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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother Canada Time is East Coast Standard Time (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who.  http://mortystv.com/...houseguests.pdf

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)

Vault Room (VR)

Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)

Please post pictures in the open thread of the following forum! http://www.tvfanforu...hread-week-one/

If you post questions or start conversations with each other here, they will be deleted.

Thank you!


12:06am BBT  Sarah, Brittnee and Godfrey in the HOH talking about Pili.  She apparently told Ashliegh it was okay to vote her out. 

12:12am BBT  Ashleigh and Zach are in the HT talking about what they’ll do after BB.  Zach wants to go to the Calgary Stampede and a trip to BC. 

12:18am BBT  The HGs in the HOH are reviewing moves that have been made in the BB house this season. 

12:37am BBT  Brittnee feels excited about going to final 3 with Godfrey and Sarah. 

12:53am BBT  The 3 HGs in the HOH are talking about the chop shop. 


1:15AM BBT It looks like Zach and Ashliegh are heading to bed after their long Hot Tub talk.  Pilar is already in bed.  Godfrey's whereabouts are unknown.  Zach kisses Ashleigh goodnight and heads to the Have Not room to join Brittnee.  Sarah is alone in HoH shutting down for the night.  Sounds like a plan.  See you in the morning.


1:30 am BBT Zach and Brittnee had a late night discussion in the have not room. Zach is pitching to Brittnee that he would be loyal and keep safe the two people that vote him to stay. He told Brittnee it comes down to being loyal to Sarah or being a good game player. Zach said that all she has going into next week (Wed) is herself playing for HoH because if he is gone she is the next big target, but if he stays because of her vote then Him and Ashleigh will keep her safe and get out Godfrey and Sarah. Him and Ashleigh will take Brittnee to the final three. He said it is all about percentages and she has a better chance of not going home next week if he stays in the game to keep her safe. Brittnee said that he is making a good pitch and she is going to think about what he has said. They turn with their backs to each other and we see Zach lying there with his eyes open and at 1:51 all talk has stopped and the lights go out. 


 8:30 am BBT Good Morning Canada! The lights are still out in the BB house and the houseguests are still sleeping.

 8:45 am BBT There is nothing new to report, the lights are still out and the houseguests are still sleeping.

 8:56 am BBT The houseguests are still snoozing.

 9:00 am BBT Last night before bed Zach was making a pitch to Brittnee to get her to flip her vote and she told him that he was making some good points. Wonder if his campaigning will work?

 9:15 am BBT The lights are still out and the houseguests are still sleeping.

 9:30 am BBT BB has not turned the lights on yet, it looks like the houseguests get to sleep in this morning.

 9:38 am BBT All of the feeds just went to FotH.

 9:50 am BBT We are still waiting for the feeds to come back up.

 9:53 am BBT The feeds are back up but the lights are still off and the houseguests are still sleeping.

 9:54 am BBT The lights are now on in the BB house!

 9:58 am BBT All of the houseguests are still sleeping.

 10:07 am BBT Just a little bit of tossing and turning going on. No eyes are open yet.

 10:11 am BBT Godfrey is awake and sitting up in his bed.

 10:16 am BBT Brittnee is now up and she used the clothes that she was covered up with to cover up Zach and then she left the have-not room.

 10:18 am BBT Pilar is now up and out of bed. Godfrey is still sitting up in his bed and it looks like he is just thinking.

 10:24 am BBT Brittnee is now up in the HOH room telling Sarah about Zach’s pitch to her last night. Brittnee said that she respects Zach’s campaigning. Brittnee said that Zach got her in for about 2.5 seconds and then she was over it. Brittnee said that she feels like she hasn’t had control of anything and she would rather stay true to who she is as a person.

 10:27 am BBT Sarah said it is not a loyalty versus logic thing and you have to be logic first. Sarah said that if she votes to keep Zach then Godfrey will also vote to keep Zach and he won’t be able to keep everyone safe. Brittnee told Sarah that Zach said that he would take her (Brittnee) to final two and Zach doesn’t think he has Godfrey’s vote. Sarah said that he can’t use the argument that Brittnee is such a threat.

 10:30 am BBT Sarah and Brittnee are talking about getting blood on their hands. Brittnee said that it was nice that Zach campaigned and she found it interesting that he campaigned to her. Sarah told Brittnee if she thinks it is better for her game then do it. Brittnee told Sarah that she does not think it is better for her game.

 10:31 am BBT Brittnee found Zach’s campaign entertaining and she is wondering if she has too much faith in Godfrey.

