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Wednesday, August 19th


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Yes plz Russell bring the pov home and quick,lolol I seriously am at the point that I cannot watch the After Dark at all these nights. Last night the chewing and chomping was gross, and I am sick to death of the back and forth and the constant paranoia, and always telling too much to the wrong ppl. It is wearin me thin,lol

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Maybe I'm wrong...but I think the plan is to still get Nasty out on Thursday...but if she wins Pov...the alternative that the J's are considering is to backdoor Russ (not too smart at this point imo) Hopefully they were just placating Nasty...idk...but fricken Michele is not helping them make the smart choice of keeping Russ for numbers sake. She's shifty...she wants him out and doesn't want to be the one to do it. She thinks that if Russ goes and N/K/L get Hoh...their target will be the J's.

I hope Russ wins Pov...and I don't have to worry about him getting shafted!

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Maybe I'm wrong...but I think the plan is to still get Nasty out on Thursday...but if she wins Pov...the alternative that the J's are considering is to backdoor Russ (not too smart at this point imo) Hopefully they were just placating Nasty...idk...but fricken Michele is not helping them make the smart choice of keeping Russ for numbers sake. She's shifty...she wants him out and doesn't want to be the one to do it. She thinks that if Russ goes and N/K/L get Hoh...their target will be the J's.

I hope Russ wins Pov...and I don't have to worry about him getting shafted!

I do believe I heard that when they were talkin in the HOH room late last night, it is just that they go back and forth soooo much that we here at home our heads are spinning. I am sooo dizzy from it all that I have got to not even watch AD for a while, and get on my 360 till some of this passes,lol

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This has to be the most highly manipulated season of BB ever (including the one with Dick)! Reading from the update page, the DR is fueling the doubt and paranoia by planting seeds with various HG. The producers obviously want some drama to ensue otherwise why would anyone even consider Nat to be the slightest trustworthy.

Watching the feeds has always been a rollercoaster with people changing their minds 10 times and usually ending up with the best solution.

I'm just amazed at how fickle people can be turning on their favorites before the die has been cast.

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I'm a little heartsick, but still hopeful, as Medes56 says above, the die has not yet been cast. Although for my own peace of mind after the marathon live feed session this morning, I've vowed not to watch until the show tomorrow.

My worry is this - even if optimally it's better to send Lydia or Gnatalie out rather than Russell, J&J have talked too much. You know Gnatalie (or Kevin or Lydia) will be in Russell's ear next week telling all the secrets, especially if he is in power.

Ah, well, another season of worrying about the ones you love. (Not since Janelle have I cared so much.)

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I'm actually rooting for Russell & Michele over J/J.

Heck even Natalie is playing a better game than J/J. They give way too much info to the enemy and worry so much about their allies turning on them AND STILL refuse to clear it up with them in person.

I will laugh my butt off if they get rid of Russell and next week L/N/K wins HOH and nom's J/J. They will kick themselves forever.

I just thought of something else: if they get rid of Russell this week, and Jeff or Michele wins HOH, nom's 2 from the other side, and the 3rd (Kevin most likely) takes one of them off, they control the votes and can vote out J/J/M.

At this point it's stupid to give the other side this huge advantage.

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Here I go thinking again (anyone smell wood burning?)

We need to remember that when the hg's go to DR production is also taping for commercials. So why not throw alternative questioning out to them for reaction to which will be shown on the commercials as we lead to Thursday. Bet by today we see new commercials showing Jordan hinting about bd'ing Russell.

Do you get my drift? Or am I afloat? :animated_bouncy:

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Jeff and Jordan are nice, but they do deserve to lose. They have played the worst game. Backdooring Russel now is so stupid, especially when he and Michele have their backs. If they BD Russel, that means only Michele and Jeff will play for HOH vs the other 3. Where do they get these idiots....

Im not a Jesse fanboy, don't get me wrong, but he played the game a hell of a lot better. If it weren't for the coup, he would have got farther.

The only reason everyone is happy about the coup is because Jeff won it. If it was in a competition and someone like Jesse won it, America would be crying foul!

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Why hasn't any of them caught on that Gnat is older than 18? She's bragging about her poker tournie, looked like Jeff may have caught on, but let it go. I'm hoping that sticks in his head today and he realizes Gnat lies. Heck, I'm hoping he just takes his own advice to Jordan, why would Gnat all of a sudden be their friend? Wake up Jeff.

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I'm actually rooting for Russell & Michele over J/J.

Heck even Natalie is playing a better game than J/J. They give way too much info to the enemy and worry so much about their allies turning on them AND STILL refuse to clear it up with them in person.

I will laugh my butt off if they get rid of Russell and next week L/N/K wins HOH and nom's J/J. They will kick themselves forever.

I just thought of something else: if they get rid of Russell this week, and Jeff or Michele wins HOH, nom's 2 from the other side, and the 3rd (Kevin most likely) takes one of them off, they control the votes and can vote out J/J/M.

At this point it's stupid to give the other side this huge advantage.

IF J&J are that fricking stupid then they damn well deserve to lose and I will LMAO as well :animated_rotfl:

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I agree that the J's have talked too much to the opposition...Kevin and Nasty know of the possible plan to BD Russ...not smart to gevie them ammunition! Chances are it wasn't going to happen...but all it takes to throw Russ into a tailspin is just the mention that they considered doing it. A lie gets them all riled up....the truth will surely cause havoc!

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Even if Nat & Kevin tell Russ J/J can just deny deny deny.... Nat and Kevin have a history of lying. I would imaging that N/K/L would tell Russ this even if it wasn't true just to mess with him and to try to destroy the alliance.

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J&J are a lot more gullible than I thought. Making a deal with Natalie? Are you serious?

Jeff took out Natalie's biggest ally, and he actually believes she'll have his back? If he believes her he deserves to lose.

Jeff took out her biggest ally,michelle took out her other BFF ...jeff and michelle are obviously allied from michelles nominations.Why on gods green earth would jeff BELEIVE anything gnat or the other side says?????

The numbers are with jeff/ jordan/ michelle/ russell ,if they make a move against either russell or michelle this week it is a really stupid move and they deserve to lose the game IMHO!!! So what if michelle/russell are lying to you,and you think you know it... you know damn well the other side gnat/ kevin /lydiot are NOT telling you the truth either,they are trying to save their ASS.

This really is a simple decsion just from a numbers standpoint. They need to get rid of one from the other side this week... then deal with next week, NEXT week, hell it could be a situation where no matter who they evict this week ,if Jeff doesn't win HOH they might be going up no matter who wins HOH. They need to quit over thinking it and make the right move this week ,because trying to cover all the bases so they don't get nominated next week is going to screw them this week!!! Dance with the one you came with, at least this week, easy peasy!!!

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I have great fear in checking in on today's updates.

I went to bed last night excited to wake up and read this morning about the "talk" that the four should have had and how they had it all figured out. Imagine my surprise/disgust (I leave my feeds playing all night long) to see Natalie, Jeff & Jordan sitting on the outside couch talking at 3:00am. I didn't even want to read anything after that.

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there is no fast forward and the 1st part of teh dbl eviction has been played out already with Chimas exit, the 2nd eviction this thurs, no fast forward

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I am still sticking with the nice people. If you are an honest person then I think it is a lot harder to spot shifty liars. They are too trusting.

Now Natalie is a seasoned liar and all around nasty person. Michele is a bumbling horrible liar and there is not way she will get much farther in the game.

I feel so bad that people are turning on Jeff & Jordan for being too trusting and not being very good at figuring out who the really bad people are.

I hope this all turns around today. I just can't root for anyone else in this game but Jeff & Jordan.

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