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Everything posted by musicandlit

  1. I do have a firewall on my PC and it worked for me fine up until last week having changed nothing on my firewall. Since I know can see some episodes through real player, I am not turning off my firewall (thereby threatening my pc) to watch it on my big brother site. CBS must have changed something within the last week.
  2. I am having the same problem. I wasn't aware that you can watch housecalls through the real player site? Where do I go to see it there?
  3. Me Neither. :!: That man just doesn't know when to quit. He's been taking the entire game way to seriously. Yeah, Michael is a little weird, he's a bit annoying and sort of freakish. . .But Michael has not done a THING to even hint at violence. Eric just showed that he can not hold his temper and will lash out with violence if provoked. He's out of the house tonight.
  4. You are right no here. The ENTIRE game is about antagonizing and instigating, but they can not even HINT at physically attacking someone. Eric clearly heading in that direction and provided they have a NO tolerance policy on violence (which they should, or noone would go on big brother) he'll be out of that house tonight. Legally, CBS can not afford to have someone in that house who they think might become physically agressive against another house guest.



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