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Shelly - Week 8/DE Part 2 Replacement Nominee Evicted 9/1 Jury #4


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Jordan won her first time without hurting anybody. So you are right. :animated_bouncy:

Exactly--one of the many reasons I love Jordan.

Again, I don't fault Shelly for flipping, if she thought it would better her game. (outside looking in, I knew it didn't, but it is what it is.) I fault Shelly's behavior & treatment of the bond/friendship she 'developed' with J/J. (primarily Jordan). If you truly value a friendship, then you respect it--good & bad consequences.

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Sitting back, I really don't think she stood a snowballs chance in any scenario and should have stuck to the role as house mommy for her sanity.

I agree. She would be fine had she just left it all alone and been nice to everybody and talked her corporate BS and smoked her cigs, tanned (how much sun can she handle before she fries) and slurped her endless Diet Cokes. She brought it all on herself. The woman is a total wackad00.

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OK I do not like Shelly as a player or as a person per how she has been portrayed on the TV AND what I have seen on the feeds BUT this is disgusting, revolting & I hope whomever has partook in these criminal activities is punished to the fullest extent of the law. Death Threats :(

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Will you love Adam if he wins then, because he didn't ruffle feathers?

If Adam can make it all the way and walk away with the votes for the 500k I will be satisfied. It's HIS jury that decides, not us viewers.

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You can't factor in a Pandora's Box twist at that point when making a big move. Look at Kalia's HOH with 9 people left, she was so worried about a twist that she screwed her alliance by putting up Lawon. Her fear made her make the worst move in BB history.

When she was with Jeff/Jordan/Rachel/Adam she was pretty low on the totem poll, probably 4th if not 5th. Jeff said it best the other night, she can't win anything so she has to try and make these moves to help her get higher in the game. The way she was playing with Jeff/Jordan she was going to have to HOPE that Jeff took her to the final three, THEN she would have to beat both in the final HOH, and let's face it those odds sucked for her. Now she is leaving this week based on a twist and a twist alone that wasn't foreseen. Would she have made the final two anyway? Maybe not. Would she have made the final two with the way she was playing with Jeff? Probably not as well.

In her scenario before the PBox twist, she wouldve been in the final five with Kalia/Adam/Porsche/Jordan or Rachel, in this case Rachel since she won POV. That means Jordan wouldve left this week and Rachel would still be the house big target, Adam then would probably be the final 4 big target, and then perhaps kailia or porsche take her to final two if she didn't win it herself. The PBox twist made her in immediate danger out of nowhere, and completely protected Jordan this week. After the Pbox it was going to either be Rachel or Shelly, before the Pbox it was going to be Rachel or Jordan.

dede - you are wasting your time trying to argue based on reality and rational. You can't reason with a fat lady in the ice cream store or a crackhead in a crack house. So, your trying to reason here is a waste of your Sunday.

I agree with pretty much everything that you have said. The worst part of this whole thing is that the other players will probably to afraid to go after J/R now because they will fear the same thing happening to them. The final 2 is set. I guess the only thing to decide now is who wants to be third?

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OK I do not like Shelly as a player or as a person per how she has been portrayed on the TV AND what I have seen on the feeds BUT this is disgusting, revolting & I hope whomever has partook in these criminal activities is punished to the fullest extent of the law. Death Threats :(

I think you hit upon something in your comment "I do not like Shelly as a player or a person per how she has been portrayed on TV." For you, you are enjoying the show and finding an enjoyable way to root for or against someone as you enjoy the show. However, there are obviously too many people that take the portrayal personally and then bring this into real life.

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Will you love Adam if he wins then, because he didn't ruffle feathers?

I know I won't. Adam is not cute like Jordan. Adam is annoying.

There will always be a small spot in my heart for him though....since he got Voldemort out! :animated_bouncy:

Thanks for that Adam, serously! :hurray:

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TMZ reporting that Shelly's family has received death threats. If that is true, I'm blown away. Not really shocked if people send unflattering video to employers (don't support but not surprised) but DEATH THREATS? My goodness. Gotta feel for her family at this point.

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TMZ reporting that Shelly's family has received death threats. If that is true, I'm blown away. Not really shocked if people send unflattering video to employers (don't support but not surprised) but DEATH THREATS? My goodness. Gotta feel for her family at this point.

Yeah, I posted a link a few posts up about it... it is disgusting...

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Personally I think Shelly's hate for Rachel is a big part of what did her in. She should have known Jeff and Rachael were big targets and could have been evicted post-haste. I am curious why the win and the money were so important to her if she was well off and a company top dog.

