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July 20, Live Feed Updates

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Dick says he would probably play better if Dani wasn't there. Jen walked in and saw them talking, and told everyone that Dick and Dani were in an alliance, but they were really discussing the Nick situation.

Zach said he leaves him with this info. He said he knew that if Dick and Dani were up together, that Dick is safe. Dick asked how could he ever trust Zach again. Zach said he stayed true to keeping Dick in the house. Dick said he didn't stay with his alliance, and they left Kail out to dry. Zach said he has stayed true. Dick said he approached Kail in sight of everyone else, because he hates people whispering and behind people's back. Zach said he always had an agreement with Dick and was sticking with that (earlier he said if all 3 others K,N and M were going to vote out Dick, he would)

Zach said if he won HoH he was going to put up floaters. Jessica and Eric. Mike was upset and said the alliance might not make it unless Zach put up Dick. (moot point, Jen got HoH).

Dick said he didn't know where Zach stood when Dick found out about the alliance.


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Dick just scolded Amber for jumping up and down when he won HOH. Tells her everything in the house is about perception. Dick says that now Zach thinks Dick is in a secret alliance with Amber and Dustin. Amber says, in an upset manner "Thats ridiculous!". Dick tells her to stop doing that, Amber says she won't stop talking to him (Dick) just to avoid other HGs thinking stuff.

Dick takes Amber aside and tells her: "Don't f*ck up my game". He tells her if he tells her something he's telling her for a reason and she's making him regret talking to her. Amber thinks it's ridiculous that she has to be careful when she mingles.

Amber goes to gym room and tells Dustin what Dick said to her. Dustin is as shocked as Amber. Amber says ED's ego is out of control. Amber goes to Dani tells her about Dick going off on her (Amber) and repeats how "ridiculous" the Dustin, Amber, ED alliance story is and blames Zach for it and says it's a lie. Dan says she knows the "other side" will put ED/Dan up again if/when they get HOH.

Amber tells Dan that now she thinks dick hates her (Amber) Dani says no, he doesn't. Dani tells Amber that "I hate being around all these fake people"..

2 cams on Dick listening to music in HOH room alone. 2 cams on Dan, amber and Zach...Dan is whispering (can't tell what she's saying) now foth.

Dan and Amber talking, Dan tells Amber she's changing a lot of things about game play because of things she's been told about nick by others and ED. She doesn't want to be "that girl", so she's putting up walls and if she (Dan) is wrong, so what, she needs to protect herself. whispering something about Jameka, then back to whispering about things Nick has done to make her wonder about him (can't hear) Dan says "that's why now I'm extremely guarded" and "that's why now I'm going to act like there's nothing wrong, but, I'm not going to be that girl".

Apparently Dan plans to continue playing along with Nick but will not share game play with him and if she's wrong, too bad. She says "you want me to play an idiot for you, I will but , whatever". Dan tells Amber to be careful, be extremely careful. Do not repeat What she (Dan) has said, Dan says she wasn't going to tell anyone this, but it was bottling up and she had to tell someone and she cares about Amber and trusts her (Amber) 100%. Tells amber again, to be careful, to tell people whatever they want to hear. amber promises she will do as Dan says. more whispering...

Dan wants to set up a situation to find out if it's true something about Jameka, but she doesn't know how.

Dan says when Nick told her he didn't care about the game, he just care to get to know her she was like "what?" you've only known me 3 weeks and you're saying that.

Amber asks Dan if she (Dan) thinks her dad is mad at her (Amber). dan says no, don't even think about it. Amber says she feels like she's betrayed ED for jumping up and down when he won HOH.

Amber tells Dan her convo with Jen about the alliance, that Jen asked her if she (Amber) thought Nick was playing her (Jen). Amber thinks Nick is stringing Jen along. Amber asks Dan if Nick ever talks about her (Amber), Dan says no, that he's just said he wants Dan and Amber to win...amber says he's told her the same thing. Dans asks Amber if she's close to Jam, Amber says , no. Dan says this is now a new fresh game... Amber says that's what she needs to do too.

Dan hates Kail and Jen and Nick thinks Zach is an idiot because he came downstairs to pee when there's a BR upstairs so it's obvious he's snooping. foth

"Be careful, Amber" dan whispers continues to whisper, now something about Zach.

Amber and Dan think either Joe or Nick talked about their alliance. amber says she thins Nick is a weael. Dani makes fun of Nick's saying how he's not here to win the money.

