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Everything posted by Monadyan

  1. 4:40 BBT Tiffany and Michelle in the hammock again. Michelle says, Jozea makes 100K a year working on makeup he says. Then why would you come in here and leave that? Tiffany says, and he doesn't drive? He says he's scared to drive. Tiffany is telling about how Jozea says it will go when he is HOH. How he will not nominate people, how he will let HIS TEAM decide who goes up. His team of 9, you know we are all his minions, we all work for him. Tiffany says it is going to be so sweet. He (Jozea) is going to be so blindsided, it is going to be ridiculous. Michelle says he is the leader of the people. That he is the glue that sticks everyone together, Tiffany adds, Tiffany asks, "What will Bronte do when Jozea leaves? Cause that's her boy. I think she will gravitate towards Paul. " Tiffany is talking like Bronte. "My name is Bronte, like Brontasaurus." (She is actually pretty good)
  2. 4:30 BBT You cannot trust, Tiff, Nicole, Corey or Paul, says Jozea. I have tuition, he says. TUITION (not intuition) All we need is for one person to get 5 votes and they go home. Bronte says, that's the way it will go, that side will vote for one person, and our side will vote for one person, and one person will get no votes. The other side thinks Bridgette is a flip flop, and they will come to her and tell her that she is OK as long as she promises to vote with them till the end, she will be OK. Bridgette says again, "don't leave me alone with them then!" Paul has joined the group. Bronte says, Michelle is not with us, she is a liar. Jozea says this is the best thing. Everything went like planned. Everyone does not know what is going on, it went perfect. Next week is the world takeover, Jozea says, we will dominate!
  3. 4:15 BBT Jozea on the patio talking to Bridgette.assuring her that she is good. It makes no sense for her to go, they move about as one unit. She recalls the event of earlier in the week when she did nothing and things got all stirred up. Bronte is looking on. He says I am not a BB person, I'm a new guy in here and I'm learning as I go. Bronte says, they are going to use you and then they are going to kick you to the curb. Bridgette says, they are against me, don't let me be alone with them, ok? Bronte says, "Tiffany, Michelle, Nicole and Corey are going to leave this house, it doesn't matter what I have to do to make it happen, they are leaving this house" (Bridgette is on the block).
  4. 2:15 BBT Nicole and Michelle (wearing her nude-suit) enter the swimming pool. Already paddling around are James, Paulie, and Corey.
  5. 2:00 BBT Jozea and Tiffany talking on the lounge in the back yard. Discussing the pact they all made when they all into the house to all make it to jury. The top 9 make it to the jury house and the beauty of it is, that they all get money. He tells Tiffany that is they have a one on one comp between each other, they shake hands and battle it out. That is the Warrior Code, and Jozea says he lives by the Warrior Code. If he ever gets HOH, he will let them all decide who goes up. He says he will put them all in a room and let them decide, he won't put anyone up, it won't be his decision. Feed switches to Nicole and Michelle on the hammock. Discussing last nights shenanegins. Brief discussion of hiding and scaring each other. The talk switches to coozies and straws and how the cups BB gave them are perfect. Michelle is on her third quart size mason jar cup of water with lime slices. Tiffany says, NO FOOD TODAY. We are cleansing, no food allowed. Tiffany says the grass burns her feet. She is standing on a beach towel in the yard. Nicole is wearing SPF 50, which is what BB gives them. They wish they had SPF 30, because the 50 isn't allowing them to tan. Michelle says if you wait past the 80 minutes you have a chance, because the sunscreen only last for 80 minutes. Michelle asks Nicole what nationality she is. Nicole was confused by the original nationality question, so Michelle asks rephrases it and asks her where her grandparents are from and she responds, I think I'm Polish and German.
