morty Posted May 14, 2015 Posted May 14, 2015 Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text.Remember your time zones. Big Brother Canada Time is East Coast Standard Time (See Map Here).Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. to be consistent with abbreviations, like:Washroom Area (WA)Water Closet (WC)Vault Room (VR)Kitchen (KT)Dining Table (DT)Living Room (LR)Back Yard (BY)Bedroom (BR)Indoor Lock Down (ILD)Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)Head of House Room (HOHR)Storage Room (SR)Please post pictures in the open thread of the following forum! http://www.tvfanforu...hread-week-one/If you post questions or start conversations with each other here, they will be deleted.Thank you!
sayre Posted May 14, 2015 Posted May 14, 2015 12:00AM BBT: Zach is now off to bed, Sarah and Brittnee are heading up to the HoH. Everyone else is in bed. Sarah is saying that they aren't even going to try to talk to me. do they feel safe. Brittnee says yeah they do. Sarah says you blew that one sisters. She goes into the blue room to say goodnite. we will talk in the morning. 12:05AM BBT: Brittnee is telling Sarah how proud of her she is. and how upset Zach is over Bruno. And how Ashleigh and Pilar still are on the final four thing. Sarah says that Zach isn't even trying he knows what's up. Now talking about how Ashleigh and Pilar blew it. Sarah says she is putting you guys up if Zach wins veto then we will see. 12:10AM BBT: Sarah says no one expected us to win. Sarah is talking about the HoH competition it was between her and Godfrey. who asked her who she was going to put up. She told him Zach and Ashleigh. and If Pili wins HoH I don't know. Now going over who won what. Brittnee says she is so happy. If I go next week then this is all I needed. Brittnee you aren't going next week. 12:15AM BBT: Brittnee is talking about how snippy Ashleigh is now being towards Pilar. And how she guessed it. she said what if they aren't just Have-Nots. what if they were given something. So good on you for guessing it. Sarah says they were really exclueing us. and now they aren't even talking to me now. And now he isn't even trying. Now Sarah is talking about DR Will. and how he was a target every week. 12:20AM BBT: Sarah says that Pilar is more workable then Ashleigh is. Brittnee says yeah she is a sweet girl. All the people sitting in that jury underestimated us big time. yup the model and the stoner. 12:25AM BBT: now onto the PoV, Zach can't win it. Godfrey knows what's up now. He owes you now. But does he think he can beat you no. But I don't want to be in final two with anyone but you. yeah, but maybe Pili, Sarah I'm so sorry to eat in front of you I really didn't want to have a sleep over with them. Sarah they really don't like me, as a person. They didn't even try to wait up for me. Whatever, we got our family friends. and we got people in the house like Johnny. 12:31AM BBT: Sarah and Brittnee are telling us all about the HoH competition step by step, now onto the smoke, now the clown who is scared of clowns and so is Sarah, but it whispered their names, then they filled the coffens with ice cold water, It was cold as hell. Then they got video clips from their families. and then BB comes on and says stop that. then there was fire. we felt the heat. then last was the worms all over them. 12:35AM BBT: And in the end Sarah hit the buzzard at 98 minutes, Godfrey also had 98 minutes but he didn't hit his buzzer. Sarah says we were in here with some really smart people, Brittnee says wouldn't it be funny if Bruno was an undercover cop. Sarah says Zach cried when Bruno lefted. and when she was crying when Willow left Bruno was like yeah fucken cry. Now just talking about how emotional it is when people leave. 12:40AM BBT: Brittnee and Sarah are on cloud nine in the HoH. They are just rehashing things. 12:45AM BBT: Sarah is trying to figure out when she wants to drink her beers, save for later out by the hot-tub. now looking at her pictures, now they get the HGs please stop talking about production. Zach and Ashleigh are talking in the room Zach is talking about his getting $hitty luck it's all part of the ride, Sometime you have to just eat the shit. 12:50AM BBT: Zach is telling Ashleigh about some campground, he used to go to. And Brittnee and Sarah are talking about her pictures still. 12:55AM BBT: Sarah and Brittnee are now just listening to music has things are winding down in the BB house.
