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Ryan F2 with Sharon and Adam

Adam F2 with Ryan and Sheila

Sharon F2 with Ryan and Sheila

Sheila F2 wirh Adam and Sharon

They're all covering as many bases as possible. It'll be interesting to see which F2 was real - or if any of them were - or if the best laid plans will even work and it ends up with a F2 that wasn't agreed on. (If there are any F2 combos left that haven't been agreed on)

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Last time Sharon voted anybody out was when she voted to evict Matt during the 2nd final 9...

Week 1- Sharon evicted with Jacob by Jen/Parker

Week 2- Voted to evict Jen/Parker with Joshua over Allison/Ryan

Week 3- Voted to evict Alex/Amanda with Joshua over Matt/Natalie

Week 4- Head of Household- nominating Allison/Ryan and Matt/Natalie (later Adam/Sheila)

Week 5- Nominated with James

Week 6- Voted to evict Matt over Ryan.

Week 7- Nominated with Chelsia

Week 8- Nominated with Joshuah

Week 9- Nominated with James

Week 10- Nominated with Natalie

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i say give her the game if she reach the end

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ballsy move i doubt ryan would risk losing two jury votes

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If Sharon makes it to the f2.. they need to giver her the game. It's their fault that she's there. They've used her all of this time thinking she would be easy to get rid of at a later time. I hope she rocks in the final HOH comps.

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They actually put her in a great position to win, as she was always nominated, thus she didn't have to vote against anyone. No blood on Sharon's hands.

I hope she wins. It's about time the person the game was manipulated for wins...again.

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In a perfect world ...

Let's say gameless Sharon makes it F2. I'd not only love for her to lose and not recieve one damn vote. But I'd love for any of her fellow HG's to tell her FLOATERS SUCK and they don't respect her for it.

Think Erika!

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i would love for tp to called her out on her throwing comp after comp to stay under the radar

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I was kidding... Once your signed up, that is your permanent name... :animated_wave:

I'm with CTK, taking Adam would be his down fall, He would have a better chance with Sharon... If he were with Sharon F2, I see it going James, Chelsia, & Josh for Sharon, then Matt, Gnat (she'd stay loyal), Sheila, & Adam (Again, would stay loyal) for Ryan... Either way, I do see Adam as the swing vote in that scenario...

Doug :skellington:

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You really think Adam or Sheila would vote for Ryan if he boots 'em out? (I mean, if he pulls Sharon & boots Adam) I just can't see it! :lookaround: Adam told him to his face he wouldn't vote for him (and Ryan told Adam to his face that he wouldn't vote for Adam if he takes Sheila to the end) I think Sheila would vote for Adam or Sharon but not Ryan. She's said numerous times she'd vote for Adam if he's in the finals.

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Ryan would have to throw the comp to Sharon and have Sharon pull the trigger on Adam. To keep Adams vote.

Acuttally Ryan doesnt have a chance with anyone, Sharon, Adam and Shelia all have the votes over him.

I cant see Nat voting for him if she BELIEVES that Adam was her vote so that would be 4 for Sharon or Adam.

If Sharon is gone thats a vote for Shelia so that would be 4.

So I guess it comes down to who does Ryan want to lose to.

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Sharon is campaigning HARD to Ryan to pull her off and put up Baller. :lookaround: Is it just me or does it seem like the last two HoH's have had Sharon up in their rooms all the time? Did she finally decide to stop eating her mouth and actually play the game just in the last couple weeks? :animated_rotfl:

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