Amber says now Everyone is going to come after her because she's friends with everyone in the house. Amber says she trusts Jam a lot. Amer is mad that nick knew she (Amber) was going to be put up the first week and he didn't tell her (Amber).

Kail is telling Dustin (whispering) something about she doesn't know if he (ED) heard her, she told him her side of the story starting on day one, but she doesn't know if he heard her. Dustin asks what did Mike say. Kail says Mike has not spoken to ED yet. Dustin says ED could put up Jam next to her and "how do you fight that?" Kail says she wouldn't even try.

Dustin tells Kail, he wouldn't even bother talking to anyone else about noms until they are up. He's talking now about Zach...asks her if she has spoken to Zach, she nods no, Dustin asks why not, Kail says because she tried to talk to him before ED got HOH and Zach avoided her and now Zach won't get away from ED.

Dustin says Zach is a very intimidating person and she should fight fire with fire and talk to him. She doesn't understand and wants Dustin to explain to her how that would help her. He tells her to tell Zach "You were right, I apologize" something about just because things didn't work for me doesn't mean..., Kail says, "interesting".

Kail tells Dustin that she was asked why in the world she would trust 3 guys, she says she said because it reminded her of her husband and how he would protect her.

Dustin hugs Kail. Dustin asks Kails if she still trusts Mike, she nods yes and whispers something about Mike being so honest...

Kail says at first she wanted a girls alliance but they were so much younger than her, she didn't feel it would work, Dustin tells her that age doesn't matter in the house, it's more important to alingn yourself with whoever is going to help you. Kail says, "Yeah, but I'm not going to be here now."

Kail starts talking about who she needs to campaign to, Dustin tells her she can't do that now to wait until it after the noms, and POV are doen, then she'll know what she has to do. more whispering about the same...Kail says Thank you.

Dick telling Mike, nothing personal, but hints Mike and Kail are going up because he (ED) knows they (K&M) were coming after him. mike says ED and Dan were the obvious choices because they have big personalities. Dick agrees. Dick says now all is out in the open, and Mike says that it's like starting at day one, because everyone knows who is with who. ED tells Mike he doesn't want Mike to think he's pulling stuff because he's now HOH because next week he (ED) might be on the block, Mike agrees, Dick says hey, they (Mike/Dick) may need each other down the line...Mike says "who knows?"

ED says he wants everything out up front, he doesn't know if anyone has ever played the game the way he (ED) does, but he likes things clear on the table.

Mike says that's cool if he doesn't get a key. It's just a game.

2 cams on Jam, Amber, Dan, Jess, dustin and ED in HOH chitchatting. Mike there too, but listening to music on the bed.

2 cams on Jen and Kail. Kail tells Jen she thinks either Mike or zach wil be nom with her (Kail) and not Jen and that she (Kail) wants Jen to play for veto. Jen says now she sees why Will (Kirby) did the "I hate you all" speech. Jen asks Kail if HOH blogs are edited or if BB posts them just as they are written.

Dick is now questioning Kail about Jen's nom. He wants to know if Kail had anything to do with nom Dan. Kails denies it and tells Dick if Nick has told him that he's lying. Dick says to Kail "Every single one of you has given up every single one of you".

Dick says he doesn't know what's going to happen and gives Kail a hug. ED says what bugs him the most is that Kail's group was planning to put him up with Dan again. Kail says she would never put up Dan. Dick tells Kail he can't believe her because she has lied to him before, that she (Kail) is going up and that he's still thinking about the other nom, asks Kail if there's anyone else she wants to throw under the bus. Dick says he's not being influence by anyone and that he's not mad, it's just a game.

Later, Jen chuckles and tells Kail she heard that ED had said she (Jen) was the only one who had not gone to talk to him. Jen says talking to ED is just no use. Kail says she'll try one more time. Talk turns about the HGs not getting food until after noms ceremony.

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Feeds back. Zach is in bedroom where Dani and Nick are trying to talk. Just sits down on bed, looks deep in thought. Dani leaves after telling Nick about Zach. Zach is then called to the DR. Feeds 1/2 showing Mike laying on round bed, not sure if awake or not. Kail on other round bed.

Dani in kitchen whispering to Dick. Can't understand them!!! Dick is trying to tell her about his convo with Zach, how he said Zach claimed to have his back. Dick said Kail needs to go this week, but wants them scared.