lacednotes Posted May 14, 2015 Posted May 14, 2015 12:57am BBT Ashleigh and Godfrey feel Brittnee could win against Zach especially with Canada’s endorsement.1:07am BBT The HGs are in the BR. Ashleigh was feeling that Canada hated her but now understands that Canada probably voted for who they thought needed it. 1:21am BBT The HGs are trying to figure out what Pili would be if she had a secret. Olympic Gymnast is what they decide.1:27am BBT Brittnee is talking about how she became a model and her life in New York.1:39am BBT Pili is talking about travelling alone, how hard it was by herself as she’s never done anything by herself.1:45am BBT Sarah moves her stuff into the HOH room.1:53am BBT Sarah, Britt and Zach are talking about the HOH comp and how the meal worms bit them. 2:00am BBT Zach is saying Godfrey is with both sides. Brittnee says that Godfrey was fighting for Zach to go home.2:12am BBT Sarah is re-reading her letter and listening to music, in the BR all is quiet.2:27am BBT Brittnee asks Zach what it’s like to be in a showmance in the BB house. Zach says it’s kinda weird. He’s here to play the game and not be distracted and he doesn’t think he’s been very distracted. Game first romance second. He’ll see what it’s like when they get out.2:34am BBT Ashleigh and Pilar are in the Kitchen. Pilar is hungry. 2:57am BBT Feeds have been down for about 20 minutes. Signing off – we’ll be back tomorrow.
sassy2565 Posted May 14, 2015 Posted May 14, 2015 8:19 am BBT Good Morning Canada! No, the houseguests are not up yet, but he lights just came on! We see Sarah, Pilar, Ashleigh and Godfrey sleeping in the HOH bed while Zach and Brittnee are sleeping in the HN room. 8:25 am BBT Sarah sat up and her eyes are open and then a few minutes later we see Brittnee come into the HOH room and climb into bed with the others. 8:31 am BBT There was no talking going on for the last few minutes. Sarah was just sitting there while all other eyes are closed and then Ashleigh got up to change the batteries in her mic. 8:34 am BBT Ashleigh passed the box of batteries to the others so that they could change theirs too. 8:39 am BBT Brittnee and Sarah are whispering while the others still have their eyes closed. It sounds like Brittnee is telling Sarah about a discussion she had with Zach about being close to Bruno before he used the veto on him. Sarah told Brittnee that she wants to make some coffee and that Brittnee should get Zach his batteries or BB will be upset. Brittnee said that Zach is sleeping, but they both get out of bed and Britt is called to the DR following a wake up call to the other houseguests. 8:43 am BBT Brittnee headed to the DR as Sarah took the battery box and went to the HN room to change the batteries for Zach. Brittnee entered the HN room and Sarah said it has never been this cold in this room. Brittnee said it is freezing. 8:46 am BBT Sarah and Brittnee are in the KT. Brittnee is fixing coffee while Sarah is talking about getting bit. Brittnee said that Zach was making a joke of being on the block. Sarah is filling up the dishwasher and Brittnee said that Zach and Ashleigh are just now feeling what it is like to be on the bottom. 8:49 am BBT Sarah said that it feels better without him (Bruno) here and Brittnee agreed. Sarah said that it was silly of Zach to get emotional like he did. Brittnee said that she asked Zach last night why he did not just tell her she was the target and she said that Zach blamed it on Ashleigh and Pilar not telling him. 8:53 am BBT Brittnee and Sarah in the KT now discussing tea. 8:55 am BBT Pilar walked in the KT and Sarah asked her how her sleep was. Pilar responded that they had quite a sleepover. 8:57 am BBT Pilar commented that the screen doesn’t say anything and asked if that is normal. Sarah told her that it is not normal but it is still early so maybe it takes a little time because they woke them up early. 8:59 am BBT Zach walked in the KT and the girls told him good morning. He said hey guys and poured himself some coffee and left the room. Pilar is still sitting at the counter, Brittnee washing dishes and Sarah is fixing the coffee cups for the other girls. Brittnee commented that it is a lot scarier with six people in there. Brittnee said that Godfrey was scared to sleep in the room alone. Sarah said that Godfrey was not liking the worms yesterday. 9:03 am BBT Pilar and Brittnee are talking about stupid clowns and then Pilar told Sarah that the HOH bed is so comfortable. 9:05 am BBT The girls are speculating that today is nominations and tomorrow is the PoV. 9:07 am BBT Ashleigh is up and in the shower! 