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Posts posted by Dade

  1. 11:54am BBT Derek X, Tiff, Claire and Alyssa still chatting in LR. They talk about how they havent watched BB. How unless you watch the whole season you get it. Alyssa has a friend that will post to Social Media before each show, like...if she wins HOH, who will Alyssa nom or if she is nom, will she win POV and save herself. BB says You are not allowed to talk about production.

  2. 11:21am BBT X, Ky and Hannah are still studying in WA. Hannah gets called to DR and X and Ky say its time. In HOH Derek X tells Alyssa that there is no plan to backdoor Christian. He says he will probably throw this comp. He tells her good luck out there as she leaves the room. Derek X tells us that he hopes Alyssa does not win this POV, he would have to put up Christian. No he can win this and take down Brit and build a relationship with her. If he takes out Ky, he doesnt know what is going on, this is such a crazy game. Why did he only watch 2 seasons, this is so hard. 

    11:30am BBT Alyssa talks to Tiff and tells her what Derek X just said. (Tiff has a great poker face with no reaction) Sarah joins them. In SR Ky talks to cam, telling it that pretty sure everyone is down to use Veto. Cam switches to LR where Tiff is telling Derek X what Alyssa said. 

    11:35am BBT Brit and Christian are playing chess and Christian says he Fd up and now he will lose the game, he is so mad. In LR Alyssa is reliving her begging for Derek X to not put her up and falling off the wall. She says it was scary to hear Brit and Sarah fall off. 

     11:44am BBT they are still joking around about the Wall  comp...WBRB...In WA Big D talks to X about Jessica and cams switch. All 4 cams on LR where Alyssa goes to brush something off Claires nose and picks it off. She jokes about picking her nose for her. Derek X tells Alyssa that they are all calm about this because they are all together.  He tells her to do what ever, he will put up Big D, he doesnt care. 

  3. 10:50am BBT In LR Tiff is sitting on Big D lap with Christian hugging both of them, they are teasing each other. In WA Hannah and X are studying with a girl in the shower. 

     11:03am BBT Derek X pulls Claire aside and says she shouldnt win the POV. Maybe it would be better of Alyssa wins it. No matter what if the POV is used he will put up Christian. In LR Christian is hugging Big D, pulls back, slaps his own butt then pulls down his pants, cam switches to WA. 

    11:11am BBT Tiff joins Claire and Derek X and they continue to whisper about who should win the POV and who is the target next week. Hannah and X in the WA still studying. 

    11:18am BBT Derek X says when X feel off the wall he was starting to slip, it was that quick and close of a deal. Tiff says she will work with him, if he has a shot to take it. Derek X says if this goes down then Alyssa will be pissed but Christian wont be in jury. 

  4. 12:28pm BBT At KT they are talking about Memphis vs Dan votes to win. They say that a great part of getting the final votes is about how well you communicated you thoughts. X says Dan was the most ruthless player. They go on to talk about a court case they did. The Moth Case. 

    12:36pm BBT X and Chris in HOH: Future weeks, after this week they have 4 more ppl before Royal Flush. Brit, Big D, Azah and Hannah (not counting Whit as they expect her to be gone.) They try to figure out who they want as the 5 Royal Flushes. Chris wants Ky out, he is scary fast with doing the studying. DX is Chris biggest physical threat. Claire and Tiff have to come together or they will tell each other. They are just thinking out loud, shouldnt bring it up for 2 or 3 more weeks. 

    12:47 pm BBT Chris goes to HNR and talks to Big D and Brit. Big D says he would love to be HOH this week, he doesnt know what he would do but then he cant play for the next HOH. Chris tells him to put someone you trust and wont go after you or put up someone that wont win the HOH. Brit says you know I want it. Big D says most ppl he want out are already out. He isnt stressing about it. If he cant win how can he help someone else win. Chris asks Brit who she would put up...WBRB.

