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Screen This: Big Brother 17 Podcast - Thoughts?


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Some of you may have seen my post earlier this week about getting a podcast started. Well, I got it up and running and I need your thoughts. As the rest of you, I'm a huge fan of the show and I love talking about it, so I figured, let's start a podcast. 


I'm certainly not asking you to follow/subscribe (unless you like it), but from a Big Brother fan to other Big Brother fans, I just want to know how I can improve it and if you would listen to it on a regular basis.


Really appreciate your time and opinions.



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Remember, you can keep up to date with the "Screen This" podcast for analysis of the episodes AND the live feeds, usually available within a day or two of broadcast (for episodes).

Here's a look at one of the lastest:


In episode 21, some drama happened before eviction between James and Clay, a new HoH is crowned and that HoH already has a game plan for the week and they won't be changing it for the entire week.

Watch my podcast: www.youtube.com/mrscreenthis

Subscribe and leave a rating on iTunes: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/scree…d1012843133?mt=2

www.mortystv.com/bb for a live feed summary and live feed updates

To listen to this podcast, visit this link: https://soundcloud.com/screenthis/big-brother-17-episode-21-week-7-hoh-nominations

For a list of all BB17 "Screen This" podcasts, go here: https://soundcloud.com/screenthis

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