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End Game


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I could agree with UPV, he says James and Sheila, I sorta think Adam and Sheila, or Natalie and Adam, it is really hard to decide from their game play cause it is soooo all over the place.

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I said this a couple of days ago. They need to be asking.....How far into this will you have my back and Who can I win against in the final 2. Not one of the Nat, Adam, Ry and Sheila team has even thought about when James and Sharon is gone or tried to get in good for votes at the end. Adam said last night after he won HOH.....now I can turn things around. If Adam is smart, he would use this HOH for his benefit and not think in terms of team anymore. Alliances have to be broken, whether it is in the beginning of the game or at the end, it has to happen. It will be interesting to see how the team is once Sharon and James are gone.

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I agree with sibesrule and kiddyhouse -- I think anyone in the end who is up against Sheila will win in the end. Adam will win because he hasn't pissed anyone off. Sharon will win because she has the votes in the Eviction House. Natalie had good strategy and PLAYED the whole time. Ryan MIGHT win against Sheila because....FRANKLY....Sheila has not won squat. She has whined so much about the single mother thing, her son...whaaaaa....The best move would be to take Sheila to the end NO MATTER WHO wins gets to the final 2.

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Not over yet. She might win something. Starting next week she knows she has to win because if she gets put up the group as a house will evict her. Nobody will want to admit they are holding her for final 2.

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i think anyone will win in the end against sheila. if i were playing...i'd do my best to take james, adam, and natalie out before final 3. nat is an all around good player; james keeps winning pov...and 2 parts of final hoh are physical...so great for nat and james. adam is really surprising with numbers.

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yeah this house has been so focused on teams that it is really annoying. I mean, alliances are great when you have 1-2 people on your side but when you have 4 people just focused on "final four" it doesn't make sense when the goal is final 2! I think that Natalie, Adam and Ryan are trying to stay until final three, again being kind of a stupid move becuase in the jury they are probably viewed kind of equal (loved or hated). I would take Sheila to final 3 becuase she probably wouldn't win in the competition and if I were on the JC team I would keep Sharon or James to compete with and hope that my alliance would vote for me to win even though I just kicked them out becuase they would see it as strategy. They are playing as friends and it will bite them in the end.

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sheila will make final two due to her lack of ability to win comps

josh and chelsia will be very bitter jurors and wont vote for neither nat or sheila unless both are together in the end

adam willnt make end if he gets rid of james this week

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They should leave Sheila out of the final two because they would just be giving her 50,000 for talking waaaayyy too much and not winning squat! Why would they want to do that?

This has happened a many times in the BB house. Look at a lot of the runner ups in past BB and you wonder why they're sitting there. Cowboy, Ivette, Erika..

adam willnt make end if he gets rid of james this week

Why won't Adam make final 2 just because he gets James out?

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Thinking end game,

If the house is so agains James, why not take him to final two?

It makes sense to me. I am a James supporter, but also I see the logic that the whole jury house is against him, he cant win.

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He might win in the Jury. People in the end respect a hard fought battle. You can hate the player and not the game play sometimes. They all hated Dick and wanted him out from day one. They hated him more then they did Dani but in the end the voted him to win.

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yes, but to them he(ed) was the lessor of the to evils,(no pun intended,lol) if

ed had been sittin next to anyone but his daughter, they would have won, ED I think was the most hated BB house guest of all time, althought I loved him and his antics,lol, and I am a really nice gal, seriously, well may not if it was Jen, or amber, but lets us say Zach, I think Zach would have taken it.

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Who says Adam's little F up is really that? He may just be foolin his whole crew and going to let James take out his alliance for him. I don't know if I'm giving Adam too much credit, but he sure has done a lot of things not in the interest of his alliance, starting with bringing James back and now nominating Sheila and Sharon instead of James.

Anyone playing the game for 2 months should have been able to see the outcome of those nominations, and even though he's a big goofball screwhead... I don't think he's that stupid.

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I'd like to think that as well but something tells me, James tears really got to him and so did the DR.

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