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March 23 [Saturday] Live Feed Updates

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9:04PM BBT Em is telling stories about drinking. Em and his friends drink "3 wise men" and how when they were at a bar his one friend drinks the shot (goldschlager, jager and peppermint schnapps) and went kind of nuts in the bar and were removed. Andrew laughs hard.

9:10PM BBT Em is telling a story about drinking at a golf tournament and how he picked up a woman, remembers taking her back to the hotel, lying in the bed and that was it. The next morning he got up and realized there was puke everywhere.

9:11PM BBT and the woman was gone! Jill walks in and asks "What was this?" and Andrew says "Oh nothing it was a made up story... about AJ" Jill got into trouble for using the exboyfriends name on live feeds BB "HG please stop talking about production"

9:12PM BBT BB said that when Jill was going into tell the guys about what happened to her. They are trying to figure out what is happening with the veto (which has not happened yet) and there is no sign of Peter since he was called back to the DR.

9:16PM BBT Em is telling another story about blacking out when drinking, he doesn't remember much afterwards. Andrew no longer drinks much because he would black out.

9:21PM BBT 2 very different convos going on. In the WA AJ, Suz, Topaz and Talla are discussing how people raised in the same family can turn out so differently. In the BR Jill, Andrew, Em and Alec are still discussing drinking and life choices. Andrew says he is fortunate to have the life he does now. "You have an education but, I went a different way and it turned out ok."

9:28PM BBT Andrew "Live a poor lifestyle and you will last forever. I tell ya, I will do commercials after this." Jill says "Andrew, you and Emmett have such dry skin." They are now talking about putting Andrew's knee cream on their faces "Oh no my eyes!" Andrew cries. He then says "I have alcoholic skin, he has priest's skin."

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9:32PM BBT Alec "That damn tv in the HoH doesn't do anything! I was hoping for a Saw type thing at 3am saying 'Do you want to play a game?'" Andrew wants a girl to cuddle with, he says he is touchy feely.

9:36PM BBT It is very confusing, lots of giggles and stories. No news on the PoV comp yet. Talla is again looking for her pepsi. Andrew "We'll be right back, just talk amongst yourselves after these messages from nobody."

9:42PM BBT Talla starts to tell a story Em says "Hey I thought you weren't going to tell it!" She stops... "Umm Big Brother, are you busy?" The room starts laughing. Em asks "Where is Andrew?" (I found him ) In the HN room talking to AJ about Alec and Topaz's relationship.

9:45PM BBT Andrew and AJ are going into deep game talk. Andrew is worried AJ is too confident about staying. BB "HG Stop talking about production." Andrew "We weren't talking about production! We were talking game!" Talla and Alec are in the HN as well now.

9:49PM BBT Talla "OK I smell something and I don't like it" Andrew "It was ME!" AJ "Ya he is a strategic farter"

9:51PM BBT Andrew is telling AJ about something Talla did in a comp. We are missing key parts of what happened but apparently Talla got a number wrong. AJ is laughing very hard. Talla comes in and says she has to do her nails. [Andrew and AJ are stellar at coming up with cover stories]

9:55PM BBT Talla is trying to figure out the time. AJ "Why are you always asking the time?" Andrew grabs a sheet. wraps himself in it and starts running around making noises. It is quite funny.

9:57PM BBT Andrew crawls under the bed, doesn't fit, tries to crawl into the nightstand "OMG There is a secret passage..... TO NARNIA!" Talla has hidden Andrew in the HNR and AJ went to get Jill. Jill walks in, Talla says "I want to know what you think of this nail colour?" Andrew dives out from behind a curtain and across the bed.

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10:00PM BBT Gary is now awake in the BR and talking to Suzette. Talla, Topaz, AJ and Alec are acting out "scenes" in the HNR.

10:06PM BBT BRLD (bedroom lockdown) is done. Peter is lying on the couch in the KT. Talla, Topaz, Jill, AJ, Em and Andrew are in the KT too. The debate about milk and how much they have eaten is on.

10:14PM BBT Peter tells Talla he is not allowed to talk about the PoV coming up. BY is still closed. Peter is sick. He looks miserable. Everyone is in the KT now. BB "HG Please stop singing." Talla was singing "Girls, girls, girls, girls." Andrew continues his shenanigans.

10:21PM BBT All HG are in the KT, lots of small talk. Andrew is called to the DR. Talla and AJ can be heard over everyone else.

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