da'Vonne. They are all clapping. Becky puts the key in the door, & says, they are locked out. She gets the door open, & we see FOTH. You can hear the HG's going nuts over the pictures they are seeing. They are discussing who is in the pictures. Jason says, your letters are in here. He says, you got funny little things too. Liz says, the quality of the pictures isn't that good. 9:54 PM BBT We still have FOTH, but we can hear what's going on. Becky's HOH Letter: Dear Becky, Don't forget that You are loved. With all the craziness that can ensue, remember to always be yourself. In the past few weeks, something I have learned to live by, is not to let other people's problems be your problems. Remember to be strong, for you never know who you are inspiring. Ash & I went to the zoo the other day, & we were thinking about you. They now have a llama exhibit. Ashley mentioned that they were your favorite animals, so we sent you a little llama, she would keep you laughing. We are all rooting for you. Ashley is still job searching, & therefore has plenty of time to watch you weekly. We miss you, & can't wait to see you again. With lots of love & best wishes, Stephanie & Ashley 9:55 PM BBT Shelli's HOH Letter: To our sweet wonderful Shelli, We are missing you like crazy. I hope you are not missing us at all & are completely focusing on the game. I guess you have made some new friends, you always do. Dad & I are traveling back & forth from the farm, to the lake & back again, a typical Poole family summer. I closed my on-line shop for a while. I'm so glad, & much happier. We've taken care of all the things you asked us to, & will continue to do so for the next 3 months. Remember to constantly think ahead of the game. Watch your back, & have no regrets. We know our feisty, funny, smart, Shelli will do great in the house. We all wish you good luck. We love, adore, & miss you. There's no way I can say it enough times, there are just no words. For God did not give us the spirit of humility, but a spirit of power, love & self-discipline. We cherish you, Mom & Dad 9:56 PM BBT Everyone claps for the letters. All the HG's get loud in the HOHR & talk about the stuff they got. They got coconut milk, but no alcohol. 9:58 PM BBT Live feeds come back. Clay is looking at one of Shelli's picture, & she is telling him who's in the picture. All of the HG's are going around the HOHR looking at their stuff. Shelli says, she loves black licorice. Audrey is using the mirrors to fix her hair. Da'Vonne says, congratulations ladies. Liz says, this is so nice. Becky asks if everyone minds if she kicks them out, because she wants to use the HOHR to talk to people, instead of the storage room. Shelli leaves the HOHR with everyone else. We see FOTH for a moment. 10:01 PM BBT Becky stays in the 2nd HOHR & talks to Jeff. We see FOTH a couple times. Jeff tells Becky that the 8 person alliance doesn't exit anymore. She says, she knows that. She says, she won this HOH because Audrey is coming after her hard. Jeff says, she might want to try to keep the HOH, because Audrey is going after him more than her. He says, he thinks that Shelli may have a different agenda then her. 10:04 PM BBT Becky asks Jeff if he's worried he would go up on Shelli's side? He's says, he could be used as a pawn. Jeff tells Becky that Shelli & Clay should be counted as 1 unit, because there's someone that wants them out, & that's Da'Vonne. He says, this is all speculation though. Becky says, she didn't know that, this is the first we're hearing this. Jeff says, he doesn't have any alliances with anybody. He says, people are going to approach her, & he says, people should be genuine. Jeff says, she should be able to figure out who she can trust in the house. 