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Eric Week 6 - America's Player


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Orion he can't do that... It's in the contract... Go see the AP tasks thread... The article there tells you he HAS to do what we say...

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Eric is playing for himself. You don't like it? Get over it. This is his opportunity to play the game and his chance at winning 500 K. He'll do the America's Player to the best that he can but it's not going to compromise HIS own gameplay.

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"eric is working FOR YOU AMERICA", NOT "Eric is working for himself & YOU AMERICA". I don't believe for a second that he doesn't get other incentives for his "sacrifices". :rolleyes: CBS totally saved his butt last night as it is. How do you think the other HG will feel when they find out the twist and then start putting 2 & 2 together and see WHY BB was telling them what to do. I'd be pretty ticked if it was me, that's for sure.

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My sister called and she has 3 computers and voted 30 votes for Dustin and her friends are all voting for Dustin too.

alright Marty....I voted 10 for Dustin and so did my daughter....so 50 for Dustin.... :hurray:

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i just think the whole AP thing is dumb, it was a fun idea but its really pathetic in how it actually works. I like Eric as a player but he's horribly handcuffed, AP will be his downfall, it was just about his downfall this week. Its stupid though to have some player being "controlled" where half the people voting want him out

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He'll do the America's Player to the best that he can but it's not going to compromise HIS own gameplay.

And thats why it's a lame duck twist... The only thing our vote has done so far is put paranoia in the air... That actually isn't really a bad thing... But we can't force Eric to campain hardcore for who we want him to get nominated... Specially if he doesn't want that person to go... That part of the twist is like pulling a cart from both ends... You get nowhere fast!!

I wonder how much money BB makes from the texting?? They must get a cut along with the phone co...

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Eric is AP, he is also only one guy against the rest of the household. He is not a magician, just cause we voted him to do a certain thing, doesn't mean its gonna happen. He did bring Kail's name up to be nominated and evicted, so he didn't do it as hard as some of you would like, but that would put a HUGE target on his head if he pushed tooooo hard for one particular person. He should put some of his gameplay into effect to keep himself in the game so we can continue to vote on his tasks. I hope this week he quiets down a bit, lays low and keep talking to Jess the way he has been doing! I think he could do a good job this week!

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I see that Eric is up in HOH with Jessica. I would go ablsolutly nuts with that guy hanging around all the time.

I guess the families of Jess and Erik are tag teaming the internet and message boards to make sure they win.

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I thought I read that Eric has a gf, but I'm not sure if I'm mistaken or not. I thought I read on the feeds that someone said he was afraid they would send pics of his gf if he won HOH. Can someone refresh me?

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He doesn't have to attempt anything...he got away with it last time.

He sure as hell is not MY player...and the sight of him literally makes me sick..those shifty eyes.

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Too bad america can't vote to get Eric to campain to get himself out of the house.

I have a pretty high threshold for personalities and game play in general. It is just a game, and nothing is personal, but Eric never shuts up. I can't recall any player in BB history that is so full of BS. Please correct me if I am wrong.

I want him out of the house simply because I'm so tired of his BS on the feeds.

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