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Amanda - Week 5 MVP Nominee

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Amanda said she never felt Howard showed any trust or loyalty to her.... :laugh4:

Now McCrea come on scene and getting his jabs to Spencer in and Judd says he doesn't understand what Howard is ever sayin.... huh?

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Helen and Elissa come over and try to get in the argument and gang up on Spenser. Helen brings up she thinks Howard is MVP. Now Amanda and Helen questioning him about every move he has made and everything he has said.

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Amanda is questioning Spenser how he is going to vote.

Amanda tells Spenser if there are no votes against her on Thursday then she will not put him up.

It is all about Amanda.

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If they don't get her out this Thursday, there are several people in there that are going to suffer the consequences.

Spencer better pull out every stop he can think of to blindside Amanda -- otherwise, they're sitting ducks.

There are 8 people voting (I think), so he has to work Aaryn to break a tie (if they can garner 4 votes), OR

even steeper still, they need 5 votes.

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Guest 6Borders

Sorry to say this but she is the BIGGEST witch to ever play Big Brother...she's gotta be a self-entitled Grodner Select!!

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Amanda is questioning Spenser how he is going to vote.

Amanda tells Spenser if there are no votes against her on Thursday then she will not put him up.

It is all about Amanda.

Yes and did you notice the focal point of her arguments? " OK so if there is not 1 single vote for me on Thursday night, then I will know that you are telling the truth" her scheming just NEVER stops - I like her but her paranoia running the whole house is getting old - I DO however like the contrast between her and Spencer - like archenemies

Spencer is the only one in the house with the intelligence to match wits with Amanda - I'm loving this

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Geeze!!! Her and Helen have the biggest ego's there!!

Tell me about it. They think they are running the house. If those idiots don't take the chance to get Amanda out this week, they are screwed... Hopefully, Spencer or Candice will win next HOH

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Helen up in HOH room putting her spin on the Amanda Spenser conversation that Spenser is on fire... FOTH

The house is pissed at Spenser and off in their little groups now bashing him.

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I hope BB gives America the MVP vote again this week, so we can put it BACK on the block. Can't stand that girl Amanda

But with 3 people on the block, there is only a 33% chance of her getting booted. Spencer and Howie need to convince people that this is the perfect time to boot her ass out!!

It's too bad the rest of them are such wimps !! This year most of them have no backbone. I hope they all flip on Thursday and send her butt packing.

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I hope BB gives America the MVP vote again this week, so we can put it BACK on the block. Can't stand that girl Amanda

It's too bad the rest of them are such wimps !! This year most of them have no backbone. I hope they all flip on Thursday and send her butt packing.


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Sorry to say this but she is the BIGGEST bitch to ever play Big Brother...she's gotta be a self-entitled Grodner Select!!

I am sure that she is one of Grodner's girls. But hopefully she will get booted soon.

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I am sure that she is one of Grodner's girls. But hopefully she will get booted soon.

If next week America does not get MPV to be able to put Amanda back on the block, then we know for sure she is a Grodner girl.

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Just my opinion is that Amanda and Helen are much more of bullies then Jeremy ever was.

Jeremy and his hat wipe was disgusting but I don't think he ever bullied as much as Mandy and Helen.

and Amanda is threatening Spenser again as I am typing.

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