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BB16 Rumors: Like or Don't like?


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Ya know....we've been shouting ALL NEW PLAYERS for several years now which makes me wonder why TPTB don't take the hint. I didn't like the fact they brought in Rachel's sister last year. Forget the siblings, forget the previous hamsters and do all new people. Seriously, how hard can that be?????

Slim, I'm with you when it comes to Will. :)

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Any ideas when the cast will be announced, & actually go into the house? I'm all for a new cast, but the idea of past early-round losers returning has a lot of merit..give them another chance. Also like to see food comps for the week...let them earn food for each day. The anticipation is BUILDINGGGGGGG

I have been saying this for years. Best idea !! Give those who didn't have much of a chance, a second chance.

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I just read they let Rachel go in today during media day which pretty much guarantees she won't be in the house as a hamster. That pleases me. It sucks they think they have to keep including her in this show. Grodner needs to get over it already and cut the strings. We usually see the first interviews about a week before the show airs so we won't know who's going in for another 10 or 11 days at least. Still, it's a lot closer than I thought.

I've also seen some people post they are already seeing stuff on the live feeds like interviews with previous HG and production people. I may have to bite the bullet and get 'em now. lol

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Not that hopeful at all for this season from CBS.

Loving the makeover here though. Not sure what others think but could I suggest we drop the threads for each HG - IMO they've never really worked and the forum hasn't been flowing as nicely as it used to before they were introduced. Maybe a sub-forum with one thread for each for the entire series would be a compromise for any discussion related specifically for individuals, but on the whole most discussion involves more than one HG so just letting the forum play out naturally is the best option.

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So the latest rumor seems to be that all the Houseguests will be called into the DR and given a partner for the show. The catch is that they are to believe thay are the only one with a partner and it must remain a secret and if they get to the end together the prize is double or something I guess.

This rumor has some potential as long as Grodner doesn't ruin it (I know a lot to ask but miracles happen). What I like about this is that it screws with the game only a little bit because no one knows that everyone has partners and when the other houseguests start seeing two people talking together especially about the game they think they are an ally. Which Houseguests would be able to keep it a secret and which are not. Not the best idia I have heard but a partner twist where they play as singles I kind of like.

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That's an interesting rumor but an idea that wouldn't really work in that house. People can't keep anything secret in there especially when they start trying to form alliances. Once the alliance is together and given a cute name the majority start spilling their guts. lol

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I am not a Dr. Will fan but for sure he seems to me to be THE most popular player ever with Dan a close second?

i am going to have to disagree with you on this one .....

dr. will has never won an american choice for most popular hg's during the one season he was eligible for it

janelle beat him that year for that prize

i think they are the most respected for their gameplay but in terms of popularity someone like jeff is probably at top of the mountain


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Not that hopeful at all for this season from CBS.

Loving the makeover here though. Not sure what others think but could I suggest we drop the threads for each HG - IMO they've never really worked and the forum hasn't been flowing as nicely as it used to before they were introduced. Maybe a sub-forum with one thread for each for the entire series would be a compromise for any discussion related specifically for individuals, but on the whole most discussion involves more than one HG so just letting the forum play out naturally is the best option.

i like the one thread for each house guest

where would i put my fat lady singing after each evictions :devilish:

before the board would be too cutter with threads it was hard to follow

now that the threads are organized by house guest it is easier to follow and know which thread to post in

imagine having ten threads about the same thing if the board was a free for all :cry:


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OMG I love this LOL..........

I would prefer all new houseguests but having said that after last year they probably feel more comfortable with old hgs. I don't hate Rachel or Elissa but I really don't want to have to spend 3 shows a week plus live feeds listening to her. I really do not want to see Frank back at all I wonder what he will whine about this year?????????? I definately do not want to see Dom and Danni back. Hopefully they are not going to be doing this but it is CBS. I cannot believe that they have open casting and online submissions and they can't find 16 people?????

Amen!! No creativity whatsoever anymore......for crying out loud, Find NEW People paleezeee?????

