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Aaryn - Week 9 - Evicted (Aug. 29) - Juror #4


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CBS didn't show any racist remarks until the live feeders outed Aryan and CBS had no choice but to show it.

It's not too late to show Candices.

Not gonna happen.

People like Aryan fade into obscurity and never resurface unless it's a DUII or a random sighting at a country fair.

Anybody stupid enough to say things that would embarrass themselves when they know they are being watched by millions of viewers is unworthy of sympathy and deserves the ridicule they receive.

....hopefully as the little girls mind grows her body will grow also so she won't be so envious of the cury womens bodies that Jessie and Candice had....nice round derrières, very sexy swarthy women.

Candice and Amanda have bypassed curvy and dove into chunky dunky.

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lettermans response was "The one thing about freedom of speech, it takes care of dumb people."

And boosts CBS ratings. It ain't a coincidence that Julie went on Dave Tues night to trash Aaryn again this week and play up BB before the opening season of NFL on NBC, which is showcasing the returning Superbowl champs Baltimore Ravens at the same time BB 15 airs. :rolleyes::D

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It's going to be a very lonely nine months for some people when they can no longer talk about melanin, Hitler, the south, racism, etc., etc., etc.

Maybe they will open a a newspaper instead of the CBS homepage and read about the race issues (ALL races) all over the country and world.


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It's going to be a very lonely nine months for some people when they can no longer talk about melanin, Hitler, the south, racism, etc., etc., etc.

Maybe they will open a a newspaper instead of the CBS homepage and read about the race issues (ALL races) all over the country and world.

So the people on here (including myself) who have commented on the racial tension in the house aren't or wouldn't be abreast of world wide racial issues?

That's an ignorant assumption.


....And wasn't aware that we COULD discuss topics of that nature in this forum other than BB.

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So the people on here (including myself) who have commented on the racial tension in the house aren't or wouldn't be abreast of world wide racial issues?

That's an ignorant assumption.


....And wasn't aware that we COULD discuss topics of that nature in this forum other than BB.

Such as the NAACP meeting with the KKK. ;)

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