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dede - you are wasting your time trying to argue based on reality and rational. You can't reason with a fat lady in the ice cream store or a crackhead in a crack house. So, your trying to reason here is a waste of your Sunday.

I agree with pretty much everything that you have said. The worst part of this whole thing is that the other players will probably to afraid to go after J/R now because they will fear the same thing happening to them. The final 2 is set. I guess the only thing to decide now is who wants to be third?

One person's reality and rationality can well be totally different from another person's reality and rationality. Who is to say which person's philosophical reality and rationality is closest to the truth? Difference of opinion is a good thing. Trouble starts when people believe their opinion the only one that counts as pure truth and close their mind to inquiry and declare it a waste of time.

I am sad for Shelly's family if they are receiving threats. That is not good news. Hopefully, it won't go further.

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One person's reality and rationality can well be totally different from another person's reality and rationality. Who is to say which person's philosophical reality and rationality is closest to the truth? Difference of opinion is a good thing. Trouble starts when people believe their opinion the only one that counts as pure truth and close their mind to inquiry and declare it a waste of time.

I am sad for Shelly's family if they are receiving threats. That is not good news. Hopefully, it won't go further.

It isn't about being rational or bias, it is about what happened, what are the facts that are not up for debate without bias. I agree with you that game philosophy and opinion there is no absolute truth, however this week it's different because of the twist.....

1. If Pbox twist wasn't throw in this week would shelly be safe this week and perhaps beyond?

2. If Pbox twist wasn't throw in this week would Jordan be going to jury?

aren't both of those answers yes? The only people distorting reality is people who believe what "did shelly in was this that or the other". What did shelly in right now was the new twist, can't that at least be agreed upon?

Like I wrote earlier, I don't think shelly would be in the final two in any scenario with or without Jeff, but I do feel that she made a play to further herself in the game had it not been of course for this twist.

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That is just insane. How frightning for her husband having to worry about some crazy trying to hurt them.

I agree that it is ridiculous that some ppl would stoop so low, but ppl if you are gonna go on national telivision on a show that is known sort of for its cult status, not to speak of all the social media pages out there in the world wide web, I would certainly think long and hard about going on the show to begin with, especially with an 8 yr old daughter, I am not blaming shelly, I just think her choice maybe was a wrong choice and she will most likely reget it bigtime once she gets out of there and sees what the consequences have been, I deplore anyone who has made death threats to her family and I hope someone tracks them down and they get what is coming to them, but this society these days with the internet, etc ther is no privacy, just sayin,

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Yeah, I posted a link a few posts up about it... it is disgusting...

WOW it's just a reality tv... I never thought that people would get that upset over something like it (a reality tv) to the point where they have to threat others. That is just crazy!

I barely remember the names of the HGs a couple of months after the show is over... and next year there will be new HGs for us to make fun of.

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It isn't about being rational or bias, it is about what happened, what are the facts that are not up for debate without bias. I agree with you that game philosophy and opinion there is no absolute truth, however this week it's different because of the twist.....

1. If Pbox twist wasn't throw in this week would shelly be safe this week and perhaps beyond?

2. If Pbox twist wasn't throw in this week would Jordan be going to jury?

1. Probably

2. Yes, more than likely

One thing nobody is thinking about. Jordan came on and was kind to everyone. Most people love her. Shelly was SO VICIOUS--the way she talked obsessively about rachel--that even the people who couldn't stand Rachel felt bad.

Jordan's kind actions, including the phone call, directly caused people to love her and stick up for her, including calling GRODNER.

Shelley's sick, cruel ways caused people to despise her, calling Grodner for her head.

The situation is now that both Jordan and Shelly are responsible for the Pandora. I give them both some credit.

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WOW it's just a reality tv... I never thought that people would get that upset over something like it (a reality tv) to the point where they have to threat others. That is just crazy!

I barely remember the names of the HGs a couple of months after the show is over... and next year there will be new HGs for us to make fun of.

well there are some nuts out there, and with cell phones social media pages, things fly quicker then a june bug. In my biz if one of my guests in the restaurant gets po'd about something, in this day and age they whip out their cell phone and call the corp co,lol they dont have a cooling off period, like waiting till the next day to write a letter, there is so much easy access today that nut jobs get po'd and poof a death threat, I love all the gadgets and internet and stuff but it also can bring haavoc on ppl, I feel bad that shellys family is experiencing this evil crap, unfortunately hind sight is always 20/20. We really have to think hard and be careful with what we put out there about ourselves cause there is always a nut waiting to pounce for no good reason

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It isn't about being rational or bias, it is about what happened, what are the facts that are not up for debate without bias. I agree with you that game philosophy and opinion there is no absolute truth, however this week it's different because of the twist.....