10:07 PM BBT Jeff tells Becky, one cool thing about this process is that she'll be able to see where she stands, & what some people's agendas are. She tells Jeff, that he's not on her radar at all, & she is pretty sure of the choices she wants to make. Jeff asks for another gummy bear. She has him ask for it in German. Jeff leaves, & Becky asks, who's up next? Liz goes in the 2nd HOHR now. 10:09 PM BBT Liz tells Becky that she hasn't been part of the big alliance. She says, she's not a super fan, & all she has been doing is cleaning. She says, she really doesn't know anything about the game, which gives her a disadvantage. Liz says, a lot of the stuff is like high school again. Liz says, she thinks that she can be an asset to the house, & she would love to work with Becky. Becky says, she needs the numbers to get to jury. 10:11 PM BBT Becky says, there are a lot of people that haven't wanted to talk to her, because she's been on the outside. She says, there's a reason that she went up last week, because she's a threat. She says, we know that the 8 are still working together. She says, there is an elephant in the room, so the elephant needs to go. She says, she needs to do one insider & one outsider. She says, neither are the target, because we know who needs to go home. 10:13 PM BBT Becky tells Liz that neither her or Shelli are a fan of someone throwing the competition. She knows who needs to go home. She says, whoever the outsider is, Liz needs to reassure them they are not the target, because she is going after the elephant. She says, to keep calm & carry on. Liz says, she's going to check on her cookies. Austin was lurking in the HOHR, & walks out with Liz. 10:15 PM BBT Jackie comes in the 2nd HOHR & gives Becky a hug. Becky tells Jackie that Shelli is an empathetic person, & she told her the story of how Audrey attacked her personally. Becky says, she thinks that Shelli & Clay will both be on board to get the elephant out. Jackie guesses that Becky is going to put up Steve & Jason. 10:16 PM BBT Meg tells Shelli she trusts. She says, Da'Vonne is expecting that she's going to be back-doored this week. Meg says, she wants to work with Jason, but without Da'Vonne. She says, Da'Vonne may be more of a threat to Clay, she's not sure if she's against her as well. Shelli says, she thinks so, 100 percent. Shelli asks if Da'Vonne is with John? Meg says, she hasn't been told. She says, they won't take them to the end. Meg says, Jason & Da'Vonne are ride or die. 10:19 PM BBT Meg says, she's telling her all of her cards. She says, she knows Audrey doesn't tell the truth, & she probably won't gun after her necessarily. She says, Audrey needs to make sure that Jeff is safe this week, so she can go after him next week. Shelli says, she's very cautious. She says, she loves her outside of the game, but she can't trust her in the game. Shelli says, she's 100 percent Becky's target, so it's done if Becky stays. She says, that will be here blood. 10:21 PM BBT Shelli tells Meg that she probably will just have to put Da'Vonne on the block & not back-door her. She says, she wants to talk to Jason, that if she comes off the block, she would have to put him up in her place. She says, now there's some twist that someone is going to have the last laugh. She says, she didn't come here to just put up pawns, she wants to put people up. 10:23 PM BBT Meg says, this is a numbers game. Shelli asks who she should put up with Da'Vonne to throw the comp to keep Da'Vonne on the block? Shelli says, she thinks Da'Vonne is using John to go back and forth. Shelli tells Meg that is totally on board with them to get Da'Vonne out. Shelli says, Clay told her to put him up, but she doesn't want to do that. Meg says, someone like Austin is less expected, because no one would expect them to work together. She says, to throw the Jace card. Shelli says, she told Austin she wouldn't put him up. Meg says, John. 10:27 PM BBT Jackie comes to the main HOHR to talk to Shelli. Jackie asks if she still wants Audrey to go, just like Becky wants her to, she will be down with it. Shelli asks who to put up to do the dirty work? Jackie tells Shelli that Becky is putting up Steve & Jason. Shelli says, Jason is going to try to win it then obviously. Jackie asks if she's going to put Audrey up? Shelli says, the idea is to back-door her. Shelli won't put up Jeff or Clay. 10:29 PM BBT Jackie asks if anyone has offered to be a pawn? Shelli says, no, she needs someone to. She tells Jackie she's not putting her up as a pawn. Becky is in the 2nd HOHR talking to Meg. She tells Meg that she's a trustworthy person. Meg tells her to let her know if she needs her to do dirty work. She tells Meg that she had a conversation today about things that upset her, & for her not to upset her. 10:32 PM BBT Becky says, Audrey didn't get to know her, & she has no loyalty to her. Meg says, she will keep her mouth shut about it, because you don't want back-door options to get out. Becky