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Johnny Carson


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Wild, Wacky Stuff: the Fights for Carson's Fortune


Johnny with Wife Alexis

was reportedly earning $30 million a year.

By some estimates, when he hosted, earning him millions in video sales and licensing.

was also famous for his charity, donating millions to a wide variety of animal and environmental groups, medical causes, a South Central Los Angeles youth group, and organizations for the arts. The man who died of emphysema also has a cancer center named after him in his hometown in Nebraska.

And with all this wealth, lawsuits were as sure to follow as killer punch lines did on from which he defended himself over the years:

[*]In 1988, a New York dentist sued the host after The angry dentist demanded $10 million dollars, but got nothing after a state Supreme Court judge rejected the lawsuit.

[*]In 1992, was furious but a judge felt the joke was harmless and dismissed the lawsuit.

[*]In the mid 1980s it was fired back, filing a $1 billion cross complaint. In the end, both suits were dismissed.

[*]And finally, got his way.

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Johnny Carson Microphone Sells for $50,787

By LISA FALKENBERG, Associated Press Writer


DALLAS - An anonymous bidder Friday snatched a piece of TV history, offering $50,787 for the microphone that sat prominently on the desk of late-night king Johnny Carson until the 1980s. The offer was about twice that expected at auction.

The label on the 10-pound Shure model SM33 ribbon microphone bluntly declares: "Johnny's Mic... Not Ed's... Not Fred's"

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