Dick walks into bathroom. Tells Amber he told Zach he is not in an alliance with her. Said they are really scared, and everything is perception. He said will talk more.

Mike comes into kitchen where Dick has gone back to talk with Dani. Dick complaining he can't have a cigarette because of LD.

Amber and Dustin come into kitchen, Dick goes upstairs. Amber complaining about "secretalliance" and it is rediculous. Dick tells her she is too emotional, to calm down. Dustin asked if that is the secret alliance he was supposed to be in.

Dick and Amber go into workout room. Dick tells her not to mess up his game by getting emotional, or he won't be able to tell her anything.

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Daniele and AMber in the BR Daniele telling amber she is now on guard with Nick because what he pulled earlier when she asked him the question about Zach. How Nick flipped out.

Amber has doubts about Jameka.

Daniele telling Amber that she really really likes her.

Amber tells Daniele that she trust her 110%

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Dick & Mike having a heart to heart in the dining room. Dick says either you or Kail are going home this week but one of you will be staying & you may get HOH the following week. Next week will be a new week. Dick says he's just being up front with Mike & that he is not a liar, he is not a bullshitter, & he hasn't backstabbed anyone.

Dick, Amber, & Dani in the bathroom whispering. Dustin says he has been telling Kail that she needs to be a strong woman & confront Zach. He told her to do this in case she stays this week so Zach will be mad at her & go after her if he should win HOH next week.

Major HG train heads up to the HOH. Dick, Dani, Amber, Dustin, Jameka. Dani quiet-whispers something to Dick. They are all stuffing their faces with Dick's food. Mike comes in to listen to Dick's music (so I am guessing the convo will remain casual).

Jen & Kail are in the roundroom. Jen says she doesn't know how she is staying safe thru all this. They talk about Will & Boogie. Jen says a lot of her shirts had the names of Mike's restaurants on them. Jen wants to know if they type her blog exactly as she wrote it. Kail doesn't know. Jen gets called to DR.

Kail walks back to the bathroom & runs into Dick. She says she's had a hard day. They hug & Dick tells her he's had a few of those but you never know what is going to happen. Dick tells her he heard that Kail was going to nom Dick & Dani again if she stays. Kail says she would never nom Dani & she really wants Dick to know that she would never nom Dani. Dick says quite a few people told him she would. Kail wants to know who told him but he says it doesn't matter who. Kail says well you can believe what you want but I would never do that to Dani.

4:40PM BBT

Kail says if Nick told you that he is lying because her & Nick never talked. Dick says there are other people that told him & fuck off, he is not giving up names. I ain't saying go(sh)damn shit. Every singe one of you have given up every single one of you & if you were arrested for smuggling drugs the entire cartel would be going down. (good one Dick 29_3_16.gif)

Dick says he's not mad at them he is just thinking for himself. Dick heads back up to the HOH party. I think everyone in the house is in the HOH axcept the tattered 2 MRA remnants & Jen.

Kail, Mike, Jen in kitchen. Mike says he listened to the Ramones (Dick's CD) but only 2 songs were good. Kail goes to the roundroom to lay down all by her lonesome.

I still have not seen Eric or Jess. Many HG are in the LR. They are really moving around a lot today.

[My feeds are choppy & there's been on & off FOTH so I'm out for a bit. Here's hoping that the nom ceremony is soon & afterwards BB plys them with a truckload of alcohol bond.gif]

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Jen, Kail and Mike in the kitchen. Jen drank the wrong shake and Mike called her a bitch jokingly. Kail asks, "That didnt go very well?" (not sure what she is talking about cause I just turned the feeds on).FotH. When feeds come back they talking about music.

Kail asks, "That didnt go very well?" (not sure what she is talking about cause I just turned the feeds on).

Jen is pissed BB took their food and they cant eat till after the nominations (2 hours). She also says that it pointless talking to Dick because he has made up his mind.

(sorry, on laptop and i double posted..LOL)

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Dustin and Mike in the HOH room, talking about how they left their famillies on the 23/24 and they have been away from their families, friends, cell phone, contact with the outside people for just about a month.

Mike talking about how weird it will be to have a cell phone in "our" pockets when we get back home.

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Dick and Daniele in the SR, now joined by the rest of the HG for food run. Dick mentions that there is no TIde, and we asked for Tide.

Jen says we dont have flour.

