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Clay Honeycutt (Week 1)


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Age: 23
Hometown: Dickinson, Texas
Current City: College Station, Texas
Occupation: Graduate student at Texas A&M
Three adjectives that describe you: Driven, sarcastic, and athletic.

Favorite Activities: Aside from sports, I enjoy hunting and fishing immensely. I love the outdoors and the hill-country in Texas. It's not really an activity but spending time with my family is always great to do.

What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house: The most difficult part will probably be not seeing or communicating with my family. Oh, yeah, and the fact that there will be cameras on you 24/7.

Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most: I loved Donny from season 16. I mean, who didn't? Donny could have easily been labeled as the "underdog" at the beginning of the show due to the fact that he was essentially the outcast of that group. Any time there is an underdog, I automatically root for them. I find it deeply satisfying when I see others prove their doubters wrong.

What are you afraid of: Drowning and failure.

Finish this sentence: My life’s motto is… If you really want something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse.
What would you take into the house and why: Lotion for my dry skin, tissues so I can blow my nose, and magazines for entertainment.

Clay grew up in a small Texas town on a ranch where his mom rescued exotic animals. A former college football player for Texas A&M University, he graduated in only three-and-a-half years and says he’s smarter than people give him credit for. Currently, he is getting his masters in Sports Management. 

Watch Clay's bio video here!

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He doesn't strike me as someone that'll be very interesting. I think he'll be spending most of his time standing around the weights in the backyard or having bro time at the pool table.

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should be a good athlete


should have a few girls in his back pocket


none of the girls are really lookers this year imo




btw this is the guy who claims to be a super fan after just watching bb for 4 months



i watch a few youtube vids on becoming a doctor


i think i can pass the test :animated_bouncy:

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I love how he says he is addicted to BB and is a superfan when he has watched for only 4 months.  I believe it might have been the minute he started getting recruited. 


He seems like a guy that can take it far if he attaches himself to the ladies of the house.  As long as he builds strong alliances and doesn't make stupid moves he could get far.  He is officially been added to me favorites to win list.

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Don't think I will like him. I have to wonder about what he would take in the house, "lotion for his dry skin, tissues so he can blow his nose and magazines for entertainment." Sounds like he would be planning on really entertaining himself.

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Don't think I will like him. I have to wonder about what he would take in the house, "lotion for his dry skin, tissues so he can blow his nose and magazines for entertainment." Sounds like he would be planning on really entertaining himself.



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Don't think I will like him. I have to wonder about what he would take in the house, "lotion for his dry skin, tissues so he can blow his nose and magazines for entertainment." Sounds like he would be planning on really entertaining himself.


LOL! How did I not catch that?

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Guest 6Borders

He's not as cute as he was 6 hours ago (I'm past 33 so officially "OLD according to UVP")

and after "mom rescues animals" he lost me... that's her and not him.


He and Shelli (not necessarily in that order) are this season's Drew & Diana...not sure who

is after who, don't care, they can both leave!

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Guest 6Borders

I doubt his mama is going to like the Shelli practically stalking him thing!

Hopefully tonite one of the new girls in the house will catch his eye and we'll have some fun rivalry

and good drama for Clay's affections!

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Don't think I will like him. I have to wonder about what he would take in the house, "lotion for his dry skin, tissues so he can blow his nose and magazines for entertainment." Sounds like he would be planning on really entertaining himself.

Nose is a euphemism.so he is funny... and he likes the woman 10 years older...cool

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Guest 6Borders

I think either Vanessa is correct and he's Audrey's "coffee boy" of the season or else they are both SAG

plants to keep our alliance (The Stupid But Entertained) watching!

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