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Britney - Week 9 - Winner of Americ's Choice


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Britney should ask Diary to get her a black tshirt that says SHUNNED on it. Would lighten up the mood in there. She knows she is gone, but they (diary) may push her to campaign. I think her ego is taking the biggest hit. I liked her, thought she was kinda funny. She is spoiled, but nothing wrong with that.

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U said it ... The girls can never stick together ... that is just sad ... Rachel, Brit and Ragan would have been an awesome team ... oh well ...

yeah they go for each other throats right from jump

while men sit back and watch them picked each other apart :animated_bouncy:

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Didn't get past the first sentence of most unlikeable, cause for me that's Natalie from last season. Ugh. I'm usually able to totally forget most of the houseguests, but she was the worst.

Oh - I think Maggie from the Nerd Herd deserves the title of most unlikeable. Natalie second, Brittany third. The interesting thing about Brittany is that she could have gone either way for me. I did like her at first but she quickly turned into an insecure, evil, bitch - never shutting up about Rachel and Brenden. Her envy of those two got the best of her. I do think Brittany is smart and hopefully she will look back on this experience and think twice about all the nastiness she spread. She chose the the low road when the high road was within her reach.

Britney for Americas Player... ssshe outlasted and played the game harder than any female this season, She deserves it a hell of a lot more than Enzobump.gif who's only game was a lot of mouth STFU already!!

I'm voting for Brenden for Americas Player. That guy worked his butt off. Britney did nothing but skate on the back of Lane and talk s*&t about everyone else's gameplay.

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I don't feel sorry for Brit one bit ... Serves her right the boys threw the Brigade in her face and now she feels stupid ... She didn't care when Rachel or Brendon felt alone why should she get sympathy for trusting Lane ... She did the exact same thing to Brendon and Rachel ... TALK ABOUT KARMA!!!

I wish like hell the boys were as vile to her as she was to the other HGs like alienating her and talking crap about her every second of the day ... Brit so deserves to be treated the way she treated others ... Ef all her crying I could care less ... They kill me giving her sympathy for her tears boo freaking hoo ... get over it like u told everyone else Britney!

With all that said I still hope Enzo votes Lane out and keeps Britney ... I need a good laugh and I could really care less who wins ...

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I'm with you ! ! ! Brit for AC ! ! ! !

No way do I see Brit winning AC. She made the dumbest move doing the Brigades dirty work and putting up Matt. She did not play well and it cost her the game. Her Ragan and Matt could have been final three. Ragan warned her that she was making a terrible mistake he even told her that Lane, Enzo and Haydum are in an alliance and have been since early on in the game, being such a huge BB fan Britney should have know that she had to break them up and NOT put up Matt who was on her side so I'm glad that she is going.

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Britney is not gone yet but if she goes it is her own fault for trusting a man trying to win the same 500K that she is trying to win. I mean, really, girl, you would have at least been able to trust the gay guy. Didnt your ma teach you anythin?

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I don't feel sorry for Brit one bit ... Serves her right the boys threw the Brigade in her face and now she feels stupid ... She didn't care when Rachel or Brendon felt alone why should she get sympathy for trusting Lane ... She did the exact same thing to Brendon and Rachel ... TALK ABOUT KARMA!!!

I wish like hell the boys were as vile to her as she was to the other HGs like alienating her and talking crap about her every second of the day ... Brit so deserves to be treated the way she treated others ... Ef all her crying I could care less ... They kill me giving her sympathy for her tears boo freaking hoo ... get over it like u told everyone else Britney!

With all that said I still hope Enzo votes Lane out and keeps Britney ... I need a good laugh and I could really care less who wins ...

I think they feel bad because they actually like her. Yes, she talked crap on others, but it was at least entertaining crap. They all talked crap on others, she was just good at it. JMO

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I think they feel bad because they actually like her. Yes, she talked crap on others, but it was at least entertaining crap. They all talked crap on others, she was just good at it. JMO

Yeah I know why they feel bad I just wish they didn't b/c of how heartless she was with the other HGs ... she was very mean spirited and didn't care about anyone's feelings ... Now her feelings are hurt ... She's lucky cause she isn't feeling an ounce of what she has given off ...

Britney is not gone yet but if she goes it is her own fault for trusting a man trying to win the same 500K that she is trying to win. I mean, really, girl, you would have at least been able to trust the gay guy. Didnt your ma teach you anythin?

I hope she stays ... I just want to see Lane get the boot for putting up Hayden and Enzo last week ... LOL ... I didn't get a wish for this season granted yet ... So I'll keep my fingers crossed on that ... :animated_rotfl:

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did Lane ever say anything to Brit, have they talked or are they avoiding each other? Last night, Lane stayed away from consoling his sudo-ally.

