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    Massachusetts, USA

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  1. 5:14 bbt Terrance playing cornhole alone in backyard. Everyone else in yellow bedroom chatting. Alyssa talking about how her hands are sweaty. Monte says Joe had sweaty hands too. Alyssa says her sweaty hands are the reason she fell in the first competition. They move on to talking about the Veto comp and the zip line.
  2. Monte thinks it might be tough to change Turners vote, but maybe Britt would change. They speculate on if it’s a 2:2 vote, maybe that would change how Michael looks at her. It’s the 5th time Alyssa has been nominated and only the first time she’s on the block on eviction night. They can play the card that she keeps getting overlooked. Terr plans to keep pushing that narrative. Terr calls Michael a clown. Terr says Turner knows he can’t sit next to Alyssa in the final 2. Monte says it will come down to Michael no matter what. He would break a tie, and if he indicated that he would keep Terr over Alyssa, maybe everyone would fall in line. Monte tells him if there is anything else that he could tell Michael to help his case, tell him. 1:44 Monte and Terr go inside, say they plan to go in the pool. Monte doing some dishes when Britt walks in, offers to take her dirty plates. Everyone else asleep or off camera.
  3. Terr doesn’t understand why Taylor thinks she can sit next to Monte and win. 1:16 Monte asks Terr who he would put up if he stayed and won HOH. “You’d have to put up Michael. You’d have to put up Turner…we weren’t all aligned to work together, but thanks for making it so we would.” (He was questioning earlier why they can’t do what the cookout did last year, him, Monte and Taylor - but knows Taylor doesn’t want to work with him). 1:35 Monte and Terr still talking on BY couches, Britt sitting alone outside, Michael floating in pool. On last glance, Tay and Alyssa were in bed, not sure where Turner is. Terr pushing hard for Monte to think about jury votes. Monte could see Taylor winning based on overcoming adversity. Monte feels she would claim credit for a lot in a final 2 speech, Terr agrees and thinks people will believe it. Monte says final votes are based on relationships, not logic. Terr says true, but when people go put their key in and say why they are voting the way they are, it can be surprising. Monte thinks Taylor is a “tool in a tool shed” of Michael and Britt. Terr says he painted a picture for her of a final 3 with them, Michael will win the competitions and get to choose - and he will take Britt and say he carried her the whole time.
  4. Michael, Monte and Turner are in the HOH room talking about protecting each other in the future. I came in late so not sure if they formed a new alliance? They are talking about the 2 alliances formed during the split house week. Monte says he feels good, Turner agrees and says the 3 of them are solid to keep winning. They are talking about Britt, apparently she went to Turner with some info? And swore him to secrecy, which he just shared with them. Michael says Britt has been in panic mode for the last week. Turner says that Britt is worried because there is no way for her to win. They again agree they are set, and in a better position than if the 3 of them go after each other. Terrance is still the target for this week. Monte brings you whether the girls alliance is a real thing, and if it is, maybe that would move the target. Perhaps that’s what Britt brought to Turner? They are trying to think of an Alliance name now. Turner says they don’t need a name, they have an agreement to steamroll everyone else. Turner leaves the room first so they don’t look shady. Monte and Michael still talking, but it’s hard to hear because Turners microphone seems to still be on the feed. Monte is trying to figure out why Britt would go to Turner. Michael wants to talk to Britt to see if she tells him about the conversation. Michael feels good about the conversation because it happened now. Michael asks Monte if Britt ever wanted him out. Monte “not in those words. Taylor, yes.” Britt floated the idea but never said the words, she talked about what would happen at final 4. Monte was surprised at how much info Britt gave Turner, but they don’t see any holes in the story. Turner knew about Bug Broachella from Britt, so they believe she spilled the beans on everything. They think she was trying to save herself in case Turner wins next week. Monte still thinks their plan makes the most sense, the 3 of them having each other’s backs. But if Britt or Taylor win they have reason to worry. Switched