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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother Canada Time is East Coast Standard Time (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who.  http://mortystv.com/...houseguests.pdf

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)

Vault Room (VR)

Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)

Please post pictures in the open thread of the following forum! http://www.tvfanforu...hread-week-one/

If you post questions or start conversations with each other here, they will be deleted.

Thank you!


12:21am BBT  It looks like the HGs are putting the gown/tux away that they wore today.  Godfrey wore a white tux, Sarah wore green/black and Brittnee looks like she wore a nude coloured dress.  The clothes are already in garment bags. 

12:31am BBT  Brittnee and Sarah are in the HOH bathroom.  Sarah is taking off her make up and Brittnee is changing.  Godfrey already said goodnight a few minutes ago.  They are discussing who in jury will vote for one of them.

12:34am  BBT   Ashleigh joins the girls in the HOH.  She agrees with Sarah that Godfrey could be hard to beat.  She never thought about it until today.   

12:39am BBT  The girls are back figuring out who on the jury would vote for depending on who was in the final 2.

12:50am BBT  Sarah is blowing bubbles while the girls discuss the jury. Brittnee isn’t feeling so great about how the votes in jury  might go.  Ashleigh says goodnight.

12:54am BBT  Lights are dimming in the BR.

1:00am BBT  Brittnee and Sarah are talking about the BB awards.  They really enjoyed watching the clips.

1:15am BBT  Now the girls are talking about the fights in the house.  They are discussing Bruno and then move onto Johnny and Graig.


1:17 AM BBT Brittnee and Sarah talk about the HOH comps that Brittnee won and even though they happened at the right times, she has won HOH when she had to make fast decisions and also didn’t get the HOH room.  They talk about the Web of Flies HOH competition …Sarah tells Brittnee that she was the only one who didn’t try to force the fly and that she was the first to go left. 


1:19 AM BBT Brittnee tells Sarah that when she first walked into the house, she had a feeling the moment that she saw Ashleigh that she would be battling it out with her.  Sarah points out that the game is a lot harder than you think because you have to talk game with everyone so you don’t show your hand by being exclusive to the people you are working with.    


1:23 AM BBT Brittnee and Sarah are both still feeling amazed by the day they had and are so glad they got to share the experience.  It was a fabulous time.   They are starting to wind down and settle in for sleep.


1:29 AM BBT They are both starting to snooze, and then Sarah suddenly asks Brittnee...if you win the veto, is getting Ashleigh out actually the smartest move?  They consider whether they should get Godfrey out instead.  Brittnee wants to wait until the veto is won to talk about it, but then she asks about pros and cons.  Sarah doesn’t want to consider final 2 because she knows that she wants to be sitting beside Brittnee, so the main thing is to consider who they can beat, and she thinks that based on Godfrey’s physique he may be harder to beat in the physical competitions.    They have no idea what Godfrey is capable of.  Brittnee points out that Godfrey himself says "better the devil you know"  Brittnee says "how crazy would that be?  Three females in the finals?"


1:34 AM BBT As they are starting to drift off to sleep, Sarah and Brittnee speculate a bit more about the type of competition they might have.  They talk about the type of competition that Ashleigh is good at.  She is good at puzzles.  They hope for something like the Ant Maze competition that Ashleigh did poorly on.  Things get quiet and it’s off to dreamland.  Happy dreams and goodnight!


10:30 AM BBT All the houseguests are lounging on the various living room couches. They are hoping to get a night in the jury house after the wrap party.  They wonder when they will get their phones back and if they'll get them all at the same time.  Maybe on the morning after the wrap party.  BB tells them to stop talking about production.

8:38am-10:53am BBT UPDATE:Sarah is up changing everyone's batteries. Hg get up and make breakfast with general talk going on then they lay in the LVR 

11:08am BBT: HG sitting in the KT drinking coffee as BB calls Brittnee to the DR.

11:09am BBT: Godfrey says I think the eviction will be on Sunday and then the finale on Wednesday i think. Sarah says it is so nerve racking.

11:15am BBT: Sarah and Ashleigh in the KT talking about actors as Sarah loads the dish washer. Ashleigh goes to lay down in the LVR couch where Godfrey is already laying down.

11:19am BBT: Ashleigh thanks Sarah for cleaning up. Brittnee comers out of the DR and thanks her for cleaning up also. Sarah says no big deal since there is only 4 of us it's easy now.

11:20am BBT: Sarah says she is staying in her pajamas for awhile resting and she says sorry Gary. Brittnee says we must be the worst dressed HG sitting around in flannel "sorry gare bear. Ashleigh says that Gary and Ika must be the most glamorous dressed people in BB history.

11:27am BBT:All the HG are laying on couches in the LVR talking about Ika's hair and how great it looked. Ashleigh says teach me to do my hair like that.

11:39am BBT: HG just laying around. Brittnee says I like it when BB calls me B. Ashleigh says yeah it is weird calling you Brittnee.

11:45am BBT: Hg are talking about how JP and Sindy have been in jury for about a month now and Brittnee says that is crazy.

11:51am BBT: HG laying in silence and BB tells Godfrey to please wake up that nap time is over.

11:53am BBT: Sarah gets up and says she is going to go get dressed and heads to her room. Everyone else still laying on couches in silence.

11:55am BBt: Brittnee and Godfrey talking about  Pilar and Kevin and how they would go play in the rain and have such a good time doing it.

 12:09pm BBT: All HG are in the hoh rm. Ashleigh is called to the DR, Godfrey gets off the bed and stretches and sits in the chair and says we need board games in here

 12:21pm BBT: Brittnee and Godfrey in HOH rm just talking general talk , Sarah is in the bathroom and comes out and gives Godfrey the I pod. Ashleigh is still in the DR.

