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Love Mortys but one complaint

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Ok I am a HUGE BB fan and found Mortys last year...I am addicted to reading it as I dont have live feeds. I do like to hear everyones theories but I have one request...I feel like I ruin watching the actual shows for myself coming on here cuz I find out stuff like nominations and evictions...I do my best not to go into any threads that have titles that explain the people but then tonight i came across one that says "James wins POV'...Is it possible for us to not put it in the title and just say "spoiler" or something....I want to see that stuff live for some kind of element of surprise but I would like to still talk to people on here. I know its a long shot but Id like to keep checking out this site without learning that stuff.

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lol ..

Thanks for the compliment .. we appreciate everyone we get to post with.

I don't think that this is a reasonable request for this board though, and the reason for that is because this board is an off-shoot of Mortys live feed update site ..

And .. even were we to try to put spolier in our headings .. the info creeps into threads that aren't labeled that way. It would be too hard for the mods to try to moderate that ..

They already have their work cut out for them .. (Thanks Jem and Ranster ... I miss you guys in chat!! (Sniffle))

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Good luck with that one! Last year was my first season of watching BB, and this was the first site I found and I loved it!

I did the same thing you did, and it didn't work. I didn't want to know who won the comps either. There was no way to look at these boards, and not know who won POV, etc.

So, I quit the boards all together for the whole last season, about three weeks into the season. This year, I decided to try the boards again.

And honestly, this season is so much more fun! I love to be in suspense with everyone here at the same time. It is so much more enjoyable than last year!

Yes, it may ruin the "T.V." surprise, but you still have the online surprise, which I have determined is so much more fun. Just some food for thought!

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My one daughter ONLY wants to watch the tv shows too.

When we talk BB.... it's hard for me to not let stuff leak in about the live feeds. Our conversations are really weird !

I do think the only time 'Spoiler' marked threads work is with shows that are only on once a week.

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I got a friend into the Morty experience last year but he didn't want to know the spoilers so he only looked at the site on Thursday night after the show or Friday morning before anything else happened. He was excited to learn all the stuff that went on that wasn't on the show...I don't know how he did it I have to have info immediately. lol lol

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