9:10 am BBT Godfrey and Zach are lying in the LR and were told by BB to wake up nap time is over. 9:15 am BBT Pilar left the KT to go and help Ashleigh find something and Brittnee and Sarah decide to go and chill upstairs. 9:17 am BBT Brittnee and Sarah are in the HOH room and Sarah had to take a pillow case off because there was a worm on it from Godfrey’s hair. Brittnee said that she feels good since she heard the message from her mom and dad and know they are watching. Sarah said that hopefully they can get Zach out this week. Brittnee said that it explains why Godfrey was so nervous because he was closer to Bruno then Zach. Sarah is telling Brittnee some of the things that Bruno was saying. 9:22 am BBT Brittnee said that Ashleigh said that she is sitting with all the people that she put on the block. Brittnee said that she asked Zach if he was trying to go to the end with Ashleigh and Zach told her it doesn’t matter now because it will be one of them leaving next. 9:24 am BBT Brittnee said that Zach is frustrated that Godfrey is still here and Sarah said that they were going to keep him yesterday and he is just upset that Bruno is gone. 9:26 am BBT Brittnee said that Zach told her Ashleigh and Pilar are ride or die so they are not going to take him to the end. 9:27 am BBT Brittnee finds Ashleigh as a kind of nice girl but she also sees her as a mean girl kinda. Sarah said that Ashleigh was mad because her HOH was a waste but she at least got her stuff and she was safe. Sarah said it makes it easier this week to put Ashleigh up because of how they were treated last week. Brittnee said they (Zach and Ashleigh) are now all stressed and stuff and welcomes them to how they have been feeling. 9:31 am BBT Brittnee said that Ashleigh is a beast in comps and Sarah said that Pilar did not know why there was a buzzer in yesterday’s comps and that she does not listen to the rules she thought it was who could last the longest in the box. Brittnee and Sarah hope that Canada is proud of them. 9:37 am BBT Sarah and Brittnee are just talking about Bobby and how he was in the house. 9:38 am BBT Pilar and Ashleigh are putting on their makeup and getting ready for the day. 9:43 am BBT Godfrey is in the HOH and he told Sarah that it was crazy how it went down last night. Godfrey said that Bruno is one guy that he figured would never go up and Sarah told him that is why he had to go. 9:46 am BBT Sarah told Godfrey to convince Pilar before the PoV because Pilar does know that Zach would take Ashleigh to the final two over her. 9:47 am BBT Godfrey and Sarah agree that Ashleigh would be happy to see Zach go and she knows that she is going on the block next to him so that she won’t have to vote him out. 9:50 am BBT Godfrey said we will see what happens after the veto and Sarah told him not to pull a Bruno on her. 9:53 am BBT Sarah and Godfrey are discussing everything that Bruno was doing that made him transparent. 9:55 am BBT The feeds just went down as Sarah and Godfrey were discussing Bruno’s game while Ashleigh, Pilar and Brittnee were in the WA doing their ADL’s. 10:09 am BBT The feeds are back up as Brittnee is called to the DR. 10:10 am BBT Pilar is in the KT making yogurt with peanut butter and then she took it to the WA to eat it. 10:11 am BBT Zach is in the hall chair by himself eating slop cookies and drinking his water. 10:15 am BBT Sarah told the WA girls that she is wanting to take a bath and Ashleigh told her that she has some bubble bath left over and she could use it. Zach is still sitting in the hall by himself. 10:20 am BBT Sarah is in the HOH room making her bed and Pilar walked in to listen to some music. 10:21 am BBT Godfrey is in the shower and Ashleigh is still putting on her makeup. 10:23 am BBT Ashleigh finished up in the WA and as she left she stopped by Zach to ask him what he is doing and he said that he is just hanging. 10:26 am BBT Ashleigh and Zach sitting in the hallway chairs and Zach said that he should shower. Ashleigh told him that he should because he stinks and then she said that she was just kidding. Zach said it was cold in the havenot room. Ashleigh said that it his third time in the have not room. 10:33 am BBT Zach told Ashleigh that he wonders if noms will be today after the task (so that is what they are going to do next) and Ashleigh said the noms are usually the day after HOH. Ashleigh said that the task can’t involve a judge. Zach wonders what it is. Ashleigh speculates that it will be running around the house doing something. Zach said it should be something fun. 10:35 am BBT Pilar and Sarah are in the HOH room talking and Pilar said whatever happens if Ashleigh goes home and if she won the veto she don’t know if she would use it because Zach has to go home. Pilar is going to talk to Ashleigh. Sarah said that someone else could win the veto and keep it the same. Sarah said that if Godfrey wanted to pull a guy thing then he can’t because they have the votes. Pilar said now they have the chance to get Zach out they have to take it. Pilar said that we will have to see what happens with the veto. 10:39 am BBT Sarah said in a perfect world Godfrey will go after Zach. Pilar said that if Zach won the veto and takes himself off would Sarah put her up and Sarah said that she thinks she would put up Godfrey. 