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Zach - Week 11 H O H


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Quick question: If one of the donatos wins POV (i know if they did or did not) then one would come off the block. Could Zach make a deal with Jameka and then nominate himself. The deal would make Jameka vote for Zach to stay which would result in a tie. Then since it would revert back to Zach since he is HOH, he would then cast the deciding vote even though he is on the block. This would be risky. Does anyone know if it is allowed. If this is allowed and worked it would be the greatest play ever.

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you guys!! you were new once, with hardly any posts,lol

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So, have we agreed yet that Zach takes over as the winner of the biggest bonehead in BB8 history? NOT using the POV to evict Dani and break up the powerful alliance was even dumber than Dustin volunteering to be nominated, than Jessica/Eric trusting D/ED, is it even a dumber move than Marcellus?

Zach actually got a few guts nominating D/ED, but he should have thought ahead when he had the pov...stupid, stupid, stupid.

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Of course we know that nominating Dick and Danielle this late in the game is too little too late. His speech, especially about Dick's past behavior, meant absolutely nothing. If he had stood up to Dick in the very beginning, maybe his speech would not have been as comical.

We all know that him saying his little blurb about getting religion was only made in case he needs Jameka's help capturing jury votes.

He's definitely at the top of the "idiot's" list.

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jack calling him "stealth dolphin" makes me giggle.

His speech was really ridiculous tho....he is " the muscle" to get lil 95 pound Dani outta that house..lol

Did anyone else notice how tiny she is compared to him when they were back to back in the HOH comp last night??

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IF, and that's a big if, Zach makes it to the final two, he seems already prepared to make his case to the jury -- that he got there pretty much on his own with no alliance to speak of. I suspect he'll pick Dick for final two as well. I don't think he thinks he has a chance against Danielle.

Go Zach! I'd like to see you in final two just to see what would happen with the jury's decision -- oh, and to break one of the Donatos' heart.

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i like zach... even when he looks all dorky... even when he says stupid things.... it was just a few days ago he was saying how dick was like a father to him... bla bla bla...

he's ok.

i always feel bad for the dorky guy.. or gal... especially when they look like a poster child for a one family town.

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