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What Do You Think Is The Big Announcement


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Unless they decide to change the cliques around.....For instance, put Russell in a clique with Ronnie or something like that.

Who knows with BB. Maybe it will be that Nobody is being evicted. That would be something to see cause Casey would be out for revenge...

Wish thursday was here already....lol

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Cliques are no more. Yawn. So predictable...

The twist should be that they scrap all the hg's and replace them with new ones. :)


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Jessie will finally come out of the closet.

Wow welcome fellow north Georgian!!!

Jesse needs to do just that, if it's true that he's gay...

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I said this before on here but it would be some of the best close up shots if they (BB) threw the house a curve ball like this, the nominees are on the block Julie says its time to do the live voting, so these jackasses all go into the DR to cast their vote and come back to bid farewell to angry banana man and the twist would be as Julie announces it, "Okay Housguests the votes are in, but as you know the famous BB saying is expect the unexpected, what you dont know is the vote you just casted was not to evict one of the nominees up for eviction but it was to vote for this weeks HOH!" omg can you imagine the look on their faces if this could happen. :animated_rotfl:

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I was thinking of this and posted it elsewhere as a joke but what IF the announcement was

that the HG who got to return was leaving in the same week they left last time.............

that they really were only part of a "twist" this season, not able to win the game .................

so, Jesse's leaving :dance2::hurray::clap:

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OH MY GOD at 1:35pm bb time on Tuesday when Natalie and Lydia

were talking in the storage room Chima came in to get runners

and Lydia said all the boys got red and the girls got blue is it

gonna be boys against girls ?? I am thinking that it is

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I said this before on here but it would be some of the best close up shots if they (BB) threw the house a curve ball like this, the nominees are on the block Julie says its time to do the live voting, so these jackasses all go into the DR to cast their vote and come back to bid farewell to angry banana man and the twist would be as Julie announces it, "Okay Housguests the votes are in, but as you know the famous BB saying is expect the unexpected, what you dont know is the vote you just casted was not to evict one of the nominees up for eviction but it was to vote for this weeks HOH!" omg can you imagine the look on their faces if this could happen. :animated_rotfl:

OMG.....that would be awesome!! I would so love to see angry banana man rip a few new ones!!!!!!!!

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Well I'm just spit balling but I think Julie is gonna have her baby before she reads the votes to them. LOL! It's be funny. "By a vote of 5-3....." pop!! The baby comes out.

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Do you like Macon Yana? I was there a year or so for a drive through and that freeway sucked bigtime IMO.

It's not too bad here LenRay, and which freeway, 475 the bypass, 75, or 16, most people say it's the 16/75 merge, and yes it does suck a big one!!!

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That the one!!! 16/75 merge. And what's worse, it was a Saturday afternoon!!! I'm about 80 miles north of there and had to ride down in a rental and pick up a car I got on the internet. I loved the drive home though...Milledgeville is such a quaint little town, isn't it? It's like the town that progress passed by.

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OH MY GOD at 1:35pm bb time on Tuesday when Natalie and Lydia

were talking in the storage room Chima came in to get runners

and Lydia said all the boys got red and the girls got blue is it

gonna be boys against girls ?? I am thinking that it is

If this is true, which team would Natalie and Jesse be on?

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i dought its a boy/girl clique as i think that would confuse several of them and may even require more background check from the production crew .

they could have a race to yana's house but they would probably loose half of them on the 16/75 junction so thats out.

it could be that while they were supposed to be in sequester before going into the house they flew ronnie to mexico for a quickie divorce and he and jesse were going to get married on the live show thursday.

john walsh(from americas most wanted ) shows up and reviels that their investigation into the bernie madolf ponzie scheme has proven that the other 48 billion that was missing was hidden in ronnies ass.

ok so maybe it is the end of the cliques

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