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As a gay male, I would like to please request that you not judge gay people on Beaus behavior. He is the type that most gays really hate. marcellas ws flamboyant, but also caring and intelligent. Beau is just playing the queen card for the tv cameras and he is not coming off well. I usually always vote for the gay folks on any reality show as long as they are real. This year BB got it wrong with both. Beau is a wannabe queen and Evilette is disgraceful. I talked to a Lesbian friend recently and she laughed when I brought up Ivette. She said "No Dyke in her right mind would wanna be with mouthy trash like that". I was shocked. I said really? She is pretty in a way and she has spunk. My friend replied, "Trash is trash, no matter what sexuality, or how they look" she went on to say that "the way she sucked up to the fireman guy, proved how insecure she is and we Dykes are strong women". I just shut up then cuz I didn;t want to get my ass kicked hehehehhe

Some of this is in humor, cuz I know that most posters don;t judge a group by the folks on the show, but to those who are unsure? Please know that Beau Beau and Ivette are not representative of the majority.


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Last year I recall people apologizing for Will's behaviour as not being indicitive of all gay people.

My nephew is gay and I have met and hung out with a lot of his friends, most are gay. His freinds run the gambet from flambouant to quiet.

It is just like everything else. Ivette doesn't represent all gay women, nor all latinos.

Beau doesn't represent all gay men, nor all black men.

My point of this is just that it is sad state of affairs when people feel they must apologize or state that what we are seeing isn't how all of a certain demographic is.

I understand what your are saying and have seen a couple posts that might have made you feel you needed to say this.

Intelligent people should be able to realize that these people are not representative of their whole demographic.

I appreciate your post and your point of view. :-)

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I just apologized on another thread. I am just in a bad mood cuz my 2 cuties are on the block and Evilette and Beau Beau are not getting shown for what they are on the shows.

Ignore me tonight :) I qam just in a foul mood and wil prolly post many things that will be non pc heheheh


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My brother and his husband are nothing like Beau or Will.

Thanks Dep, for bringing Beau's stereotyped behavior up as an example of what isn't reality in reality tv. A group of my students did a video expose last term about how stereotyped images of gays in the media may be behind the right wing movement to ban gay marriage. They used images of Rudy from Amish in the City and a couple of other stereotypical video images and juxtaposed (sp) these clips with clips of them asking our students what they thought about an amendment banning gay marriage. The students were all against an amendment and felt it was none of the gvt's business, even some of our biggest gaybashers said that.

They then asked them if they'd seen the shows from the clips - and none of them had. They then hypothesized that the movement for the amendment was based on bias born of media stereotypes - of which Beau could be a poster boy.

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Guest MickeysMom

You know, Ivette tries to put herself off as a 'high class' snob. In reality, she's from the ghetto.

She claimed to have been a teacher, but left to be a waitress because it pays more? LOL.....I know teaching salaries....and they are NOT that bad.

Beau, and Ivette are good friends. Trash hangs with trash.

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