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i like the one thread for each house guest

where would i put my fat lady singing after each evictions :devilish:

before the board would be too cutter with threads it was hard to follow

now that the threads are organized by house guest it is easier to follow and know which thread to post in

imagine having ten threads about the same thing if the board was a free for all :cry:


Hey uvp! :animated_wave: Nice to see ya. I totally agree with you on this one. Several years ago the message board I was on never made threads for each hg and we'd end up with a dozen threads on the exact same thing. The only difference was the titles varied. Not a good thing.

Let's face the facts here. It seems Grodner is great at sabotaging her own twists in this game. Look at the miserable failure from last year when she put Elissa in there and gave her the prize each week simply due to all the votes from the fans. Lousy angle. It would be nice to see them actually use some of the ideas from BB in other countries. Those countries are making CBS look like morons.

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Hey uvp! :animated_wave: Nice to see ya.

Hi, Moxie

nice to see you as well

always nice to see the whole gang return every year

hoping for a fun year of big brother

really hoping we dont get any returning players or relatives of hg's :animated_bouncy:

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I googled the BB15 housemates. Jeez. All I ask of BB16 is that they do better than 15. No way could I wade through another season of a group like that one. Season 15 was an insult to my intelligence. They found Dr. Will Heuser and Dan Gheesling and Janelle Pierzina and Evil Dick (They also "found" Mike Boogie which is another thing entirely, IMO) so they can certainly find more people like them. They might or might not have been favorites but they were sure entertaining; like them or not. In addition, Will and Dan are intelligent and classy - each in his own way.

We shall see.

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I agree Slim. They need to cast all gamers and all strong personalities. Not the little wallflowers that just want to float through the game. I also love when they give us a few HG to really hate. (just no more Rachael and Boogie)

oh and we don't need those Hooters girls (I know Jordan was) and we don't need models and wanna be actors!!!!!!

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Everyone wants NEW CAST, and last year we got an entire new cast and it was one of the worst seasons next to season 9. So I hope we just get returning players with a mix of new players like season 13 which was good besides the golden key. And 14 which was great, but having the coaches sucked, much like the golden key. Bring NEW/OLD players in on the same level. Mixing the cast, elicits instant game play. Everyone is paranoid from the word go and starts making moves, trying to form alliances and get the upper-hand. It just think make it so their is not a line drawn in the sand with NEW on one side and Returning on the it. We need layered game play with multiple altering elements causing players to adjust and/or alter their game play, instead of sitting back and waiting for the game to come to them.

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BB applications questions....

Do you cry a lot?

Are you capable of huge child-like tantrums?

Can you over act in the diary room?

Do you have a laugh that could peel paint?

Do you have the body of a woman with a voice of a five year old?

Can you blend into the background like beige on beige?

Do you have fake boobage?

Can you go for days without showering even if it's not a punishment?

Are you smarter than a fifth grader?

Can you banzai off of assorted stands and pretend you accidentally fell off?

Can you be an A1 slob and make Pig Pen look neat and tidy?

Are you skilled in the art of endlessly complaining?

Does your memory slip frequently allowing peoples names and songs to pop out so viewers are treated to endless FOTH?

Welcome to Big Brother...

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I think I'm going to Barf... if within the first 24 hours - 4 or 5 guys form an alliance and give themselves some dumb 'name' before they even

get a little idea of what the other guys are like.

.... and ... wouldn't it be great if we could have cameras cover more than 2 locations at once.... especially when we know there are

HGs in other parts of the house ?

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Everyone wants NEW CAST, and last year we got an entire new cast and it was one of the worst seasons next to season 9. So I hope we just get returning players with a mix of new players like season 13 which was good besides the golden key. And 14 which was great, but having the coaches sucked, much like the golden key. Bring NEW/OLD players in on the same level. Mixing the cast, elicits instant game play. Everyone is paranoid from the word go and starts making moves, trying to form alliances and get the upper-hand. It just think make it so their is not a line drawn in the sand with NEW on one side and Returning on the it. We need layered game play with multiple altering elements causing players to adjust and/or alter their game play, instead of sitting back and waiting for the game to come to them.

