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Victoria Rafaeli (Week 1) - nominated by Frankie, BotB winner (saved)


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god she maybe worst than paola

she thinks she is a dime piece(very attractive) ...ha..ha :animated_bouncy:

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She's a Kardashian wannabe. Her voice totally reminds me of a Kardashian. Again, SNL skits came to mind with this girl -- they make fun of the Kardashians, and I swear her voice is a ringer for the SNL impersonation of Kim K. BLECH

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She's a Kardashian wannabe. Her voice totally reminds me of a Kardashian. Again, SNL skits came to mind with this girl -- they make fun of the Kardashians, and I swear her voice is a ringer for the SNL impersonation of Kim K. BLECH

Hey, SugarB. You are absolutely right about this.

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Guest 6Borders

Oh my gosh..."hottest girl in the house". She was raised somewhere with ugly

people and no animals I guess!!! She needs to leave and go home and watch

the feeds!

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This girl confuses me with her "orthodox". She doesn't dress according to teaching. Is she keeping kosher? And no she's not supposed to be sleeping in the same room with men, but she shouldn't be sleeping in that house either. For the same reason! What is she going to do when the comps get a little more "grabby"?

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Not as annoying as I thought she would be, so far anyway. She caught on pretty quickly how Frankie forget they could have a nice little alliance. I guess Frankie would rather ride Caleb's back than Victoria's. Eh, maybe they can share lipsticks and become besties again.

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She will want amber gone; pronto. Poo Poo will want her gone; pronto. Will she want Cody? Will Cody want her?

Is Cody a Jew?

I would like to see her ally with Frankie...He would be so dramatic and she would be his sounding board and not know it so it would be funny

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Hey, Rose. Same back on the nice to see you. I'm thinking Cody is a happy italian. You heard the sad news about Caleb from Survivor?

Do you know what happened to him Caleb? I asked that about Cody because V as a Jew is pushed by culture to only be with Jews.

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Do you know what happened to him Caleb? I asked that about Cody because V as a Jew is pushed by culture to only be with Jews.

I would think that being on a reality show of this kind would go against her "culture," so why would it even matter to her if she hooks up with someone of the Jewish faith or not?

I do think generalizations about certain populations of people should end when they put themselves out there on a reality show. Evidently, these people do not follow the "rules" of any preconceived notions about race, culture, and religions nor should we.

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I would think that being on a reality show of this kind would go against her "culture," so why would it even matter to her if she hooks up with someone of the Jewish faith or not?

I do think generalizations about certain populations of people should end when they put themselves out there on a reality show. Evidently, these people do not follow the "rules" of any preconceived notions about race, culture, and religions nor should we.

I do believe she stated she didn't adhere to it outside of the house.

Who does?

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I don't like her and yeah, she is the worst example of a Jewish American Princess.

ITA, Slim. :animated_wave: She can't have it both ways; it just doesn't work that way. How can she say that she can't sleep in a room with guys but she can dress however she wants?

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