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Friday, August 22nd


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:party_smilie: {QUOTE=XAL}The only person in this entire game who has been playing for themselves the entire time and only done things that benefited themselves (even in a psychotic way like jealousy is Keesha }and that bitch is going to win because thease idiot house guests won't smarten up. Xal, you are soooo right!!!! LUV, LUV, LUV, the way you think......
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The reason they consider their alliance and not just themselves is because there is strength in numbers. The more people you have on your side the better your chances of getting to the end of the game. This holds true especially when you're down to a smaller number of HG. I don't blame them for thinking about their alliance. It can help get them to the end.

I really don't see Dan going against Memphis. He believes he can help get him to the end of this game otherwise he wouldn't have made the deal with him. Between the two of them they'll figure out the best scenario who to put up for eviction. I'm sure he'll honor Ollie by not putting him up but Ollie has no right to ask him to save anybody else. If he was so set on saving Michelle he should have waited it out and made Dan fall first.

The only problem I see right now is Dan getting the cocky HOH attitude that most of them seem to get when they're the main guest in the palace, rofl If he keeps his head on straight it shouldn't be a problem.

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Dan has always been concerned about a possible Memphis/Michelle alliance..........it doesn't surprize me that he would want to break it up..........I think backdooring Michelle would be perfect (IF it works)

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On the feeds R/K/D talking and Dan wants final 4 with R/K/Me/D and Renny said she heard it was Mi/Me/D and Dan said no way.

Now if you think about the people in the house and who is a stronger player out of the people left IMO Mi/Me/D are stronger then R/K so it would be obvious that Dan wouldn't want Michelle and Memphis being the only two in the alliance with him. Don't they see they want weaker players like Renny and Keesha to beat out in the end so they can win the money. No Keesha will not see that and try and get Renny to trust Memphis so they both get the boot out the door. They really are either stupid or don't know how the game is played. The first part of HOH and they are done.

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The truth is that Renny & Keesha are weaker players..........and, right now, they have no power...........being alligned with someone who has power is a good choice, IMO..........otherwise, they have NOTHING.

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well I agree with that, and I do not mind iif Dan makes it to the end, and even wins, but I hate Memphis and Michelle, I think the rest are out of contention.

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I'm tickled pink about Dan's plans this week. I think if push came to shove, he would even nominate Ollie if the POV is used, rather than put up Keesha and Renny (the two voters that he needs).

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Marty... did you see the pinkie swear that HOllie and Michelle made last night. To the end....... :lol: buh-bye Michelle.

I love Dan's plan... if they can calm Memphis down... reel Renny in to be on board. It's a fantastic idea. They definitely have to do some finessing this week but, it can be done and if it's pulled off... a brilliant, strategic and winning the game move, imo.

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is this a real plan forming?? I did not know Ollie and Michelle had a pinkie swear,lol I hate that have to leave for a few hrs, darn it,lol

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they cant calm memphis down

because memphis knows being a so called pawn is never good

if ollie or michelle wins pov memphis is a goner

dan just putting memphis up made a new enemy imho

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Just in case you need to know "the plan". ;)

1. Jerry/Memphis go up.

2. HOllie/Michelle feel safe in the nominations and that Dan is going to keep his word.

3. Anyone but Michelle wins PoV and takes one of them off. (Dan, Keesha, Renny and Memphis take Memphis off.) Hollie and Jerry take Jerry off. Michelle keeps the same.

4. Michelle gets nominated.

5. Michelle gets evicted.

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Exactly. Ollie and Michelle's only smart move (if they win POV) is to NOT use the POV. If they use it, they shoot themselves in the foot because I truly do not see Dan keeping the deal and putting TWO of his people up. If he's willing to break the deal to backdoor Michelle... he would be willing to backdoor Ollie as well rather than breakup his alliance. He NEEDS three people on his side next week.

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again putting memphis up he is making an enemy for unecessary reasons

the old saying in bb goes you dont put someone up you want safe

dr. will would never put boogie up nor would janelle put up howie etc...

renny was perfect of two because it be more understandable due to her last week action

dan imho is playing this plan out so either one of two michelle or memphis goes

i am standing by my post in dan thread that if he put michelle up he is already down three votes in jury house

he already promise ollie he wouldnt put michelle up if veto is used

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It would be in the alliance best interest for Memphis to still act angry with Dan.

I am crossing my fingers that this works out. Then with Michelle gone and a double evictions hopefully then can get out Ollie and Jerry.

Then after that ..... each man for themselves.

as far as votes go in the jury house they usually vote for who make the best moves. Like Boogie who lied and was responsible for all the evictions but they respected that. I do know that Libra said she would never vote for a floater. She would only vote for the person that made the best moves weather she liked them or not.

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this is no act memphis is really angry

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Well, at least you know if Memphis is on the block... he'll actually try to win something. :lol:

Also, one person doesn't play this week. Hopefully, that will be Michelle.

Even if the PoV doesn't get used Jerry goes home and everyone is a little happier around the house.

I think the other smart thing Dan did was not reveal the Memphis/Dan alliance. He told HOllie to keep Keesha safe. I think that moved the target a little more towards Keesha, later down the road.

Dan needs to have a one-on-one with Memphis and let him see how this can work. Then all four of them (D/K/Me/R) need to talk and solidify F4.

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I think Dan really had to use a lot of brain cells to set this up and like a chess game he has all the players in a certain spot.


(I am a little worried about Renny that she might throw a wrench in the plan)

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dan gets too much credit imho

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