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Thursday "Live" Show 8/13 (Show being taped not Live)

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This is confirmed by some of our posters that have tickets for tomorrow, and I am sure that's where the other site got the information...

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Have the HG been informed that due to possiblity of a terror attack by Chima that the show has to be taped????? (Course if they did, they'd know the coupe is being used, hope they don't tell them till the get them up) Have they discussed it amoungst themselves ?? I don't see it in the LFU's....

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I do think it does deserve a new thread too because the other one is about ZuZu's adventure.

I didn't think of it that way... I think you are right Marty...

Have the HG been informed that due to possiblity of a terror attack by Chima that the show has to be taped????? (Course if they did, they'd know the coupe is being used, hope they don't tell them till the get them up) Have they discussed it amoungst themselves ?? I don't see it in the LFU's....

No they haven't talked about it... They are doing the HoH pictures... All but Russell that is...

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Have the HG been informed that due to possiblity of a terror attack by Chima that the show has to be taped????? (Course if they did, they'd know the coupe is being used, hope they don't tell them till the get them up) Have they discussed it amoungst themselves ?? I don't see it in the LFU's....

I have a feeling they won't tell them about the show being early until tomorrow morning.

ya think?

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Yes I just got the phone call. We have to be there at 9 am in line. They are taping the show early because of anticipated problems.

just to confirm...and bring the info over to this thread.

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bb producers are that weak that they cant get these hg under control smh

now i have to look out for stupid spoilers about who won the hoh comp leaking


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bb producers are that weak that they cant get these hg under control smh

now i have to look out for stupid spoilers about who won the hoh comp leaking


Can you believe this uvp??? WTF?

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I would hope they wouldn't give them to much warning...... the fact that they are going to do it so early tomorrow is going to be clue enough

Are you kidding me??? This will ruin the element of surprise. How far in advance are the going to tape...1 hour or 2???

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wow. Way to suck all the joy out of this would be exciting incident. I suppose Chima will still be ranting and raving even after feeds return.

Seems silly but is it possible that they'd pick up the feeds at live time after the show and then people could go back and watch with the new features?

I don't think they'd have another endurance HOH this soon, would they?

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They could easily explain the taping of the eviction to the HG as prep for the football games tomorrow. BB can tell the HGS CBS will either air the show early before the gameS or late after the games. Since the HG have no access to schedules, they don't know which teams are playing or when. Taping early will provide all affiliates the same canned show for use when they are ready.... or so all the HG need to know.

I'm on the west coast... so my show is never "live." Tomorrow will be interesting! I can't wait for the updates!

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The first of the double evictions is always taped, the second one is still live.

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