 10:32 am BBT Brittnee said that she would rather take the chance in sending Zach home and having to win the HoH next. Brittnee is not going to spill the beans to Zach about Godfrey so that Zach could go back to Godfrey and tell him.

 10:35 am BBT Brittnee said that Zach’s arguments are interesting. Sarah said that he may be right that they might not be able to trust Godfrey but they know they can’t trust Zach and Zach has fared much better in the challenges.

 10:36 am BBT Brittnee said that Zach is putting Godfrey in a comfortable position by saying he is playing for second. Sarah said they are going to put them up anyway because it is that point in the game. Brittnee told Sarah that Zach is wondering if Brittnee and Sarah have a final two or if they would cut each other.

 10:38 am BBT Sarah said obviously when someone is as close as they are there is a final two deal. Brittnee said if she was more intimidated then Zach’s argument would have worked on her.

 10:42 am BBT Brittnee and Sarah talked about BBUSA last year and then talk turned back to how Zach campaigned to her.

 10:44 am BBT Brittnee said that she would not have made it this far if it wasn’t for Sarah working with her. Brittnee said that she told Zach that she has been a target. Brittnee said that his whole campaign is contradicting.

 10:47 am BBT Brittnee is going to risk it and get rid of Zach and go into next week. Sarah said that Zach is a better competitor than Pilar so why would they keep Zach. Talk between Sarah and Brittnee turned to the dreams that they had.

 10:50 am BBT Brittnee said she needs a dream dictionary stat.

 10:51 am BBT Pilar is in the KT eating and just looking around the room.

 10:53 am BBT Brittnee is telling Sarah about her past boyfriends and jobs.

 10:55 am BBT Pilar is back in the main bedroom lying on her bed. Ashleigh is lying on her bed too and neither one of them are saying anything.

 10:58 am BBT Sarah and Brittnee are talking about the other houseguests and how they were so good at faking it how they acted.

 11:13 am BBT Pilar is in the shower, Ashleigh is putting on her makeup, Godfrey and Zach are out by the hot tub. Sarah and Brittnee are still in the HOH room talking about how everyone in the jury hates them and they are talking about how Pilar and Ashleigh have played this game.

 11:18 am BBT Brittnee told Sarah that she hopes Godfrey comes up to her and asks her about Zach.

 11:19 am BBT Sarah is sitting on the HoH bed reading her letter from Scott

 11:20 am BBT Pilar finished her shower and she is shaving her armpits while Ashleigh is still putting on her makeup.

 11:22 am BBT Brittnee and Sarah are talking about someone that Brittnee knows and Sarah can’t wait to meet him.

 11:23 am BBT Feed two switched to the hot tub area where Zach is now gone and Godfrey got up out of the sun and sat on one of the chairs in the shade. Zach came back out and laid back in the sun. Godfrey told him that he was burning and asked if there was any more sunscreen.

 11:25 am BBT Now Godfrey and Zach are both lying in the sun.

 11:29 am BBT Brittnee and Sarah are still in the HOH room talking about people that Brittnee knows. Zach and Godfrey are lying in the sun by the hot tub with no talking going on.


