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Tuesday, June 30 2015 Big Brother 17 Live Feed Updates


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Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)

Battle of the Block (BotB)

Back Yard (BY)

Bedroom (BR)

Cabana Room Lounge (CRL)

Dining Table (DT)

Head of House Room (HOHR)

Kitchen (KT)

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#BB17 12:00 AM BBT Audry and Jason talking about how Jace is eating all the food because he wants to make a statement.  Jason complaining about Jace smoking all is cigarettes and wants to stop giving them to him.  


##BB17 12:05 AM BBT Clay and Meg laying in the hammock. Clay is trying to figure out the rumor concerning Jeff and Meg, Clay says Jeff told him and Meg is saying she hasn’t talked to him, and Meg wants to understand the rumor.  The rumor is that Meg and Jeff are trying to get people out.  Meg says she had heard that also and wonders who and why. 


#BB17 12:10am BBT Meg says she is not comfortable with how the alliance is acting.  Meg doesn’t like the drama and wont be apart of it.


#BB17  12:24AM BBT Jace is campaigning to Jeff to keep him .. Jeff tells Jace that Audrey is the whole reason why he is going home.  Jeff says he doesn’t trust Clay anymore that he tested him and he failed. Jace says that Clay sold out to Audrey also.  Jace is trying to get Jeff to keep  him and that if he does he will be loyal to him.  Jeff says that Audrey was after him and now she is after him and that she is just plain crazy.


#BB17 12:30 AM BBT Austin and  Liz talking in whispers about who they can trust and who they can’t.  They are talking about what Jace is going to do to stay. 


#BB17 12:51 AM BBT Clay and Jeff in storage room talking about catching Audrey in her manipulations.  Talking about how she eggs on the rumors and she is gunning for Jeff now.  Jeff also is talking about how if Audrey doesn’t like what she is seeing she is starting trouble with them about it. 


#BB17 1:15 AM BBT Jeff tells Clay that they are going after Audrey and they want her out.  Jeff is talking about the rumors that Audrey is tell and to not tell Audrey or Shelli  what is going on and that he wants a final 2 deal with Clay.  Jackie interrupts the talk and Clay leaves.  Jeff tells her that he is trying to break up Audrey and Clay because he wants to really work with Clay.  Jeff says if Clay screws him over that he better watch out as he will be gunning for him.


#BB17 1:30 AM BBT Jace is telling Audrey and Clay that he knows others are making up stuff to make him look bad and that they will get what deserve in the end.

 #BB17 1:50 AM BBT Audrey and Shelli are upsetting Clay because they are upsetting him because they are questioning him and he feeling like they have no trust in him.


#BB17 2:01 AM BBT Audrey and Shelli are talking to Jeff and questioning him to figure out why he was lying and told them Jace told him the rumor.  Jeff tells them that Austin s coming after Audrey doesn’t believe him. 


#BB17 2:15 AM BBT  Shelli goes to the Hammock room and calls Jeff in, and Clay follows.  Jeff tells Clay he is screwing up his game.  Clay defending himself that he didn’t tell them anything.  Clay wants to tell Shelli the truth and Jeff agrees.  Clay tells Shelli how Audrey is messing with everyone in the house and they need to back away from her or she is going to bring them down.  Jeff tells Shelli that all the conflict in the house has been started by Audrey.  Shelli wants to know if Audrey is the new Jace and they both agree.


#BB17 2:33 AM BBT Shelli pulls Jeff into the parlor and Clay joins.  Audrey has been interrogating Jeff again and is upset with Clay.  More talk about getting rid of Audrey, and Shelli if the remaining 5 alliance have been talking about getting rid of Audrey, and Jeff tells her yes over the past 3 days they have.  Clay and Jeff once again tell Shelli she cant say anything to anyone as it would blow up their game. 


#BB17 2:35 AM BBT Clay tells Jeff that everything makes sense and doesn’t like that he has been defending Audrey.  Jeff tells Shelli if she continues to back Audrey that she will go down with her.  Shelli wanted to know if Jeff and Austin are okay, Jeff says for the week because they both have the same person Audrey. 


#BB17 2:38 AM BBT Continued talk about how Shelli cant say a word to anyone about what they have talked about.  Audrey walks in and the conversation changes to how Jace  approached him because he was with Audrey.  Audrey knows that Jace is going to call out the Five Alive group.  And that this was going to be his big blow up. Audrey tells Jeff he should mention this to Austin as this would not be in his best interest and maybe Austin can convince Jace to not do a blow up at the end.  Audrey Says she isn’t afraid of Jace and even in the live show would stand up and tell Jace to shut the ***k up.  Conversation changes to making fun of Steve.  They are thinking he is a mole.

#BB17 2:41 AM BBT Audrey goes running up to HOH room and wake up James to try and get him to let Jace know that the backdoor was preplanned.  She is trying to get the focus off her.  James does not agree and thinks it will escalate Jace’s attitude even more.  She is not winning her plea with James. 


#BB17 2:45 AM BBT Clay comes out of the shower wearing Jeff’s underwear and they start joking around about it.  Clay says he has no clean ones since they have no detergent.


#BB17 2:47 AM BBT Jeff and Jace go outside to have a talk.  Jeff tell Jace how he tested Clay and went over the conversation before.  Clay joins the conversation in the backyard.  Jace is campaigning to Jeff and Clay and they are telling him they cant vote for him and go against the house as it would mess with their game plan.  Clay is telling Jace to let things rest tonight and tomorrow they will come up with a game plan.  The stuff Clay has figured out may have changed his mind about keeping him.

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02:50 AM BBT Jace, Clay and Jeff are in the BY talking.  Jace says he has no one campaigning for him and everyone is (pooping) in his face and it bothers him obviously.  Clay says he understands but Jace tells him he doesn’t because he hasn’t been on the block yet.  Clay says he still has to go with what the house wants.  Clay says he got new information tonight and he he sees what’s happening now.  Jace asks why he would be alligned with that person then.  Clay says he still has to think of his own game.  Meanwhile up in the HOH Audrey is talking to James and James tells Audrey that he told Jace that he is the one to blame for Jace being on the block.  Audrey says Jace thinks she got in his ear before the veto ceremony and told him to put Jace up.  Rehashing commences.


03:10 AM BBT Clay and Audrey in the Ocean Room whispering.  Lights on.  Clay reassures Audrey that she’s worrying too much.  Audrey says there are conversations happening around her.  Out in the BY they’re (James, Meg, Da’Vonne, Jackie, Jeff, Jason, and Jace) discussing Audrey and how she’s a manipulator.


03:15 AM BBT Jace continues to campaign for himself out in the BY.  Jace hates having to campaign against Jackie but this is the position that he’s in now.  In the Ocean Room Clay whispers to Shelli and tells her that Audrey did not tell him something that she’s now she did tell him.  


03:16 AM BBT Audrey has joined the BY crew and James tells Jace that he can say what he wants to say eviction night about him but James came to battle.  Awkward….  Jeff is shocked that Steve isn’t out here.  Jeff says Steve has been everywhere tonight.  Jason says he’s probably in the SR.  Da’Vonne and James head inside.


03:19 AM BBT Awkwardness continues in the BY while Audrey roams near the couch.  Jace asks for a hit of the cigarette that Jason and Jeff are sharing “Especially after the tension in the air….”  Audrey and Meg head inside.  Audrey whispers to Meg asking if they should call out Jace for trying to start things.  Feeds switch back to the couch.  Jace says he could pick the Bible up and swear on something if he needed to.  Da’Vonne wonders why Audrey is hiding her face while talking.  Jason says she’s sketchy.  Feeds switch back to Audrey and Meg in front of the BY door.  Meg says once he’s out he’s out.  Audrey says the tension will be worse over the next few days.


03:23 AM BBT **FlashBack Moment** Audrey says the tension is not on one person, but everyone and it’s making him look bad.  Jeff says he’s been throwing a lot of people under the bus.  Audrey says it would make her feel more comfortable if she could confront Jace right now because her bun has been on the burner for a while now.  Audrey walks back outside and says she’s gonna do it.  Audrey says she wants to talk to other people and she doesn’t think it’s fair that James is going to get all of the heat.  She’s tired of Audrey taking heat as well.  Audrey says the entire house knew about the plan.


03:25 AM BBT  Audrey says everyone knew about Five Alive.  Audrey says everyone knew about Jace wanting to backdoor Jason.  Audrey says it wasn’t her.  Jace swears it wasn’t him.  Audrey wonders where it came from.  Jace doesn’t know.  Audrey says Jace makes everyone feel uncomfortable.  Jace asks Audrey why she’s getting loud.  Audrey says because she’s arguing with a crazy person right now.  She feels sorry for him because he’s making himself look bad right now.  Audrey says everything that Jace is selling nobody is buying because they’re coming to her and telling her.  Audrey says he’s not self aware.  Jace and Audrey agree that they’re not afraid of each other.  Jace tells her to stop her crap.  Jace says he’s not feeling sorry for making her feel uncomfortable.  He calls her crazy.  She pity’s him.  Audrey says if people are promising votes and he doesn’t get them from his friends then to just remember that her friends stabbed him in the back.  The BY party breaks up.  Everyone says they’re going to bed.


03:30 AM BBT Jeff wants coffee and Jace offers to make it for him because it’s simple.  Jace rehashes part of the conversation with Da’Vonne.  (Da’Vonne wandered in during the argument).  Back in the Ocean Room Audrey rehashes the argument with James and Shelli (they were in the room during the argument in the BY).  James says he’s going to remind Jace that it was he that put him (Jace) on the block.  James walks into the KT and Jace rehashes the argument with James.


03:34 AM BBT James says this was the best thing she could do for herself.  Jace wants to have a house meeting tomorrow so everyone can have the clarity to see what she’s doing and deflect some of the heat off her.  Jace wants James to say that he was fed misinformation in a house meeting tomorrow so he at least has a fighting chance.


03:40 AM BBT FoTH.


03:42 AM BBT Jeff is in the KT waiting on coffee.  In the Ocean Room we have awkwardness.  James leaves the room.  Jason and Da’Vonne are in the same bed.  Shelli and Audrey are in the same bed and Clay is in his own bed.  


