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About TeresaC1975

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  1. (UPDATE) 11:05 am BBT We have FOTH it is possible they’re doing POV ceremony. 11:21 am BBT We have Jeff’s Reels 11:28 am BBT We are back. Paul says "That was a good speech" #BB18 11:30 am BBT Paul took himself off the block and Corey was nominated. 11:35am BBT Nat and Michelle in HOH talking about Paul. While Vic and Paul are talking and strategizing. Paul tells Vic to work and pull on the sympathy strings with the girls. 11:40am BBT Nat and Michelle talking. saying Victor and Paul are gonna win. Nat is saying she's sad because she knows Paul is a bigger social gamer. and now she's realizing that he can win comps. Michelle says she thought Paul was going to win the disc comp. 11:43am BBT James, Nic and Corey in BY just chillin. James and Nic on loungers while Corey's working out. 11:45am BBT Nat tells Michelle "just talk to him. make sure their targeting Paul." Mich says she's worried it's going to get back to Vic and Paul. 11:53am BBT Nat says Paul really needs to go. She says he's the biggest target. 11:55am BBT Michelle says DA was never coming after James. Nat says but she said she was coming after couples. Michelle says she is glad DA made it to Jury. 11:58am BBT BB calls Corey to the DR.
  2. (UPDATE) 09:01 PM BBT Nat Corey Vic in HOHR talking general talk. while Nicole and Michelle talking in BCR. Nicole is telling Michelle “I was not going to put you up. I don’t want u to feel alone.” Vic says “this house is so small now. 9:04 pm BBT Michelle tells Nicole “I don’t want u to think I throw people under the bus for personal reasons” 9:08pm BBT Nicole tells Michelle “I could tell you didn’t want Corey going home” Paul and Vic talking in UKBR about Michelle saying Nat is on board. 9:10pm BBT BB calls James to DR 9:12pm BBT Nat asks Corey if he’s ever cried and he asks “What, in real life?” Nat: “No. Here.” Lol 9:14pm BBT Paul says James is in the DR now is a good time for me to talk to her 9:17pm BBT Michelle gets called to the DR 9:20pm BBT All HGs except for Michelle in the KT. Eating and general talk. 9:27pm BBT Nat and James go up to HOHR. 9:30pm BBT Nat tells James that Bridgette would be super happy to see Corey in the Jury House, especially after Paulie. 9:34pm BBT Nat is telling James that she feels bad. James is telling her “don’t let your emotions overpower you. It’s a game” 9:37pm BBT Victor and Paul in the KT talking game. 9:40pm BBT BB calls Nat to DR. She says she doesn’t wanna go to DR. 9:43 pm BBT Michelle and Vic in Safari R whispering and talking strategy. 9:47 pm BBT Paul comes into Safari R and Vic says we need to get James on board. Paul says “we’re not mad, we’re just hurt” 9:52pm BBT BB calls Nat to DR again. She still hasn't gone. 9:57pm BBT James in Safari R with Paul Vic Michelle. Paul tells James "they're talking about me behind my back, I will say it their face" referring to Nic and Corey.
  3. (UPDATE)6:00PM BBT Nat and James talking strategy. Paulie talking to Corey in Tokyo room. 6:09 PM BBT James, Nat and Paul talking about Corey being on the block. Nat keeps saying I don't feel bad at all. No sympathy on my end. My goodbye is not gonna be nice. 6:10PM BBT Paulie tells Corey that it's scary when you're flying overseas and you hit turbulence. 6:12pm BBT Victor, Paulie and Corey in Tokyo room talking about flights. 6:15pm BBT Nat, James, Paul talking about people losing comps. 6:21pm BBT BB calls Michelle to the DR 6:22pm BBT Nicole came out of the DR all upset. 6:23pm BBT Corey is hugging Nicole and trying to console her. 6:31pm BBT Paulie is talking to Paul and James about making a deal. 6:35pm BBT Nicole tells Corey that Meech reminds her of Christine 6:40pm BBT Nicole tells Corey If I win HOH I'm putting up Vic and Paul 6:44pm BBT Natalie called to the DR 6:52pm BBT Corey goes into UKBR w/ other HGs, but BB calls him to DR. 6:54pm BBT Nicole is now in the UKBR w/HGs. Everyone except Corey is in there and Paul says it's weird that they're all in there together. 6:59pm BBT James is called to DR. Corey joins HGs in UKBR



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