3:15 pm-4:15 pm BBT Brittnee heads up to the HOH room and Zach followed her. When they entered the room Brittnee said that she is frustrated because she put in all of this work and no matter what she is probably going to go next week unless she can win something and Sarah is sitting really good right now. Zack said listen he knows she probably though it over (what he said last night about her saving him) and probably said it’s crazy and I can’t do it but he sees the game player in her. Brittnee interrupts and said you are so funny are you giving me a pep talk right now. Zach said no I’m just talking to you realistically and the more that he thinks about the situation the more it makes so much more since and the reason being is that her and Ashleigh essentially vote him out and then they are both sitting in the worst position in the game. Godfrey, Sarah and Pilar sit in the best positions in the game after this week if he goes and Brittnee should know that. Brittnee said that she knows Sarah sits in a good position because as far as she is concerned the other girls see Brittnee as a threat. Zach agrees and said this is what he is saying to Ashleigh too if he stays in the game they both (Brittnee and Ashleigh) go from the worst position in the game in the final five to the best position with him still in the game. Brittnee said not really because Zach still sees her as a threat and he would never want to go to the final three with her. Zach interrupts and said not really if she saved him he would tie his loyalties to that moving forward with them and he said if he moves on in this game he would have to win out to stay and he would expect next week if Brittnee won to put him up and it would keep Ashleigh safe that is why she does this vote and he would go home. He also expects in the final four if anybody wins that final veto he goes. Brittnee said and if he wins then he would put up Sarah and Godfrey and one of them comes down. Zach said you go up and Ashleigh still votes and Brittnee still stays safe next week no matter what if he wins. Brittnee said either way it is a risk for her. Zach said that it is an absolute risk but right now it is either she votes with her heart or she votes with her head. Brittnee said that she is still voting with her head if she votes him out and at the end of the day she can’t win sitting next to him no one in this house can. Zach said but her chances of getting there are so much higher and he would have to win next week to survive and he would have to win all of the HoH’s in the final because no one would take her. He said that Ashleigh said next week if she won she would take him out. Brittnee said that she doesn’t have it in her because if she didn’t have it in her this week she wouldn’t have it in her next week. Zach said that she wouldn’t take him in the final four if she won that veto she would take the other people he guarantees it. Brittnee said that she don’t she is playing the loyal card right now it’s like she has stayed loyal to him this entire game. Zach said that she is realizing right now that she is dead in the water if she doesn’t keep someone in front of her and he thinks Brittnee is realizing that too and he wants them to make this play to save themselves because there is only a week left in this game. Brittnee said so it is like beyond keeping a big target in front of you and that is exactly her point there is only a week left in this game Zach said that is three situations where he would have to win every single one to live. He explains that his chance of living in this game is to win all the comps. Brittnee said or Ashleigh winning. Zach said that if Ashleigh won then Brittnee would be safe. Brittnee don’t think that Ashleigh would keep her safe. Zach said (twice) that he would have control of that and he could keep her safe if Ashleigh won he knows he could. Brittnee said that she was so happy because she was about to get Brittnee out. Zach said (again) that he could keep her safe and he knows that she might think that he is lying right now but he don’t have any reason to because all he would have is the two people that kept him in this game. (Again) he said that he would keep her safe next week. Brittnee said but that would be going against the others (Sarah and Godfrey). Zach said he knows it is the most ridiculous move. Brittnee said that she is thinking about it but no matter what she feels screwed. Zach wonders how she would feel screwed if he stayed in the game and she said because she would get taken out. He told her next week she would not get taken out; there is no situation where she would get taken out next week. Zach goes through the scenario’s of others that will be going next week. Brittnee said that she don’t know if she can do it and she just thinks either way she is screwed they are both targets and she just feels frustrated right now because she has played the shit out of this game so let’s be real. Zach said that is why he don’t want her to stop now he wants her to play the shit out of this game until the end and this is the ridiculous hard move but it is the smartest move for her it really is because every single week from here on out he goes home if he don’t win and she stays in this game it’s like a massive shield sitting in front of her and if he wins or Ashleigh does he will keep her safe. Then they talk about Sarah has been in the best position because she hasn’t to win and Brittnee has won all of them and they have been her decisions and Zach wanted to send Brittnee home and Brittnee has put Zach on the block twice. Then Sarah walked in and interrupted the conversation to bring them fresh batteries for their mic’s and then she left. Zach told Brittnee that he wants her to keep kicking it around and she said that she is and it is not emotional it is just who she is and to do a move like that goes against who she is to throw someone and she gets that what this game is about and she don’t know how to explain it but she did not come to BB to be someone that she is not. Zach told her that she has been the person that has done moves to put herself in good positions and he doesn’t see why that should stop now. Brittnee explained that it would go against her word that she gave Pilar because she said she would keep her and she explains to Zach that she can’t beat him in the end. Zach told her it makes her odds so much better getting to the end of the game. Zach said that he don’t care who he takes forward and he is going to take the people that saved him in this game. They discuss the chop shop and how Zach stayed loyal to them and if Ashleigh would take Zach to the final four (Brittnee said she would and Zach said that she wouldn’t). Brittnee said it doesn’t make since that Zach tells her not to play emotional but said he would keep her if she saved him. Zach told Brittnee again that moving forward in this game she sets herself in a better position if she saves him and she told him he has made good points. Zach told Brittnee if she is willing to take his offer he is willing to offer it because his back is against the wall and told her to think about it that is all he is saying. Brittnee said that she has been thinking about it. Zach said the easy play is to vote him out. Brittnee said that either way is hard and it has been and will be an uphill battle as much as anyone wants to say she has been a floater. Zach said that no one is saying she is a floater. Brittnee said people do and Zach responded yea and her and Ashleigh either make this play and propel themselves to the final four or they don’t make this play and chance it on winning comps and he will respect either move and he will always be the number one target. Brittnee said that she is playing the best game that she can play and Zach responded that he knows she is and that is why she is considering his offer. They both go back and forth a few more times about it being a risky move and that they are both targets and then Sarah walked in again interrupting the conversation so they start talking about food and how it is day 62 in the BB house. Sarah said if they want to talk she can put the headphones in and they both tell her no she is good.