1. If Pbox twist wasn't throw in this week would shelly be safe this week and perhaps beyond?

2. If Pbox twist wasn't throw in this week would Jordan be going to jury?

aren't both of those answers yes? The only people distorting reality is people who believe what "did shelly in was this that or the other". What did shelly in right now was the new twist, can't that at least be agreed upon?

Like I wrote earlier, I don't think shelly would be in the final two in any scenario with or without Jeff, but I do feel that she made a play to further herself in the game had it not been of course for this twist.

The answer to your questions, in my opinion, are yes on number 1 and I am not sure on number 2. They might have sent Rachel packing. Dunno for sure and neither does anyone else. I think that the Pandora Twist brought breathing room to Rachel and/or Jordan. I think that it is moot at this point, dedeisafan, because it happened - past tense. Know what I mean?

It is a brush of luck, indeed, for Jordan and/or Rachel that the Pandora twist came when it did. Now we shall see what they do with it past what Rachel did to achieve the outcome in the competition that she won.

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The answer to your questions, in my opinion, are yes on number 1 and I am not sure on number 2. They might have sent Rachel packing. Dunno for sure and neither does anyone else. I think that the Pandora Twist brought breathing room to Rachel and/or Jordan. I think that it is moot at this point, dedeisafan, because it happened - past tense. Know what I mean?

It is a brush of luck, indeed, for Jordan and/or Rachel that the Pandora twist came when it did. Now we shall see what they do with it past what Rachel did to achieve the outcome in the competition that she won.

THE END :giggle:

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1. Probably

2. Yes, more than likely

One thing nobody is thinking about. Jordan came on and was kind to everyone. Most people love her. Shelly was SO VICIOUS--the way she talked obsessively about rachel--that even the people who couldn't stand Rachel felt bad.

Jordan's kind actions, including the phone call, directly caused people to love her and stick up for her, including calling GRODNER.

Shelley's sick, cruel ways caused people to despise her, calling Grodner for her head.

The situation is now that both Jordan and Shelly are responsible for the Pandora. I give them both some credit.

IMO the edits have not only of course been kind to Jejo, as they always are, they have been EXTREMELY kind to Shelly. You are right that Shelly has gone way overboard with Rachel ever since Rachel tried to out her to Jejo a couple weeks back. But the edits don't show that, and the vast majority who watch this show watch only the CHS show. The majority of America who watch this show don't know how vicious Shelly has been towards Rachel so I don't buy too much into your theory.

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I just want to say that I didn't like the way she played this last week and her game is now suffering because of it. None of us know any of these people personally and I do hope that whomever is threatening her family especially her daughter will get into trouble. I feel bad for her when she gets out of the game and back home I think she will be devastated. It is a game and it's one thing to say things about her in this game but her family is off limits IMO. I hope she she realizes that most people that are fans of this show would never threaten her or her family.

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Jordan isn't perfect, and throwing that phone call in Shelly's face was pretty wicked if you ask me.

Seriously?? Jordan had every right to throw that phone call up in Shelly's leathery face. You could see just how excited Jordan was to get the phone call and really wanted to talk to her mom, but, within 2 seconds, thought about Shelly getting the call to talk to Josie. That just shows you the kind of person Jordan is...and she had to wear the goofy humilitard!

Shelly can't continue to use that tired, old (hmmm...who does that remind me of?) "only a game" crap as an excuse...she can't win a comp, has lousy, ass-kissing social skills, and her "I don't need the money" is a bunch of crap. She doesn't mind stomping right over the people who've been good to her. The one I really feel sorry for is her little girl.

Bet Shelly will use the "only a game" rhetoric when she tries to explain her behavior and trash-talking to Josie. :smoke:

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IMO the edits have not only of course been kind to Jejo, as they always are, they have been EXTREMELY kind to Shelly. You are right that Shelly has gone way overboard with Rachel ever since Rachel tried to out her to Jejo a couple weeks back. But the edits don't show that, and the vast majority who watch this show watch only the CHS show. The majority of America who watch this show don't know how vicious Shelly has been towards Rachel so I don't buy too much into your theory.

That's OK don't buy into it--doesn't bother me.

I know for a fact tons of fans from Sucks, Hamsterwatch, Joker's, Morty's CBS site and more called for a Grodner fix because they hate Shelly and love J/J.


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