    12:55pm BBT In SR X  goes over his and Chris convo. In HNR Chris says they will hear so much sht going around. Brit says that she has talked the least with Hannah. Hannah keeps her cards close. She has nothing against just that she has not talked as much. Brit says when you are not safe for 15 days you see and hear a bunch of stuff. If she gets HOH ppl are going to be scared. She says she would have trouble putting up Chadda again just that she knows how it is go be on the block for 2 wks. 

  5. 12:20pm BBT Christian says he will talk to X and see if their convos match. He wants to make sure they vote his way. Tiff says ppl are more likely to talk of they are one on one then in teams. He leaves. Tiff to cam: she says she thinks she has things figured out. She likes Chris and Alyssa but doesnt want to be on their radar. Her working with them is to keep their faith in her. She knows Chris can out compete her, someone else will have to take him out she cant do it. She is a very loyal individual there are somethings she doesnt trust completely. She feels more connected for F2 with Hannah. 

    12:23pm BBT Tiff says she loves Azah, on a game level they are connected. Tiff says she has to learn to STFU. Tiff told Azah she wants Sarah out and hopes she didnt mess up by telling her. Tiff is not in a rush to get out DX. Her F3 is her, Hannah and X. With that being said she thanks a bunch of people on the outside. Thank you America.

  6. 1:50pm BBT Christian tells Britini that when they get to the merge they will be much closer. Britini tells him that in this game and even after they will be close, there is a reason they live so close. In SR Kyland and Derek X chat. Derek X says that he cant tell Britini she is going, she is on his team. Kyland says who will tell Whitney that if she doesnt win HOH she will be going home. 

    1:57pm BBT Brent tells Tiff that the Kings are lying to him. Tiff says Brent will take her under his wing. Claire comes in and tells him that if you want do one on ones to not them in the WA. 

  7. 1:12pm BBT Brent is campaigning to Hannah and Britini is campaigning to Kyland. Both counting votes, promising the other is safe, saying if they are out of the game the other will no be safe. Who is the biggest threat. (they are saying basically the same things in different rooms)

    1:23pm BBT Brent saying that once you are a target you are always a target. Hannah and Brent going over what will happen next week. Hannah leaves and its Kylands time for one on one. Brent telling Kyland that what ever the way the votes go it will be X or Christian next. 

    1:33pm BBT Brent tells Kyland that if Brit goes everything stays the same, it should work out perfectly. Brent says he promised the Kings that if he says they wont have blood on their hands. As far as Brent is concerned the target will never shift from the Kings. If they can do this it will be the best move in 3rd week history.

    1:38pm BBT Brent does his one on one with Derek X. Brent walks past him in the LR, says you're on my team. And walks away. He does the same thing with Alyssa. Brent takes Claire upstairs for her one on one, he tells her that everything is good, its a go. Claire asks what his pitch is. 

  8. 11:25am BBT Frenchie says he apologized to Brent for his prejudgment. To have everyone come to HOHR and say... Frenchie says he asked one question and he doesnt need a pawn but he asked if they would be a pawn and he got crickets. At that point he reevaluated things. Frenchie says that if he says to these 3 that he is ride or die he means it. Brent says Christian isnt keeping it quiet, he is talking way to early.

     11:30am BBT Frenchie says he told Big D he would put up 2 girls cuz the guys will bond. All the guys are big competitors. Frenchie says the person he really wants to gun for he cant. Frenchie says he was babying the relationship (?? with Christian I think) and he didnt have to with Travis. Then Derek X lied to him. 

    11:40am BBT Frenchie says when he went in the DR and saw the card laying there....WBRB....Frenchie tells them he has many things he could blow up cuz ppl talk. Frenchie had 2 goals, if he told you something he meant it. Frenchie says he doesnt want to get HOHitis has let ppl to use WA, said he would switch beds with them. 

