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Not that I would play that way, but laying low and being a floater is just as much important kind of gameplay as is trying to win everything.

What if she is campigning hard to get the switch pulled to get rid of Adam to increase her chances of winning HOH

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I hope Ryan and Adam find out she is talking about going to the final 2 with each of them.

I can't stand her.

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Joy you called it on Sharon. I was so worried about Natalie that and was so sure they would evict Sharon next.

Sharon convinced Ryan that Sheila and Adam together can NOT happen.

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Sharon was the one talking about Natalie and working to get her out last week. Sharon was in Sheila's ear as soon as she became HOH and is doing the same with Ryan.

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I think she just might be pissing Ryan off. :animated_rotfl: The last couple times she's gone up to the HoH, he hasn't opened the door for her. They showed her once ringing the bell, he didn't answer & she left. Then she's back, knocks and he still doesn't open the door. Then she's back AGAIN, ringing the bell & knocking and he's watching her from the tv screen inside! (she just walks back & forth, hanging out on the balcony)

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Atta boy, Ryan, maybe he's realizing that Sharon will stick like glue to whomever is HOH. Her pacing outside his room cracks me up.

Joy, I found Nat annoying, especially at the end, but with Sharon's behavior these past weeks, I completely agree with you!

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Hello, I've been reading the posts for a while and finally had to join in . I hope I do this correctly.

IMO Sharon deserves to go all the way, she has played the game since she was brought back in by Josh. From the beginning she has been someone's pawn, from Jacob's lie getting them evicted to being used by the HG's to get rid of any and all, she came back determined to stay under the radar and made allies,giving her votes the in Jury house. Sometimes it's not about the comps.

R/A are not worthy of the finals(hate the way they disrespect women,good luck Jen) but then this has been a worthless lot from the beginning, wish I could wake up and find out it was all a nightmare and BB10

was about to begin.

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i thought this thread was about sharon giving a bj to stay

thats is desperate :lol:

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I agree. She's been the pawn for over a month. If they wanted her gone, they should have evicted her a long time ago. I don't blame her for flying under the radar. Those idiots were too consumed with getting James out of the house that they failed to notice any of the other threats in the house. It would have really bit them in the ass if HOH would have played out the way it was suppose to.

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Sharon shouldn't be desperate, but Ryan should be if he leaves the noms the same and allows Adam to evict Sharon (yep, he could very easily double-cross Ryan and keep Sheila in). Then, Adam and Sheila will have the odds to win the final HOH and get rid of Ryan. Now THAT would be enough to get desperate about!

Ryan better think long and hard before giving that kind of power to Adam. Adam has absolutely no reason to keep Sharon in the game, and he will lie, lie, lie to Ryan to keep the noms the same. Adam knows that Ryan does not want to be sitting next to Sheila in the end, and getting rid of Sharon will insure that Ryan takes Adam to the final two if he wins HOH.

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I agree. I think Sharon has played one helluva game. She has not been a floater -- she had an alliance and made no bones about it. She made the right moves when needed and kept her cool when on the block. Even if she was used as a pawn, she still made it and didn't go the route that so many other so-called pawns have and left. Will Kirby was nominated repeatedly as a pawn -- and he ended up winning the whole game.

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Ryan should be trying to get rid of Adam. He's not going to win against Adam. It's no sense in risking Adam winning the final HOH comps. If he wants a shot, he has to go with one of the girls, but I honestly think he's playing for 2nd place no matter how it goes down.

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sharon sabotage tp

she had several hoh wins and threw them upon finding out she was ahead

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He def can't win against Adam and as far as Sheila and Sharon I can't decide bc I think if one of the 2 make it to the f2 with him they should bring up that he has been evicted once already so if it weren't for luck he wouldn't be there anyway

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sharon was evicted already too

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