  6. 10:00 BB time Bridget is eating in the dining room. James is drinking coffee at the table alongside Frank who is finishing up a plate of breakfast. Nicole and Tiffany are in the HOH w/c talking about the VETO comp, which they believe is the reason for the wake-up. Nicole knows she is Vanessa's sister and she's pleased that they are on the same team and in the same alliance. They are discussing the fact that their team is great and all trustworthy people. Nicole says that Paulie and Glenn were BFFs and Tiffany is surprised to hear this. Frequent brief FOTHs. DaVonne has entered the w/c/ area and is telling them about a dream she had last night. They were all wearing super hero costumes. They were hot. Nicole is asking them to check her face color because she thinks the HOH lighting is not good. DaVonne slept on the couch last night (not sure what couch). Bronte to the DR. They haven't picked players for the VETO yet. Nicole is concerned that it will be Natalie and Victor, but she hopes it will be Vanessa and Da'vonne. Frank has entered wearing his nude suit. He says Momma D has it smelling good in here! She says it is the cocoa butter. Frank hopes he gets to play in the Veto comp just to get out of his costume for a few hours. They want Paulie to win and are confident that he will. Josea is not good, Frank says. He is slow and it took him a while to learn the steps last night. Da'vonne says last night, Josea suggested that Paulie win the veto and use it on Josea and trust that he won't go home. Frank says he will go to Paulie and tell him that he will go home if he pulls Josea off the block.
  7. 7:30 BBT in the Big Brother house and all are engaged in peaceful slumber. Vanessa seems to be a bit restless as she stretches her arms and scratches them. Steve's covers are in such a state that he looks as if he is sleeping in a clothes basket full of sheets waiting to be folded. 7:35 BBT Vanessa, wearing her black pajamas rises and heads to the WC. She glances outside and in the other rooms along the way. Finally at the WC, she knocks, then enters. She emerges, turns on the water with her right hand, rinses her right hand, turns off the water and wipes off her right hand. She heads back, checking the rooms along the way and jiggles the door to the back yard only to find it still locked. As she walks I can see her mic in her left hand which partially explains why only her right hand was rinsed off.
  8. James has won the veto, is all I can assertain from the feed chat. I wasn't here to see it when it came back on.
  9. 9:00am BBT: Sleeping campers on all feeds. One point of interest. Austin in the have-not room in the far dental chair slid over, reached out under the covers, and then moved his head and tried to get as close to Liz as he could, and she seems to have moved in the same direction, which has moved her further away from him. (Poor Austin) He actually has HIS head on HER headrest and she has pulled away to the point that her head is on the arm of the chair. If she pulled away any further, she'd be in the little spit-sink or on the tray.
  10. Clay and Shelli are brainstorming ways to get James to use the veto on one of them and saving them by voting out the replacement. Shelli says, "We could go to him on a personal level and tell him that we get paid to be in the jury too, and it's all about the $. (FOTH) She is at 1400, as she says just 1000 more times. Clay says, the first 1400 wasn't too bad, was it? She says, it is getting worse because her legs are now sore and her knees are hurting. She leaves the area, walks inside with a loud bell and proclaims, " Here, Here, your kingdom is safe, all is well in the kingdom , only 1000 more to go!!!" When she comes back outside, Clay says, "Well, I'll bet they love that." She says, "someone was cheering me on." (I didn't hear it)
  11. 6:45 After they drew for the veto, Vanessa was in the storage room with James and when she came out she winked at Clay. Shelli says, yeah, I don't think she knew we knew James was in there. Clay says I don't know if I trust her anymore. Shelli says, "people are saying things to her about us moreso than she is saying things to other people about us." Clay agrees Shelli says, "whatever you said last night that got her so pissed off, when she (Vanessa) said, "there have been several things that cause me to doubt your loyalty to me, one of them was the way you handled the Jason situation, what we said after noms, and not hugging her after noms." Shelli says, "there have been times when I wanted to say, I know Vanessa, I have heard things too, but I know she'd say who did you hear that from and when did you hear that, and I don't want to get into all of that." Clay agrees, and says I think it was mostly Jason.
  12. 6:30 Shelli is still up walking the triangle and Clay is still cheerleading for her. Clay has opened the shutters for the day and Shelli exclaimed, "at least I didn't have to do that!" Clay hugged her and nuzzled her neck and went, ewwwww. She blasted him for saying that, even if it's not true, its still rude. Clay asked her if she would be out there with him if he was the one doing it or would she be in bed. Bed, she says, loving having it all to myself. 6:38 Shelli says, she's happy it is not hot, shes going to stay at it and try to finish. She considered sleeping all day and starting again at 9:30 tonight, but vetoed that idea when she remembered she had to rest on the patio, and it would still be hot there. Clay reminded her it was shady over there, but she's still at it. The sun is coming up and Shelli remarked that it comes up early here. Shelli said the back of one leg hurts, likely from bending over to pick up the bar. If she could catch it, she'd be happier and it wouldn't hurt so bad. 6:40 Shelli thinks Audrey put something in James brain when she was here that has caused this. (?) (a random thought) Shelli hates zombies and refuses to watch Walking Dead. She hates anything zombie, it's creepy. She is trying to get Clay to go in and get ice cream or coffee. She's going to take a break after she does the next 100 and they can have coffee.