4:34 pm BBT Sarah, Brittnee and Pilar are in the HOH room talking about Zach’s plea to Brittnee and then Brittnee told Pilar that she gave her her word that she is keeping her. Sarah doesn’t want Brittnee to be stressed out because of Zach trying to manipulate her. The three are now discussing Ashleigh and they don’t know where she is at. 


This afternoon, HGs got a camera and re-created scenes from the season, including a "heated discussion" between Zach and Sarah in the storage room, and took pictures of various "block buddies".  Zach campaigned to both Ashleigh and Brittnee.  Some of the strategic highlights include creative use of language; in Zach's conversation with Ashleigh some things come across as Brittnee approaching Zach instead of the other way around.  In Zach's conversation with Brittnee, he emphasizes that Brittnee is Ashleigh's target despite Ashleigh saying she is more concerned about Sarah as the mastermind of the pair.


7:35 PM BBT Zach, Ashleigh, Pili, Britt and Sarah talking in the HOH room.  They are talking about friends, getting to know people, especially getting past the facades that people sometimes put up, and dealing with differences.


7:50 PM BBT Zach grooving to music in the HOH bathroom while the other HGs discuss the phrase “voulez vous couches avec moi ce soir” and go on to talk about other French phrases.


7:54 PM BBT Brittnee wants to have a fondue night when they get out of the house.  Ashleigh immediately starts to figure out if they could have a fondue night in the house. 


7:58 PM BBT Ashleigh and Godfrey leave the HOH room and go to the KT to make salmon for supper.


9:00PM BBT Ash Godfrey and Britt sprawled out on the red couches, Zach working on a slop burger in the kitchen, Pili in the BR working on her makeup and Sarah has been called to the DR. (Tis the night before eviction and all through the house not a creature is speaking not even a louse.-DRG) Ashleigh did make her way up to the HOH bathroom and the feeds left her to return to the silent living room and kitchen. BB calls out for Godfrey to please wake up nap time is over. He grumbles that he is just resting his head.


Ash and Pili now together in the main bathroom repainting their faces. Pili eventually asks Ash if she knows what she is doing and she says yes but not what.  Pili wonders if she has talked to him.  Ash tells her that she has faith in her for tomorrow. Pili says she has faith too but she does not know what it will be. She will try her best but she does not know what it will be. Ash does not want her to say anything other than that she is going to win it.  Pili tries to say Ash is going to win it too and Ash does not want her to focus on anything except winning it herself as she needs to get some confidence going. (A little skill or perseverance would not hurt either. - DRG)


Downstairs Britt finally rouses herself and goes to hug Zag for cooking, Godfrey rouses a bit now too and wonders what time it is.  Zach asks if the Calgary Flames are still in the play offs?  He goes on about their missing player and how other teams could be making a run. Then he wonders who won the big fight and does McDonald's still make Big Macs. He and Britt debate which tins have herbal or green tea.


7:58 PM BBT Ashleigh and Godfrey leave the HOH room and go to the KT to make salmon for supper.


8:12 PM BBT Pili leaves the HOH room to join Ashleigh and Godfrey in the KT.   Godfrey is doing dishes while Ashleigh is putting honey, salmon, and dill on the salmon. 


8:37 PM BBT Supper preparations are ongoing in the KT.  Britt and Sarah on the LR couches.  Britt asks Sarah if she thinks Zach knows he’s going.  Britt thinks it’s weird how people act when they know they are going.  Sarah says “on a personal level, it sucks.  It’s weird how you can have such conflicting emotions.”  Britt says she will miss him, if he goes….”Never know, Twistos.”  Sarah says she will feel relieved and accomplished on a game level, but it breaks her heart at the same time.


8:51 PM BBT  Ashleigh and Brittnee sprawl out on the LR couches after their meal.  They comment that not much has been going on in the BY.  They have just heard the occasional ‘bang’.


9:06 PM BBT Ashleigh and Pili in the WA putting on make-up.  Pili says tomorrow is going to be “cray cray” [crazy].  Ash tells Pili that she has faith in Pili to win HOH.  Pili says she has faith in herself too, but she doesn’t know what it will be.  She’ll try in the same way she hopes Ashleigh will try, but she can’t promise.  Ashleigh tells her to say “I’m gonna win it” to increase her confidence.