03:45 AM BBT Audrey tells Jason next time he’s in an awkward fight she’ll randomly walk away.  Jason says he’ll be more intense if he’s in a fight.  Out in the BY Jace, Da’Vonne and Meg are chatting about Audrey.


03:48 AM BBT Jace says if you give ideas to an HOH it’s a mistake even if you are working with someone.  Jace says he was privy to the conversation but it wasn’t his idea.  Back in the bedroom Jason asks to turn the lights off.  Audrey says sure.


03:50 AM BBT Lights off in the Ocean Room.  Out in the BY Jace, Da’Vonne and Meg continue to chat.  Meg says it’s hard to play the game when you have to lie to someone.  Jace understands.  Jason comes out.  Jason says if Jace goes, she’ll be right behind him because she’s next.  Meg points out that they’ve been onto her trail but they see it completely now.


03:55 AM BBT  Talk in the BY continues saying that Audrey will go next week.  Jace points out that he still has a chance to stay.  They agree.


03:57 AM BBT James says if he throws Audrey under the bus right now then he’ll be on the block next week.  Jace says he’ll throw her under the bus.  Da’Vonne says Jace is the only one that can throw her under the bus.  Jason hasn’t slept in like 48 hours.



04:00 AM BBT Feeds 3-4 Out in the BY Da’Vonne, James, Jace, Jason and Meg are talking.  They mention how Audrey spins everything about everyone.  Jason wants to where the original plan to backdoor him came from.  Jace swears it wasn’t him.  Meg walks in.  Jason says it’s irrelevant.  Da’Vonne wants to know where the plan to backdoor her next week came from.  Jace says it has to be Audrey because it wasn’t him.  Da’Vonne says she wants to know the truth if she’s expected to give him her vote.  Jace swears it wasn’t him and Da’Vonne thanks him for his honesty.  Da’Vonne wonders where it came from.  Jace swears again that it wasn’t him.  She says if she gives him a vote to keep him and it she finds out otherwise later he is going to have serious problems with her.


04:00 AM BBT Feeds 1-2 Meanwhile Meg walks inside and tells Audrey about the conversation being had outside.  Someone was being thrown under the bus.  Meg says it’s not worth it.  People are trying to calm down.  “He needs to realize that we’re all trying to play the game.  Meg says it’s not working and Audrey agrees.  Audrey doesn’t think Jason and someone else is really part of the group.  Meg doesn’t understand.  Audrey says this is one of the most organized games of BB ever.  Very difficult to hear the conversation due to whispers and the mic rubbing against clothing/blankets.


04:06 AM BBT Feeds 3-4 Clay comes outside and Jace asks James to explain to Clay what he figured out and James says that he realizes now that Audrey has been feeding him false information.  Jace says he’s on the block and possibly going home this week because Audrey fed his friend James some lies.  James says he laid the hammer down and put Jace on the block so he takes full responsibility.  Jace agrees but says says it was still Audrey’s fault for putting the idea in his head.  Jace says if he goes home this week that he hopes everyone goes after Audrey and takes her out.  James says there’s nothing that can be done about now by putting her on the block.


04:07 AM BBT Feeds 1-2 Meanwhile in the darkened bedroom Meg and Audrey continue to whisper in the darkened Ocean Room.  Audrey says they better hope she doesn’t win HOH next week.  Audrey says she doesn’t question Meg and Jeff?.  Audrey doesn’t think Steve or Austin will come after her.  Meg agrees.  Audrey says she has tried to repair the rift for the group.  Audrey says he feels like “she’s out there blowing sunshine up this kid’s a** and it’s not necessary.”  Meg agrees and says it sucks that they can’t make it through the first week.  Meg says she trusts Clay and Jeff.


04:11 AM BBT Feeds 1-2 Switch to Day’mvonne, James and Jeff in the KT whispering saying that the house will be going after Audrey next week.  Jeff says they have to win HOH to make sure she doesn’t win it.  Da’Vonne heads into the WC.


04:13 AM BBT Out in the BY Clay, Jace and Jason continue to talk, comparing notes about what happened vs what Audrey says what happened.  Jace says he’s trusted Clay since day one.  Jace says it looked like he was working with her earlier but Jace realizes now he wasn’t.  Jason says “Ain’t nobody sleepin’ up in this house tonight!”  Meg walks back outside and Jeff asks if she’s awake in there and Meg says she is.


04:15 AM BBT Meg says she feels bad because she’s asking questions.  Jeff asks what.  Meg says she doesn’t know what they’re fighting about.  Jeff says they’re not fighting over anything.  Meg says she doesn’t have any more energy to devote to it any more.  She told her to not go start a fight but she did anyways.  Meg doubles over in frustration.  Meg says she’s not covering tracks any longer.  Meg says she’s done and she’s not giving any more energy to this tonight.  Jason, Da’Vonne, Jeff and James tells her to go to bed, but Audrey keeps going.  James says every time he lays down something bad has happened.  Clay agrees.


04:18 AM BBT Jace walks in and Meg wonders where he’s going.  They say he’s going to bed.  Jace walks into the storage or the DR.  Feeds switch to Meg’s empty bed and Audrey can be heard saying “She better hope I don’t win HOH because she will not like the person I will become.”  Shelli asks where everyone is and Audrey tells her that they’re all outside blowing sunshine up Jace’s a** for at least 20 minutes now.  Audrey tells her that Meg told her that everything is dramatic.  Audrey thinks Da’Vonne and Jason are opportunists and are perpetuating the situation because it serves their agenda.  Audrey says if there’s a rumor that Jeff and Meg are going to target someone and the rumor is coming from within their group then the only person she sees releasing that information is Da’Vonne. 


04:20 AM BBT Shelli wants to know what they’re outside talking about.  She asks Audrey what they were talking about when she left.  Audrey gives her a curt “Nothing.”  Jeff said he was going outside.  James followed.  Jace followed and Da’Vonne followed.  Jason said he was going to go pee but never came back.  Shelli asks where Audrey has been.  Audrey said right here.  She says she went outside briefly and came back here.  Shelli says felt Audrey just get into bed.  Audrey says she was sitting up talking to Meg.  Shelli wonders what they’re all talking about outside.  Audrey asks Shelli if she feels like going out there.  Shelli asks if she wants her to.  Audrey says she’s the only she trusts to tell her what’s going on.  Shelli says she hates tonight and gets up to go outside.


04:23 AM BBT  She asks what’s going on.  Meg says every time she walks in that room she’s under fire.  Shelli says she’s in the worse spot possible.  She hears everything that everyone is telling her but Audrey just woke her up telling her that Jace is outside talking to everyone right now.  Meg says they’re crazy town right now because they’re all going to go after each other right now.  


04:26 AM BBT  Da’Vonne says Audrey makes a statement and then goes and says that the person she told the statement to said the statement.  Clay says they have to stay good with her right now just in case she wins HOH.  Da’Vonne says they can’t change things right now and she’ll keep up the awkwardness with her and Shelli and Jeff have to continue to act super close.  Talk turns to what Audrey said her occupation was.  She told some that she’s a Psychic.  James told him that she’s a communication specialist.  Shelli says she had a feeling about Audrey when Audrey told her about a dream and then during the BoB they were sitting next to each other and Audrey kept saying “Oh my god…just like in my dream they were building a puzzle…” Shelli began to wonder whether or not she was getting fed information behind the scenes.  Shelli also points out that Audrey was getting called into DR at very specific times.


04:30 AM BBT Jason asks everyone if they remember going to DR the first couple of days behind the camera there was a black folder…FOTH.


04:32 AM BBT Shelli said she thought there might be a twin in the house and Shelli told her that she (Shelli) and Jeff both have twins.  Audrey told Shelli in her “session” that there’s a Matthew.  FoTH.


04:35 AM BBT Shelli and Da’Vonne both tell stories that Audrey told them about Psychic readings she had just before she came in the house.  All Jeff can do is laugh.  They begin to compare stories.  Shelli can’t help but wonder if she (Audrey) is going to be a twist or a BB Takeover.


04:35 AM BBT Meanwhile in the darkened Ocean Room, Audrey and Clay are whispering.  Clay has joined Audrey in her bed.  Clay says they’re simply trying to calm him down.  He says nothing Jace tells them is going to break up the group.  Clay says he’s healing up the group by sealing cracks with concrete.  Audrey just wants to make sure that Clay, Jeff, Meg and Shelli are not going to turn on her (Audrey).  Clay asks for who.  Audrey doesn’t know.  Clay tells her to stop worrying then it’s not a concern.  A door can be heard opening and they stop talking.  Clay asks if it’s Jace.  Clay reassures Audrey that nobody out there is going after her.  Audrey says she’s going to make toilet paper confetti and will throw it on Jace when he walks out the door.  Clay says no she won’t.  She says she will.


04:38 AM BBT Jace joins Shelli, Jeff, Meg, Jason, James and Da’Vonne in the BY.  Da’Vonne says Audrey’s game fell apart the day Da’Vonne had a conversation with Liz and Austin.  (It’s difficult to follow the conversation due to several conversations going on.)


04:40 AM BBT Back in the darkened Ocean Room Audrey asks Clay why the group doesn’t try to avoid Jace.  Clay says Jace is everywhere and it’s hard to.  Jace is a man on a mission.  Clay says Audrey can call Jace out on the day of eviction.


04:44 AM BBT Clay gets up and says he’ll be right back.  Jeff meets up with clay in the cabana.  Jeff says he kind of made it look like Jace started sharing the Audrey information since he’s on the way out the door this week.  Clay thanks him for sharing the information.  Jeff says he threw Clay and everyone a bone.  He hopes they throw him a bone back.


04:45 AM BBT Meanwhile in the BY Jace is telling everyone gathered that Audrey told him to go start a fight with Jason while he was HOH and was acting like it was no big deal.  He said no way because Jason was HOH and Audrey laughed like it was no big deal.  That was almost saboteurish in nature and considering how Audrey is the first Transgender player of BB it would make sense that America would chose her to be the saboteur.  Clay walks out and says he calmed her down.  Clay says they need to keep her calm because she wants Da’Vonne out next.  Clay says if she walks out and sees them all together then she’ll be suspicious.  He suggests Jace goes in and goes to sleep.  Jace wonders where he stands because he doesn’t want to go home.  Da’Vonne says that depends on if he can get the votes to stay this week.


