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Posts posted by Blackcat3

  1. I'm with you Slim, something about him just didn't work for me.


    He deserves the win I guess because he was the brightest in a box of burnt out bulbs.


    Part of me would like to see him get the boot and not make the finals, again no particular reason, just something about him. It would be pretty funny if Vic was sitting there at the end when essentially he did all the "work"

  2. She has done nothing, but if she is in the F2 I would just love it if she won.


    I hate this bringing an easy win with you to the end. Sure she hasn't done much, but she grabbed onto the right guy to take her for a ride. Call it floating, call it a strategy, call it whatever but so far she has beat 12-13 other players, give the potted plant with extensions the win


    :footballhelmet: please don't throw things lol

  3. Thanks for this thread! I guess someone missed posting about Davids little reveil? 2:21pm on 6/29 cam 3, rear shot on cam 4. (viewer discretion advised)

    Here is one of Amanda and McCray 5:40am Cam1 and also 7:14am cam 2 . (viewer discretion definatly advised)

    Thanks for doing this everyone! I dont have the feeds, but am curious to see both of the above does anyone have a link to a picture or video? I tried googling and came up empty handed. TIA :notworthy:

  4. You know its really not a hard decision either marty. I have never and will never drive while drunk, even just slightly, whats the point.. and I am not worried about myself I am worried abotu hurting someone else who is innocent.

    It is just such a stupid thing to do, and I still think they are too linient, ok you get caught once, but if you get caught again after already being charged, them boom no more licence for you, learn to love the bus lol, I just hate stupid people. I had to bury a friend in highschool who I grew up with since kindergarden because he went to a prty and got drunk and then on the way home he drove into a telephone pole. Worst funeral ever, they had an open casket, unfortunatley you could tell what part of his head was real and what wasnt (basically from eyebrows up was all fake), there was a lot of damage from the accident, I was surprised they had it open, but it definitley helped send the message. I partly blame the person holding the party as it was a private party. when ever I had parties anyone who drank, gave me their keys as soon as they walked in my door, they can spend the night or cab it, but I felt responsible since it was my house, and thankfully no one even got hurt or in trouble at any of my parties (well at least not this kind of hurt or trouble lol) I know I am kind of rambling now, but this subject really bothers me, and people need to smarten up!!



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