cameras, Turner is now in bathroom talking to Alyssa. They don’t think it’s a double this week but worried because they closed the backyard early. Alyssa says they have to trade off competition wins to protect each other. Terrance and Taylor in the BY, Turner laying in the bathroom alone. No one else on camera. T&T speculating what Alyssa would do if she won HOH. 1:00 bbt Terrance and Taylor come in, Monte grabs Terrance for a quick 1:1 outside. Sounds like the veto wasn’t used? Terrance wasn’t surprised about today. Talking about how the next HOH will be crazy and Terr asks Monte who he can sit next to and win. “Michael is a no. Britt I could probably win against. Depends on the next couple weeks, if I make a big move maybe I can beat Turner…” Terr says Monte next to Turner, T would have Alyssa and Kyle, M would have Joe, Indy, Jasmine, Terr. Then Michael or Britt would be the deciding votes. They think M could sit next to Turner. Monte says he can’t think that far ahead. M asks if T had any luck talking to Taylor, he says no, she won’t go against the house. Britt won’t change her vote, she’s locked in to Michael. Monte says he isn’t sure. Monte saying he doesn’t understand people not playing their own individual games when it’s this close to the end. Monte feels like Alyssa plays the emotional card when asking to stay. Terr won’t do that (get emotional and ask Michael to keep him). Terr feels like if he’s gone, it puts other people on the radar because he as the buffer is gone. 1:07 bbt Terr now listing off all the votes Alyssa would have. Monte agrees. Doesn’t understand why her being sent out keeps getting delayed every week. It scares him that people think she’s harmless and could float to final 2. T Points out that she could use it in her final 2 speech, that stronger played had the chance to get her out and kept her. “American pie sitting next to you”. Monte says he is willing to vote for T to stay, but he isn’t sure about Turner. Doesn’t know about Britt or Taylor, and don’t understand what benefits them in getting him out this week.
  5. 12:20 BBT In the WA, Christmas and Kevin are talking. Strategizing about getting Cody out, and how if Cody is on the block by Thursday, the house will split in half. Christmas says she has already seen the split. Christmas says that she believes Mark and Elena staged their break up, because she still catches them acting as a couple, and walked into the bedroom the other day and saw them cuddling in bed. Christmas says if she got HOH, and Cody couldn't go up, Mark, Elena and Matt would be her nominations, with Mark as the target. Christmas says she feels for Cody, on a personal level, because she knows he's hurting without Jessica. She isn't' trying to mend the relationship, she just feels for him. Kevin states that he doesn't want to go upstairs, asks Christmas if he really has to. Feels like they have been all over him because of his previous conversations with Cody. Paul walks in and we get FOTH.
  6. 8:03 BBT Raven is up, uses WC, wanders around the house and then goes into the SR for batteries. She goes back to bed, Matt gets up. Uses the WR, washes his hands, brushes teeth. Back to bed. No one else is moving.
  7. 5:47 BBT Paul starts talking about child rape or sodomy?! All the cameras change to Maven in the hammock. They start reciting the noises again. Raven comments that Mark is such an asskisser. Matt agrees, says its ridiculous. Matt thinks Cody is going to have a rude awakening when they get out of the house, he doesn't have a clue about the Vegas lifestyle. That Jess told him not to look at her Instagram, so that should be his first clue. Raven talking about how Jess is staying in the RBR and Cody leaves the room to get her whatever she wants. They can't wait to hear Jess's speech. Matt thinks it would have to be spiteful, but maybe she will just direct it at Cody. Matt doesn't think Jess will try to stir the pot. Maven talking about the Josh fight now, saying that Josh has never said anything personal. Matt doesn't like that Josh isn't allowed to use the pots and pans anymore. He thinks it's one of Josh's strengths, and it's within the constraints of the game. Raven is more concerned about how Cody will be when Jess is gone. She has been around people who are hostile before, and she didn't come into the house for that. Matt says that you can't have someone who has been trained by the military and can't control his emotions in the house, he has shown he can be violent. Raven says it makes her uncomfortable. Matt says it makes everyone uncomfortable. He's worried he will have to keep Raven in bed all day to protect her.