  13. Liz pours a quart of almond milk into her protein shaker and Austin takes it from her to shake for her. She smiles at his gallantry. Julia gets a new sponge to wash her glass out before she makes her protein shake. Liz says... OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG she has to get a NEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW sponge before she washes her glass. You should see her at home, she has to put on the gloves to wash her dishes. They notice the bright lighting outside and think it must be about time for the comp. Liz suggests they go into the hammock room and take a little nap. She says there might not be enough room for them all to sprawl, but we can try. (This stuff is riveting, I tell you) Shelli has crawled in the bed with Clay and woken him up. Liz says she can't believe that Steve is asleep and Austin agrees he is always scampering about listening, so it is unusual that he is in bed asleep. Liz and Julia are picking the lollipops up and talking about them. This is a Gobstopper, and I don't like Gobstoppers so I am not going to eat this one. Austin tells her that its a jaw breaker and she says, you're right. She looks at the camera and says, the slop is getting to me, I just called this a Gobstopper. Austin is play slapping them and they are squealing and saying noooo-wa. Noooooo-wa. Liz says #lolipop #lolipopssuck #wewantmorepopcorn. They are all 3 going to the hammock room to lay down. (Hopefully they will fall asleep and stop talking)
  14. Vanessa is using her wee leprechaun voice and talking about Scotland. They are all amazed at her vocal talents. Vanessa looks at Austin and says, OK, if one of us gets back doored we have to work together to get votes for us, ok? He says, oh yeah, yeah, no problem. We have to assure that one of them goes home. Its scary because you never know, says Austin. I found Clay! Asleep in the bed with a blue shirt wrapped over his face. Vanessa is making sure Austin will 100% keep her if one of them wins the veto and comes off and she goes up. She keeps asking, 100%???? Hes assuring her that shes OK, that he will campaign for her and she'll be good. Julia assures Vanessa (who is near meltdown over the possibility of going on the block) that one of them (she or Liz) will go up before she does. Vanessa is worried about pissing off whoever stays (Clay or Shelli) if she campaigns against the other one. Liz says you're going to piss James off if you use the veto, he doesn't want it used. They agree that Clay needs to go and Shelli needs to stay. Liz says she wants Shelli to stay and Vanessa agrees. Shelli can be controlled and she'll be gunning for James and Clay will let it all blow over. Clay won't be mad and Shelli will. Vanessa say we have to remember next week that James can't compete in the HOH, we have to count on Steve winning it. (??) Johnny Mac can't be controlled like Steve, they feel they can control him as HOH.
  15. 12:20 Austin, Vanessa, Shelli and liz on the lounge in the bathroom. Small talk. Asking Austin if he ever snaps. He says only if it is really personal, and then he only yells at people. He would never hit someone even if he hated them, he doesn't want to hit anyone. Liz agrees that it can all be handled with words. Liz couldn't believe as a bouncer he had never been involved in a fight. Vanessa is pacing while the others sit on the lounge. Shelli and Liz are about to do their nails... clear for Liz. In other news, James is sleeping on the couch. Shelli and Vanessa have moved to the hallway and are talking about trust. Now they have moved into the kitchen area. Vanessa is drumming on a can, and it sounds pretty good actually. (better than any of the conversations going on.) Shelli is amazed at her drumming talents. WOW! How did you just do that?????? You just thought that up, that fast? OMG!!!! Shelli left the drum area and went to the bedroom where Meg and Jackie are in bed resting. Shelli hops on the pull out and climbs in and covers up with a blanket. Austin and Liz are talking about who is home watching the feeds. We keep getting FOTH so Austin might be mentioning folks that didn't sign waivers. Just now wondering why Shelli is so visible moving around the house and Clay is not in sight. Not sure I have ever seen one w/o the other. 12:35 Julia has joined Austin and Liz in the bathroom area. Complaining about having to get up early. FOTH The wake up song must have been THESE ARE THE GOOD OLD DAYS, because Julia is mentioning it and saying it must be foreshadowing (she didn't use that word) because things are about to get bad in the house. Liz agrees that something might be about to happen like a double eviction. Austin says these are the good old days because we don't have to worry about going home this week. No worries this week. Vanessa enters with her protein powder can bongo drum and Austin is giving her pointers. VANESSA STOP THAT! is heard, even though the audio was muted prior to the speaker.
