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House Calls / Town Hall / Marcellas and Gretchen


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A few posters mentioned it on Page 1

here you go...


When I click on it - it seems to be on part 2 of the show (the part with the housecaller being cut off)

You have to click on Part 1 for Fri. 22nd to see Michael in the beginning of the show.

Thank you very much. Is this on everyday? What time? Sorry for all the questions.

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I'm glad you guys are liking "The H.C.". I'm contracted to it for the next 2 seasons. G & I work very hard to make it funny and irreverent. We also try to make it a show that everyone can enjoy & be a part of no matter how you feel about us. After all, it's driven by the callers. We appreciate the calls, the emails & posts on the boards.

Today's episode is one of the best so far (I think, hope that's "ego-centric"). LOL! Check it out in the archives...


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Marcellas I say bravo to you and the way you have carried yourself. Yes the point is for different opinions to be shared but as you have stated with respect. I think anyone in your shoes would have responded as you did or worse. I personally think you are an amazing,entertaining, insightful person and I look forward everyday to watching you and Gretchen. I think the Maggie and Eric costumes not only were brilliant but took amazing guts and courage and I applaud the both of you for that.

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Guest doodles808

LMBO That was definetly the best show so for. Go M and G.

Do you think cappy will see this one and what do you think he will think?

I cannot stop giggling over this show.

You guys rock.

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Guest Cassie

Marcellas, Today's show had me roaring and choaking with laughter! You and Gretch were a freaking RIOT. And that over-excited woman that phoned in had me laughing just as much as yesterday's megaphone woman did :lol:

Great job, you two!

Does Gretch ever come to the forums? I mean, how adorable is she?

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Please, please just ask Eric how it feels to come out of the house and find out that he is one of the top most liked HG's of all time in BB... And that Maggie and Ivette are right up there with him...

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Guest Turtleboy

Please, please just ask Eric how it feels to come out of the house and find out that he is one of the top most liked HG's of all time in BB... And that Maggie and Ivette are right up there with him...

Most liked? Do you mean least liked?

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And ask why he didn't consider his broken promise to Michael when he was asked about broken alliances by Julie Chen (which she was clearly inferring).

Yes.....Yes............YES! I was screaming at the t.v. when he skipped right over Julie's question and failed to answer it, he knew exactly what Julie meant!

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Guest jimmydot

Please, please just ask Eric how it feels to come out of the house and find out that he is one of the top most liked HG's of all time in BB... And that Maggie and Ivette are right up there with him...

now that way more like it DISLIKED......big time.....

ps... i just watch the july 28 show.... god... i never laugh so hard.... that was the best show so far..... and you had it 100% right..... THANKS

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Buddy you rock! I love the way you interogated Eric and called him out with regards to values, morals, and deals kept/broken according to how he sees fit, then p*ss on everyone else should they do the same. I love the way you didn't back down and kept pushing the issue, using his own words against him. You need to quit housecalls and become a lawyer! I love you!
OMG What happened I want to know I cant get it to load.... Please tell me more
Yea! I'm so glad Eric got called out! I can't wait to hear more about this...
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ha, i can't believe it, I'm watching housecalls right now and Eric practically denies all these things Marcellus said he did.

How long is that guy going to keep denying everything, does he not realize theres millions of other people that watch the live feeds or read the message boards.

And how can he call Jase acting stupid as a firefighter on camera... when he comes in and does all these things, denies what he does, and doesn't show much sportsmanship when he didn't hug anyone from the other team when leaving.

btw, eric's answer to "do you think you have good sportsmanship" was...

Yes.. i play lots of sports.. and I don't play cheap. (umm, i think the caller was asking about your sportsmanship in the GAME, not SPORTS.. )

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how do you save it?  can someone post the show when its over?   thanks

dont worry, it'll be available in the show archives for you to view as soon as it's over.

don't miss it... it's something you really have to watch

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