Eric smells like an old goldfish tank. Eric says he sweated what smells like dead goldfish.

Now everyone is snacking, like they had not eaten in the month they have been sequestered.

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Eric and Daniele. Daniele tells Eric she wants/plans to go up to Kail and say "I can't believe you were going to put me up again" and if Kail denies it, she'll say "Why are you lying?!". She says Kail is already pooping in her pants anyway. Daniele says at least this week "they' are one man down". Eric says that's what he had said to ED, about All Stars season, that they kept putting chicken George up when they should have gone after Will instead.

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Dick giving the HG a lesson on the effects of drug use, cocaine, pot, etc.Jessica is planning on going back to school if she does not go to sequester, and if she gets sequestered she wont go back to school until January. She quit working at the bank in March since it did not work out with her school schedule.Indoor lockdown begins.


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BB calls an out door lock down. Nick jumps on Dan (in bed) repeating "are you gonna freak out?" , Daniele tells him, also repeatedly "you're obstructing". Nick asks Dan if a guy has ever tried to kiss her (in some way) Dan answers "No, have a guy ever try to kiss you", Nick: "A couple of times". Nick tries to get Dan to slow dance with him, she says she doesn't dance (she's acting very cold towards him).

People inside the house still, BB repeats that this is a lockdown outside and calls Dick to DR

Dan wishes Dick "good luck" as he walks by her in kitchen on his way to DR. Now all HGs outside (except for ED)

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Outdoor LD is called. Dick thinks it is to get ready for Noms ceremony. Dick is called to DR. He tells BB that he is going to finish his cigarette. They only gave him less than a minute from LD to DR.

Eric still talking about his shirt smelling like a fish tank. He thinks it is the material mixing with sweat. He thinks he will wear it to the ceremony. Dick told him not to set next to him then.

Some people still in house, getting food and drinks. LD is supposed to be outside. HG complain it smells bad outside. Again BB announces outside LD, and again BB says Dick, please go to the DR. Then BB said thank you when he got up to go! Dani still inside. Dick tells her to get out.

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HGs discussing teh grill they got, and what kind of meat they get so they can use it. Eric thinks they get some sort of beef, hamburger and maybe pork.

Kail and Jen sitting next to each other on the outside couches. Kail hasn't said a word, Jen is being quiet for her. Dani, Jameka, Jessica and Amber also on couches...other end. Dani eating something while on the couch.


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Live feeds are back on cam 2 and 4. Dinner time, bananas and cucumbers are here. Kail says they look pretty green still.

Dick complaining that there is no "real" knife or shell cracker to get the meat out of the lobsters. The back yard is open.

They have a stainless steel bbq in the backyard, and tonight they are boiling lobsters.

Dick asks Mike if they have pov tomorrow. Dick says that he was civil with his nomination speech and did not rip them to threads. Sounds like Jen and Kail are officially nominated.

He tells Mike that he only went after the 2 people who went after him and Daniele last week, so there was really no surprise on his nominations.

Dick says that all of the other girls in the house hate Jen, especially the way she wore the unitard up her ass. Dick said that when he came into the house, he did not expect to win anything. Anyone else in the house, would have done the same thing, that he did with the nominations.

All of the girls in the house wanted Zach out of here last week, and he repeats that he knew last week when Jen got HOH that she would put up Dick and Dani, and Joe would go up if the pov was used.

Dick says that he did not regret telling Jen to go fuck herself both 10 minutes before and after Jen won the HOH last week.

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Everybody in kitchen. Kail jumping out of her skin jumping in place, shaking her head.

Jessica tells Dick "Good job on your speech" Dick: "did you like it?..to the point". Seems Kail and Jen are this week's nominees.

Dick is talking to Mike in BY about his deal with Kail, how she betrayed him, yada, yada, yada...

Inside, Dustin tells Jen she'll get lots of TV time this week because she didn't get enough last week. Jen says they (her and Kail) won't start campaigning against each other just yet and laughs.

Dick still repeating to Mike the story of Kail's betrayal, Mike just listening. Dick tells Mike he doesn't want any hard feelings because he (ED) still has to live in the house with members of that "chattered" alliance.

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Dick says that he is not even really after Jen, his real target this week is Kail.There are 13 lobsters, Eric is not eating one, he gave his to Jameka for her birthday and the other one is going to go to the HOH as his 2nd one.

They have sea salt but no butter.

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