James ended a sentence days ago to Sarah at bedtime something close to "why don't you just go to sleep, jerk". It wasn't in jest. Not sure if that's the exact sentence, been searching for about 2+ hrs. for it. Not only an annoying comment, but telling of things to come and his obvious thoughts about women. It was whispered between them. I agree that Eric is an a-hole, but James is worse as he hides it & "puts on". Playing the game - maybe, yet I doubt this with them. There's no excuse/reason/rationalization to believe this isn't really his pea brain & true feelings. Dangerous stuff. Reminds me of Jonathon on TAR, yet much more frightening to me as Jonathan was at least out there with it & James as I said before is - frightening. This dude is a true menace to any female not to mention umpteen other things. Wrote too much, apologies.