9:14 PM BBT Zach is cleaning in the KT and asks “Is this how people treat houses when they rent them?  If so, I’m never buying a house and renting out, because I’m pretty sure we could have put 16 COWS in the house and it would be in better shape! Like, full size COWS


9:12PM BBT Zach starts singing and Britt comends him for being so musical today and BB asleep at the switch tells the HGs to please stop singing.  Ashleigh has come down to the kitchen now and is watching Zach juggle. Pili also downstairs now on the brown couch under the stairs.  Britt is waiting for her green tea to cool down so she can drink it and get a little energy.


Zach wonders if this is how people treat houses when they rent them and if so he is never buying a house and renting it. He is pretty sure they could have put 16 cows in the house or 16 jungle animals for that matter and left them in the house for 75 days and come back.  He says the countertop is insane and needs to be ripped out. It is so bad that not even the dump will want it. Now he is on about the stove top in the same vein. Ash and Pili giggle at his rant.  Zach says that if Rish was still here she would self-evict or maybe she would clean the whole place to keep herself from going crazy. He speculates that the counter top is like a sandpaper grit of about 180. Britt laughs at him and asks if he did not just wipe it down a few days ago.  He thinks you should be able to wipe a counter with a paper towel and water and they need a grinder now. Ash comments that they have two people on slop going at it. Britt is up inspecting with him as Zach carries on about all the cleaning he has done over the last couple of days. Britt asks if he wants a round of applause and he says no, he just needs someone to whip people in to shape.  


9:20PM BBT Ash and Pili continue to tease Zach as Britt is saying he is zesty tonight. Pili says he is one of the best French maids ever.  Zach in German accent says this is the dirtiest house he has ever cleaned in 30 years.  They tease him on the accent and he tells them Claudete's father was German and her mother was French. 


Sarah returns from the DR and and Zach asks if she is done talking shit in the DR. BB a little quicker on the draw this time tells the HGs to stop talking about production.  Britt tells Sarah that Zach is losing it and he denies that he is. He goes and lies down on the red couches and announces it is 8:30. Britt says it is two and a half hours til bed time. Sarah thinks if they go at 10 BB would let them. Zach now talking about Brian Wilson.


Zach says he never talks in class and Sarah says she is the type that never shuts up. Sarah asks what Britt is drinking and she replies in an accent that it is Green Tea. Sarah asks BB to please lock the Have Not room tonight. Britt says yes, no more Have Nots and Sarah says no, I meant with you two in there tonight.


Sarah going on about how they have been trained to do weird shit for 60 days so now BB could send them a card telling them to do anything and they would do it.  BB tells the HGs to stop talking about production. Sarah goes on about them climbing into coffins during the comps and they are so trusting. Ash jokes that then the clown comes and murders her. Now they talk about a slasher movie in a wax museum. Now they talk about Hostel where a guy gets his penis chopped off. Sarah asks about Hard Candy and they try to remember the actress who was Willow's alter ego. Sarah now telling the plot of the movie where the woman poses online as a 14 year old to lure sex offenders and then kills them when they respond.


They start talking about another film and then another with five cheerleaders that rob a bank. Ash talks about another film that was previewing before they came in the house and how they made a Facebook for the movie to make it seem more like a real story. She can't recall the name. Sarah starts talking about The Girl Who Played with Fire and Britt asks if she means The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. (they don't seem to realize those are two of three films in a trilogy. - DRG) Godfrey returns and when he asks they tell him that they are just chilling. He covers Ash's head with his robe then comments that he does not know who it belongs to.  The others decide it is Graig's and he replies that now he knows why he has been feeling so paranoid lately.  It is rubbing off on him.


9:38PM BBT Britt starts playing with a towel as if to make a rattail and Zach says he can do that so well that he can rip skin so they should not start.  Zach comments to BB that he will have a good time getting him up tomorrow. They start talking about the hour and when BB will allow them to sleep. Godfrey (the resident expert on sleeping) says he finds that BB allows them to go to bed at about 10:30 (according to the clock in the house that production tends to keep about an hour behind the actual time - DRG) 


Sarah is called to the DR. Ash is doing impressions of former HGS. Zach says that they have nothing on him and they all beg to differ. Pili runs over to join them to show Ash's trademarks. She burps and then they all talk about her saying "actually". They tease Ash about her true colors coming out today and her being all sassy.  BB tells Godfrey to please fix your microphone. Ash remarks that they want to hear the lies coming out of his mouth. She mimics his face when he is trying to be serious. 


