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Liveliest Group Of Houseguests Yet?


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Does anyone else feel like this group is a lot more fun right from the get-go than a lot of past seasons have been? I also noticed this year, they -filled- the backyard with toys and things for them to do. I remember quite well how last year they all sat around complaining about how bored they were. I think all they had for entertainment was the pool table, chessboard upstairs, and the pool/hot tub. I can't tell you how many times last year I'd turn on the feeds and see them split off into individual groups, just staring at the walls in silence. They all seemed bored and lethargic. (Except Howie, he's so hilarious all he needs is to know at least one person is watching him, and he can feed off himself for hours.)

This group has been so much fun. I feel like everytime I turn on the feeds, everyone is up and doing something. Last night they were doing cannonballs into the pool and trying to splash the windows/mics. Mike was having his nightly 'dates' with the girls in the house, which was completely cute and clever. And then there's "Storytime" every night, which I absolutely loved. I'm so sad BB decided not to air those anymore because of Copyright laws.

I'm suprised at how many people feel like this group is boring. Those of you that do, is it because you'd like to hear them talk more game and strategy? I think part of that problem is because as others have said, its too early in the game. And everyone is still getting along great, I don't think there have been any major blow ups yet, at least not to the point where its dividing the house or causing some people to avoid others. I love seeing how polite they all are to each other, making little speeches over dinner and thanking each other for a job well done on the cooking, etc. Of course, thats all going to stop real soon. And I guess I'm looking forward to seeing some fireworks between some houseguests. But unlike seaons in the past, we're almost a week in and I still haven't figured out my favorite yet. And there aren't any that I don't like. That hasn't happened before, I'm usually sick of at least one of them by now.

I just can't wait to see Jen get nominated by someone, I'm looking forward to that week of high drama and campaigning, it should be funny considering what a high maitenence drama queen she is. After the last episode, she might be my favorite to watch, just for the hilarity factor.

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Oh think other seasons have been a lot more lively. I remember the four horsemen always up to pranks. I don't think this season is very lively yet. Yes they did cannonballs last night but....ummm what else??

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There's a lot of talking, very little personality.

Dick has personality, Eric has personality (albeit a slightly annoying one), and Joe has personality (a very annoying one)

Everyone else is pretty much watching what goes on. Its going to take several weeks for people to really find their groove in the game and be themselves.

Right now, all the girls are trying to be the "hot girl" while Kail and Jameka will be in a battle royale for the position of "house momma".

And all the guys want to "fly under the radar".

No, not the liveliest IMO... s6 was more festive by this time. s7 was WAY more festive, but they were vets :)

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Sorry, don't mean to offend anyone, but I first thought this thread was a joke.

To be honest, I can't remember a season where I've found the HG's as boring as this year.

Hey, it's early days, so I'm not passing judgment yet.

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I've been entertained thus far, but then again I like to watch people; I can't compare to other seasons though b/c this is the first time that I've actually watched the feeds this early in the game. I normally dont get them until they are fully alligned.

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I'm finding this group to be boring as old hang but I think the BB format needs to add some life too.

This group seems to have lots of explosive personalities and potential so lets hope it starts to happen soon.

I can't remember past seasons so they don't help me as a reference.

It's an age thing


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yeah, boring. and they have toys. go figure.

maybe thats why past seasons were more livlier.. cause they didnt have toys, they had to make it up as they went along to fight bordom.

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Well, I'm sorry most people aren't as entertained as I am. :animated_bouncy:

But you all are right, its only going to get better from here. I think I'm just remembering all the seasons in the past where they sat around and did nothing, or complained how bored they were. At least these guys are active and always playing/doing stuff. :)

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Yath: "Sorry, don't mean to offend anyone, but I first thought this thread was a joke."

LOL... was kinda thinking the same thing ^_^

But, like fizz said... it usually picks up after a few weeks.

Thinking back - there were a few seasons in the beginning that were slow to get started.

BB 6 - 7 and All Stars seemed to start out with a bang tho (if I remember correctly)

meantime I'll just play MahJohng when things are slow :bored:

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I don't remember Season 7 starting with a bang. I remember all of us whining about the slop & how it made them listless & boring. But it's been a long time so I usually forget how bad the start of each season is :grin2:

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I have to say I'm very disappointed so far with this year's group. They seem awfully immature -- which could be entertaining -- but they're very boring on top of that. A few of them do have personality, but the mixture of everyone together seems really off. I'm thinking this may be the worst season yet (well, with the exception of season 4).

I hope it picks up soon.

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I have to be honest, I'm not enjoying the cast this season. In all the seasons of Big Brother, I'm not totally happy with the casting this year. Right now, I'll continue to watch and be hopeful. Wish they had chosen a more diverse group, but this year I'm kind of disappointed. Again, I'll continue to watch. Although I do feel like not watching sometimes. But I'll keep on watching and hoping for the best.



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Oh - My - God. With All Due Respect . . . . .

It hasnt even been a week yet! There have only been two episodes! There have only been 4 episodes of BB After Dark!

Man, what have we come to as a nation when we need such instant gratification.

lol, ok, im done my rant

Love mike

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lol and to think we get upset when the networks are quick to pull the plug on a show after a few episodes

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