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About TKay

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Cass and Gary: Gary telling Cass about Muffingate. Lots of whispering, can't tell what they are saying. Dallas rehashing his fight with Karen with Neda and Kevin. Sounds like Karen called some liars and snakes which is a part of the earlier fight. And feeds down again. Goodnight. If anyone want to pick up from here.
  2. Kevin and Jackie are talking game talk about someone. Talking about them and Cass being a 3 alliance. Neda and Bruno talking about next/future comp. Gary talking to William while he is bathing. Gary asking William if he has heard anything about Gary. Gary wants Kevin to apologize to him over a muffin dispute. Dispute: Gary asked Kevin if he wanted to share a muffin. Kevin said no. Kevin thought Gary asked him a second time. Kevin said Gary I am trying to have a conversation. Gary did not really ask Kevin a second time and Gary is mad at how Kevin responded. Kevin has already apologized once, but Gary wants a second one. Gary and Cass go to talk in private and feeds went down.
  3. Gary is having a cheat night from his diet. Half a muffin, heaping tablespoon of ice cream with PB on it.....and no butter on the muffin. He's say's that would be just too much.
  4. Karen is taking mascara off Bruno's lashes. Some girl put it on him
  5. Dillan, Emily and Bruno playing catch in LR. Dallas and Demetris still bashing Karen. Jackie and Gary have small talk and feeds went down.
  6. Dallas bashing Karen. Saying she is a cancer in the house, drains the house energy. He says she is gone when he gets HOH. This is all to Demetris. Demetris says Karen is loose with her mouth. Dallas mocking Karen crying, says Karen lied about what happened and he is not backing down to her. Dallas is telling Demetris he wanted to get to him first before Karen came up so Demetris would know the truth.
  7. Dre, Kevin and now William are talking about voting Mark out. Decision to vote with house against personal wants.
  8. Jackie and Gary talking with HOH (demetris) about Frankie Grande, saying how he was in USBB Jackie is upset Karen ate her pig she made out of an orange. Jackie is stating she does not hold grudges and she will give Karen 3 ticks (strikes I suppose) Karen has earned 1 by eating the pig. Gary says that should be 2 ticks. Then they decide they will give everyone 5 ticks, since it is Big Brother.
  9. Kevin Karen Emily and Bruno in kitchen talking about beards and face masks.



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