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Welcome back Kayser!!!!


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Hahahah sweet. Although I think people coming back is pretty gay. He is the person I was for on the show. The thing that pleases me most though is that when the Sheep here this they are gonna assume Cappy will be back and when Kaysar walks through the door. They are gonna know America and hell even us Canadians that most of us hate their group. LOL I cant wait to see that racist pig Ivette's face she may actually commit a live TV suicide when she sees it aint "CAPPPPPPPPYYYYYYYYY"

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Hahahah sweet. Although I think people coming back is pretty gay. He is the person I was for on the show. The thing that pleases me most though is that when the Sheep here this they are gonna assume Cappy will be back and when Kaysar walks through the door. They are gonna know America and hell even us Canadians that most of us hate their group. LOL I cant wait to see that racist pig Ivette's face she may actually commit a live TV suicide when she sees it aint "CAPPPPPPPPYYYYYYYYY"
Yeah, the sheep will be freaked, that will be awesome
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Wouldn't that be just the best? Them thinking it will be Eric walking thru the door and ...TA RAH! It's Kaysar or Janelle....can you say T O T A L F R E A K O U T!!!


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Guest Ringwench


I'm so happy now I can't even describe it!!!

Kaysar will be an easy win for sure!

I agree that this is kinda a cheap ploy, and when the season started (before we got to know any of the houseguests) I remember having a convo with a friend of mine who watches BB and we both agreed that voting HGs back into the house would be completely stupid.

That was, of course, before I was completely smitten with Kaysar. Now, I really don't give a rats ass how he gets back in the house, just that I won't have to give up my daily Kaysar fix!

I think the looks on "The Friendship's" faces when Kaysar walks back into that house next week instead of their beloved Cappy will be a moment in TV history that I will cherish forever.

GO KAYSAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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