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Daniele Week 10


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Maybe she'll follow in Janelle's footsteps.

I can already see it. In a SHOCKING turn of events, Zach wins the final HOH competition, knows he can't beat Dani in the final 2, and votes to evict her.

Final 2 is Zach and Dick. Zach wins by a vote of 6-1 (Dani is Dick's only vote).

Keep in mind Zach winning is the BEST case scenario. Who would have ever thunk it? :lol:

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Zach has been dominating competitions ever since he stopped throwing them.

Nearly won POV on the block, was about a foot away from beating Eric, just got edged out. He dominated the final six Head of Household competition. Then he won the POV today. There's no reason to think he couldn't win final HOH. I was saying the same last year when everyone was like "JANELLE DOMINATES COMPS, SHE'll WIN FINAL HOH for sure". Well yeah but when someone's throwing a lot of the competitions (like Boogie was) you don't really know how good they can be when they try...

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that wasnt a fair poll. considering West coast didnt get to vote. shes been on the top of the polls everyweek, then this one time where half the country doesnt get to vote, she gets picked... it wasnt a true poll. plus people didnt even have time to get to vote there 10 times, even if they wanted.

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I loved that lake!!!

I thought Eric BLEW it after Zach won POV. He should have gone straight to him and said, pull me off... Dick will be forced to put up Daniele and we'll both vote her out. She's the biggest threat to winning competitions for us and she has the jury vote, next to Jameka. But, he just sat on the couch like a lump. :rolleyes: Zach probably wouldn't have gone for it... but, he should have tried... after all she was America's choice! But, he had given up by then... you could see it in his eyes... he wanted to go and be with Jessica.

Anyways, this is another example of what a great game Daniele is playing... she's lined everything/everyone up in her favor, including befriending Zach over the last week. Dick use to have Zach in his back pocket... Zach's switched jeans... lol

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