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Posts posted by whokayers

  1. Have finally figured out why I come back year after year. Because it gets to moments like this and I find myself wanting to scream at the TV. Niicole should force Christine's hand. She should say I hear shady things about you and I am afraid the guys are gonna pick "us girls" out one by one and keep Zach. The guys are all working together in some form or other and using you to do it. Donny has agreed to be the pawn. Prove your loalty by saving the high priestess. When she uses it Nicole puts up Frankie and one couple gets broken up. She has already written Christine off as an ally but if she pulls the move she may get Christine's VOTE if it ever comes to that. PLUS either Z or F or BOTH will implode if up against each other (F might like that come to think of it) for three days.

  2. I am trying to set aside my dislike for these three and going on game play and jury reaction but it ain't easy.

    Worst mistake I can remember in this game was Andy not getting GM out in final four. Could you imagine McCrae's speech in finals? I played a great social game and won a lot of competitions. When I wanted to get out of bed. Taking him along was a no brainer for me.

    IMHO if GM gets to final she wins regardless of who is up against her. Ratboy beats Fatboy if it gets to just them. I think the 8 times on the block actually works against Fatboy. No one thought enough of him to vote him out! They will reward Ratboy for getting over on them, esp. Helen and McCrea maybe even Elissa.

  3. So, it's McCrae and GM going up?

    I would guess so but Spencer has agreed with just about everybody the last week so who knows. GM seems resolved to be on the block. I think the POV will show us which way the producers are leaning. McCrae is in terrible shape physically (lay off the cigs for few days pal) so if its questions or something not endurance you know they are pulling for him.

  4. "And the male alliance is not fake. The plan is going down exactly as Spence and Andy said it would. They've even stated who will go to jury if GM wins the POV this week."

    Late last nite Spencer and Judd agreed they should tell McCrae how they got Amanda out to "ease his mind". Which would also blow up ratboy's plans btw. Right now I am hoping for Judd and McCrae. If Mc wins I hope he invests in a new identity where Amanda cannot follow.

  5. I think the McMandas are starting to realize they need replacement minions with Aryan going home and Andy an acknowldeged floater/liar. Elissa can't compete for HOH next week but her vote will be a real factor if she comes off the block (cannot forsee anyone NOT putting her up except for Judd and even that is iffy). Notice I an ignoring GM as I cannot imagine a contest she could win : ).

  6. I think he would have lost anyway but he did not handle the Q and A and last speeches well at all. Seemed all over the place and constantly interrupting Ian with snide comments or exaggerated gestures/rolling of the eyes. He spoke second. His argument against Ian should have been at the very end of his speech where Ian would have no time to react not in the beginning or in his responses to the Q and A. He should have streed his own deeds and frankly owned up to the backdoors. You all got got and did not even ee it coming, That's how good I am. He just might have gotten another vote or two. I can honestly say this is the first time I recall being very satisfied with the final four finished although it would have been interesting how Dan played it had he NOT backdoored Shane.

  7. Dan is the greatest player ever! He deserved to win but happy that Ian got it. Daniella didn't deserve to be 3rd. How did Frank will most liked is a mystery!

    See my post in the Frank thread. He won because last week Dan urged people to vote for Ian a AP when he thought he would have to give Ian the shaft. Since Ian won and had his own huge fan base Frank slips into the second spot.

  8. Lately he has taken to "swishing" the saliva around in his mouth ... so gross and such an annoying noise!!! Ugh.

    And I couldn't help but notice that the whole time Danielle was going off on him last night, something Ian himself said after was stressful and annoying, not one twitch or pace or swishing noise. He sure seems to be able to control that urge to stim when he wants to.

    Could you imagine? He wins Pt 3, turns to Dan and says in a cultured Ivy league voice Phew glad that's over. Pop a squat Dan!

  9. BB should NOT have a game where some ppl are put in a POWER position (coaches/mentors) and others are put in a weaker position.......and later put them all on the same playing field and call it FAIR.

    I don't "hate Dan", I think I have more insight to him.....he obviously took advantage of the situation he was in and the DR has certainly helped him.....what I resent is calling diabolical play "magical misting" or "unbelievable powers of persuaion" when IMO, his real "power" is finding the weakness in ppl and use it against them/ or being able to look ppl in the eye and LIE.

    So, I have no problem with WHAT Dan is doing to win, but since I haven't been misted, I think his tactics have been unwarranted and over the line.....JMO.

    ITA lvgal. FIGHT THE MIST!

  10. If you look at FB around 10:02 BBT I think Dan is saying he cannot take Dani after her outburst "in good conscience" (emphasis added for irony purposes). That is what leads to him to seriously consider throwing Part 3 thinking Dani's loyalty will bring Shane's vote for Dan and give him the win if its Ian that cuts her (which is the hands to the side gesture=cutting).

    I read lips a bit and Ian is definitely thinking about taking Dani if he wins Part 3. That's why he was so frenetic (well even more than his usual frenetic) last nite. Questioning to himself how does he justify to jury if he does.



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