They now start talking about Sindy and the night that Graig went home. Then the night the camera was "broken" and who the thought had done it.  BB tells the HGs to stop talking about production then they get a Stop That followed by a Godfrey. They all plan to stare at Sarah when she returns and when she comes in BB calls Pili to the DR. Sarah thinks that it was a good joke. They wonder what to do for Pili.  Some will make faces to distract her while others hide under the steps to jump out and scare her.  Ash and Sarah sit under the stairs and Ash comments about the poor air quality down there.  Zach will stand up to distract her as soon as she comes out the door. Ash stands in the doorway to see how much Pili will be able to see with her peripheral vision. Zach climbs upstairs and plans to dump a cup of water on her when she comes out. Sarah passes a fart and Ash tells her not to do it there and Sarah says it is too late. Zach is getting into position and hangs over the balcony.  He is told that BB will give him a stop that and BB does as if on cue. Zach abandons the plan saying that BB fucked him. They are trying to come up with an alternate plan. Sarah wants them to make faces at her and she will jump out from behind the column. Godfrey suggests covering her with a sheet and Sarah teases that she will see him when he gets out. (of prison for abduction.) 


9:54PM BBT They are all still waiting with Ash in the SR doorway. Zach wishes he could have dumped the water on her. Now he hopes they will not be trapped in the HOH for hours tomorrow. Britt thinks that a double scare will be pretty epic if they can get it. Godfrey gets up to scout out what can be seen in the mirrors and then he is teased about being paranoid so he rips off the robe and says it is this stupid sweater that is making me paranoid. Ash hears something but it is a false alarm. Sarah comments that Ash's arms are ripped right now and it must be the tan. Now she remarks that the Salmon made her tooty and she should really go in the hallway and try and toot it all out. Britt heads upstairs and Sarah warns her not to come by her.  Silence as the all wait. Pili comes out and Ash gets her good then Sarah comes up behind her and gets Pili again. Pili laughing but saying they are cruel and she could have died.  Sarah tells her she is lucky that they had other options including water. Ash is called to the DR. Pili tells her to go and they will see what happens when you come out.  Sarah asks if she did the DR in that top and points out that there is a stain at the nipple. (The overtired sillies are in full effect now. DRG) Pili goes to hide where Ash was originally hiding and they tell her that Ash will expect. 


Godfrey starts talking about a plan with a red nose for the middle of the night and the others do not like the idea. They try and get PIli to throw water on Ash when she comes out but she does not want to until they tell her that Ash wanted to do it to her.  They try and get Pili to head up the stairs with the water and BB tells her Stop That.  Pili again crouched under the stairs facing into the room and Britt points out that Ash will come from behind her and is more likely to scare her than she is to scare Ash. Godfrey still wants to get made up like a clown. The others don't like it and think that he is being mean. Pili decides not to scare Ash now but she will get her later, not the clown but something later.


Zach wants a 5 dollar fill up. Sarah wants to spend about 25 dollars. Pili proposes that they all just not acknowledge Ash when she returns and not make room for her on the couches. Pili tells Zach that her first impression of him being a tough football player was all wrong and he is not like that at all.  Britt also says her first impression was off. 


They start talking about Graig and Bobby and who came up with what components of the Chop Shop alliance. Zach says that he was the least dedicated member. Pili says that she and Ash did not become friends til later. All Godfrey can remember is sleeping (sounds about right - DRG) Bobby and Bruno were pretty dedicated at the start according to Zach. They talk about thinking that Kevin was the saboteur at first and Sarah recalls how the balloon popped right after he came out to it. They say Kevin loved this place and joking.  Bobby and Bruno seemed pretty sketchy to several of them since they did not talk too much with the group.  Britt is called to the DR as Sarah returns without incident and takes Britt's now vacated seat on the end of the couch. 


10:19PM BBT They wonder if Bruno saw the HG bios or not and they think it is weird the screen in the HOH has not been in play this season. They think that Sindy going to the sequester house and not an isolated hotel room was really dicey as she came back knowing everything that had happened in the house. Bobby was really mad the Graig told her about the Chop Shop and told Sindy to go blow it up.  They are surprised that he did not blow it up before he left. Now Sarah laughs and tells Ash that they were trying to ignore her but it didn't work. Ash says she is just used to people not looking at her when she talks.  Sarah and Pili tried to talk over Ash but they all agree it was not very obvious and Ash tells them she did not notice anything at all.  