04:50 AM BBT Jason apologizes to Shelli for thinking she was the mole/leak.  Shelli thanks him and says it’s alright she understands.  Meg, James, and Jeff wander in so they can trickle in.  Clay says today is a new day.  James says he has a few votes to stay and with the six that were outside he’ll have enough to stay.  Da’Vonne points out that Jace has to go in before everyone.  Jace gets up and is glad that they know that he wasn’t the one going after James.  Jace goes in and Clay, Shelli, Da’Vonne and Jason agree that Jace has to go home this week because he will go after James first chance he gets. 


04:53 AM BBT James is in bed with Audrey.  Jeff comes in and Audrey asks what was discussed.  Jeff tells her that he’s just campaigning that’s all.  Out in the BY the current talk is about Jackie and she’s an open book that doesn’t trust Audrey so she has to stay this week.


05:00 AM BBT Jace comes into the darkened Ocean Room asking where his Bible is.  Out in the BY Clay, Shelli, Jason and Clay continue to talk trying to figure out what they’re going to tell Audrey if she questions them.  Shelli can’t create a story.  Da’Vonne and Jason head inside.  Shelli says “…and here we thought today was a no game day….”  Shelli and Clay begin to walk towards the hammock.  Audrey runs for the WC.


05:07 AM BBT Audrey heads out to the hammock to ask Clay and Shelli about what Jace has been saying.  They say he’s been campaigning.  Audrey says she’s going to hide in the HOH and wants breakfast, lunch and dinner delivered to her.  Clay says if he gets his way she’ll starve (jokingly).  James and Jeff head out into the BY to play pool.


05:10 AM BBT Clay says they have to reassure folks that there is no distrust because there is an HOH coming up.  Audrey wonders if it’s a full moon (I worked last night, I can say it was without looking up at the sky - Niteslacker).


05:15 AM BBT Shelli continues to cuddles Clay in the hammock.  Shelli says that she wants to go to bed.  Clay tells her to shut up.  Audrey tells him not to talk to her elders that way.  Audrey is called out to plug in her battery tray in her mic.  Jason yells out sketchy.  Audrey tells Jeff her plan to lock herself in the HOH the rest of the week.  She tells him he can knock three times so she’ll know it’s him.  Jeff and James continue to play pool.


05:20 AM BBT Shelli says she’s going to talk to Vanessa and tell her what happened tonight.  Clay questions whether or not Shelli is going to tell Vanessa about Audrey getting in the argument tonight.  Shelli will sleep on it.  She’s not sure.  Clay says they need to tell the other side first so they’ll know that she’s a target and that they didn’t know she was sketchy.  Shelli is concerned that there is a twist coming up.  Shelli points out that the sun is coming up.James and Jeff continue to play pool.


05:23 AM BBT Shelli and Clay head inside.  James and Jeff continue to play pool.  James calls Shelli sketchy for not having her battery pack plugged in.  Clay leans in and whispers to Shelli that she knows she can trust him.  She knows.  Shelli says Jace wanted to tell her something earlier but then he never did talk to her.  Jace says he has something else to tell Shelli.  Clay says he wants Shelli to go as far as he does in the game.


05:27 AM BBT Shelli heads towards the bedroom.  Clay heads out to join Jeff and James in the BY.  Clay says he reassured Audrey they have to stay close to the group of eight because we have an HOH coming up.  Clay says they have to make sure she doesn’t win HOH and if she did win it and the BOB and the POV or POV wasn’t used that they have enough votes to protect Da’Vonne.  Jeff has to poof and asks Jeff to make a celebrity shot for him while he runs inside.


05:30 AM BBT James and Clay discuss when they realized Audrey wasn’t a trust worthy person.


05:35 AM BBT Jace has joined the guys in the BY.  Jace says he’ll lay low today.  Wednesday will be is day to shine.  Jace says he won’t blow up their game because they’re his friends.


05:38 AM BBT Clay inside to use the WC.  Jeff, Jace and James continue to play pool in the BY.  Jace says James was woken up for no reason.  James is glad he was woke up.  James said he began to realize it yesterday and when the events happened today he really knew it.  Jace says that she has to be America’s player.  James thinks so.  Jace says he’s thought about it for a week.  Clay goes to bed.


05:41 AM BBT James says he’s going to lock himself in the HOH the rest of the week.  Jace wants to have a bathtub party with the babes in the house.  Jeff says he’s been trying since they got here.  Jace heads into the WC and gives the camera a thumbs up.


05:45 AM BBT Pool continues in the BY.


05:50 AM BBT James educates Jace about rules of pool.


05:55 AM BBT James walks over to the weight bench while Jeff and Jace play pool.


06:00 AM BBT James gets up and stretches a bit before using the weight bench once again while Jeff and Jace play pool.

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9:00am BBT: Hg are still sleeping.

9:30am BBT: HG still sleeping.

9:38am BBT: Vanessa and Audrey in the STR changing batteries. Audrey is whispering about what happened lastnight. They leave the STr and go to the KT. Audrey says  Jace was yelling that he was going to take the blame and he was yelling at me then i might have said some things after he started yelling at me and i told him that the whole house was in on getting him out. So I don't know what he is going to do and i am just going to stay out of uit but i think everyone is on the same page.

9:41am BBT: Vanessa said i don't know if anyone made this coffee or if it is like? Audrey continues to repeat herself about Jace and talking to Becky About the conversation with Jace and see what she says. Vanessa says it is my understanding that Jace has to go then James, Austin and Clay.

9:46am BBT: Audrey goes back to bed as vanessa goes to the WC.

9:49am BBT: Vanessa goes to the BY eating a Popsicle and lays on the lounger. All other HG in bed sleeping.

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10:03AM BBT We have FOTH - may be wake up time.


10:19AM BBT We still have FOTH


10:21AM BBT HG in WA doing ADLs. Some HG are in the BY lowering the awnings.


10:35AM BBY Austin and Jeff whispering in the BR. Jeff telling Austin that it just slipped out of the bag. Austin asked if they are still voting out Jace. Jeff says they should still go with the house but that it might allow Jace a little bit of a bone.


10:36AM BBT Jeff tells Austin that the everything hit overnight. Austin says that she played everyone. Da comes into the WA. Austin says they all know who the target should be next week. Jeff agrees. Austin says they are the ones who figured this all out. Austin says you can't mess with the boys.


#BB17 10:43AM BBT Jeff and Austin talking about Jace and where everyone stands. Jeff tells Austin to give him until this afternoon to see the situation. Austin agrees.


10:44AM BBT Jeff and Liz talking now in the KT. Saying that the entire house is in agreement that they want to get rid of Audrey. Steve comes in and they both stare at him. He says "oooooo" and walks out when he realizes he interrupted.

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10:50AM BBT Austin telling Liz that they still have to treat Audrey like she is queen in case she does get HOH. Jeff telling Austin and Liz that Jace went crazy last night cornering people and ranting about bible quotes and such. Austin asks Evil Dick style? Jeff says yes.


10:55AM BBT James comes into the KT. He is talking to Jeff about the Audrey situation. Says that someone got messed over but there is nothing he can do about it now.


10:57AM BBT Jeff and Liz are alone again. Jeff says that they bought themselves a week in the house and that he built a lot of trust with people. Says the downside is that he is going to have to start separating from Clay because how people view Clay. He says it sucks because he wants to help the guy.


11:03AM BBT John and Vanessa sitting in BY discussing the veto comp. He is saying how difficult it was to do the comp.


11:07AM BBT John and Vanessa talk about who they should send home. Vanessa says that she has no reason to not vote Jace out. They then make an agreement to not vote each other out as well as give each other information.

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11:13AM BBT Game talk done at the moment. HG in the BY talking about the comps and now how hot it is. saying it will be a lazy day at the house.


11:16AM BBT Jeff in the BY telling Vanessa and John that Jace went nuts last night. John says he knows that Jace kept crashing into the bed last night. John asked if the Bible was involved. Jeff says not with him but yes with others.


11:26AM BBT HG in the BY discussing TV shows. Liz and James in the WA. James says he feels really bad that someone is going home when it should be someone else but nothing he can do.


11:29AM BBT Vanessa and John sitting in the BY discussing who was causing the problems. John thinks it was Audrey. James is called to the HOH room by BB. We get FOTH.

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11:30AM BBT We are back quickly. John is saying that maybe it is someone else. He doesn't want Jeff to confirm who is saying things. Vanessa says its better to know.


11:41AM BBT Jeff and Austin in the BR talk about James being creepy around the girls. Jeff says that he needs to talk to James. Austin says he is a bit protective of the girls. He said if the girls are joking it's one thing but that Liz got her feelings hurt by a comment.


11:56AM BBT Clay and Austin talking in the BY. Discussing Audrey and that the whole house wants Audrey out. Clay tells Austin that Audrey was even playing Da.


12:10PM BBT Austin and Liz talking by the hammock. Austin says he will tell Jace that he got the raw end of the deal this week but he will avenge him. Liz says if it had been against anyone else in the house but Jackie, Jace would have stayed.


12:12PM BBT James call to the HOH was to write his blog and get the camera. James is now talking pictures.

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12:29pm BBT: Shelli and Vanessa in the have not rm talking, Shelli tells Vanessa that Audrey and DA have an alliance and then Vanessa starts saying that Shelli did not want to talk to her the other night and she says she was so hurt by that and Shelli says i just had no make up on and wanted to change shirts that is all i swear you can trust me i swear.

12:31pm BBT: Shelli says her and Clay went in the hammock and talked about things and i told him that we had to let Vanessa and Austin  know what is going on and  i wanted to get to you first and apparently Jeff got to you first. Vanessa says i really wanted to trust Audrey  and Shelli says i know i trusted her to start with too so i know what you mean Vanessa. 

12:33pm BBT: Most hg in the BY taking pictures as Da walks in the  have not rm and Vanessa says can i ask you something? DA says yeah and Vanessa ask did you hear a RUMOR THAT THERE WAS AN ALL GIRLS ALLIANCE AND IT INVOLVED ME? DA SAYS YEAH I DID HEAR THAT. Vanessa ASK DID YOU HEAR IT FROM Audrey AND DA SAYS YEAH AND Vanessa SAYS YEAH ME TOO.