    11:49am BBT In PP Ky, Alyssa and Claire talk. Alyssa says if she is picked (to play veto) she will throw it. Claire says to talk to Frenchie first. In KT they are cooking and talking over each other. Meanwhile back HNR: Frenchie says he wanted his talks to not be hard play. (He keeps saying This Person) (must be who he nom, remember they arent allowed to say who it is) 

    11:56am BBT Frenchie tells X that when This Person came to him he was throwing X name around and he also threw Travis name around. Frenchie says Derek X mistake is he doesnt really understand the concept of the game. Frenchie says he can tell you what he will do...Alyssa comes in to grab something, after she leaves Brent says if you cut off the head of the snake, she will fall. 

  9. 10:30am BBT Two groups of HG talking...Azah and Derek F (cant hear them) Tiff joins them. They say to stick with your instincts. Tiff says she doesn't know when Noms are but they need to be the last ones to talk to him. Azah says they called him to DR already and once he tells them he cant change it. Christian, Ky and one of the girls talking about cutting their hand on their BB key.


    10:42am BBT Azah giving Tiff make-up tips. Tiff appreciates the advice. Derek F says he watches RuPaul and he says thats how to do it. Derek F says he doesnt want to play in the veto. Alyssa, Ky and Christian talk about noms. Ky says, On the list of worries, it wouldnt be you guys. Ky says the Aces have fractured.


    10:55am BBT Derek X, Brent, Britini, Sarah and Travis in the KY. Derek X is doing dishes the others are talking about amusement park rides. Cam keeps zooming in on NOMINATIONS TODAY on the TV. Xavier finally sees it and alerts the HG. They all come into the LR to see. The boys LOL at Derek F (they call him Big D) for his saying he is in his bed but his room is always open for them to come in and chat.



    11:02am BBT Big D and Christian talking. Big D says that Travis and Derek X started going at each other saying I am working with you. That Frenchie said to not say anything and now they are putting each other under the bus. Christian asks if the deal is still going. The last time he talked to Frenchie there was a back door deal now he doesnt know.  Is Derek X still going? Christian says it was Derek X and Travis.

    11:12am BBT X is in WA and Frenchie comes out WC. They have along comforting hug. X asks if he wants to talk  about it. (Frenchie has been crying) Frenchie says its just everything. Brent comes in. Frenchie says there is so much fake in here and he has seen it for 2 days. Frenchie says when ppl are in the PP you can hear everything. The only rm you cant hear is in the HN room. Frenchie is done making ppl feel like they are at home. 

    11:20am BBT Frenchie, Brent, X and Travis leave the WA and go the HNR to talk with Travis. Frenchie says Brent was originally his wk 1 target, then they talked. Frenchie tells Travis that after Brent talked someone else came up and told him to reevaluate his target, they said that this person said exactly what Brent said. Frenchie said it was a prejudgment. 

  10.  1:21pm BBT Feeds back. Travis and Tiff in RBR talking about other people, who they can trust. Travis said they will talk with the squad after this comp. Brent and Whitney in WA talking, Brent says he wants nothing to do with "him" (didn't hear who). Tiff says she got called out on something. Brent likes Frenchie. We keep getting FOTH off and on. 


    1:34pm BBT It's been FOTH again for a few minutes.

  11. 11:25am Tiffany corn rolled Christians hair. Derek F says his rapper name is Lil Slop. HGs say the GYM is not equipped for legs, they will have to do lunges. Brent says he sleep like dog sh*t last night and he is sluggish today. 


    11:37am Tiffany and Christian in SBR: Christian says Frenchie will probably nom one boy and one girl form the losing team (the Kings).  Christian saying he doesn't know anyone yet, doesn't know who to be in an alliance with.  Tiffany gets told to reattach her mic, she says she is changing her clothes, don't call me. She pulls the comforter over her head. 

  12. 10:50am BBT Frenchie tells Kyland he wants to name an alliance called the Slaughterhouse and they would put people on the Chopping Block. They laugh and Frenchie says for Kyland to talk to people and see who else they can get to join. They will have a core but have others off of it. The core will be their ride or die. 

    10:59am BBT Frenchie tells Kyland he is thinking of getting Whitney to join them. (She is already in his other Slaughterhouse alliance with Xavier) No better time like the present. Frenchie says it sucks he had to be the one to crush someone's dream by sending them home.



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