says, she will not let her be in the HOHR with her by herself. She says, she will call Jackie up there with them. She says, no one's going to call her a racist bigot, & then be alone with her. 10:36 PM BBT Shelli & Jeff are in the CRL talking. Jeff asks her how paranoid she is with Da'Vonne? Shelli says, very. Jeff says, he wants to get to know Shelli more, so he they can be like a family. Shelli says, she trusts Jeff outside of Clay, because she was always team Jeff from the beginning. Meanwhile in the 2nd HOHR, Becky is telling Steve about what Audrey did to her. She says, she wants her out with every bone in her body because of what she said to her. Steve says, he didn't know about it. 10:39 PM BBT Becky tells Steve that her & Shelli both want to get the elephant out by back-dooring that HG. Steve says, neither one of them wants their noms to throw the comps to get the person out. Steve asks Becky that the first person is going to be the person that nominated her. She says, she has to go with one outsider & one insider. She says, the people she's talked to all seem to be on the same page. Becky says, if he's picking up on her hints, she wants it to be a good outsider, because he could win the comp, because of being a good competitor. 10:43 PM BBT Becky tells Steve that her outsider is a harder decision, & he may be a potential nom. She tells him to just keep it quiet. She says, the goal right now is to get out Audrey, & everyone needs to just stay on that. Steve says, you're asking me not to repeat this? Becky says, yes. Steve offers Becky 2 weeks of safety. They shake hands. She says, this night has happened so fast. He asks Becky how she is? She says, she is o.k., because there's an obvious target. She says, if she wasn't obvious, she would have a harder time. 10:45 PM BBT Steve tells Becky that she doesn't have anything to worry about on the outside. Meanwhile, in the CRL, Clay is now in there with Shelli & Jeff. Shelli says, regardless, she is put Da'Vonne on the block. She says, she needs to find someone to put on the block with her, so they will throw the comp, & she can stay HOH. Clay still wants her to put him up. She says, she will not do it, because she doesn't trust that. She says, that's also super obvious to do that. She says, she needs to put up John. She says, Steve will not throw a competition. 10:49 PM BBT Shelli gets John & brings him in the CRL with her, Jeff & Clay. Shelli asks John if he has anyone that he trusts that he wants to keep in the game. John says, Becky & Jeff. Shelli wants to know his thoughts on Audrey. He says, apparently she's said stuff about him. He keeps raising his voice, & is having a hard time whispering. 10:51 PM BBT Shelli says, Audrey is a target on one side of the block. She asks what his thoughts are on Steve? John says, he really knows the game. She asks him what his thoughts are on Da'Vonne? He says, he feels she is very controlling. She asks what his thoughts are on Jason? John says, he's cool with him. Shelli tells John, that one side of the block is Audrey & one side is Da'Vonne. She says, she is asking him if he's goes on the block with Da'Vonne, if he will throw it, to keep her on the block? John says, what if she comes of the block? She says, then they could put up Audrey. She says, they have the week to figure it out. Clay says, he will sacrifice his own game to make sure John does not leave the house. 10:55 PM BBT Becky, Meg, Vanessa, James, Jackie, & Steve are all hanging out in the KT. Shelli & Clay keep talking to John to try & convince him to throw the BOTB competition. She tells him, it might not be that hard to throw the competition. John does agree to be the pawn & throw the competition. All of them agree to save John if they win POV. Clay says, there are 7 people fighting for POV, that will save him. 11:00 PM BBT Shelli, Clay, & Jeff all tell John he can't say anything about the plan. John leaves the CRL. James goes in the CRL carrying a pair of brown dress pants. Clay tells James that a lot of people are saying all of the alliances are crazy. He says, there aren't any alliances there that are worth a s***. Meg walks in the CRL. Clay tells James they trust Meg. Clay says, he's not telling James to chose a side, but when s*** hits the fan, they need him on board. He says, he trusts that he won't go back to Da'Vonne about anything. 