 12:38pm BBT: Clay,Meg and Jackie getting ready in the WA to go out and do pictures then Jason comes in and sits down to watch. DA leaves the have not rm saying that her name is in to many peoples mouths and she is tired of it then leaves. 

12:40pm BBT: Audrey sitting with her feet in the pool talking to Liz about James making his own decision about who to nominate.Liz sitting in the pool says yeah Jace is going home anyways. Audrey says it does not seem like anyone can keep their lips sealed.Becky comes out and talk stops.

12:44pm BBT: Audrey and Liz at the pool just looking around and talking about upcoming hoh comps and what they could be. In the have not rm Vanessa is getting dressed to go out to take pictures.

12:48pm BBT: Audrey tells Liz she hope the hoh comp is endurance cause she told her parents they will have to peel her off it before she comes down. 

12:51pm BBT: Audrey talking to Jason about when he got in an argument with Steve she sit there in the bedroom and listened to him but when she has the  argument with Jace lastnight then no one stayed in the bedroom talking to me. 

 12:55pm BBT:Most hg still getting ready to have pictures taken. Jason telling Audrey that he wanted to tell Jace they he wasn't staying but he couldn't but there is no reason to keep Jace cause why would we break up our side of the house for one person.

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1:05PM BBT: HGs gathering in backyard for a group picture. James putting towels down for them to stand on. (the "grass" gets very hot) Da'Vonne and Audrey are in the bathroom area then head outside. Jace the last one to make his way outside.
 1:11PM BBT: The camera guys zooms in on the back of the HoH camera so we can see the group picture.
 Photo time is over and James gets called to DR. [Probably to return the camera.]
 1:15PM BBT: Jace and Steve whisper. Jace saying James now wishes he hadn't nominated him (Jace). Jace tells Steve to not listen to Audrey, "She lied to everybody." Jace leaves and Steve looks at the camera and says "James lied to Jace."
 1:20PM BBT: There is a wasp near the backyard couch so the girls get up and leave.
 Da'Vonne goes into the Have-Not with Audrey. Audrey tells Da'Vonne she is kinda hurt by her. Audrey says she has never said anything negative about Da'Vonne. If she has had an issue she has brought it to the person.
 Da'Vonne says she can't apologize for Jason, just herself. Her job last night was to stay out of that because her name was also being tossed through the mud. So it didn't come down to not having her (Audrey) back, she just backed up and observed. Audrey says how can anyone trust anything coming from Jace. Audrey asks what she heard. Da'Vonne says she is not talking about it. They were afraid she would blow, so she is staying out of it.
 Audrey wonders how Jace feels he has power? Da'Vonne says he knows he is going home. Da'Vonne told Jace he didn't have her vote. Audrey had said 'everybody' wanted Jace out. Da'Vonne says if she is up there (HoH) and wants to put her up, go ahead, she came here to fight to win. Audrey says things between them have changed over the last five days and she doesn't understand why.
 Audrey says she has learned that there aren't a lot of confrontational people in the house. She doesn't remember seeing any other season where people have flipped their feelings so radically.
 1:31PM BBT: Vanessa comes in... awkward... Vanessa says that Audrey told her Da'Vonne started a rumor about an all girl alliance. Da'Vonne calls her out about Audrey not saying anything negative about her. Da'Vonne leaves.
 1:33PM BBT: Vanessa tells Audrey some day she will see footage and feel bad if she is lying to her. Audrey swears on her life. Vanessa says she has always been kind to Da'Vonne. Audrey says it has been inconsistent.
 Da'Vonne comes back in. Audrey says she will put her hand on a Bible and say she didn't say anything about the girls being dressed in black. Da'Vonne tells Vanessa that she never said Vanessa was in an all girls alliance. Vanessa turns to Audrey and says you just said that.
 Da'Vonne leans toward Audrey and says, "So you never said there was an all girl alliance? Game on." She leaves.
 Vanessa says she is so hurt. Audrey says she will swear on her life it came from Da'Vonne. Vanessa says Audrey had better not be lying to her. "One of you is lying." Vanessa doesn't know who she believes. Straight up, Audrey will see footage and feel sorry.
 1:38PM BBT: people start coming into Have-Not... Da'Vonne says, "Hold on, let me speak. Did she or did she not rally up all of you guys that Vanessa was at the forefront of this alliance?"
 Vanessa points to Audrey and says, "You said it came from Da'Vonne!" Audrey says Da'Vonne was on the couch and said the girls were all dressed in black. Jason says, "No, YOU said that." Da'Vonne: "Thank you!" Audrey: "Are you kidding me?" Jason: "No, you are the first person to say that."
 1:40PM BBT: Audrey says they pathological. Jason: "If you notice, she [Audrey] is the only one saying different things to all of them. We are all finally collaborating stories and finding out you are the lier. All the mistrust in the house has all been planted by you."
 Audrey: "Like what?" Jason: "EVERYTHING!" Audrey: "Like what?" Jason: "All the examples there are. Everything." Jason and Da'Vonne give examples. Da'Vonne gives an example about what she told them(?), Meg says she got part but not all of that info from Audrey. Audrey puts her hands up and says she is cornered and clearly no matter what she says is not going to change anything.


  Da'Vonne says she's sorry she dragged them all in here but at the end of the day Audrey was trying to drag Da'Vonne's name through the mud and plant false seeds in her and her. At the end of the day when Audrey's ass is gone, they are still here and she doesn't need that coming to her because some lies Audrey planted.
 1:42PM BBT: Vanessa says she is glad they are in there to see it. Da'Vonne says her problem with her (and she promises to not explode) is you played on her personally. She came into the game not going to trust anyone and Audrey threw Audrey's parents out there. Audrey: "So here's the thing...." Da'Vonne: "No no no. Not asking you to respond, I am talking." Audrey: "OK, well I'm not listening."
 1:43PM BBT: Da'Vonne goes around the room asking when she told them she didn't trust them. Audrey tries to say something and Da'Vonne says she isn't talking to her. "It all points back to Audrey, there you go the proof is in the pudding."
 Audrey says there is no pudding it's all BS. Audrey says she has told them everything that others have said. Jason says she is making things up and then running to the other person and acting like the other person told is the one that said it.
 1:44PM BBT: Audrey says the difference is she doesn't have a mouth piece to validate what she says. Jason and Da'Vonne do. Audrey says, "Think about actions over words. Think about how this person has responded and the behavior they've shown."
 Audrey says she has been very consistent with this group right here. Da'Vonne says she blew up when her feelings were hurt. Da'Vonne looks at Audrey says, "Your shit has hit the fan point blank and period."
 Audrey: "OK, well I guess time will tell." Da'Vonne: "Time WILL tell and has told."
 Audrey purses her lips and nods her head and says, "Time will tell." Da'Vonne says she's going to leave because it's two seconds before she will be in her face.
 The HGs leave the Have-Not room. Vanessa stays and Audrey says they all thought Audrey was the mole and all this time it was Da'Vonne.
 1:46PM BBT: Audrey says she is fine, it sucks though that people are believing a liar. Vanessa says everybody just said... Audrey interrupts her and says, "Nobody said anything, they just stood there."
 Vanessa says that she was cornered last night, she loves Audrey and she is the one person she trusted. There are some things she said that have brought up flags.
 1:46PM BBT: Outside, the HGs ask Da'Vonne if she is OK, she says yes.

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2:36 PM BBT Shelli & Audrey having been talking in the HN BR. Da'Vonne walks in on them, & hears part of their convo. They are discussing Audrey & Da'Vonne not getting along, & now Audrey is wanting to backdoor Da'Vonne next week if she gets HOH. Shelli is telling Audrey to lay low, & try to be by herself. Then she can find who she is still able to trust in the game.


2:38 PM BBT BB tells Jace to put please put his microphone on. Shelli gives Audrey a hug. Clay goes in the HN BR, & gives Audrey a hug. Shelli & Clay walk out of the HN BR. Audrey goes to the grey BR & gets in bed. James walks in, & asks Audrey if she's going to sleep? She doesn't respond, & he walks out.


2:40 PM BBT Jeff & Clay are playing pool in the BY. Clay is all cowboy, with his cowboy hat on. Da'Vonne, Meg & Jace are chilling on the couches in the BY. Liz, Jackie, Steve & James are all in the KT. Jason walks through the KT & goes out to the BY.


2:42 PM BBT The camera view changes to the WA. Vanessa tells Shelli that Audrey told her she was going to turn on her. Clay gets called to the DR. Shelli says, she never said she was going to turn on Vanessa. Shelli says, she has layed low this week, so she didn't get involved in everything. Vanessa says, she's happy she has trusted Shelli.


2:46 PM BBT Vanessa & Shelli are trying to figure out why Audrey is doing what she's doing. In the BY, Jason, Austin, Liz & John have joined the other HG's on the couches. Austin leaves.


2:51 PM BBT Jason tells the HG's that his wh***kini (as he calls it) is a boys size large, & it's vintage. Shelli is in the WA brushing her hair out. Jace walks in there & sits down on the couch, & starts to talk to her. Shelli tells Jace that sometimes you have to go with your guy on who you can & can't trust.


2:55 PM BBT In the WA, Meg & Vanessa are fixing themselves up, while Jace is still lounging on the couch. Vanessa asks Jace to come outside & catch some sun with her. He tells her, he's already been out there, he's just trying to relax for a bit. Then he lays down on his stomach on the couch. Vanessa & Meg both walk out.


2:58 PM BBT In the HN BR, Da'Vonne tells Vanessa that Audrey started with her just at the right time. She tells Vanessa, they need to unite next week, & get Audrey out, even if she goes the following week. Da'Vonne says, she feels bad for Vanessa, John & Steve, because they were easy targets for Audrey.


3:00 PM BBT Da'Vonne says, she understand this game is going to get dirty & nasty. Vanessa says, it's just to early. Da'Vonne says, everything happened for a reason with today's argument. Vanessa says the proof is in the pudding. Da'Vonne says, she went & got all of Audrey's friends, & they were here. She walks out of the HN BR.


3:02 PM BBT The camera view switches to the KT, where Jace, Shelli, Jason, Meg & Da'Vonne are now. Jace goes out to the BY. Meg walks out of the KT. Jason says, he's never eaten protein powder in his life, but he may have to start when he's a HN. He gets a piece of pizza, & says, they are all going to leave the house weighing 400 lbs. He & Da'Vonne walk out of the KT.