We are in the minority here but that's what I was thinking. Every season everyone on the board shouts ALL NEW CAST, ALL NEW CAST, but let's take a look at the last 4 seasons, two of which were all new and two of which had some returning players. BB12 was all new and is widely considered one of the most boring seasons. BB13 had some returning players and it was good. BB14 had some returning players and it was very good. BB15 was all new again and it SUCKED. Are you seeing a pattern here that maybe explains why CBS loves to go with the safe option of bringing people back?

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Everyone wants NEW CAST, and last year we got an entire new cast and it was one of the worst seasons next to season 9. So I hope we just get returning players with a mix of new players like season 13 which was good besides the golden key. And 14 which was great, but having the coaches sucked, much like the golden key. Bring NEW/OLD players in on the same level. Mixing the cast, elicits instant game play. Everyone is paranoid from the word go and starts making moves, trying to form alliances and get the upper-hand. It just think make it so their is not a line drawn in the sand with NEW on one side and Returning on the it. We need layered game play with multiple altering elements causing players to adjust and/or alter their game play, instead of sitting back and waiting for the game to come to them.

I know I am in the minority, but overall, I enjoyed last season. I generally enjoy all the seasons. There are things I don't like but I generally find the positive things about the players and do not dwell on the negative. Even though I hated the coaches ideal and vehemently disagreed with the decision to let then enter the game, I found a way to like the season overall and most of the players. Last year, I think the player I hated most was a Elissa and I think a lot of my hate for her was because she was connected to Rachel, it was obvious that TPTB was helping her along and the fact that so many people here thought she was an angel. I despised her more than Aaryn.

I think I enjoy most seasons because I care more about player strategies and their moves and really do not care about their morals and what they do outside the house. Hopefully, this year, the fans will get away from calling peoples employers and police about things people say in the house. That alone will probably make the season more enjoyable for me.

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I know I am in the minority, but overall, I enjoyed last season. I generally enjoy all the seasons. There are things I don't like but I generally find the positive things about the players and do not dwell on the negative. Even though I hated the coaches ideal and vehemently disagreed with the decision to let then enter the game, I found a way to like the season overall and most of the players. Last year, I think the player I hated most was a Elissa and I think a lot of my hate for her was because she was connected to Rachel, it was obvious that TPTB was helping her along and the fact that so many people here thought she was an angel. I despised her more than Aaryn.

I think I enjoy most seasons because I care more about player strategies and their moves and really do not care about their morals and what they do outside the house. Hopefully, this year, the fans will get away from calling peoples employers and police about things people say in the house. That alone will probably make the season more enjoyable for me.

there are fans and there are FREAKS

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BB13 was the most rigged season of Big Brother I have ever seen.

That may be true although there is always plenty of manipulation going on every season. The Rachel/Jordan double veto was pretty ridiculous but I'm sure CBS was terrified of a Porsche/Khalia/Shelly/Adam final 4. Despite Rachel's helping hands from behind the scenes, I found that season way more entertaining than BB12 or BB15.

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I suppose you think the quiz show "Twenty One" cheating scandal of the 1950's was ok as long as Herb Stemple was eliminated.

Sorry, nothing is worse than rigging the outcome. If BB was gonna end up with a lame winner, there is a flaw in either their casting or execution of the show.

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Okay I know we complain about the house guests each year but really how many times are they going to bring back Rachel or Dan or Danielle Donato???? If you want returning houseguests then there are plenty of other past house guests to choose from. I didn't have a problem with last year until all the crap came out of their mouths and really towards the end when all they talked about was Elissa and her son every day it got old. She is out of the game period so drop it already. They could have talked about paint drying and I would have been more interested in what they were saying. I noticed on twitter that Rachel is asking who wants to see me and Elissa on BB16? I am surprised that people actually do. I guess we will see in 13 days.

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