He tried. He poked his head in the Taj and said something like - Are you okay, come outside, I never lied, You'll see in my DRs, are you mad at me...

Britney said yes, I'm mad at you, and it's not a good time to talk.

I don't think there's been any other contact besides this, but I checked out before they went to bed.

She's now talking to Enzo, started out a little weepy, but all-in-all processing the info from him and starting to take it all pretty well in perspective.

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He tried. He poked his head in the Taj and said something like - Are you okay, come outside, I never lied, You'll see in my DRs, are you mad at me...

Britney said yes, I'm mad at you, and it's not a good time to talk.

I don't think there's been any other contact besides this, but I checked out before they went to bed.

She's now talking to Enzo, started out a little weepy, but all-in-all processing the info from him and starting to take it all pretty well in perspective.

thanks for the update!

lok, I said a few weeks ago, that Brit may never talk to Lane again, when she finds out Lane tells the Brigade everthing Brit confides in him.

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Karma seems to be taking a huge interest in BB. So there is some power in the universe that hears Matt tell a lie or Britney being mean and is so offended that it brings down some wicked justice on them? Where is this karmic justice for the tyrant who tortures and murders thousands of people? Where is it for the serial killer and the child molester and the corrupt politician? Nope, karma is too busy giving Britney her just rewards for saying mean stuff about other people.

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I'm voting for Brenden for Americas Player. That guy worked his butt off. Britney did nothing but skate on the back of Lane and talk s*&t about everyone else's gameplay.

What? She played the game hard from the day that Monet walked out the door. She got farther then anyone besides the 3 Stooges.

I really don't understand the Brendon/Rachel groupies and why the thought is that they should win some prize. They should have played their own game. Britney outplayed Brendon by a long shot.

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Karma seems to be taking a huge interest in BB. So there is some power in the universe that hears Matt tell a lie or Britney being mean and is so offended that it brings down some wicked justice on them? Where is this karmic justice for the tyrant who tortures and murders thousands of people? Where is it for the serial killer and the child molester and the corrupt politician? Nope, karma is too busy giving Britney her just rewards for saying mean stuff about other people.

Well said.

Where's the karma of the winner of Big Brother? Rewarded for telling the truth the whole season, never betraying, never targeting enemies? Blah blah blah.

I definitely do not believe in BB Karma. And if any of us are passionately, truly outraged and think punishment is deserved, I also say take that passion where it's truly needed. IMHO!

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What? She played the game hard from the day that Monet walked out the door. She got farther then anyone besides the 3 Stooges.

I really don't understand the Brendon/Rachel groupies and why the thought is that they should win some prize. They should have played their own game. Britney outplayed Brendon by a long shot.

That is your opinion.

Mine is that Brendon fought harder than Britney and played better.

I really don't understand why you try to belittle people who liked Brendon. Calling Brendon fans groupies is silly. Everyone is entitled to their opinions on favorites but I guess not if it differs from yours. :inquisitive:

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He didn't play her. All indication in his DRs (the only real truth in this game) was that he would take her to finals. He just got put in a position where he can't save her and avoid showing his cards to the rest of The Brigade (hence the posturing in the HOH, so the guys don't realize he had one foot out the door with them).

Sorry but I am far from the only one that believes Lane did play her. She knew that when big mouth Enzo started to explain how they all paired off with someone. Enzo did realize he couldn't tell the entire story without hurting her more so he left it at his pairing with Brendon. Lane was truly instrumental in playing Britney during her HOH and getting Matt out. He was who she listened to. Lane's comment to Brit for her to remember how he said he not to worry he always knew what Hayden and Enzo were doing.

I think Lane had the same crush on Britney that she had on him but he was always going to betray her. Karma....she was evil with her mocking of others. There was no game play in that and she and Ragean took bad mouthing behing the back to a new level. There is always karma in life...or what goes around comes around...whatever you want to call it and ugly always begets ugly. Karma is not always visable or viewable.

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Sorry but I am far from the only one that believes Lane did play her. She knew that when big mouth Enzo started to explain how they all paired off with someone. Enzo did realize he couldn't tell the entire story without hurting her more so he left it at his pairing with Brendon. Lane was truly instrumental in playing Britney during her HOH and getting Matt out. He was who she listened to. Lane's comment to Brit for her to remember how he said he not to worry he always knew what Hayden and Enzo were doing.

I think Lane had the same crush on Britney that she had on him but he was always going to betray her. Karma....she was evil with her mocking of others. There was no game play in that and she and Ragean took bad mouthing behing the back to a new level. There is always karma in life...or what goes around comes around...whatever you want to call it and ugly always begets ugly.

It is BB so it is the game to play her :animated_rotfl:

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