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8/11 - Live Feeds / BB After Dark

Angelo Joe

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Ian likes the deco of the speaker room. Jenn would like to have the wallpaper. This is one of if not the Ian fav house deco of all time. He liked 12 and 9 too.

Ian talks about how the pairing of BB9 were all jokes. Its all general chat, they are waiting for the POV comp to start.

Ian made fan art for Dans season. It has the cast with memorable quotes from the first 4 weeks. Ash asks why ppl have to be so mean, why not just watch BB.

4:22BBT Ian, Ash, Jenn and Dan rehash the Willie/Joe thing in the WA. Dan animates Cubby Bear, its doing the Moon Walk.The bears came from the first comp. Jani snagged one for each of her team, Ian snagged one too. Dan uses Cubby bear and Ians Bear to reenact the first night in BBH and Ian asking Ash on their slop date. Dan continues with the bear reenactment after their date, Ash having back troubles and Ian rubbing Icy hot on it...skip ahead to 5 years later and they have have little baby bears.

4:43BBT Meanwhile in the K, Wil made a meal for himself and is now cleaning up. Joe says they are making them wait forever. Says may be the first night POV comp.

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Joe listens at the sliding glass door and says they are still building. Back in speaker rm. Jenn tells us her friend tried out several times for BB, she loves him but there is no way he could do this show.

4:59BBT Wil goes to crash in the shoe rm, puts his bandana over his eyes. Mike asks him what time it is. Asks him if he is having a "I dont want to be on BB day" Wil says no its just weekends are hard. TY for asking. Mike gets up, tells him enjoy his nap.

5:07BBT Dan explains "Chub Day"....After church they will come home, order pizza and do nothing but watch tv or movies, then order Chinese for dinner.

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Dan says they may try for kids in the fall. Mike says they seem to be enjoying each others company and thats hard to come by after kids. Dan says this guy at their wedding told them to at least once a year to take a vacation....just them, no kids. Mike says he splits Brady time with Brady's mom.

5:16BBT Mike says Brady has already changed, the pic he got was such a change from when he left him. He looks more toddlerish now. Mike says Dr. Will has the perfect life, he has a boy and now going to have a girl. Ooops maybe shouldnt have told that over the net.

Mike wonders if comp will be in 3 hours or 3 minutes. He cant believe he is playing in it. Dan hates sitting on the sideline. Ash feels it will be a puzzle of some sort, Dan and Mike hate puzzles.

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5:26BBT Brit says she is not a complainer but they got them up at 8:15 and now its 5. Shane says they wont be able to go outside again after the comp. Shane thinks it will be a double eviction. Brit says it makes no sense to have a comp now for that.

Ash says she thinks alot of her pain is stress, Dan says his hair thinned out the last time he played. Joe goes to get in the shower and Brit gets up from couch to join the speaker rm crew.

Shane and Mike in K. Mike cooking and Shane says if he is here next week he is picking Mike and Frank for teams. Ash comes in, pours a huge glass of water and drinks half of it straight down.

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4:49BBT General chat about family, food, the beds and sleeping.

5:57BBT Ian says they have to do POV soon or they will have to wait till Midnight, they cant do it during BBAD. (which starts at 9pm BBT)

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6:13 PM BBT

Britney lets us know that she just tok a 4 hour nap. Everyone is so bored they are sleeping. No one has fed the fish today. She hypothesizes that the POV won't be until midnight because they never show the competitions on After Dark and that starts soon.

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6:27 PM BBT

Mike entertaining Dan with stories of his life's exploits.

Britney and Frank talking about Joe wasn't meant to be a part of this game and he's been pretty vocal about wanting to be a celebrity chef. "Most annoying celebrity chef ever." says Frank.

They now discuss the cod and the various ways to make it.

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6:34 PM BBT

Frank tells Britney he has no plans to backdoor her. He jokes that he is ready to backdoor Shane.

in the LR Ian gives the run down on Britney and BB stats. Made it final 5 but not popular with fams - lots of very negative comments. Ian, Dan, Mike and Shane rehashing each season, each competition. Ian is the Rain Man of BB history!

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8:48 pm Sounds like Frank won POV. Danielle says good job Wil you were really close. Wil says "no mine collapsed. It was actually easier than it looked I saw what Frank did - he started with that one piece. I was looking at the wrong side." Sounds like it was a zingbot puzzle. Houseguests dressed in scrubs. Most in Kitchen talking about set. Boogie alone in HOH watching them on tv screen.

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POV over - Houseguests washing up in the KT.

Ash, Jen, Ian, and Wil are in the kitchen. Ash is saying she doesn't have a very good memory.

Not sure who won POV yet, but the results of our Zingbot poll are 32% Wil, 29% Brit, & 25% Danielle! Houseguests are wearing Zingbot Labs t-shirts. Joe cooking dinner.


Still waiting on POV results. It seems that Joe did NOT win. And Boogie did NOT win. Hmm….

21:02 BBT

Looks like we have a winner -- Frank won POV! Frank and Boogie strategizing in the HOH room. Frank says they have to just have to let Wil dig his grave. They say they wouldn't mind Joe going next.

Boogie, Frank, and Ian speculating in the HOH. Boogie thinks perhaps next week will be a double-eviction.

Sounds like Zingbot gave Daneille a pretty good zing! Boogie says Danielle is upset at being portrayed like the princess.

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8:57 pm - confirmed Frank won. Boogie says "now we have easy street until thursday" Frank says "yeah we don't have to worry about shit. Wil is in super bummed mode now."

Boogie telling Frank how Wil interrupted his nap earlier. Joe is still super annoying though. Frank says he keeps catching Joe winking at him. It's bugging him. Boogie feels like the more confidence they give him the more it will happen and he just wants to say "dude we're not bros this is just good for our game." They need to tell him chill, just cook the cod and quit winking at me. Frank says it's good they mentioned it to the other Silent Six (he feels corny saying that).

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