3:04 PM BBT The camera view switches to the HOHR. James & Meg are lying down on the couch. James says, he got to do a video message for a video blog Tweet. He says, he got to answer questions, & tell them what he would be doing right now. He says, every HOH gets to do it. Meg says, she wants to win so she can do it. James tells her not to drop his expensive iPod. Meg says, Audrey can't win next week.


3:08 PM BBT Meg is listening to music in the HOHR, & we see FOTH. James asks Meg is she wants the big, fluffy pillow? She says, she's o.k, & she loves the album that's on the iPod.


3:10 PM BBT In the BY, Jason is talking about previous HG's. Liz, Da'Vonne & Austin are on the couches with him. Jace is in the pool. Steve & Vanessa have their feet in the pool. Becky is lying out in the sun. Jace tells them he's been practicing his exit speech. Steve asks if the feedsters have seen it yet? He says, they had to since he's been practicing it.


3:14 PM BBT Becky stands up, after lying in the sun, and says, she's seeing spots. She says, it gets hot quick. Meanwhile, on the couches, Jason is telling the HG's that Audrey was in the HOHR saying who you can & can't trust with their locations in the house, yet she was calling everyone of the HG's out.


3:16 PM BBT The camera view switches to the KT, where Jackie tells Jeff that Audrey can't win HOH next week. Jackie tells Clay that Jace told her, it's a fair game now, because James told him, that plenty of HG's are saved last minute. Jackie says, she doesn't trust anyone that has to much information, because it has to be coming from somewhere. Clay raises his voice & says, all right, I've already broke.


3:19 PM BBT Clay goes to the BY. Jacki tells Jeff that they are not acting shady. She says, obviously he's hiding something. Jeff says, it's never going to get better in this game. Jacki says, the honey is good, & walks to the BY. Jeff says, it's delicious, & goes to the WA. He rubbed something on his chest. Clay walks to the WA to see if Jeff is ready to play pool.


3:22 PM BBT Jeff & Clay go to the BY to play pool. Austin, Steve, Liz, Jason, Da'Vonne, & Jackie are sitting on the couches. Jason & Steve are discussing games from previous BB seasons. Jason tells them their keys are not back on the wall, because Steve wonders where they are at. BB tells the HG's, they are not allowed to talk about production.


3:24 PM BBT The camera view switches to the pool table. Becky is telling John, Jeff & Clay about some of the things going on in Berlin. Jace is still sitting in the pool, & is telling Vanessa that he wants to stay in house. He's says, he's not good at manipulating people, he's a leader. Vanessa tells him, honesty is the best policy.


3:27 PM BBT Vanessa says, there is no way to prepare yourself for this game at all. Jace tells her that there is an 8 person alliance, & he saw them all together last night. He says, one of them was Audrey, so there will probably be 7 now. Vanessa says, Austin can't be part of it, & he knows she's not in it. He is telling her who he thinks he can get to vote for him to stay.


3:29 PM BBT Vanessa tells Jace that it will be hard to get Clay, because he's loyal to Jeff & Jackie. He says, yes, but he was supposed to be loyal to him also. They talk about working out later after the sun goes down. Jace says, it's hard to flip the house, especially with the 8 person alliance.


3:31 PM BBT Jace says, he will tell Vanessa & Austin who are in the 8 person alliance before he leaves. He says, there may be some crazy twist where he gets to go back in the house. Vanessa says, it's been done before, so not to give up. Jace says, he gave up for about 12 hours. Vanessa says, she can't believe about how emotional mature he is for his age.


3:33 PM BBT Jace tells Vanessa that he was o.k. until Audrey called him out yesterday, & he hopes everyone saw that, because it was awful. He says, no one should talk to someone like she talked to him. The camera view switches to the grey BR where Clay is trying to comfort Audrey. He walks to the WA, talking to Austin along the way about working out later. He washes his face in the sink.


3:35 PM BBT After clay wipes his face with a green & blue colored towel, he puts concealer on his face. Austin goes to the WA & they start talking about things that are going on. Austin doesn't think Jace is going to stay, & he doesn't think it's best for them. They are both trying to stay under the radar. Austin says, they are in good with their alliances, & goes to the BY.


3:38 PM BBT We see FOTH. Shelli & Clay walk from the KT to the CRL. Shelli asks Clay if she should trust Da'Vonne or Audrey. Clay says, Audrey is too much of a liability, but he doesn't trust Da'Vonne either. Shelli says, she's not talking about trusting Da'Vonne is the game, she wants to know if she should trust what she is saying.


3:41 PM BBT Shelli says, she loves Audrey as a friend, but as a BB player, she is making it tough for her & Clay. She says, she stayed back after the blow up to talk to Audrey, because her heart was genuinely hurting. She tells Clay that Jace is the one walking around & trying to be everywhere. Shelli tells Clay about a plan Audrey has to try to get him to turn on Jeff.


3:45 PM BBT In the BY, Jason, Jackie & Austin are talking on the couches. They agree they can't wear the same color on the same day, or people will think they're all in an alliance. Jackie says, they all had on pink on the same day. Austin walks away, & Jason & Jackie talk about having wh***kini happy hours in the house. Jason says, they don't have happy hours in Massachusetts.


3:47 PM BBT Jason tells Jackie that when he visited Virginia Beach, there were signs saying if you swear on the boardwalk you can be arrested. He says, he thinks it's only there though, not in the whole state of Virginia. In the WA, Vanessa is trying to help Becky put her microphone pack on her sports bra. Becky asks her if she look like a robot. Vanessa says, yes. They walk out, & Austin is still looking in the mirror.


3:50 PM BBT The camera view switches back to Jason & Jackie talking on the couches in the BY. Jackie tells Jason that Jace is trying to convince Vanessa that Jason will turn to keep him in the house this week. Jason says, everything Audrey is trying to say is for her own benefit also. In the CRL, Shelli & Clay are still deep in convo about Audrey.


3:53 PM BBT Shelli tells Clay if Audrey wins HOH next week she will go after Da'Vonne & Jason. Clay says, she sure will, but they need to keep clean with everything that is going on. Jace walks in & tells them that he needs their votes to stay in the game. He says, James told him he is on his side, but he's not sure. Clay says, they are still trying to play catch up.


3:56 PM BBT Clay tells Jace that it's really him & Shelli by themselves now, so they need to vote with the house at the moment. Shelli says, they have to play for themselves, so they aren't going to be able to flip the house. Clay tells Jace that he needs to find out who started the plan to get him backdoored. Shelli says, they have to listen to every side to figure out what's in their best interest.


3:58 PM BBT Shelli & Clay both tell Jace that they want him to stay, but they have to fight for their positions in the game. Shelli says, there's a huge difference from them wanting him to stay, & having to fight for themselves. Clay tells him they do want him to stay. Jace keeps trying to get them to change their minds.


3:59 PM BBT Clay tells Jace that he's being hard-headed & not listening. He says, they are on his side, but he's not respecting the fact that they have to play their own games as well. Clay tells Jace to get people together to find out if they are voting for him to stay. Clay says, he can't go on a limb to say he's voting for him, when he doesn't know if he can.


4:01 PM BBT Jace tells Clay & Shelli, at the end of the day, you don't know who's voting for you. He says, everyone is lying about him, & no one wants to help him. Clay says, it's an individual game, & he can't get mad at them for playing their own games. Clay says, if he has the votes then he would vote. Clay says, he's not going to jeopardize his game to vote for him.


4:02 PM BBT Clay says, he's not going to throw his game for people to find out he voted with him, because that will f*** him in his own game. He says, if Jace gets the people that will vote to keep him, & he gives him the names, he will check with them, & then he will vote to keep him. Clay says, he's the first one on vote, but he needs to respect his game.


4:04 PM BBT Clay tells Jace, not to question his morals & his game, he needs to respect it. Shelli says, that would actually go against it if he does what Jace wants him to do. Clay says, he needs to cover his own a**. He says, he doesn't need to question their loyalty. Clay says, as soon as people say they are keeping him, he will be the first one there.


4:06 PM BBT Jace says, Jackie got to play BOB, & if he goes, he's only been on 5 episodes of BB, but Jackie has been on TAR. Clay tells him, it's not going to help him to throw Jackie under the bus. Clay says, it's messed up, & Jace is in a f***ed up spot right now. He tells Jace to make deals with people if he can for them to keep him in the house.


4:08 PM BBT Da'Vonne got called to the DR a little while ago, & Audrey gets called to the DR now. Clay tells Jace to find the head of the snake & go down from there. In the WA, Vanessa & Jackie are sitting on the couch. Vanessa tells Jackie that Audrey starts sh**, & then acts like the hero to run & tell her. Jackie says, she doesn't like people like that.


4:10 PM BBT The camera view switches to the BY where Becky & Liz are lying on the round lounger. They are trying to figure out their strategy for next week. Austin says, there's definitely a big alliance. He says, they are got f***ed by Audrey. He wonders if Meg is really that conniving to be in an alliance. Liz says, when this all calms down, they will go back to being targets.


4:14 PM BBT Austin says, he knows Jeff is in the alliance, but he doesn't know who is all in it with him. Liz says, they need to try to get Becky to be with them. Austin says, what if Jackie is in the alliance with Jeff? Liz says, she is. Austin says, Becky is not a floater necessarily, she's a strong person. They try to figure a way for Liz to approach Becky.


4:16 PM BBT Austin says, if they can get Becky to work with them, they will also have Vanessa. He says, John is a semi fifth person. Austin says, Audrey f***ing herself is a huge plus for them. He says, Jace is going to tell him & Vanessa who are all in the 8 person alliance if he gets voted out this week. Austin says, Jeff trusts them right now, so they want to wait to pick their targets.


4:18 PM BBT Austin says, he's going to approach Jeff to tell him that they are neutral. Liz says, Audrey said today that no one can keep their mouths shut. In the CRL, Clay tells Shelli that they probably need to stay with the house so they don't have any blood on their hands. Clay wants to try to get Jeff to go further with them in the game.


