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Amanda - Week 6 - 3rd Nominee


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I wonder if Julie will also announce that for the past 3 weeks America has been voting for who should go on the block ? ....

Would love to see Amanda's reaction to that ! ! !

yup......Amanda: What? But it doesn't make sense, why would they vote for me, I didn't do anything, I've been nothing but nice to people! LMAO!!!!!!!

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It sounded like she was instigating the whole thing by attempting to whisper taunts to Candice in order to get Candice

to say something, hoping it would look like Candice was the one starting it only to then defend herself against Candice.

I don't think it worked. And it exposed even more of Amanda's vile nature.

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You could see how EVERYONE was uncomfortable with Amanda's actions but I don't think they will do anything about it. Scared Scared group this year. No one has what it takes to make a big move right now. Jessie is trying but she will be voted out because of it. Stupid, stupid group this year. Pretty boring. But being the BB fan I am, I will keep watching and hoping that SOMEONE will do something, anything, to make something happen! :stirthepot:

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BBLOVER : " But being the BB fan I am, I will keep watching and hoping that SOMEONE will do something, anything, to make something happen! :stirthepot: "

And fools that we are... we just keep waiting and waiting ........

We're patient, if nothing else... LOL

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9:56 PM BBT Amanda and Aaryn just had a major communication malfunction - Aaryn got defensive, Amanda was confused, it felt like neither one knew what the other was trying to say, Aaryn got huffy and left the room, then McCrae started with Amanda - the whole incident was over tomorrow's vote and Amanda/Elissa's relationship - now GM slandering Aaryn


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so wait, they know its a double evict tomorrow?

did production tell them? because they're talking like they have absolute confirmation.

I don't think they told them about the double eviction, but they DID tell them that they made it to jury, so they are speculating about the double eviction - don't forget a few of them are super fans and know the drill

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I don't think they told them about the double eviction, but they DID tell them that they made it to jury, so they are speculating about the double eviction - don't forget a few of them are super fans and know the drill

ahhh. okay. thanks

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I don't cared if people hate her love her, I personally think it SUCKS that America can put anyone on the block, and then compound it by allowing America put up the same HG week after week after week. Amanda is playing the best game possible with other HGs and THEY aren't putting her on the block, America is. How is in hell is sure suppose to defend against that if it happens every GD week?

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I don't cared if people hate her love her, I personally think it SUCKS that America can put anyone on the block, and then compound it by allowing America put up the same HG week after week after week. Amanda is playing the best game possible with other HGs and THEY aren't putting her on the block, America is. How is in hell is sure suppose to defend against that if it happens every GD week?

win hoh and pov? I mean thats all she has at this point. she has to win either one every week as long as this twist is active and I suspect after its done, since she has begun to piss off her OWN alliance members mostly McCrae and Aaryn.

as for the twist, it has defeated the purpose it was put into play this season, it turned into an "unpopular/unliked" vote when it was supposed to be for the floaters.. as disgusting as Amanda is, she isnt a floater, IMO. She has managed to keep her and her Mcboy safe off the block or from being evicted herself for weeks without winning a thing, I think thats genius gameplay. Again, its not her gameplay landing her on that 3rd block spot, its her disgusting ways and its not like she isnt being asked to calm it down, she is choosing to act like this. I cant believe she hasnt made the connection yet, maybe if I stop acting like a psycho witch, maybe just maybe I wont get secretly nominated next week.

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I don't cared if people hate her love her, I personally think it SUCKS that America can put anyone on the block, and then compound it by allowing America put up the same HG week after week after week. Amanda is playing the best game possible with other HGs and THEY aren't putting her on the block, America is. How is in hell is sure suppose to defend against that if it happens every GD week?

Every other power in the game, HOH, POV, there are consequences for using those powers. And then you move those powers outside of the house, there is absolutely no consequence at all for using them. The game of BB has aways been a balancing act, lie just enough to get yourself further, backstab just enough for the same reason. Cross the line and you fail, but find that "sweet spot" and you just might win the game.

This season you have lackluster players because they are afraid of the unknown. You have other players displaying some of the worst of human behavior for the same reasons.

This season of BB feels more like watching a cruel circus than it does watching a game.

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I don't think they told them about the double eviction, but they DID tell them that they made it to jury, so they are speculating about the double eviction - don't forget a few of them are super fans and know the drill

I think having GM practice for the HoH comp is what tipped them off that for sure it is DE today

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Amanda let's see what can you say about her. Some people believe that she is playing the best game. I am trying to add up in my head how that would b possible when she acts the way she does. Okay she is on the block for 2 weeks. It couldn't possibly be America putting her up NO NO we all love her NOT. When you act like an idiot you are not playing the best game. I do not think not 1 of these people are playing the game of big brother. McCrea lays around all day and sleeps in those disgusting pajama's I don't think have been washed since the game started. Helen has appointed herself the all knowing. She is going to decide when it's someone's time to be evicted. Spencer is just one big blob of disgusting. Andy just pops up like a jack in a box whenever there is a conversation going on. Jesses wants to play the game but no one will back her up. Elissa has not been allowed to have an opinion with Helen telling her what she needs to do on a daily basis all the while throwing her under the bus. Judd just mumbles and who the hell knows what he is saying and no one believes him anyway. Aaryn well she just hates everyone. Then we have Gina Marie who is in LA LA land demanding her and Nick's bed back and if I read it right somewhere she thinks he might even propose to her Yeah that's going to happen. Candice who is of absolutely no threat to anyone except maybe Aaryn and GM will be voted out tonight and why because she told Helen that Helen controlled the house and the vote which is true but we cannot have anyone with a brain left to call out the almighty Helen so she must go. The only thing exciting is going to watch which one of them wins the first HOH of the double eviction and see who they nominate. I vote for Clowny.

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Guest 6Borders

Since this thread is supposed to be about Amanda. I'll just say that I think she is one of the most disgusting women to ever play BB. I don't see anything brilliant about her "game-play" unless being a bully is brilliant. She's done nothing and won nothing. I detest the MVP twist but the only entertaining thing about Amanda is being put up on the block by someone she can't figure out who did it and watching her go berserk over it. Otherwise she's been boring tv and feeds!

Her daddy posted that he thinks she's playing such a great game and he's so proud of her. My family would be mortified if I behaved like that in life or on national television and they would let me have it.

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I heard the John Tesh radio program the other day and he was talking about Adderall and it's over use with college students and young adults. Most want it because of the weight loss associated with it and the ability to study for hours on end. One of the side effects however, if you don't need it, is it scrambles things in your brain creating real mental illness issues. I have wondered the way she goes off and then says she blacks out and doesn't remember doing that if it might be related? That is giving her a great deal of slack from me.

I really think she is mean and self entitled.

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