11:05 PM BBT James tells them that he was looking for someone that he can trust the whole time. Shelli tells Liz that she is safe, while they talk in the grey BR. Liz says, she voted Jace out, even though she didn't want to. Shelli says, she can trust her in the game, & she has her if she wants to talk. They hug it out, & Liz walks out. She tells Steve, Shelli's ready. She brushes her hair, & gives him a hug when he walks in. 11:07 PM BBT Shelli tells Steve he's not going up for her. She tells him he belongs in this game, he's a good player, & he belongs in this game. She tells him he's good, & she says, she needs to talk to James next. Steve asks if she's doing o.k.? She says, yes, it's just crazy because it's so fast. James gets called to the DR. BB tells James, he's not allowed to talk about his DR sessions with other HG's. 11:09 PM BBT Shelli says to Jason, get over here cutie. He sits on the bed with her in the grey BR. She says, adorbs to him. She tells him that he's o.k. with her. He tells her that he trusts her & Becky both. Jason tells her that he likes her, because she doesn't act like a robot. He tells her, He's excited to go on the block, because he trusts them. Jason asks if she's o.k. with the Audrey thing? She says, she doesn't know how she can trust her when she's done everything in the house. (She didn't lead on to him anything about Da'Vonne). They both walk out of the grey BR. Shelli looks for James, but he's in the DR. 11:12 PM BBT Shelli calls Becky up to the HOHR to talk. Shelli tells Becky she's totally cool with Jackie. She tells Becky, she is really happy to be there with her this week. She says, she was told that Becky was throwing her under the bus about her & Clay being a showmance. Becky says, she just thought it was cute. They both agree they need to bond with each other, because they are both on the outside. 11:16 PM BBT Becky starts to tell Shelli how she excited she was in the DR. BB tells her, she's not allowed to talk about her DR sessions with other HG's. Her & Shelli both talk along with BB. They both agree that they both really like Jackie. Shelli is excited that she gets to talk to Becky on a game level. Becky says, she's a cool girl, & she really is good with her game. She says, she doesn't need to know her every move, she just needs to know that she's on the same page with her. Becky says, she doesn't really know that she can trust John. 11:19 PM BBT Shelli says, she doesn't know what they can say. Becky says, the 2 people she is thinking about putting up are Steve & Jason. Jason is because he put her up, & she says, he fully expected to be put up. She says, you hear a billion things when you are trying to put people up. Shelli says, she wants to get to know Becky better in the game this week. Becky says, she didn't come in on the same level, & wants to get that out. 11:22 PM BBT Shelli says, the 2 people that she is thinking about putting up are John & Da'Vonne, since the person to get out is Audrey. She says, she can't put her up from the beginning, so that's who's she's going to put up. Becky leaves the HOHR. The camera view switches to the HN BR where Meg & Jeff are talking. Meg tells Jeff that Becky is putting up Steve & someone else. She says, there's a possibility that Steve can go home. Audrey walks in on them. 11:27 PM BBT Shelli tells Audrey in the LR that she's not putting up Jackie, because she went through that last week. Audrey says, John is walking in circles. Shelli tells Audrey she only has about 10 minutes to get ready. She opens the door to the HN BR & is looking for Da'Vonne. Shelli is going around the house & is looking for Da'Vonne. She sees James & tells him that she hasn't talked to him, because he went to the DR. 11:30 PM BBT Clay tells Shelli that James knows everything about everything. She tells James that it's obvious that she can't trust Audrey. She says, that's Becky's target, & they both have to have a target. So, hers is Da'Vonne. James says, so either one has to go. Shelli says, it's probably dangerous to tell him this, & she wants to work with him. James says, he told Clay that he wanted to find a pack from day 1. He says, he knew Jace wasn't it, when things happened, & he immediately became his target. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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