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Less than a live feed update


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I've been dropping into the live feeds for a few minutes at a time a number of time throughout the day. Nothing exciting seems to have happened. House guests were prepping breakfast, doing ADL, and then getting ready for the POV.

Lots of discussion along the lines of "I've got to win HOH now" and "I'm going to lay low/be aggressive/fit in/be myself" and

"I really like/despise/loathe/am ambivalent towards [fill in the blank]".

I've yet to sort out who is who. I did see one interesting exchange between two woman (see I really haven't figured out who is who) discussing one's OCD issues and the other's support of a friend with serious OCD. Interesting to me due to my support of a family member with serious OCD. It is good to see OCD getting serious discussion on TV, even if it is "only" BBCA.

One other comment - we Canadian may be "more polite" than our neighbours to the south, but judging by the little I have seen today and comparing that to the little bits of After Dark I've seen on Showcase2, our 20 -38 year olds have real potty mouths. It will be interesting to see how the producers handle the amount of swearing. It doesn't offend me but I suspect it will surprise our American visitors.


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Guest 6Borders

Well, being a Californian I had not actually noticed a big difference in the swearing. Perhaps the BB Canadians are just more polite in everyday life and have let loose of their vocals for the show. So far the feeds are good quality tho. I'm not on them all the time either but if something juicy comes up I will be happy to report.

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I've been dropping into the live feeds for a few minutes at a time a number of time throughout the day. Nothing exciting seems to have happened. House guests were prepping breakfast, doing ADL, and then getting ready for the POV.

Lots of discussion along the lines of "I've got to win HOH now" and "I'm going to lay low/be aggressive/fit in/be myself" and

"I really like/despise/loathe/am ambivalent towards [fill in the blank]".

I've yet to sort out who is who. I did see one interesting exchange between two woman (see I really haven't figured out who is who) discussing one's OCD issues and the other's support of a friend with serious OCD. Interesting to me due to my support of a family member with serious OCD. It is good to see OCD getting serious discussion on TV, even if it is "only" BBCA.

One other comment - we Canadian may be "more polite" than our neighbours to the south, but judging by the little I have seen today and comparing that to the little bits of After Dark I've seen on Showcase2, our 20 -38 year olds have real potty mouths. It will be interesting to see how the producers handle the amount of swearing. It doesn't offend me but I suspect it will surprise our American visitors.


I noticed the swearing too, I think it seems to be more excessive than US BBs too. Maybe they get more coaching as to how to act in the house before going in?

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