Zach recalls when there was a DR leak with Graig talking about the Chop Shop that played on the speakers in the BY. BB (feeling embarassed??) tells them to stop talking about production followed by a Stop That!


Godfrey asks which was the best alliance of all from all seasons. Britt and Zach think the Brigade.  Ash liked watching Chilltown.  More talk about alliances from previous seasons.  Sarah liked Nakomis but Godfrey says that she was not nice to her brother, Cowboy. Pili does not know who they are talking about. Sarah now brings up the season with the exes and how awkward that would have been being in the house is emotional enough.  


10:00PM BBT: Ashleigh, is wanting to scare Pilar has she comes out of the DR. The other HGs are just sitting on the sofa talking.


10:05PM BBT: Ashleigh, is standing over by the DR door waiting to scare Pilar, as she comes out of the DR, Pilar comes out and Ashleigh yells at her now Sarah jumps out at her and scares her double scares. Sarah tells Pilar that Zach wanted to throw water at her, Now Ashleigh is called to the DR.


10:10PM BBT: Pili wants to get back at Ashleigh for scaring her, She wants to throw water at her from to top of the stairs but BB comes on and says stop that. 


10:15PM BBT: Pilar says this is the last night for Have-Nots, Sarah says the the HoH room is so hot.


10:20PM BBT: Godfrey says that Bobby came up  with the name the Chop Shop, and also the sign for it. They are just talking about the chop shop. Godfrey says all he can remember is eating and sleeping (Go figure)


10:25PM BBT: They are just talking about Bobby and how loyal he and Bruno was to the Chop Shop. they pretty much just chatting.


10:31PM BBT: Now they are talking about the best alliances of all time, "Chill Town" now talking about the Chill Town  phone call.


10:35PM BBT: Godfrey is talking about jokes  that he used to play like putting super glue on someone. "that's so mean" says Ashleigh, Godfrey is talking about him and his sister and what kind of jokes they used to play on each other.  


10:40PM BBT: Godfrey is talking about the slop and how in the us they get other food to eat like fungi and frys. But no all we have in CA is slop. 


10:45PM BBT: Zach is having some Sleepy Time tea, BB comes on and tells Pilar that the pantry is now open. Has they sit on the sofa chatting.


10:50PM BBT: Nothing new to report they are still just chatting now talking about past PoVs and such. 


#BBCAN11:00PM BBT: Sarah, Brittnee, Pilar, and Godfrey are now upstairs Godfrey is just talking about Bruno and Bobby. They are in the corner of the landing.



10:31PM BBT Britt remarks that she is just watching Godfrey making his faces and making noises.  Ash chimes in about how he did that the night after the clowns and it freaked her out.  They talk about mean pranks like launching. Godfrey telling how he got launched because his sister dumped a guy. Britt tells him it was his fault and he was telling lies to which he responds he was just trying to get some food and luxury items.  


Zach says it is about 9:30 now and Britt says one more hour. Zach cannot wait to eat food again and Britt chimes in let me tell you about it.  Godfrey complaining about not getting foods voted on by Canada this season and only getting slop. 


Zach and Sarah in the kitchen now as Pili heads up to the bathroom. Britt asks Ash if she is ok and Ash says yes and the two start laughing. Godfrey tells her again that her true colors and sassiness are coming out today and she says she has always been this way. BB tells Godfrey to fix his microphone. Ash says that his facial expressions kill her. He thinks she has some kind of face fascination and she says it is only his face. She goes on and tells him that his face is really entertaining. Pili agrees having just returned from the bathroom.  Britt says that this is so telling about how the next week will be.  BB tells the HGs to stop talking about production and Zach and the gals argue about who it was that BB just called out.  Godfrey tells Ash that she needs to eat savory and with the giggles she tells him that she would be sore bored without him in the house. 


BB tells Pilar that the pantry is now open. (shorthand for change your batteries hamsters. DRG) Sarah and Zach talking in the pantry when Britt comes in. He has the battery box and they all leave the room.


Godfrey complains that he has the deformed batteries again.  Zach heads upstairs to get ready to go into the HOH tub. Godfrey recalls when they were the original have nots and Pili says they all started out as have nots from day 1. 


More general talk about there time in the house and BB again tells them to stop talking about production and then the feeds go to FOTH.