10:40 am BBT Pilar said as long as they are not voting Ashleigh out she will support Sarah’s decision. 10:41 am BBT Sarah is going to talk to Ashleigh and Zach instead of waiting for them to come to her. Sarah is hoping to be able to talk to Ashleigh alone. Sarah leaves to go and talk to them and then she will take a bath. Pilar stayed in the HOH room to listen to music. 10:45 am BBT Sarah went and had a quick chat with Zach and Ashleigh and then she went back into the HOH room to chat with Pilar. 10:48 am BBT Sarah is reading her letter while Pilar is still listening to music and then Pilar is going to make sure that Ashleigh is okay. 10:50 am BBT Pilar went into the hall where Zach and Ashleigh are sitting and she asked them if they are alright and Ashleigh said yea they knew it was coming. 10:53 am BBT Ashleigh and Pilar are talking about makeup while Zach sits quietly. Sarah is in the HOH room filling up the tub. 10:54 am BBT Ashleigh said that the last week has been tough and then she said that things have been pretty good up until now. Pilar said that this journey is almost over. Zach said it is a once in a lifetime thing. Pilar is trying to take it all in but don’t know if she is. 10:56 am BBT Godfrey is sitting on a bed in the main BR while Zach came in to get his stuff to take a shower. Sarah’s tub water is ready so she is going to get in the tub. Pilar and Ashleigh are still in the hall chair talking about what Sarah said about Zach and Ashleigh going up and if the PoV is used Sarah would have to think about who was going up. Pilar said that if she wins the veto then she could use it and Godfrey could go up and then he could go home. Pilar said if she wins the veto the smart thing would be not to use it so Zach could 100% go and asked Ashleigh what does she think. Ashleigh said you know what I think and Pilar said to use it and Ashleigh responded I don’t know.
app Posted May 14, 2015 Posted May 14, 2015 11:00AM - 1:30PM BBT Ash lets Godfrey know Sarah has said that Zach and Ash are going up on the block. Godfrey says if the noms stay the same, Ash has his vote. Britt/Ash/Pili on LR couches have a conversation about Bruno and how he played the game. In the HOHGR Britt and Sarah talk plans and speculate about Bruno's impact in the jury house. Is he making sure Willow knows Sarah voted her out? Sarah expecting that nominations will be later today, after a task. Zach watches Sarah and Britt put on temp tattoos. After Zach is called to the diary room, Britt comments on how Zach lays awake thinking. Sarah is disappointed that Zach hasn't even tried to make a deal with her. FotH on Feeds 3/41:30PM - 2:48PM BBT: (temp) tattoo party for Britt and Sarah in the WA. Britt tells Sarah that Zach confided that his relationship with Ash might be equal parts game/genuine feeling. Ash joins Sarah/Britt in the WA and they talk about celebrities visiting malls. Pili joins and gets a temp tattoo of stars on her wrist. Godfrey gets a tatt on his back and Ash gets one on the back of her left wrist. Pili braids Sarah's hair. Zach and Godfrey in HOHR. Zach: "If you won the veto and pulled me off, one of the girls would go up and you'd split those girls up and then you'd have me loyal to you for the rest of the game." Zach thinks he has no one else to work with. HOHR lockdown. FotH.6:22PM BBT: Sarah and Britt in the BY wearing pizza-shaped hats, orange shirts and jointly wearing a giant blue apron. They are walking around various stations where they are choosing ingredients and placing four ingredients onto each of five big pizza board. Sounds like they are guessing the ingredients on pizzas they tasted. They go with: 1. Tomatoes/Pineapple/Smoked Ham/NY Style Pepperoni. 2. Pesto Chicken/Sun-dried Tomato/Kalamata Olives/Feta 3. Marinated hot peppers/grilled zucchini/spicy sausage/four-cheese blend 4. Smoked provolone/fire-roasted red peppers/goat cheese/arugula (the veg alternative) 5. Jalapeno peppers/mini-meatballs/red onions/green peppers. They pose for a celebration shot and then head back into the house.