4:20 PM BBT Clay tells Shelli that she needs to let the other people in the group know where she stands. He says, she needs to let them know that her & Audrey are just bed mates, & she's not switching to her side. Jace walks back in the CRL. He tells them he's just trying to find a way to stay in the house, & he's not trying to personally attack them.


4:22 PM BBT Clay says, he needs to just get 7 people together that will vote for him, & make a temporary alliance to bring down Audrey next week. Jace tells Shelli & Clay that he though they were power players in the game, & were really connected to Audrey. Shelli calls Clay out, & asks him if that's really true, because they've never been in power at all.


4:23 PM BBT Shelli says, she's really hungry, & her food is still sitting in the KT. Shelli walks out, & Clay stands up. Clay tells Jace not to give up. He tells him to think positive, & do what he can do for now, & worry about things he can control & he will be alright. He walks out, & then so does Jace.


4:26 PM BBT The camera view switches to the KT. Shelli is getting ready to cook her another egg. In the grey BR, Clay tells Jeff, they need to keep their alliance together. Jace walks by & goes in the HN BR with Liz following him. In the HN BR, Jace tells Liz that no one will vote for him. He asks her what if he can get 7 people together in a room that will vote for him? She says, that will be good.


4:29 PM BBT Liz tells Jace, she thinks Clay is in control. Jace says, he's not, he doesn't even know what's going on. Liz says, don't you think there's an 8 person alliance? Jace says, there's not. Liz says, there has to be because of all the people that Da'Vonne called in the room today. She asks Jace, why is he thinking like this? He says, because he needs to try & stay.


4:30 PM BBT Jace asks, why would she do it, but no one else will? She says, because she was his best friend in the house. He says, were, you are. She says, yes, dah. Jace says, how do people go with the house, if they don't know who's in charge? She says, they do, because there's an alliance. She says, Steve is just going to float by. Liz says, he can't scare people like he did yesterday when he approached Audrey.


4:32 PM BBT Jace & Liz give each other a hug. She tells him to go and work his Jace magic, because she doesn't want him to go. He walks to the colorful BR. He tells John that no one wants to vote for him, so he only has one chance. He says, he wants to get 7 people together in one room tomorrow that will vote for him, & asks if he will be one of them? He says, yes, but they would have to come to him. He says, they will all be in the room.


4:34 PM BBT Jace goes to the BY, & the camera view switches to the WA. Jeff goes to the WC to blow his nose, while Steve is talking to Jackie & Vanessa who are sitting on the couch. Steve says, he's distancing himself from what went on earlier, & walks out. Jackie & Vanessa both say they are also.


4:36 PM BBT In the BY, Jace is talking to Austin, Jason, Clay & Da'Vonne by the couches. He says, he can't get anyone in the house to vote to keep him, because everyone is voting with the house. Clay stands up & says, there is no house. Vanessa gets called to the DR. Steve joins the other HG's on the couches. Jason says, every time he goes to light a cigarette, they should tell him not to.


4:38 PM BBT Da'Vonne says, the first chance she has she's going to get Audrey out of the house. Jace tells Austin he should pretend to be friends with her, trick her, & then get her voted out. He says, she annoyed him yesterday. Da'Vonne says, Audrey told her that Austin & Liz formed an alliance to try to get her out of the house next week.


4:42 PM BBT In the grey BR, Audrey tells Jeff that she been trying to help bring a group together. Jeff asks her who told Jace about the song? She says, she doesn't know, but she wouldn't do it, because she was trying to stay close to everyone. Jeff asks if she thinks this is personal? Audrey says, it may be because she's envious & secure of the closeness she has with certain people. She says, Jace is ride or die.


4:44 PM BBT Audrey tells Jeff, right now she has no one, because as far as she knows, no on in the house likes her. She says, whoever he wants her to target she will. He asks why Shelli & Clay say? She says, they say they can't blow up their game. Jeff says, there has to be some truth to things, why would everyone just say things about her? She says, because she's a strong player.


4:46 PM BBT BB comes overhead & says, you are not allowed to talk about production. Jeff asks Audrey why everyone is saying she's going around the house & planting seeds? She wants to know what seeds he's talking about. Jeff says, he wants to give her the benefit of the doubt, but he would have to do his own investigation. She says, she wants to be part of the group, so she wouldn't do things to make it not work.


4:48 PM BBT Audrey is trying her hardest to get Jeff to spill things to her. He says, he will have to figure it out on his own to make a good decision. She tells him, she thinks Da'Vonne is working with Liz. He says, he doesn't know, anything can go in the house. In the HOHR, Jace is talking to James & Meg about trying to get people to vote to keep him.


4:50 PM BBT Jace tells James, it's not entirely impossible to get people to vote for him to stay, but even his friends are worried if they don't vote with the house. He says, they are worried it will affect their game. Jace tells James to let him know if he has a change of heart, & what he can do to stay in the game if he changes his mind. James says he will & shakes his hand. Jace walks out, & James puts the comforter over himself.


4:52 PM BBT Back in the grey BR, Audrey is using a kleenex to wipe her nose. Austin walks in & sits next to Audrey on her bed. She asks him what she's said specifically to put in his head to go against Jeff? Austin says, everything is all muddled & confused. He says, they've squashed everything, & are going forward. Audrey asks Jeff what she said? Jeff says, it's not what was said specifically.


4:54 PM BBT Audrey tells them, there's still a possibility that she can become HOH, & if she does, she will base her nominations on the fact of who stayed on her side. BB comes over the speaker and says, HG's this is a lock-down, please go inside & close the sliding glass door.


4:55 PM BBT Audrey keeps trying to pull information from Austin & Jeff. Meanwhile in the KT, Clay, Vanessa, Shelli, Liz, Jace, Steve & Meg are all gathered around. Jason walks through past the sliding glass doors. Steve puts on a sweatshirt, & Jason walks back through the KT towards the BR's.


4:55 PM BBT Audrey keeps trying to pull information from Austin & Jeff. Meanwhile in the KT, Clay, Vanessa, Shelli, Liz, Jace, Steve & Meg are all gathered around. Jason walks through past the sliding glass doors. Steve puts on a sweatshirt, & Jason walks back through the KT towards the BR's.


4:58 PM BBT In the grey BR, Audrey is still talking to Austin about rumors that have gone around, & is telling him when she was concerned about Da'Vonne. Austin says, most of the stuff has been so trivial, & people are paranoid because she's talking to a lot of people. He says, he's always been giving her the benefit of the doubt, & he's not sure what to tell her.

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6:03PM BBT Clay and Audrey in a heated discussion. Audrey tells him why would she want to work with him after he through her under the bus. He says "Fine, don't work with me then". He says that what she wants to do is not best for them.


6:05PM BBT Jace and Austin in the BY. Austin telling Jace that the meeting will happen. Jace tells Austin that the HG are scared of him. He says that Austin is too hot. They are the top two hot guys in the house and the house is scared of them.


6:09PM BBT Jace walks into the BR with Clay and Audrey and tells them that he has given up and no longer wants their votes and walks out.


6:11PM BBT Jace and Audtin talk in the BR. Jace tells Austin what he said. He tells Austin that they are either confused or b ought it. They head out as Austin needs more slop. Jace says that it feels good knowing he is done with the game.


6:16PM BBT Shelli is telling Audrey that she feels like Audrey is trying to make her remember it differently then how everything happened. Clay walks out of the room. Shelli tells her what exactly she said. She said that Jace said things about Clay and Jeff did not. Audrey had already told Clay.

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6:21PM BBT Jace and Liz together. Liz is crying. Jace telling her to not worry. They have a plan to flip the house. He wants them to think he gave up. He says that their alliance of 8 is actually only 6 since one is on the block and one is HOH. He says they can flip the house. Liz says it has to because without Jace she has no one.


6:28PM BBT Shelli and Audrey still whispering in the BR. They are talking about the other alliance will stick together. Shelli agrees.


6:30PM BBT Clay is back in the BR and asks Audrey is she ever suggested they BD him. She says no - never. Shelli is telling her that Da told them that Audrey threw it out there about BD them.


6:34PM BBT Austin comes into the BR. Audrey asks if she can talk to him. She tells him he can trust Clay. She starts telling him about another alliance. Austin tells her that they have a plan and he is working on it. Audrey says that Clay thinks she is going to blow up the game.


6:38PM BBT Austin tells Audrey that to turn her game around she needs to have a good talk with Vanessa and Jace. She asks what Jace can do for her. Austin tells her that there is a plan and Jace may be staying. Vanessa is waiting to talk to her.


6:40PM BBT Vanessa comes in and Audrey tells her that she is sticking with her story. She says that she trusted certain people to hard and too quickly. Vanessa asks her who made it up. Audrey says Da did. That she is alone and has no partner. Audrey starts to cry. (there is an actual tear) She says that if she stays in this game that she will have Vanessa's back no matter what.


6:44PM BBT Jace and James together. James telling him that it's done. The HG have made up their mind. Jace says at least he can go home and know he helped someone out in the house.


6:51PM BBT Clay, Shelli, Austin and Jace in the cabana. Jace is telling them that he has accepted that he is going home and no worries. he says he won't be campaigning anymore.

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7:02 PM BBT In the grey BR, Audrey & Vanessa are discussing why people would keep Jace in the house. Meanwhile, in the BY, Shelli, John, Da'Vonne, Jason, Steve & Clay are all sitting on the couches. There is laundry going in the dryer. Steve says, almost the entire house is asleep right now, or close to it. Da'Vonne says, she's going to try to take a nap herself. A bowl on the tree stump table has a ton of ants in it.


7:04 PM BBT Da'Vonne leaves the BY to go take a nap. Shelli says, she likes the soy milk in her coffee, & it has protein in it. Steve goes to get something to drink. Jason says, he asked to take a nap in the BY for a little bit, but couldn't. He says, he thinks they go through 1 bottle of laundry detergent a day in the house. Shelli says, she's been patiently waiting to do laundry, & hasn't yet.


7:07 PM BBT Jason & Clay both say they are using other people's towels in the house. Shelli says, the dishes aren't even clean. Jason says, he cleans the sponges by cooking them in the oven at 400 degrees. They notice that BB put plastic bags on the camera's in the BY during the lock-down earlier. Becky joins the HG's on the couches. They are discussing that there are fall leaves in the BY.


