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Happy BB Eve/DAY!


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This is killing me! The feeds still aren't 'active', I know they don't go live until after it airs on the West Coast tomorrow night.. BUT, in all the past seasons, we would get FoTH at least a couple of days in advance. To me, it was always so much fun to let that run in the background because sometimes they would slip and turn on the mics. Remember a few seasons back when they did the AllStars, we knew before the show who was in the house because of slipped mics.

I wish they would turn on FoTH!

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Ooh! I was wrong!! I just checked, Camera's 1-4 are CSpan, test signal or Nasa. But Quad Cam is a shot of what must be the video control room, and the Big Brother logo with a message that says "We'll Be Right Back" :)

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OMG, I need to go cook and freeze enough meals to last until the finale!

I can't freakin' wait! And by this time next week, I'm sure I'll already hate one of HGs....or several. :animated_rotfl: Which alliance will I side with this year? :animated_scratchchin:

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OMG Stray I want a copy of your sign LOVE IT!!!

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Wow, tomorrow? Why was I thinking it didn't start again until next week? Just popped in to get the goods on the new season and you guys just made my freaking day! Thank you!! Happy BB Eve to all! :clap:

Side note: I just noticed king joined the exact same day as me. Weird!

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I'm anxious to see Julie on Ferguson tonight! Hopefully she'll tell us some juicy tidbits about the show this year! I know....that's wishful thinking on my part but I'm trying to be an optimist!! Work with me here!! :partytime:

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