  8. 5:40 BBT Jason and Kevin playing pool, Alex and Elena are watching. Paul had been watching, but went inside for more ice cream. Mark went off camera somewhere. Jody in bed together. Matt just walked through to go start working out. In bed, Cody and Jess are laughing about something that happened, where she felt like he had read her mind - sounds like they are talking about when Cody first said I love you to her. She likes that he said it first. Not a whole lot happening anywhere!
  9. 5:19 BBT Mark leaves the WR, Paul immediately starts in to Kevin, Jason and Alex about Mark. Repeating again that Mark should have stood up for Josh and how he still backs Cody. Topic changes back to movies, then to Halloween Haunted Nights and how they all want to go. Kevin can't believe how much the tickets are. Josh says he doesn't pay for the VIP pass to get to the front of the line, he just cuts the line by continuing to say he's catching up with friends in front of the line. Paul says he can get them all free tickets because he met people who are such fans and would get him tickets. Kevin is telling his wife to look for an air B&B to rent near Paul and for tickets to the Halloween thing.
  10. 5:10 BBT Jason, Kevin and Alex in the WR. Talking to Jasons family at home, making plans for Kevin to visit them, and Jason is going to Boston for New Years. 5:14 BBT Paul in the kitchen telling stories from his first season about when people got heated. Only happened one time, they separated them, that was it. Christmas points out that it happened in the jury house. Paul says that was one time, this is four f'ing times. And it's just one person. Christmas says its 2, she does it too. Josh has gone into the WR, talking about something that happened on the live show. Mark is in the room too. No game talk, just talking about food. Alex can't wait to go out to eat when she leaves the house. Kevin wants to go to a movie. Paul enters the WR and takes over the conversation talking about how good his cooking is.
  11. At 4:40 Kevin and Paul were rehashing the noises. Kevin says that he is not on Cody's side anymore. But they'll have to backdoor him. They want to plan it so Paul wins the POV and gets to take himself off and get Cody into his seat. 4:10 BBT Maven laying out on chaise lounges. Raven thinks Amazing Race will contact her, that would be really cool. Matt agrees it would be cool. Talking about her job. 4:15 Alex, Jason, Raven, Josh and Paul are all in the kitchen. No game talk now, talking about food and who smells.
  12. 4:00 BBT Mark and Elena now outside with Paul and Christmas. Talking about the noises and how they could be used in a competition. Paul is going to coach them and help them study. Camera changes to Jason and Alex, J says A needs to win the HOH. She says she has been winning, what has he been doing? They yell to Kevin that they are going to make something to eat. Going through the new food they got in the SR. Alex says she can't stay outside with everyone because they are so annoying. She says Christmas drives her nuts, but she likes her more than anyone else in this house. FOTH. I just flashed back to 3:53 BBT, Jody is in bed when a car horn starts honking. Cody jumps. Jess is grilling him about the noises. He has a way to remember it, she is double checking his answers and repeating them. Cody says he has it.
  13. 3:45 BBT Paul wants someone to toss him a beer, he's never dealt with immature behavior like this. Alex says its like living with girls. Paul claims that he would have respect for people if they stood up for their own beliefs, but he doesn't respect people who follow other people like sheep and agree with everything that another person says. HE doesn't like followers. He's talking about Raven and how she will agree with him, then he changes his stance, and then she agrees again. Now talking about "homie" - I think Mark - does the same thing. Christmas talking about how accomplished the four of them are, Alex has her bathing suits, she has her shit, Jason has his ranch, Paul has his stuff - they don't respect people who coast. Paul keeps saying that you can't insert someone elses game play onto themselves, they have to play their own game (this is so ironic). Paul says he would respect people and keep them around just because they are playing their own game. They claim that Maven isn't playing, that she only volunteered to go up so people would owe her. Christmas wanted to go up instead. Paul says that Maven lied and said that Christmas wanted to go up because she had a kickass speech.



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