7:09 PM BBT Clay says, there are people in Texas that lay out in December to get tans, & the next day it will be cold. He says, there's no snow in Texas. Shelli says, she's never seen snow in her life. Jason says, he will change lives with her, because he gets so much where he lives. Vanessa joins the other HG's on the couches.


7:11 PM BBT Vanessa tells the HG's that Audrey is good. She says, she so good at lying, even when she gets caught. Jason says, he wasn't going to let her lie on him with him sitting right there. Vanessa says, she told Audrey she was sorry for telling her f*** you, because she did feel sorry for that. Becky starts doing her run around the BY.


7:12 PM BBT Jason starts telling the HG's how nice he's been in the DR, trying to use nice words, & we see FOTH. When the camera's come back on Shelli asks if they can go in the DR at like 5:00 a.m. HG's tell her yes, & BB has called people in at 3:00 & 4:00 a.m. before. We see FOTH again. When the camera's come back on Vanessa is telling HG's what she's been eating while being a HN.


7:15 PM BBT In the HOHR, James, Meg, Austin & Liz are chatting it up. Liz tells them she was a cheerleader. James says, he feels that Catholic Schools are so bad. Liz says, the grade above her was really bad. She says, public schools are bad also, & they have more fights. James says, some of the public schools you have to go through metal detectors, & they have Resource Officers (Police Officers) there while school is in session.


7:17 PM BBT Austin says, he didn't go to high school because he wasn't allowed out of his house until he was 18. Then he says, he's joking, he was home-schooled, so he doesn't know what all the fun is that people have in high school. Meg says, you learn a lot in high school about people. James & Austin both say they were picked on in middle school.


7:18 PM BBT Liz says, she went to a school that has Pre-K through 8th grade, because it was so small. She says, it's a private school, & it was a good environment. She says, it's called a Friend School. Liz says, she grew up Catholic, & doesn't think that she could have went to an all girl school. Liz says, the girls are really catty, they are the worst.


7:21 PM BBT Austin says, he's probably going to go & work out again. He says, it's either that, sleep in a dentist chair, or eat slop. He thinks they will be off slop tomorrow night at midnight. He says, in previous years it was usually the Wednesday night when they got off slop. The camera view switches to the grey BR, but the sound was still in the HOHR.


7:23 PM BBT Audrey tells Jace that James had the plan to back-door him. She tells Jace that he may be able to get Steve on his side, but she's not sure. Jace tells her he's sorry. Audrey says, everyone that she was friends with won't even talk to her now. She tells Jace that his best shot would be to get Vanessa on his side. Austin gets called to the DR.


7:27 PM BBT In the CRL, Clay tells Vanessa what he said to Jace earlier when they talked. Shelli walks in & says she's happy they had selphie day today. Jace gets called to the DR. Clay leaves, & Shelli starts talking to Vanessa about all the stuff Audrey has been doing in the house.


7:31 PM BBT Clay comes back to the CRL & tells Shelli he will put her dirty laundry in with his. She says, no, because she has icky clothes in there, & doesn't want him to do that. Vanessa says, that's only a marriage thing to do her underwear. Shelli asks if she has like 3 minutes or so? He says, he will throw his in & tell them she's adding hers to his, to hold others off. He walks out.


7:34 PM BBT Becky gets called to the DR. Shelli & Vanessa continue to talk game in the CRL. They want to find a way to back-door Audrey, & they say they have each other's backs. Vanessa says, the 8 person alliance isn't going to last in this game. She says, it's 7 now, because Audrey is out. Shelli says, she new about the alliance, but wasn't sure who was in it.


7:38 PM BBT Shelli tells Vanessa that James' plan the whole time was to back-door Jace. Vanessa says, he lied then, because he said he changed his mind last minute. Shelli tells her she new about the plan all along to back-door plan. She says, she was bummed about it, because she really likes Jace. She says, everyone in the house is going to vote with the house at this point, & that's Jace.


7:41 PM BBT Shelli tells Vanessa that Jace never talked game to her, & she really trusted him. Vanessa asks Shelli if she feels bad about being pulled in to the 8 person alliance at the last minute? She asks if she feels like the low man on the totem pole? Shelli says, yes, she doesn't want to be known to be part of it, she stays out of it, & she wants no part of it, because they are so unstable. Jackie gets called to the DR.


7:43 PM BBT Shelli says, Jace is going around the house telling production to f off, & now he's making a plan for his exit, but then acts all calm. She says, she feels that he's a loose cannon, & when you're aligned with someone like that, it's not good. The camera view switches to the HOHR. James asks Meg if there's a possibility the house is going to flip, & vote?


7:44 PM BBT James says, they already know about the 8 person alliance. Meg says, it's already getting so messed up. James says, with all of the talking & people going in & out of the hammock room, something has to be going on. He says, Audrey has talked to Shelli all day, & Audrey has been in that bed with her BB sun shades on talking her ear off.


7:46 PM BBT Jason & Jeff go to the HOHR & ask James what's going on with Clay & Shelli going to the hammock room so often today? James says, he was wondering the same thing. The camera view changes to the BY with Austin telling Liz that Audrey & Jace are about to team up. Austin says, Audrey just gave her life to him in this game, because he's setting things up.


7:48 PM BBT Austin says, Steve would join them if he really needs to. He says, Clay & Shelli would freak out. Steve gets called to the DR. Austin says, they know Clay & Shelli's secret, that they're playing both sides of the house. He says, he & Vanessa are the ones that will make the decision whether or not Jace goes home this week or not. Jace comes to the BY.


7: 51 PM BBT Austin asks Jace how the convo went? He says, not good, there's nothing he can do. He says, the plan from day 1 was to back-door him. Austin says, then there has to be more people involved. Jace says, everyone has been talking about him & making fun of him since Day 1, making him like bad on TV. Jace thinks everyone is in John's ear. Jace asks if he can tell Audrey that Austin was the one who told him about the song? He tells him not to say anything now.


7:54 PM BBT Jace lies down on the ground in the BY. Austin walks away. Liz is getting ready to jump rope, & Jace asks her if she tried to go to Jeff & get aligned with them. She says, she's being nice to him, yes. She tell him that Audrey is probably saying that to. Jace tells her he's sorry. She begins to jump rope. Jeff gets called to the DR.


7:56 PM BBT Liz starts to lift weights, & the camera view switches to the HOHR. Clay, Jackie, Meg, Jason & James are there talking about Audrey. Becky walks in. Clay says, he told Audrey that her word doesn't really mean anything, & she was trying to back track. Jason says, he asked Audrey if she's the one that leaked the song? He says, she says no, & she can go to anyone in the house & get them with her.


8:00 PM BBT Meg says, she felt so bad for Vanessa today, because Audrey was throwing her under the bus. Jason says, Vanessa thought Audrey was her friend this whole time, & she's been talking about her the whole time. Clay says, Audrey is with Jace right now trying to scheme something up. Jason says, they only have each other right now. He says, baby Jesus can enter the house tomorrow, & Jace is not going to stay.


8:01 PM BBT They all discuss Jace wanting to have the meeting with 7 people, trying to get them to vote to keep him. We see FOTH.


8:03 PM BBT Becky says, she can't be in the BY by herself because Jace always comes around when no one else is around her. Meg says, no one is going to vote against Jackie, & she has nothing bad to say about her. Jackie says, who does she think I am, does she not think I didn't watch last season? They all discuss wearing black again. James says, they all should wear black on eviction night for their funeral. They agree to save it for Audrey's eviction.


8:06 PM BBT In the CRL, Austin tells Vanessa he thinking about trying to save Jace. He says, he's not sure, because if he stays he might be free, but if he leaves, he might be the target next week. Vanessa says, they are in the position Dan was in, when he got to choose which side of the house to go. Vanessa says, she's so loyal, she's thinking about staying loyal to Audrey. They both walk out of the CRL.


8:09 PM BBT The camera view changes to the KT, where Da'Vonne, Shelli & Steve all are. Jace walks through & goes to the WA. Vanessa is by the sink, & tells Jace she thinks everything will work out. Jace says, he feels betrayed, & that he probably looks like an idiot & a fool on national television. Vanessa says, how could you know? He says, his family must be so embarrassed right now. She says, it's not right. He says, they are all making fun of him, just like in high school, & he feels so sick, he might literally throw up. Liz gets called to the DR.


8:12 PM BBT Liz walks in the WA to fix her make-up, & says she looks so ugly right now. Vanessa says to Jace, God has a plan, right? He says, right. Vanessa says, she'd rather look like him right now, then the evil douche bag that has been lying to him. Liz says, it's a really shitty situation. She says, shoulda, woulda, coulda, & puts her hair up in a ponytail after brushing it. She walks out.


8:15 PM BBT Vanessa says, Jace, if I help you flip the house, can we have a final 3? He says, 100 percent, you've been the only one in the house trying to help me, when everyone else is hating me. She says, some of the stuff is like high school clique sh**, & she's always been on the receiving end of it. Vanessa says, she's going to see what she can do, & tells him to keep his sh** together.


8:17 PM BBT Vanessa tells him that James has been lying all along. She tells him not to tell anyone, & she will let him know. She walks out of the WA. Meanwhile everyone in the HOHR is watching everything that's going on downstairs. Jason says, Vanessa, honey, stay away. In the grey BR, Vanessa tells Audrey that she can pretend they hate each other, & to call her a b**** or something.


8:19 PM BBT Audrey breaks down how the 8 person alliance was formed. She tells her who the original HG's were, who was knocked out over a falling out, & then when the rest of the HG's were brought in. Vanessa says, if they do this, she wants to know that she has her 100 percent loyalty. She says, she doesn't haven't anyone that is her number 1, & no one would predict it. Clay gets called to the DR.


8:21 PM BBT Vanessa raises her voice to Audrey, to throw everyone off. She asks Audrey why she thought it was o.k. to target her? Audrey says, she thought that she viewed her as a threat in the game. Jace walks in, & Audrey says, she may have been trying to manipulate people in the house. Vanessa says, or I'm not an emotional person, & that's not her. She says, she wanted a why, & got it.


