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America's Choice....What IF?


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THat would be awesome!! But they would have to limit it to one vote per household or something....remember what happened with Chicken George? They were making phone calls, one right after the other from the same phone, the same people calling to keep him in the house.

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Guest DraftKing

I can't see America getting to vote on a returning house member, not with the high stakes involved with a team making the finals... But it does seem quite possible that they'll have a return at some point, particularly with how the evicted houseguests have been apparently kept in sequester.

It sure makes you wonder what might be in one of those two other safes...

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My prediction would be that only way a evicted HG would return to the game is in a swap. Say half way through, the remaining HGs are given the option to swap with their evicted partner. Ie Maggie could swap with Eric.

However, I think it extremely likely that some HGs will return temporarly to assist in a HOH competion. But after the competions they are gone again

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