app Posted May 15, 2015 Posted May 15, 2015 10:51PM BBT: Zach/Britt/Pili/Sarah are gathered in the KT, all wearing orange t-shirts from the Pizza task, and reading messages from home. They are talking about how meaningful it is to hear from family. Pili says it's bigger than winning HOH, and they feel bad for people in Jury who missed out on this. Convo turns to how big a network Global is. Sarah says "we can do this now, no problem. It's two more weeks." 10:59PM BBT: HG in KT talking about BBCAN being big on Global this season, and how everything has been new and different with the Steampunk theme. They start talking about After Dark being live feeds rather than clips. Sarah asks for access to BY. Pili takes an imaginary drag and hands it to Sarah. 11:12PM BBT: They are laughing about a comment from Ash's dad about not wanting to hurt Zach anymore. Sarah thinking how Bruno would have loved a message. Britt hoping they do something for him. They comment that two weeks in Jury would be less stressful. Pili thinks there shouldn't be have-nots anymore. 11:19PM BBT: Climbing the stairs, Sarah comments about how emotional it is being in the house. Pili to Live-Feeders : "If you're watching this... it's not as easy as it looks!" Pili says she has never cried this much! Sarah comes back downstairs and Zach is telling Britt that his sister is more of a giver; he always wanted attention and his sister was okay with that even though she is talented in her own right. She didn't fight him for the spotlight. 11:20PM BBT: Britt/Pili/Sarah/Zach on the LR couches talking about what it's like to have younger siblings, and having the responsibility of setting an example. Britt and Pili talk about what they are going to do after BBCAN3 is over and what it must be like for their loved ones to write a letter not knowing what they are allowed to say. Zach comments again on how amazing it is to get a letter from family. Zach can't wait to get wasted with his sister when they get out. 11:36PM BBT: Britt says she doesn't realize how much being in the BB house would mean to her and how much it would make her grow and appreciate what she has even more. Pili doesn't think anything else that can happen would top this experience... it's so unique. Zach asks where everyone is... Ash and Godfrey are in DR. Britt celebrating with Zach that they got to eat today as she heads upstairs to find Sarah.11:39PM BBT: Britt finds Sarah in HOHR. Sarah not feeling well. She has bites on her legs from the mealworms in the HOH competition. Still a lot of talk about the letters and what they learned about other houseguests through them. 11:49PM BBT: Britt and Sarah talking about Jury. Bruno is the 6th member. They talk about the biggest move of the game. Sarah thinks it was the house switch on Jordan and Britt agrees. Sarah says that's what the Chop Shop wanted. It flipped things around and exposed things. It got Zach going after Bobby. Sarah surmises that they were actively lying to Jordan because he was so shocked.11:51PM BBT: Zach comes into the HOHR and Sarah asks him why BB said "Stop that" to him, but he has no idea. He thinks maybe it's BB helping him go cold turkey on "F-bombs" because he did drop one as he was coming up the stairs. Zach is trying to clean up his language. Ashleigh and Godfrey come out of DR and Zach/Britt/Sarah rush out to see them, asking them what they got. They say nothing and no one believes them. They think they got to see Neda and rush over to grill them about who is in DR. Ash and God insist they didn't get anything. Pilar and Zach are called to DR. The rest decide to re-read their letters.
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