8:23 PM BBT Jace tells Audrey, at least she didn't have everyone in the house making fun of her & gunning for her since Day 1. Vanessa says, it may seem like that, but it's not. Audrey says, at least he doesn't seem pathological like some people. Jace says, like who? Audrey says, she doesn't need to name names, she already in a hole. Vanessa tells Jace, God has a plan. She says, she feels super insulted on a couple levels, hurt, betrayed & sad. She walks in the HN BR.


8:25 PM BBT Jace tells Audrey that he just wants to get out of there. He says, he feels grows & disgusting, like a dirty wh***. BB tells Jace to please not obstruct his microphone. He says, he feels like he was getting played by everyone the whole time. Audrey says, instead of putting your energy into those emotions, you should just put that into what you can do about it.


8:28 PM BBT Jace asks Audrey what she just said to Vanessa? Audrey says, nothing really good. Jace says, they all need to stick together, that's the way it is, so they need to go in and talk to Vanessa. Audrey says, she's not going to talk to her right now after what she said. Jace says, John won't talk to him right now. Audrey says, Steve won't talk to her either.



8:30 PM BBT Jason gets called to the DR. Audrey tells Jace that he needs to confront the person that pulled Da'Vonne in the SR. Audrey tells him to say that Da'Vonne told him. Jace says, Da'Vonne doesn't like him. She says, she has in the past 48 hours. Jace says, he may not say that Da'Vonne told him yet, he might just say that he heard it. Jace walks out of the grey BR, & goes to the BY.


8:33 PM BBT Jace walks around the BY. Liz says hi to her family to a camera in the BY. Austin is working out with Liz. Jason tells them that they can talk to the cameras behind the windows as well. Jace pushes the button for the DR, & stands by the door waiting to get let in. The camera view switches to the BY. Liz is holding weights on her back doing squats with them. Austin tells her to do sets of 15.


8:35 PM BB Liz does lunges using the weight bench seat with her back leg. Austin tells her she has a good form. Vanessa gets called to the DR. Liz changes her legs to put her left leg back on the weight bench seat, & she almost falls over. She says, she's weaker on her left side. Austin tells her to do the weights again with a set of 10, & to pause at the bottom of each rep. He tells her to open her knees when pausing. Liz is struggling a little.


8:37 PM BBT The camera view changes to the Clay & James shooting pool. Meanwhile, in the HOHR Jackie, Meg, Da'Vonne, Shelli, Becky & John are all up there. They are still talking about what Audrey has done. They are all happy it's not a 14 day week. Jackie says, it's a blessing & a curse when the week goes fast. They all agree it's the best HOHR of any seasons. Becky says, she would only change the floor. Da'Vonne walks out. Meg wants to nap in her bed.


8:41 PM BBT Becky listens to the iPod. The HG's talk about the upcoming HOH comp, & how they need to win. BB tells Shelly to not obstruct her microphone. In the CRL, Jace is telling Steve how he's been defending him the entire time so far. He says, when he goes home & watches the show he will see that. He tells Steve, all he has done is stab him in the back, he's known since day 1 that's he the target.


8:45 PM BBT Steve tells Jace that he is sorry he hurt him, it was never his intention. Jace says, he feels hurt & betrayed, because he thought Steve was really his friend. He says, everyone has been playing him like a fool. Jace says, he knows that he's Da'Vonne's Jason. Steve says, that's not true. Jace tells Steve, he's their little rat, & they don't care about him. He tells Steve, he's the reason he's going home.


8:47 PM BBT Jace tells Steve that he's been sticking up for him behind closed doors, & he should know they don't like him. He tells Steve, they are going after him next, & asks him what he's going to do? Steve says, he doens't know. He tells Jace, he didn't want to hurt him, & he's sorry if he did. Jace wants a reason that he's the one sending him home. He tells Steve he's known from day 1 he's been a pawn.


8:49 PM BBT Jace keeps trying to break Steve down. He tells Steve he's stupid, & he thought he was smarter than that. He tells him that he's basically put the knife in his back. He calls Steve a p***y thrasher. Jace says, this is more than just a game, & he's the one that has to go to sleep with a guilty conscience. He asks Steve what he's going to do? Steve says, he doesn't know.


8:51 PM BBT Jace tells Steve that he's the next target, & will be going home next week. Jace tells Steve that he has the biggest IQ of everyone in the house. He tells him the James & others call him Geek Squad McGee & 4 eyes behind his back. Jace says, he's been kind to him, but he's stabbing him in the back like Judas did to Jesus. He asks Steve if he knows who Judas is? Steve says, he does. Jace asks why he's doing it?


8:54 PM BBT Jace tells Steve that he hopes Steve feels bad after he goes home & watches the show. John gets called to the DR. Jace asks Steve if he knows about the 8 person alliance? Steve says, he has a guess who's in it. He tells Steve he's about to get rid of the only person there that will help him. He asks Steve if he wants to save himself, or go down as the biggest pawn in BB history? Steve says, he would love to save himself.


8:55 PM BBT Jace asks Steve if he wants to go home after him, or does he want to flip the script & take control of the people that are in control of him? Steve says, he would to. Jace says, he can't do it by himself, & they are controlling him like a puppet. Jace tells Steve he doesn't know if he can trust him, but he knows that Steve doesn't want to go home next.


8:57 PM BBT Jace says, he has an idea of what to do, but he's not going to say anything right now, his trust will be that this conversation doesn't get out to anyone. Steve asks what he wants from him? Jace says, right now, he doesn't want him to do anything. Meg gets called to the DR. Jace says, he likes Steve, but he's disappointed in him. He asks Steve to make a commitment to him to keep this convo quiet. He says, he knows he was picked on in high school, because he was also.


8:59 PM BBT Steve says, he promises that the convo stays between them & they shake on it. Steve says, he's only promising that it stays between them. Jace says, he will make sure he doesn't go home next, even if he leaves. They both leave the CRL. Jace goes to the WA & tells Vanessa he needs to talk to her privately, & then goes in the WC.

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9:11AM BBT Shelli, Jeff and Clay talking. Trying to figure out the sleeping situation as she doesn't want to talk game with Audrey.


9:17PM BBT Vanessa, James, Becky and Jackie in cabana room. They agree that they will never trust Audrey.


9:23PM BBT Austin and Jeff talking. Jeff tells him to stop throwing him under the bus. Austin tells him that Clay just sold out the entire alliance so now Austin can't work with Clay.


9:30PM BBT Jeff and Austin continue to hash things out. Jeff says that he doesn't know if he can continue to trust Clay. Austin says he will play both sides for the next two weeks. After that he isn't sure what he is doing.

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9:34PM BBT Vanessa, Shelli and Jackie in the cabana room. Vanessa say that she thinks they haven't heard the end of Audrey. Shelli wonders if Audrey and Jace will call a house meeting.


9:36PM BBT Jace telling Austin in the BR that he told Steve that he knows everything. He says that h told Steve that his days are numbered. And that he told Steve he needs him in the game.


9:46PM BBT Jason and Da in the BY. Jason recreates Audrey jumping out of her bed last night when everything was going on. Jason says she did Olympic track.


9:49PM BBT Jason and Da are going over items in the house and how many of each. They are counting.

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9:53PM BBT Austin and Clay in the WA. Austin telling him the convo with Jeff. Jeff enters and convo changes to what Jace did to Steve.


9:59PM BBT Vanessa outside with Jeff and Austin. She is telling them that she is trying to support him but doesn't want to give him false hope.


10:2PM BBT Steve and James in the cabana room. Just general convo. Talking about the crazy day. No game talk.


10:05PM James starts telling Steve about Audrey and her lies. Says that she is very good at manipulating.


10:09PM BBT Jeff and Austin in the hammock talking about how much they trust each other. They are talking about if they leave the big guys are gone.


10:18PM BBT Shelli and Vanessa talk. They go round and round with targets and what to do. They seem to be confusing themselves. Shelli tells Vanessa that they should lie low tonight and not make any decisions.

10:25PM BBT Vanessa goes into the BR to talk to Audrey. She doesn't know who to believe. Audrey whispering low. Hard to hear. Doesn't have her mic on possibly. Vanessa says she isn't going to blow it up anymore.

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10:28PM BBT Clay, Austin and Jeff talking on the lounger in the BY. Jeff tell them that they can get Jackie. They are now discussing who they can trust in the house.


10:34PM BBT Vanessa and Da in the BR. Da telling Vanessa that no matter what they need to keep Jason safe.


10:37PM BBT Da tells Vanessa that she has Vanessa's back. And that all she asks is that Vanessa has Jason's back too. Vanessa says she wishes she had someone to ask Da to keep safe.

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10:48PM BBT Clay and Jeff talking in the cabana room. Clay still trying to explain himself to Jeff about what happened with Audrey.


10:56PM BBT Meg joins Jeff and Clay in the cabana room. She is telling them about how they can not expect the HG to not think they are in an alliance since they are always talking together.

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11:13PM BBT Vanessa and Shelli talk in the WA. Vanessa tells her not to sleep in the same bed as Audrey. Shelli says she won't do that. Says she keeps checking on her and brought her some dinner tonight too.


11:16PM BBT Austin goes into the WA and tells the others about the black alliance that supposedly they are all in. They laugh about the name (like Shelltown is much better)


11:20PM BBT Feeds cut to Audrey hiding under a blanket and crying. Steve is telling her that outside of the game they are all human and he recognizes that. He is sorry. He asks if he can get her anything. She says no. he leaves her alone.


11:23PM BBT  Austin says he needs some type of vegetable so he starts plucking olives out of a jar with his fingers and complains that cucumbers are off limits.

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11:30PM BBT Most of the HG in the BY. Several around the hot tub. Jeff and Clay playing pool.


11:36PM BBT James just bursts out asking if others would have relations in the house under the covers if they liked someone. No one answers but they all laugh. Jeff says he wouldn't hook up with anyone in the house.


11:40PM BBT Shelli and Clay talking in the cabana room. Shelli is confused on why Jeff and Austin are now talking. She doesn't think she can trust Jeff. She asks Clay if there is a guys alliance. Clay says there isn't.


11:45PM BBT Austin eating slop in the KT. Austin asks Steve about when they set up for comps how long they are locked out. Steve says it varies.


11:49PM BBT Jeff joins Clay and Shelli in the cabana room. Talk of alliances. Shelli says no one in the house has an actual alliance. She says an actual alliance covers each other. Jeff agrees.

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