10:51PM BBT Feeds back with the ladies kidding Godfrey about being "guilty" in the voice Sarah used for BBCAN TV. Now they talk about the dancing segment and Godfey mimics Britt's moves and the others egg him on to do more.  Pili talking about her drawing segment and how she cannot draw at all.  Sarah tells her it was great and was hilarious. Godfrey wishes they had Mancala.  Someone says this is their spot and the others say that they roam around the house. Now they all decide to head upstairs and sit on the landing. Ash suggest they all walk in on Zach in the HOH bath and just sit cross legged on the floor.


They go to the corner with the red hassocks and Godfrey starts relating about when he was taken to this spot in the house in the middle of the night and was strong armed about his vote.  


Ash and Britt in the BR talking about Graig dropping deuces and how he used to talk to them.  Ash returns to the landing and meets Sarah who is also doing an impression of Graig and how he would act whenever he saw two people talking. Godfrey talking about having a dream in which all the furniture was glued to the floor. Godfrey thinks that this is a good spot and they get a new pespective on the house since they are hardly in this spot.  One of the gals thinks she saw someone and BB tells them to stop talking about production. 


9:17 PM BBT Zach still complaining about the cleanliness of the KT…exaggerating to get laughs from Britt and Pili who are lounging on LR couches.  He says that if Rish was still there, she would self-evict…. Or else she would have cleaned the whole place so she didn’t go nuts. 


9:27 PM BBT Sarah shares her notion for a movie plot where a reality show like BB gets hijacked after the houseguests have been conditioned to do whatever BB says.  Zach says the hijackers could come into the house as clowns would come in and Ashleigh asks why it has to be clowns.  BB says “Houseguests, stop talking about production” and the HGs laugh, taking that as an admission that BB is a clown. They talk about the 100 minutes from Hell competition in light of the idea of a hijacker being in charge.  Sarah thinks it would make a great movie. 


9:40 PM BBT Sarah is called to the DR.  The other HGs continue chatting about various things like how they have picked up new words in the house, like "ultimately" and "actually" and "byeee".  [What about "HUNDRED perCENT" and "Love you to death."]


9:45 PM BBT Lots of animated discussion as the houseguests tease each other about their habits.

11:05PM BBT: Godfrey is going around buttering up the girls, by discripting their charactors. Like Pilar is a happy go luck gal.

Brittnee, is a very humble girl. Ashleigh she doesn't like to lead, she doesn't want to outshine others, she doesn't want to scar other girls. Sarah knows a lot about the world. she felt guilty about everything but she holds it in. Like when Willow went home. And like when the cam broke. Sarah says so how to I fix it. Godfrey says you can't fix something that isn't broken. you have to asked yourself if it's broken. Brittnee you know yourself well, You built something on your own you fullfilled your dreams. not many people do. You took the path less traveled. 


11:15PM BBT: Now it's the girls turn to tell Godfrey what his charactor traits are. He is very deep, and they are surprised. Godfrey says it's like his grandmother told him sometimes less is more. now talking about how a girl dresses.


11:20PM BBT: Godfrey is talking about the different types of jobs he has done, He as never done manual labor type jobs. He just does odd jobs no so much for pay, but more for the experience now talking about the different types of books he has read. Because he likes to learn.


11:31PM BBT: they have moved into the the HoH room now talking about coffee and chocolate, Godfrey doesn't like sweet stuff, like cake or candy he like a lot nuts. like coconut.


11:35PM BBT: the HGs are talking about whether or not a coconut is a nut or a fruit, it's actually both a fruit and a nut it's also a seed, http://www.loc.gov/rr/scitech/mysteries/coconut.htmlforthose of you who didn't know.


11:40PM BBT: Ashleigh is talking about tattoos, she wants to talk about something that she doesn't know if she can say. Something about removing tats. Godfrey is talking about his brother and when he got a tat. 


11:45PM BBT: They say tats are so artistic, Brittnee is talking about going to a museum that she went to in New York. Ashleigh is talking about a Tim Burton museum and the Harry potter one which was cool she was going to get a wand but they were $50.


Now talking about the titanic, and how they recreated it the cabins and dinning room and this is what they would serve. they had artifacts from the titanic. 


11:50PM BBT: Ashleigh is still talking about the titanic museum, and how they match you up with the type of passenger you would be if you were on the titanic, like she was a 14 year old girl, her father was a first class passenger, she said she is really interested in stuff like that, like Alcatraz which is closed down now but she is talking about when she went on a tour of the prison and how it's haunted. and how when you go in the cells you get chills and stuff. they are talking about the prison.

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