  16. 10:50 BBT Donny is sitting on the patio sofa following his brisk workout on the eliptical. He alternates between cupping and shaping his beard with his hands and tapping his fingers on the table. Hard to tell if he is tapping to a song in his head or tapping on an imaginary keyboard. Nicole is the only other HG visible on the cameras. She is lying on a chaise by the pool wearing her turquoise bikini. Donny has walked over to the free weight area of the backyard, picked up a set of hand weights and is now doing curls while looking in the mirror. Following a brief set, he is now walking at a slow pace in the shaded area of the backyard. Back to the hand weights and another set. More slow walking. Another set facing away from the mirrors. 20 reps, alternating 10 on each side, and then a few shaded laps. 11:05 BBT Following the weight workout, Donny has joined Nicole on a chaise by the pool. No words are spoken. Donny has pulled his visor over his eyes. The lights are on in the Havenot room and snuggled up lumps can be seen. Frankie alone on the far bed appears to be sleeping soundly following a night of trying to sleep and doing pushups in the back yard to work up a sweat and then returning to the frozen tundra.
  17. 6:05 BBT Zack says he thought he was the smartest person in the house but he feels dumb compared to Frankie. Frankie asks, "What is 15 x 15? The three come up with lots of answers, 275, 235, maybe 275. Numbers fill the room and the three speculate on the best way to figure it out. Cody says mulitply 10 times 15 and then carry... Frankie says they need to star in a sit-com. Frankie says "yeah, 2 frat boys and a gay guy rooming together." It has never been done. Zach suggests they pitch it to CBS. More laughs. Finally the three agree that it is time to drift off as tomorrow is a big day. and Frankie thanks them for everything, being there for him in his time of need, being his family away from home."I love you guys," can be heard resounding in the HOH nest. 6:10 BBT All feeds show peaceful slumber with only a few occasional rustles of the covers.
  18. 5:40 BBT Amber can be seen staring off into the unknown on the bathroom lounge. She finally goes to the bedroom and crawls atop the platform of beds and lays down in the bed as far away from Caleb as she can get. A hooded, bundled up Jacosta stirs and they share a few soft unhearable words. Jacosta pulls another blanket up over her already blanket-laden body and tightens into the fetal position. Amber still has her eyes open. (Perhaps she is sleeping with ONE eye open) 5:50 BBT Zach and Frankie are wide awake and talking about Caleb and how he faked his hurt leg. Jacosta noticed that he was only limping when he saw that someone was looking at him. They continue to discuss him and his Amber related activities since the beginning. Throwing the comp to save her and then giving her all of his covers in the icy have-not room. They are talking between bouts of giggling at the strangeness of his behavior. Zach says, "Could it get worse?" Frankie says, "He could propose to her." Suddenly Cody is heard off camera and responds with, "He went in the Diary Room and asked if he could buy her a ring and we get fish. Ring conversation continues. Frankie loves to look in the windows at Tiffany's and claims that 5th Avenue is the best place to shop in the world!
  19. 12:22 BB time An announcement was just made. Brittany! 8 hours to go! Britt asks whether she can do 850 in 8 hours and Donny says, Sure you can! You haven't missed one in a while, 8 or 9 in a row now. Donny is off to fill up his water bottle and check the time. He has been very encouraging to her. he has promised to do jumping jacks if she hits 20 in a row.He has finally finished eating a LARGE bag of chips extremely loudly. Cody is laying in the BY with his legs on a bean bag waiting to be called for another penalty kick. He had two in the past 5 minutes but not any since then. The rest of the house is sleeping. (and on that note my feeds froze ans went black screen AGAIN)



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