12:33pm BBT: Brittnee talking about a wedding she is going to attend this year in England. Sarah looks to be sleeping.Ashleigh still in the DR and we get FOTH.

12:42pm BBT: Ashleigh is back in the hoh rm and Godfrey is now in the DR. Just general talk going on about movies.

12:45pm BBT: Ashleigh asking brittnee and Sarah if she should pop the blister on her heel that she got yesterday from wearing the heels so much. They tell her yes just put a small hole in it so the juice will drain out.

12:47pm BBT: BB tells the Hg that the pantry is now open. 

12:55pm BBT: Ashleigh, Sarah and brittnee sitting in the HOh rm snacking on Sarah's snacks from her HOh basket.BB calls Brittnee to the DR and Godfrey is back in the Rm and joins in the conversation about movies.

1:02pm BBT: Brittnee is still in the DR. Godfrey. Sarah and Ashleigh  are quiet in the HOh rm.

 1:14pm BBT: Brittnee is back in the HOh rm and Sarah is called to the DR.

 1:20pm BBT: Brittnee is laying in the HOh bed and Ashleigh sitting in a chair as Godfrey is laying on the little couch  talking about movies and who played in them.

 2:00pm BBT: we have been on FOTH for about 40 minutes now.

9:51pm BBT:Hg are in the KT cooking dinner and talking about sauces.. Just general talk about food.

9:59pm BBT: Sarah talking about there being a chance that the veto and eviction  might not be till Sunday and Godfrey thinks the finale might be Monday.

 10:01pm BBT: Sounds like Ashleigh has won the POV and it involved eating Pizza and brittnee got a scratch on her knee that was dripping blood.

 10:05pm BBT: Sarah is still cooking while the others are eating and talking about  scratching chalk boards with finger nails or a knife scraping on a plate and how they hate that.

 10:08pm BBT: HG are talking about Brittnee's panty house and what skin color they are. She tells Godfrey they are his skin color.

10:11pm BBT: Sarah saying that there are more African/ American people in the  States than in Canada. They talk about how wierd it is calling  them African/American She ask Brittnee if it is weird? Brittnee says yeah i am Canadian.

10:16pm BBT: Brittnee says the counter is dangerous as she just scratched herself on it again and then they say Kevin did it too cut his hand open on it. Brittnee ask Sarah if she can borrow a yellow shirt for the POV meeting  and Sarah says of course you can you do not need to ask.

10:21pm BBT: HG are all in the HOH rm and Sarah says something is going on for sure. Ashleigh says what is going on.

10:22pm BBT:  Ashleigh is laying under the chair in the HOH rm reading the label.BB tells them to stop talking  about production then Ashleigh gets up and says i am going to go poo.

10:27pm BBT: Sarah is eating her dinner . Brittnee looking in the mirror, Godfrey just looking around as they sit in silence.

 10:28pm BBT: Brittnee says i wonder what they are doing down there and sarah says i don't know then Bb tells them to please stop talking about production.


10:40PM BBT After FotH, Godfrey is laying down in HoH listening to Sarah's iPod.  Ashleigh is on the bed and Sarah's over on the couch.  Sarah and Ashleigh discuss whether the Veto meeting will be Saturday or Sunday.  Sarah offers them half a chocolate bar and is rebuffed.  Ashleigh uses the WC and we hear the flush.  If you listen closely, you can hear Brittnee's game going down the drain.


10:45pm BBT Sarah is curled u with her monkey in bed, eyes wide shut.  Cue BB?  Please Wake Up, Nap Time Is Over.  Ashleigh is now lying on the floor and Godfrey listening to the iPod on the bench.  No movement.  No talking.  No Brittnee.

10:50PM BBT Please Wake Up. Nap Time Is Over.  Sarah wonders why they are locked in HoH.  That would seem to imply that Brittnee's in the suite somewhere but not on any feeds.  Ashleigh is now on the couch and Sarah in the bed.  FotH.  Maybe BB should use an air raid horn.


11:00pm BBT Still FotH.  Maybe BB should give up and let the HG (and us) all go to sleep.


11:15PM BBT Still FotH.  Maybe it's not the HG.  Maybe BB is asleep at the Master Control console.


11:30PM BBT Maybe I have it backwards and I'm asleep and just dreaming the feeds have been on FotH for the last half hour.


11:53pm BBT  Feeds back.  Now where are the HG?  Ashleigh and Godfrey are in the BR.  Godfrey saying he's never won HoH, spilling the beans on Sarah and Brittnee's plans to evict Ashleigh because they think he was easy to take care of afterwards.  They didn't even trust him to evict Pilar, which is why he was on the block against her instead of Brittnee.  Sarah and Brittnee are in the HoH bed.  Ashleigh tells Godfrey Zach's theory that Sarah was behind all Brittnee's moves.  Godfrey agrees she's good with their words.  Ashleigh is moving Godfrey towards wanting to get rid of Sarah and be the Final 2 themselves.

12:00AM BBT Godfrey says he's going to ask Sarah if she was really going to take him over Brittnee, but he expects her to lie.  He doesn't think Brittnee would either - she won't even have a F2 conversation.  She won't make promises right away.  That way she doesn't have to lie, Ashleigh says.  We have to win the Final HoH, Godfrey says.  At least with you I can get some votes.  I just don't want to get zero votes.  Ashleigh says you'll get plenty of votes against me.  If he gets 2nd place, he wins $25k ($20k for 2nd place, plus the $5k he already won).


12:01AM BBT Sarah and Brittnee discuss what the final HoH competition might be and what Sarah's chances might be to win and control the Final 2.

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